The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 998 Defending the City

Chapter 998 Defending the City

The sky in the game brightened very quickly.

And the players are faster.In a few hours, the players in the entire game had already packed up their luggage and weapons and equipment, and all of them were teleported to Qingcheng, the first city in the entire game where the players controlled the power. They excitedly found the top of the city and climbed up. , Waiting for the system to prompt when the monster tide is coming!As for the envy, jealousy and hatred in everyone's hearts, all the players can only bury it in their hearts first.

If you are unlucky, there is nothing you can do about it!Now that we have the opportunity to get good things, we naturally have to be more active, right?With this in mind, none of the players who went to Qingcheng was not excited!The first monster siege in the game!Didn't participate in the siege of Qingcheng?It doesn't matter, just participate in the city defense battle!The most important thing is, as long as the Qingcheng is defended, when you go back to participate in the sacrifice of the city lord, everyone will have random benefits.
"Fuck, didn't you say that the monsters started attacking the city at dawn? It's already bright now, why don't you start?" Many players squatted on the city wall, and said in their mouths, "Do you have to wait for a long time? Huh? Could it be that the mastermind thinks that there are too many players coming and cannot afford the rewards, so he is not going to hold this event, right?"

"How is that possible!" Many players retorted immediately after hearing the words, and then said: "I guess the time has not come yet! Anyway, this event will definitely come, but I don't know if this monster siege is the same as the previous ones." It’s the same as in the game. This is the first time we’ve entered this game for such a large-scale event! By the way, isn’t it that NPCs can also come to help? Have you seen NPCs nearby to help?”

"I didn't see any extra NPCs! Looking around, there are all player heads!" Many players looked around at the beginning, and then said: "Except for those giant NPCs standing nearby, None of the other NPCs saw it! Do you think that the siege battle was so powerful that the NPCs all hid in fear?"

"No way! If the monsters attack the city so fiercely for the first time, what will we do in the future?" Many players were startled when they heard this, and began to mutter to each other: "Then , do we still need to help defend the city? Without NPCs, can we, the players alone, be able to defend this Qingcheng?"

"If you can't defend it, forget it!" Some players who were full of jealousy immediately said, "Anyway, this city is not ours, and it is our face to help guard it. Us?"

"That's right!" Many players nodded immediately when they heard it, and everyone knew what they were thinking!If the first city that the player gets can't be defended, maybe everyone will be gloating. Of course, for the random reward of the sacrifice, many players are still willing to give their all.
At [-] o'clock in the morning, the game time, the system announcement finally popped up again, notifying the players in Quanqing City that the monster siege is about to begin, everyone please get ready!As the sound of the system announcement fell, the four gates of Qingcheng opened heavily in an instant with the sound of horns.

"What's going on? This monster is about to attack the city, why did you open the city gate? Is this to let the monster in or something?" The players immediately looked in the direction of the city gate curiously, and then It was found that many players rushed out of the city gate following the tall NPCs, "What's going on? What are those players doing with the NPCs out of the city? The monsters will come soon, and they are going out to die ?”

"How is that possible!" The questioning players frowned, and could only stare in the direction of the city gate, watching those players and the NPCs of the Juli clan leave the city from the city gate. After a while, another Two groups of NPCs followed closely and ran out. A few seconds later, a few city guard NPCs shouted at the players in the city wall: "Is there anyone else who wants to leave the city? If not, just The gates will be closed"

"What does this mean?" Many players were puzzled, scratching their heads and squatting on the city wall. You looked at me, and I looked at you. They didn't know whether they were going to squat on the city wall or follow them out of the city.On the contrary, quite a few thoughtful players didn't know what they thought of, so they yelled at the NPCs on the other side of the city gate, climbed straight down from the city wall, and ran out of the city gate!
"Hey, I really haven't noticed that there are so many players going out to die these days!" Many players squatting at the top of the city crossed the city wall, and when they saw the players and NPCs who had been locked outside the city gate, they immediately sneered. : "Monsters attack the city, they don't wait honestly on the city wall to kill monsters, they insist on running below to die"

"That's right, there are so many fools these days. Do they think that if they go out with NPCs to die, they will get more rewards later?" Many players laughed immediately.

