Chapter 997

When the system announcement sounded, Ji Xiaoyan in the City Lord's Mansion was so frightened that he almost threw away all the town stones in Qingcheng.She never expected that the system mastermind would expose her real player identity, and the game life from now on will not be so easy.
While thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan looked at the town stone of Qingcheng, which was only the size of a palm, in his hand with a wry smile.It seems that this is the second time she has come into close contact with the town stone, and it is the first time she has really touched the town stone!The town stone of Qingcheng in my hand is very beautiful, the crystal clear surface is shining with water, which looks like a pool of flowing water; there is a thin layer of pattern-like things inside the town stone, which can Float together along the direction of the town stone.

"Girl, you can now be regarded as the real city lord of Qingcheng!" Old man Qingmi laughed without any distress at all, said something to Ji Xiaoyan, then patted her on the shoulder and said: " Alright, this broken stone is in your hands, you have to guard it carefully, otherwise you won’t know how Qingcheng got lost when you turn around Damn, girl, why don't you go and see what the sacred artifact of the Juli clan looks like? That bastard Lin Qianye has been thinking about it for a long time."

"Well, Master, you go!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Old Man Qingmi when he heard what Old Man Qingmi said, and after watching Old Man Qingmi walk into the depths of the treasure house, he said to Xuan Mo and the others: "If you want to go in and have a look, go! If you can use it, just keep it in your pocket"

"Yeah!" Xuan Mo nodded excitedly, pulling Brick and Friesman to keep up with old man Qingmi.

Afterwards, Ji Xiaoyan also released Jiajia who was locked in the pet space, and let him go to the treasure house to choose a baby for Ni Mengsha.It is indeed possible for players to defend the city, but it is not a long-term solution. If Nimensha's dragon can be fooled, then her Qingcheng will be truly much safer
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but touched the town stone and took another breath.

After they came out from the settlement of the Juli tribe all the way, they took a detour to the place where she jumped into the river. Since Xiye had been away from her master for too long, she hadn't recovered her strength yet, so she couldn't use the dark magic to send them into the city lord's mansion. The NPC Lin Qianye also made it clear that he would not intervene. In the end, the patriarch of the Juli Clan had to wrong him to lift them up one by one to the city wall of the City Lord's Mansion, and then everyone entered the City Lord's Mansion.

Because there was no one at night in the City Lord's Mansion, Ji Xiaoyan and the others arrived at the treasure house without hindrance.Then, under the guard of old man Qingmi and Lin Qianye, Ji Xiaoyan took out the key and opened the door of the treasure house.I thought there must be some mechanism or alarm system in this treasure house, but who knows, the opening process went smoothly unexpectedly!And the situation inside the treasure house also surprised Ji Xiaoyan.

The treasure house of Qingcheng is indeed a rich treasure.

Except for the passage that looks dark and gloomy at the entrance, after entering the treasure house and pushing open the unlocked door inside, the goal of entering is golden eyes.At that time, Ji Xiaoyan almost had a feeling that his eyes were burned out!The treasury is very large, about ten meters high and twenty meters wide. There are layers of jewels and gold coins piled up in disorder, many scrolls, large treasures, and large carved boxes. In the corner, layers are crowded together, making people dazzled. In an instant, there is a feeling that they don't know anything except the baby.

In the end, the NPC Lin Qianye was the first to react, and said directly to everyone: "Find out the town stone first." After that, Ji Xiaoyan and the others recovered from the treasure, and actively started to dig it up Those piles of treasures started to get down to business.

And because of this serious matter, Ji Xiaoyan fell from the joy of getting a lot of treasures to the great depression in an instant.There are a lot of gold coins and jewels in the treasure house of Qingcheng, but no matter which one she gets, no matter how gorgeous the attributes are introduced on it, there will be a row of very small red fonts below: Players can't get it.

As a result, countless treasures were swept away in his hand, but Ji Xiaoyan still got nothing in the end.

