The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 996 Surprised a bunch of people

Chapter 996 Surprised a bunch of people

The discussion on defending the city went smoothly.

Yeguang Meijiu and Qingyuxi are the leaders of the big gang. Originally, what they thought was to open a store and buy real estate in Qingcheng, and use this place as a stronghold, which can be regarded as occupying Qingcheng in disguise.Now that Ji Xiaoyan offered to ask them to guard the city, it gave them a feeling that Qingcheng would belong to them in the future, and the old man Qingmi said that as long as they agreed, when Miss Ji Xiaoyan became the After the city lord of Qingcheng gave their two guilds the right to station in Qingcheng, and allowed the players of their guilds to receive a lot of benefits in Qingcheng, Qing Yuxi and Ye Guangmeijiu had no reason to refuse.

The three parties looked at each other and smiled, even if the matter was settled.Afterwards, the old man Qingmi directly asked Qing Yuxi and Yeguang Meijiu to quickly arrange manpower to defend the four walls of Qingcheng. Those who should call people should call people, and those who should prepare weapons and ammunition should hurry to prepare. After that, they directly took Ji Xiaoyan , Xuan Mo, etc., together with the patriarchs of the Juli clan, seized the time and headed towards the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng.

"Then let's go get ready?" Miss Qing Yuxi still couldn't recover, she stood on the street outside the Juli tribe's settlement, looked at Fallen Leaves and Yeguang Fine Wine and asked, "Which two directions of the city wall do you choose?" ? My people are basically in the game, and they will be arranged soon. As for the other people, do you think we should go outside the city lord's mansion to send a message looking for someone, and gather some people to help?"

"I don't need this!" Luoye Fenfei thought for a while, and then said: "Didn't Uncle Qingmi say just now that when Xiaoyan got Qingcheng, an announcement would be made in the game asking players to help defend the city? It's just those players If you help, you won't get many rewards. We also benefited from Xiaoyan's favor, and we can directly enter Qingcheng in the future. As for the city wall, you can choose that direction if most of your people are in that direction. I need to go offline to make a phone call, and it will take a few minutes before all of them arrive.”

"Well, that's fine! Then arrange it like this!" Qing Yuxi thought for a while, nodded, and said the two city walls she wanted to choose, then smiled at Yeguang Fine Wine and said: "Then we will see you later Alright! I'll make arrangements first."

"Okay!" After Ye Guangmeijiu and Luoye Fenfei nodded and watched Qing Yuxi leave, they looked at each other, and after finding a few players to go offline to contact the guild members, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiaoyan is fine this time, let's find a place to treat her to a dark banquet later on!" Ye Guangmeijiu walked towards the city wall they were about to guard with Luo Yefenfei, and said to Luo Yefenfei , "This time the stranger has helped a lot, and then, let's invite him together!"

"Yeah!" Luoye Feifei nodded, "By the way, I would like to thank Xiaoyan for letting us take advantage again!"

"Yeah!" Ye Guang Meijiu nodded, sighed and said, "I used to think that you were just asking us to help and take advantage of her when you came out with Xiaoyan, but it turns out that we have been taking advantage of her all the time. It made me a little embarrassed!"

"Oh, you'll be embarrassed too?" Luoye Fenfei bumped Ye Guangmei Wine with his hand, and then smiled: "If you feel guilty, you can make up for Xiaoyan and help her! We are all friends, There is no need to say too polite words!"

"That's right!" Ye Guang Meijiu nodded, and then laughed a little self-deprecatingly: "I think I hated that girl Xiaoyan at the beginning. He made me miserable."

"If she didn't cheat you, we probably wouldn't know each other!" Luoye Feifei smiled, remembering the scene when she first met Ji Xiaoyan, and then continued after a while: "But this time Xiaoyan came back, It was probably impossible to live there in the past! Although only the city where Xiaoyan lived in the South Aosu District was destroyed, the neighboring cities are probably not safe anymore. The man who attracted the mutant green beast mouse is still alive. If they haven't been found, no one knows if those mutant beasts will continue to attack the city. Later, we still need to find a place for Xiaoyan to settle down!"

"Well! Later, I'll find someone to check the place, and then we'll discuss it together!" Yeguang Meijiu nodded, and said to the fallen leaves, "However, how high is Xiaoyan's current resident level? Is it qualified enough to enter? Come live in the city? If you can enter the inner city, you will have more choices.”

"If Qingcheng is taken down this time, the rewards she gets should be able to raise the resident level to another level!" Luoye Flying thought for a while, and then said: "I will talk to Xiaoyan later, nothing is more important than safety, Thinking about it, Xiaoyan wouldn't ask for money or life!"