"Reward?" As soon as the words fell, some players who had just reacted immediately said, "Speaking of which, if this monster attacks the city, we will kill many players, right? What will the monster explode on?" place."

As soon as these words came out, all the players squatting on the city wall came back to their senses in an instant!Yes, it’s quite safe for them to kill monsters standing on the city wall. Play conservatively. Ranged occupations such as mages only need to throw their skills; The monsters on the city wall, this Qingcheng is considered safe!But, why didn't they think about what happened when the monster was killed?
"This monster that sieges the city won't explode things?" Many players said with some distress and self-deception.

"How can it be impossible! I have never heard of it. During the siege of the city, would the monsters outside the maze explode when killed? The monsters that siege the city must also explode. MD, we here It’s a big loss! We are helping others explode things on the city wall!” Many players immediately howled on the top of the city wall.

"Then why don't we do it?" Many small-minded players immediately suggested a sentence, and many players were immediately a little moved when they heard it.

"Don't think about it, if we don't do it, who knows if the mastermind will give you a random chance to get rewards during the sacrifice!" Some timid players immediately said, "Hey, it can only be our fault I didn’t think of this level, I just patronized and laughed at others.”

When the players on the city wall heard this, their complexions immediately turned bad!Is this being fucked?
It's just that no matter whether it is or not, the players still have to cheer up in the end to face the monster siege test in front of them.

Ten minutes after the system announcement disappeared, the monster siege officially started.

Looking at the city wall in the early morning, the players gradually saw the tide of beasts rushing towards Qingcheng like a black tide, one wave after another, from the looks of it, the number of monsters in this wave was quite a lot Woolen cloth! In 1 minutes, all those monsters came into view!
"It's okay, it's okay! It's not a high-level monster!" The hunters on the city wall took a few glances from a distance, and quickly said loudly to the other players: "Everyone, cheer up and prepare for the battle. There are a lot of monsters at level 25, but their strength is not high!"

"Yeah!" The players on the top of the city wall cheered, and they were thankful that even if the monsters in the twenties exploded, they would still be rubbish, and they didn't feel bad at all.Gather some experience first, and look for an opportunity to turn over the top of the city later. It may not be possible. At the moment, the players and NPCs standing outside the city gate also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.Fortunately, the first wave was very easy, and there was still time to get used to it.

"Luoye, are the NPCs from Qingshimen over there? Didn't they go back?" Ye Guangmeijiu called many players from his guild to stand together, surrounded Luoye Fenfei and several other priests, and then became a little curious I looked around and said to him: "The other ones seem to be NPCs from Shacheng, right? Didn't it mean that they don't seem to be in harmony with Xiaoyan? How come they come to help defend the city?"

"No matter what, Xiaoyan still has the name of Shacheng Deputy City Master on his head. If they don't come to help Shacheng, the Qingcheng cannot be defended, and they are of no benefit! You didn't listen to Master Qing Mi Uncle said, this Shacheng still hopes to form an alliance with Qingcheng, and there will be places to visit in the future." Luo Yefei said with a smile, "As for the NPCs of Qingshimen, I think it must be because the affairs of my sect have been dealt with, so they came here Help! It’s not that you don’t know that Xiaoyan has a very good relationship with the NPCs of Qingshimen, so it’s no surprise that they came to help. What’s strange to me is, where are the other NPCs from? here."

"Maybe it's the NPCs in other cities?" Yeguang Meijiu looked curiously at those NPCs who had never seen them before, and after thinking for a while, he sighed: "If I can get Xiaoyan in this game If it’s at this level, then that’s great! If you’re willing to go around the game for her, it’s okay to trick people, cause some troubles, and so on, but who knows, she’s a better mess than any of us! Look Looking at these NPCs and players, she has a lot more connections than us."

"There are some things that you can't envy!" Luoye Feifei smiled and patted Yeguang Meijiu on the shoulder, then looked in the direction of the beast tide, and said to Yeguang Meijiu: "Okay, don't think too much, the monsters can go immediately!" It's almost here! Take out the momentum of the leader of the first gang in your game, and clean up those monsters."