As for the town stone in Qingcheng, it was not Ji Xiaoyan who found it, but the Mabun Sand Beast in Jiajia, who accidentally got down from the bottom of a pile of jewels when it was digging for beautiful shiny gemstones, and turned it out. .

"Hey..." Ji Xiaoyan put the town stone in the package, then raised his head and looked at the treasure house, looking at the pile of shiny gold coins and precious stones, heaved a deep sigh.Fortunately, the system rewarded her with [-] gold coins and a treasure chest, otherwise, she really felt that she was at a loss.

"Hahaha, I found it, I found it!" The patriarch of the Juli clan happily sat down on the gold coins all over the floor, laughed loudly and held up a golden object, and shouted loudly: "Old patriarch Ah, I have found the sacred artifact of our Juli clan."

"Show me!" Lin Qianye interrupted unceremoniously, and stretched out her hand to grab the patriarch of the Juli clan.

"This..." the patriarch of the Juli clan looked distressed and embarrassed.

"What? The sacred artifacts in your clan are not unsealed?" Lin Qianye squinted her eyes, looked at the head of the Juli clan and asked, the threat in her mouth could be heard by anyone.

As a result, the elder of the Juli clan became honest in an instant, and quickly handed the holy artifact in Lin Qianye's hand, and then with a flattering smile on his face, he said to him: "Oh, I just knew that Qianye would Master Ye, you are the most enthusiastic. Hehehe."

When Ji Xiaoyan saw this, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes with the others, and then they all came to Lin Qianye's side, and looked at the sacred artifact of the Juli clan that had been only heard but not seen.

It was a gold and white object, the entire shape was carved into the appearance of a strong man with shirtless arms and a fur tied around his waist.The man's facial lines are very beautiful, his face is delicate and full, but he just puts on a very serious expression, which makes people feel awe when they look at it!The man's body is straight and strong, holding an ax vigorously in one hand, and holding a white ball in the other hand. Feel
In fact, Ji Xiaoyan really couldn't bear it anymore.

Anyone who sees such a heroic figure holding a white flower, something like a steamed bun, will definitely feel very happy!
"Master Deputy City Master, what are you laughing at?" The patriarch of the Juli Clan turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan curiously, and asked her, "What's wrong with me?"

"No! Haha!" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly stopped talking, said something to the patriarch of the Juli clan, then pointed to the half-meter-high statue in Lin Qianye's hand, and asked: "Patriarch, this is your The sacred artifact of the Juli clan? You must have admitted it wrong, right?"

"No, no!" The patriarch of the Juli clan hurriedly smiled and waved his hands and said: "When I was a child, I heard the old patriarch tell us what the sacred artifacts in our clan look like, and when I just got it, there was an instant It is a very familiar and intimate feeling, it must be the sacred weapon of our Juli clan."

"Hmm! It's indeed a sacred weapon of your clan!" Lin Qianye nodded with certainty when she heard this, and then said lightly under the curious eyes of Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Only the Juli Clan Only people who are so stupid would make such a thing as a sacred weapon. Of course, your Juli clan's appreciation ability may be different from that of us ordinary people."

"Master Qianye." The patriarch of the Juli clan was a little unhappy.

"Don't worry, I will take this thing out for you to consecrate later, and send it back to you after breaking the seal! At that time, you can make more offerings every day if you have nothing to do!" After finishing speaking, Lin Qianye didn't care The patriarch of the Juli clan disagreed, and directly threw the sacred artifact into a black hole that suddenly emerged from the ground.

"Master Qianye." The patriarch of the Juli Clan jumped up from the ground at once, looked anxiously at Lin Qianye and said, "Master Qianye, I haven't seriously looked at the holy artifact yet."

"Go back and unseal the seal, you can take your time!" Lin Qianye waved her hand indifferently.

"But, but my clansmen haven't seen it yet. Why don't you wait two days before unsealing it?" the patriarch of the Juli clan said, looking at Lin Qianye unwillingly.

