The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 999 Prayer Barrier

Chapter 999 Prayer Barrier
No matter how annoyed Shendrill and Guitu, the two evil NPCs, are, they still can't deny what Ji Xiaoyan said!The most important thing now is indeed not to fight to the death with those guys from Qingshimen, what they need to do is to defend Qingcheng before they can talk about other follow-up things.

"Hmph, let's forget it this time!" Guitu glared at old man Qingmi, then looked directly at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "However, what you did as deputy city lord today is not generous at all. , you are also the deputy city lord of our Shacheng, how could you not call me and Shendiao, but go with the people from Qingshimen when opening the treasure house of Qingcheng? Since you have returned from Lord God, You should have come to us first. Don’t forget that when you left Shacheng, you promised the city lord that after Qingcheng was captured, you would form an alliance with Shacheng! Don’t forget this. Already!"

"Yeah! I know! I remember it!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, responded to Ghost Picture lightly, and then said: "Since everyone has no objections, let's go to the city wall first to see the monsters." How about the siege?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Elder Qingyi, who had just come from Qingshimen, immediately pulled the old man Qingmi, and said to the others: "When we came, we brought a lot of disciples back. , I have asked them to go to the city wall to help first, so let’s hurry over and have a look.” After finishing speaking, Elder Qingyi glared at the old man Qingmi who wanted to say something to Guitu and Shendrill, and then said to the old man Nodding to the other Qingshimen elders, regardless of old man Qingmi's wishes, he pulled him with a smile on his face and walked out of the city lord's mansion.

"Why are you dragging me!" Old man Qingmi took two steps, stared at Elder Qingyi with some displeasure and asked, "The two guys in Shacheng are thinking about how to plot against Xiaoyan. If we don't help, turn back to Xiaoyan. That girl must be at a disadvantage. Let me tell you, we should tie the two of them up and lock them up together with Qingwan, the girl in the dungeon. Anyway, Xiaoyan has the upper hand now."

"You really think that?" Elder Qingyi gave old man Qingmi a look, and said after seeing his puzzled face, "You will know if you go outside the city to see the tide of monsters and beasts! Just rely on those adventurers to be sure." It is impossible to defend Qingcheng, and the only ones left are the Juli clan and our Qingshimen. Do you want all our disciples to die? Don’t even think about it, if those people from Shacheng are here , How much more strength do we need to add here? When the senior brother agreed with us to come and help, he ordered that no matter what happens, at least those people in Shacheng should stay and help Xiaoyan defend Qingcheng After that, let's talk."

"Eh? What do you mean, let the guys from Shacheng help defend the city, and let them act as dead ghosts?" Old man Qingmi's eyes lit up a lot in an instant.

"You can actually say it a little more tactfully. We just want to make our strength a little bit deeper!" Elder Qingyi looked at old man Qingmi with some sighs and said, seeing that the people in Shacheng behind him didn't hear their conversation, he just said something. Secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"I understand, I understand!" Old man Qingmi laughed quickly, "Don't worry, if there's anything I need, I'll wait until Qingcheng is really in the hands of that girl Xiaoyan before I tell them."

"Yeah!" Elder Qing Yi nodded, and then whispered again: "Senior Brother Sect Master also asked me to bring you a sentence, you can't search Qingcheng's treasure house just because of greed for money or something. In the future, the construction of Qingcheng will still need a lot of money, so I should save some money for Xiaoyan. I will ask Xiaoyan later, if we come to Qingshimen in the future, can we make room for us in Qingcheng?"

"What do you mean by that? Is there a problem with our sect's residence?" Old Qing Mi immediately looked at Elder Qing Yi and asked nervously.

"No, no!" Elder Qing Yi hurriedly waved his hands and explained, "What the head brother means is that in the future, there will definitely be a teleportation formation between Qingcheng and our Qingshimen. There is a place to live! It’s not like you don’t know how long it will take for our sect to go to other towns! If there is a teleportation array in the future, we can directly teleport to Qingcheng, how convenient it is!”

"Yeah, that's right! I'll ask girl Xiaoyan when I turn around! No matter what, we have to leave one of Qingshimen's places in the teleportation formation in Qingcheng!" Qingmi's mood improved a lot in an instant.

Ji Xiaoyan finally heaved a sigh of relief after watching Elder Qingyi pull old man Qingmi away, and watched with a smile as Shendrill and Ghost Map also led the soldiers from the evil city to the outside of the city lord's mansion, and then followed He walked behind them, and walked out of the City Lord's Mansion while answering the words of the elders at Qingshimen.