"Haha, of course!" Ye Guangmeijiu laughed a little proudly, and then shouted to the rest of the players: "Brothers, let others take a good look at our strength in Juyuantianxia"

"Okay" the players in the Yeguang Wine Guild heard this, and immediately shouted excitedly, all of them looked like they were gearing up for a big fight, and the players on the city wall felt a little uncomfortable. I keep hoping that Yeguang Fine Wine and the others will make a fool of themselves
I don't know if there are too many players who have this idea, forming an obsession for the mastermind of the game to hear.Just when everyone saw the monsters who were about to attack the city clearly, the Juli NPC and other NPCs who were at the front immediately ran forward a few steps, and then all the players saw those NPCs Dozens of monsters were knocked into the air with a strong impact, or several monsters were wiped out with a wave of the hand, spilling blood all over the ground.At this time, the other players who were following the NPC to make up for the knife and kill the monster were not so lucky.

The monsters hit by the NPCs in front more or less flew to the back, and then many players were stabbed badly.When the knocked monster fell, it either landed on the ground and started attacking the players with a grin, or it hit the players directly.
"Hahaha, look, look! Another unlucky ghost was hit by a monster over there!" Players who hadn't had a chance to kill monsters on the city wall immediately laughed and pointed at the situation under the city wall. Those unlucky players said loudly: "Haha, it seems that it is not necessarily beneficial to follow the NPC."

"It's a good thing we're on the city wall!"

"That's right, that's right! Look at those players, it's so funny! Several of them were hit by monsters before they realized what was going on!"

Unsurprisingly, the voices of the players on the city wall fell into the ears of other players.Fighting against monsters under the city wall, the faces of the players who still need to worry about whether there will be monsters falling from the sky all the time turn black instantly. No one wants to be laughed at by others, right?

Luminous Wine is obviously in a bad mood!Just now, he was so proud to ask other players to make a good living. How many monsters, this opening made an ugly appearance, which is not a good phenomenon!Thinking of this, Yeguang Meijiu watched a warrior player in front of him kill a monster, and then glanced at the NPCs not far away who were rushing into the group of monsters without hesitation, and then sighed deeply. After taking a deep breath, he put the weapon in his arms for a few minutes, and then shouted at the other players on his side: "Let's go to the side!"

"Guangzhu, where are you going?" A player immediately asked.

"Where there are few aborigines, go there!" Yeguang Meijiu said with certainty, and then said to the others with a smile: "We always have something to do for the players on the city wall! Everyone agree? "It can't be that they just act like a monkey show below and let the players on the city wall see a joke, right?
"Hehe, yes, yes, yes! The leader is right, let's go, let's go to the other side." The players under Yeguang Meijiu immediately smiled knowingly, then stopped killing monsters in their hands, and followed him directly Walk towards the place where there are few NPCs on the other side.

And just when Yeguang Fine Wine and the others finally chose a better position, the players on the city wall panicked.Originally, the city wall of Qingcheng was very tall, and ordinary monsters could not climb the top of the city wall, so they only needed to throw their skills under the city wall.In the end, who knows, before they were happy and happy for a long time, they saw a group of dark monsters flying from the sky beyond the horizon.

"No! There are still flying monsters!!" A hunter quickly discovered the situation, yelled loudly, and then quickly warned the others: "Everyone, everyone! There are also monsters coming from the sky! .”

"How many levels?" A player immediately asked with concern, "If these monsters are killed, we can pick up the things that exploded, right?"

"That's right! We finally have a chance to make a fortune!" Many players immediately became interested.

"A flying monster at level 35!" A hunter said with a heavy tone, "Players with low levels should pay attention!" Because this city defense battle is not like the original siege battle, there are level requirements , so many players with relatively low levels came here, wanting to get a piece of the pie.

"It is best for players below level 35 to gather together, and players above level 35 will take a little bit." When a player heard this, he immediately stood up in a leader's tone and arranged.As for whether anyone is willing to listen to it, I don't know!Because those flying monsters came very fast, within a few minutes, they had already flown to the top of the city wall of Qingcheng.

"Let's attack together!!" A player immediately yelled loudly, and then all kinds of colorful magic skills exploded in the sky on the entire Qingcheng city wall.

And what is Ji Xiaoyan doing at this time?

She feels a headache!