"Alright!" Lin Qianye nodded bluntly, but with a look of complete indifference, she turned around and walked towards the outside of the treasure house, and said, "Anyway, I am also happy about the unblocking. If you’re not happy, just leave it alone. Actually, the patriarch said you need to wait, so just wait, anyway, this deity is not in a hurry.”

"Master Qianye, can you return the sacred artifact to me first?" The patriarch of the Juli clan hurriedly followed Lin Qianye, and asked him cautiously.

"Why?" Lin Qianye took a step forward, turned her head to look at the patriarch of the Juli clan, and then said: "Everything is in the pocket of this deity, and this deity doesn't like to put things away before things are done Take it out. Or, patriarch, you don’t need the deity’s help to unblock it?”

"No, no! I, I just want to show the sacred artifact to the clansmen." The patriarch of the Juli clan looked at Lin Qianye with a look of embarrassment and hatred.

"I've said it all, I'll have time to watch it in the future!" Lin Qianye waved her hand directly, said something to the patriarch of the Juli clan, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Girl, I have also seen the sacred artifact of the Juli clan. This deity has something to do and needs to leave for a while, you have to work hard to defend Qingcheng, and when you come back, this deity will come back to live in this treasury. Most of the things in this treasure house are common things. You can use them to repair Qingcheng. Just win people's hearts, don't be reluctant. As for Xi Ye, I still need a handyman, so I will take it away first, and I will let it come back by itself later!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Xiaoyan saw Lin Qianye pull out a black silk thread from her hand, wrap it around Xiye who was about to run away, and pulled it and the Amok that was tied on its back. The NPC immediately disappeared from Ji Xiaoyan's sight.

"How did this happen? How did this happen?" The patriarch of the Juli Clan murmured as he looked at the place where Lin Qianye disappeared, and then sat down on the ground, smashing a lot of gold coins, making Ji Xiaoyan's heart ache terribly.Although she can't get these gold coins as a player, didn't Lin Qianye just say that?She can use these gold coins to build Qingcheng, or buy some NPCs or something.
They are all valuable things!Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help covering his chest, looked at the patriarch of the Juli clan who seemed to have aged several years in an instant, and after a while, he calmed down and said to him: "Patriarch, in fact, you don't have to be sad , you should be happy! My master didn’t intend to take away your sacred artifacts and refuse to return them. He just helped you unseal them, and you will be able to come back later.”

"Master City Lord." The patriarch of the Juli Clan looked at Ji Xiaoyan with an expression of wanting to cry, and said, "I'm not worried that the holy artifact will not come back, but I hate that I said the wrong thing! If I had known earlier, I should have urged Lord Qianye hastened to unseal the sacred artifacts in our clan, and send them back as quickly as possible. But look at what Lord Qianye means now, the sacred artifacts in our clan fell into my hands in less than 10 minutes. I don’t know how long I’m going to leave, if I had known, I wouldn’t have said that sentence. Bah, bah, bah.”

Ji Xiaoyan sighed, not knowing what to comfort, so he had to talk to the head of the Juli clan.Fortunately, this NPC didn't say anything to Lin Qianye and that NPC about waiting a few years before unblocking it!Otherwise, their holy artifact would have to wander outside Qingcheng
But having said that, where is that NPC Lin Qianye going to take Xiye and that Emerk NPC?

Ji Xiaoyan looked outside the treasure house in puzzlement, and finally turned around and returned to the treasure house, and asked old man Qingmi with a smile if they had chosen something, and finally saw the dejected expression on the face of the head of the Juli clan, They also asked him to choose something that could be taken away, and then everyone closed and locked the door of the treasure house with a bang.

"Is the town stone ready?" the old man Qingmi asked with some concern as soon as he came out of the treasure house.

"Well, it's ready! Guaranteed not to drop it within a year!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded with certainty, and said something to the old man Qingmi.When she got the town stone, she saw in the above attributes that within one year of the game time, the town stone was bound to her and would not be traded, stolen or exploded. Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan is not worried at all about carrying this precious thing on his body.However, after one year, the town stone can only be sent back to the treasury to be locked up, and the days to come will be sad
(End of this chapter)

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