Qingcheng has four walls, all of which are attacked by monsters, and the east side is the main attack position.Because the elders of Qingshimen had already investigated the situation clearly when they arrived in Qingcheng, so Ji Xiaoyan and the others went straight to the city gate in the east when they left the city lord's mansion.

"Oh, there are so many people!" Ji Xiaoyan looked up at the densely packed players on the city wall who were fighting the monsters flying in the sky, and couldn't help sighing.The NPCs near the city wall have basically moved out of their houses, and there are only a few scattered NPCs left to help defend the city or guard their houses.

"Let's go, let's go up too!" Old man Qingmi was very excited. He rubbed his hands and said something to Elder Qingyi, then he squeezed up the stairs of the city wall and ran up the wall, " It just so happens that I haven’t done anything for a long time, so I’ll go up and practice first, and after warming up, I’ll go outside the city to have a good time!”

"Master Uncle!!" Ji Xiaoyan only had time to yell, and the old man Qingmi disappeared into the vast crowd of players.She couldn't figure it out, the old man Qingmi had never played with weapons before, if he was going to kill monsters, would he use his fists?

Ghost Map and Shendiao didn't have much to say. After looking at the situation on the city wall, they glanced at Ji Xiaoyan tacitly. The two NPCs led a group of NPC soldiers and squeezed into the crowd of players at the foot of the city wall. The city head went up.

"Xiaoyan, I also went up to help. You are the city lord, so you can't go up and take risks. Just stay here and clean up the fish that slipped through the net!" Elder Qing Yi thought for a while, patted Ji Xiaoyan's hand, and was kind to her said something.

"I'm not afraid of death! It's better to go up and help! I can't let you all take risks. As the city lord, I'll just stay in the city and watch!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head and said to Elder Qingyi: "Let's talk Well, I’m also very good, plus there are Xuan Mo and the others, so it’s no problem to protect myself no matter what.”

"This..." Elder Qingyi heard the words, and realized that Ji Xiaoyan still has the identity of an adventurer, so he smiled, then pointed to a small stone building on the city wall, and said to her: "Then you Go there directly! Where the city lord is staying, there should be a small mechanism inside, as long as you put the town stone in that mechanism, everyone in Qingcheng will be blessed by the Lord God."

"Blessing of the Lord God?" Ji Xiaoyan murmured, and after thinking for a long time, he finally realized that this blessing is probably some buff state added.

After Elder Qingyi saw Ji Xiaoyan nodding his head to express his understanding, he left directly and went up to the city wall.

"Look, everyone, what kind of monster is that? Is it a pet?" Some players found Ji Xiaoyan and the others when they came, but only when they saw the soldiers NPCs from Shacheng following them. He dared to speak, but after watching Guitu and the others leave, only Ji Xiaoyan and the others were left, he opened his mouth and pointed at Jiajia curiously.

"It must be a pet! If it is a monster, it will be the same as the ones flying above, and start attacking people!" Several players nodded, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others curiously, "I don't know It’s an NPC from that town who came to help, if only I could get such a pet sometime, that would be great.”

"Yeah, yeah! Just look at the appearance of this pet, it is very powerful! I really hope that the defense of the city will be successful, and we can get a random pet!" A player said enviously.

"I saw that among the players who came to defend the city this time, several of them brought pets!" Some players immediately gossiped, "I saw a leopard pet and a black dog! It's not too big. Big, maybe the level is relatively low.”

"Really? Where did you see it?" Many players immediately turned their attention to the player who spoke.

"It's right on the city wall!" The player was very satisfied with the feeling of being watched, and excitedly started gossiping with other players.

Ji Xiaoyan twitched his mouth, and seeing that the players around him no longer paid attention to them, he found a corner and asked Xuan Mo to add an invisibility and levitation technique, and put Jiajia into the pet space, and the few of them directly He flew to the small stone building on the city wall.

Two minutes later, all the players and NPCs who were fighting bloody battles with the monsters in Qingcheng heard the announcement from the system.

[System Announcement]: The fierce battle is still raging, and the monsters are powerful.The lord of Qingcheng was worried about his own safety, so he came to the battlefield in person, opened the protective barrier of Qingcheng with great love, and prayed and cheered for all the soldiers who defended Qingcheng.

A second later, each player received a private prompt from the system.

[System prompt]: The city lord of Qingcheng opens the protective barrier of Qingcheng, you get the enchantment gain state, physical defense increases by 20%, magic resistance increases by 10%, attack movement speed increases by 10%, blood volume increases by 10%
"Wow! It's so cool!" All the players were excited at this moment!

However, no one knew that Miss Ji Xiaoyan was crying in the stone building
(End of this chapter)

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