I thought the battle of defending the city had begun. As the city lord of Qingcheng, she must need to help defend the city, right?As a result, no one expected that just when the old man Qingmi was about to take her out to defend the city, the two NPCs, Ghost Map and Shendrill, blocked them into the City Lord's Mansion with a very bad expression, and then directly began to ask No wonder.

Ghost Map and Shendrill stood together very tacitly. The first time they saw Ji Xiaoyan, they immediately asked her why she didn't call them to open Qingcheng's treasure house, and then they didn't care whether Ji Xiaoyan answered or not. Target old man Qingmi and the others, and ask them what they stole from Qingcheng's treasury!That's right, Ghost Map and Shendrill used the word "steal", so, of course, they immediately offended Old Man Qingmi.

You know, during the period when the old man Qingmi didn't see Guitu and Shendrill, he could squat at the door of the house where they lived and yell at them every day, not to mention seeing himself now, and being said to be "stealing" thing.So, before Ji Xiaoyan had time to talk to the two evil NPCs, Ghost Map and Shendrill, the old man Qingmi immediately got into a fight with the patriarch of the Juli Clan, Ghost Map, and Shendrill.

What is it called?There are animal troubles outside, and internal troubles inside!

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but patted himself on the head, what are these NPCs going to do!

Before Ji Xiaoyan could figure out how to persuade the current situation, another two waves of people came to Qingcheng's City Lord's Mansion!One wave was the city guards from Shacheng who came with Ghost Map and Shendrill. They heard the movement and rushed to help their boss; All arrangements have been made, and people have been sent outside the city to help defend the city. The NPC elders of Qingshimen who are about to come to the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion to see the situation of the treasure house.

As soon as the two groups saw the scuffle between Ghost Map, Shendrill, and Old Man Qingmi, they immediately rolled up their sleeves, rushed into the battle circle regardless of the date and time, and started fighting again.

Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth, looked at this side, then at that side, finally he could only sigh and watched silently.She wanted to help, but which side?On the Qingshimen side?That's right, after all, in this game, no NPCs of that school can treat her so well!However, if she reaches out to help the NPCs in Qingshimen to play Ghost Map and Mandrill, then she will regret it later!These two NPCs are not easy to get along with, and there will be opportunities to deal with her in the future; but what if they help ghosts figure them out?Ji Xiaoyan didn't even need to think about it, he just denied it!On the one hand, she doesn't have a good impression of Ghost Map and Shendrill itself, and on the other hand, she doesn't want to chill the hearts of the Qingshimen NPCs.
"Xiaoyan, I think they will fight for a long time. How about we find a place to sit down and get something to eat?" Friesman asked Ji Xiaoyan, stroking his belly with a flattering smile, "Wait a while We still have things to do, if we don’t prepare more food, I’m afraid I won’t be able to use up my strength then, and I’ll embarrass you and slow you down.”

"Friesman, don't you just pretend to have something to eat all day, okay?" After hearing Friesman's words, Yu Mo immediately said to him with some displeasure, "Aren't you very good? Come on, Find a chance to build an ice wall or something in front of them, and separate them all!"

"Me?" Friesman immediately pointed to himself when he heard what Xuan Mo said, and then said with a smile: "How am I so good? I'm still hungry, but I don't have the energy to do it, so I said Ice wall, Xuan Mo, aren’t you from the earth element? You can just block the earth wall and separate them, why do you need me?”

"Hmph, I want to save my strength to help Xiaoyan defend the city for a while!" After hearing what Friesman said, Su Mo immediately raised his chin and said something to him, his face full of reluctance.

"Go!" At this moment, Jiajia who was sitting on the side excitedly said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Jiajia is very powerful, just go and separate him!" He rushed directly into the battle circle, knocked a few NPC city guards into the air, and frightened away a few elders from Qingshimen, then swung his paw among Ghost Map, Shendrill, and Old Man Qingmi, and successfully knocked them out. separated.

Ji Xiaoyan sighed deeply, glanced at Xuan Mo and Friesman who were still staring and staring at each other, and then said to old man Qingmi, Guitu and Shendrill: " I think the most important thing right now is to defend Qingcheng first, and other things can be discussed later. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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