"Yeah!" Ye Guang Meijiu nodded, saw many players shuttle in Qing City, running towards the two city walls they had chosen, then patted Ye Flying on the shoulder and said: "For Xiaoyan, we can't lose Qingcheng this time!"

Falling Leaves Flying looked at Ye Guang Meijiu and smiled, then nodded, and the two of them crossed their shoulders and walked towards the city wall.

The game time is around four o'clock in the morning. Many players are either squatting on the streets of Qingcheng and waiting for dawn to do tasks, or they are chatting with each other, or lying outside the doors of taverns and tea houses, waiting for the NPCs to open the doors after dawn. , and then continue to go in and sit for a day, and many players are selling equipment potions and the like in a low voice, for fear of waking up some NPCs, and they will suffer disaster later.
When it was almost five o'clock in the game time, the sky had already turned white, and many players were thinking about where to go at dawn.At this moment, a thunderous system announcement sounded instantly, shaking all the city, including the players and NPCs in the entire game, to wake up instantly.

【World Announcement】Heroes have been born in troubled times since ancient times, and the chaotic land of Qingcheng has finally chosen its future master after all the heroes competed for the throne.Congratulations to the deputy city lord of Shacheng, the adventurer Ji Xiaoyan successfully obtained the ruling right of Qingcheng and became the city lord of Qingcheng.

[System Announcement] After dawn, Qingcheng will face the test of monster siege after the city is captured. Please prepare for the city master of Qingcheng! Ten minutes later, all cities in the mainland will fully open temporary teleportation arrays leading to Qingcheng. All adventurers and aborigines who are willing to help the lord of Qingcheng defend the city can go directly to the teleportation arrays to cheer.

[System Announcement] The battle to defend the city will begin in two hours. Adventurers and aborigines, please get ready.

[System Announcement] The deputy city lord of Shacheng, adventurer Ji Xiaoyan, as the first city lord in the game to successfully capture the city, will get a purple treasure box in the game, [-] prestige in Qingcheng, and [-] gold coins.

[System Announcement] After successfully defending the city, all adventurers and aborigines participating in the defense will be able to participate in the sacrifice ceremony of the city lord of the Qing Dynasty, and randomly obtain beneficial buff states. The lucky ones will receive random skill points or equipment rewards.If the defense of the city fails, Qingcheng will enter the reconstruction stage, and no one will get any rewards.

[System Announcement] The monster siege has entered the countdown.
As soon as several system announcements came out, the whole game was boiling.

Many players just realized that the so-called deputy city lord of Shacheng was actually a player, and before they had time to yell "I'm lucky", they heard the news that the system asked players to help defend the city . When 80.00% of the players heard the system announcement, their first reaction was to resolutely not go, and wait to see that the city could not be defended, and that player Ji Xiaoyan, who was lucky enough to get the title of deputy city lord of Shacheng, would get nothing !
As a result, before the system announcement sounded, all the players didn't dare to think like this before!How clear is the system announcement!As long as Qingcheng is defended, when Ji Xiaoyan, the city lord, presides over some kind of sacrificial event in Qingcheng, all participating players will have a chance to benefit!Moreover, the mastermind of the system will not lie, as long as you are lucky, you can get buff status, the most important thing is that you can get skills and equipment!Who knows if I will be so lucky that I will randomly pick some awesome skills, and then soar into the sky in the game?

With such thoughts in mind, all the players became restless.

Many players started to get busy immediately after the sound of the system announcement disappeared.Calling friends, calling people offline, buying medicine and repairing equipment, none of the players in the game is idle.Many life players still couldn't help but stepped into the teleportation array with money and went to Qingcheng.They can't help defend the city, but they can make things and sell them!This is a rare opportunity to make money!Looking back, if Qingcheng is defended, they can still participate in sacrificial activities, and they may not be able to get some other rewards.
The players were excited, and the NPCs in the game were not idle either.The NPCs who were going to defend the city hurriedly put on their clothes and teleported directly to Qingcheng. Many of the NPCs who did not participate in the city defense also got up from their beds, opened the doors of shops and restaurants, and started business in advance. As for the rest, those NPCs are ordinary residents
"What's going on here?" In a luxurious mansion outside the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng, Guitu and Shendrill met each other, and their first reaction was to ask each other, "When did the girl of the Deputy City Lord come back? no news”

"Hmph!" Guitu glanced at Shendrill, who had the same bad expression as himself, and said through gritted teeth, "Forget it, now is not the time to argue with you. It's useless to say anything at this time. I'd better go to the city lord first." In the mansion, let’s talk about it after finding the deputy city lord! Otherwise, things will be difficult in the future.”

Shendiao glanced at the ghost picture, nodded, and directly greeted a group of subordinates he brought, and walked quickly towards the city lord's mansion
 PS: Thanks to "susantsh0905" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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