Chapter 995 Gathering
No matter how much Xiye complained to Ji Xiaoyan, in the end, she still couldn't get any change for herself. The NPC Lin Qianye said directly: "Are you itchy?" After saying this, Xiye instantly became honest .It still knows who is better than Lin Qianye and who is better.The reason to seek Ji Xiaoyan to complain is to think that Ji Xiaoyan is Lin Qianye's apprentice after all, and seeing that Lin Qianye treats Ji Xiaoyan very well, so Xiye thought that Ji Xiaoyan might be able to get her. Come out and stop being a coolie.

However, it completely forgot that it complained in front of so many people from the Juli Clan, which instead caused Lin Qianye's NPC to feel that he couldn't keep his face and became upset. Therefore, Xiye's expectations were only in vain.Fortunately, because of the appearance of Miss Ji Xiaoyan, everyone is going to open the treasure house of Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion, get the town stone, and put Qingcheng in their pockets, but they are no longer going to continue digging tunnels.

The NPC of the Juli clan cooked quickly, and brought out a lot of food in front of Ji Xiaoyan and the others in a short time.Except for the occasional NPC of the Juli tribe who complained that the ingredients in the house ran out for some reason, nothing else happened.Because there are still important things to do next, everyone eats very quickly, and it is resolved in less than half an hour.

After the old man Qingmi briefly mentioned the situation outside Qingcheng, he glanced at Xiye and Lin Qianye and asked, "In order not to attract other people's attention, we must not enter the city lord's mansion." Going through the main entrance, Xiaoyan girl came out of the moat. At that time, if we have no other choice, we can only enter through the moat. However, there are many residents on the other side of the moat. If one is not careful, there will probably be some troubles Come out, look, why don't you think of a way to send us directly to the City Lord's Mansion!"

"What do you mean?" Lin Qianye's NPC immediately asked back when he heard old man Qingmi's words.

"Aren't you very smart? You don't know what I mean?" Qingmi old man glanced at Lin Qianye, and then said: "Can't your dark system create a black hole and let us move around? What I mean is, you Use this method to send us to the city lord's mansion. What? Is there a problem? Or are you unwilling to help?"

Lin Qianye frowned slightly, then glanced at Xi Ye, and then said: "It's not that I am unwilling to help, I have already said that there are some places where I can't do anything about Qingcheng. As for this Guy, hmph, with such a lazy and clumsy temperament, you can still expect it to send you all into the city lord's mansion?"

"What's wrong?" Old man Qingmi looked at Xi Ye and frowned, "Didn't Xi Ye lead us when we were running around in Qingcheng?"

"Then you have to see what it was like then, and what it's like now!" Lin Qianye twirled her fingers and said lightly: "This pet has been away from its owner for a long time. Time active, do you think it can still be in good condition? The main god has limitations, don't forget!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately looked at Xiye, nodded when he saw it, and said, "My strength is only 20% now, and I can't bring anyone along. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't be changed." It's like this!"

"Do you still think that you can beat this deity even in your best condition?" Lin Qianye glanced at Xi Ye, seeing that it was irrefutable, she sneered, and then turned to Ji Ye Xiaoyan said: "With the current weather, the people on the other side of the moat probably won't come out to wander around. At most, we will be lucky and wait until everyone turns off the lights before entering the City Lord's Mansion!"

The old man Qingmi was still a little dissatisfied when he heard this, "There are so many adventurers in this city, what if they are discovered? I am not afraid of them. With the restrictions of the Lord God, they can't even enter the City Lord's Mansion, but, If they report the letter to Ghost Map and Shendrill, we may not be able to decide what is in the treasury when they return."

"I don't have anything interesting in Qingcheng's treasury. I don't have any ideas other than looking at the sacred artifact of the Juli clan. So, I don't worry about this matter at all!" Lin Qian After listening to the old man Qingya's words, Ye immediately made a wry smile and said something to him.

Then Ji Xiaoyan saw old man Qingmi gritted his teeth.

On the other hand, the patriarch of the Juli Clan, after seeing the situation where the old man Qingmi and Lin Qianye were at odds with each other, quickly smiled and said: "Well, it's getting late now, so we still need to discuss what we should do sooner. Alright! Otherwise, once the time passes, we will have to wait until tomorrow. However, since our Juli Clan has agreed to the deputy city lord's willingness to stay and defend the city, we may not bring too much into the city lord's mansion. People have gone! If the Qing City changes hands, Lord Lord God will definitely put some tests. If Lord Vice City Lord is going to grab the town stone tonight, then our Juli Clan will mobilize the whole family, go first The city wall is defended. It’s just that we are a little powerless, and the deputy city lord needs to contact some adventurers to help. This is the test of the Lord God, and I’m afraid it’s a monster attacking the city, right?”

"Definitely!" Qingmi old man nodded immediately when he heard what the head of the Juli Clan said, "When we grabbed the current sect's garrison, we had to defend it for three days before we survived the monster attack."

Ji Xiaoyan was listening beside him, feeling a little suspenseful in his heart.Sure enough, there will be monsters attacking the city when robbing the city. But now she doesn't have a call connection in her hand, so she can't contact Flying Leaves and them outside the game, and Flying Leaves and they are not online in the game. It is really troublesome to find players to defend the city. !
"One or two of you Juli tribe can follow us into the treasury to get your holy objects. The rest, of course, are to help defend the city! If this Qingcheng cannot be defended, if it is destroyed by monsters later on, Or it was snatched back by that girl Qing Wan and the others, your life will not be easy!" The old man Qing Mi said to the patriarch of the Juli Clan with some warning, and after seeing him nodding, he looked at him with satisfaction. Ji Xiaoyan asked: "Girl, can you get in touch with your friends now?"

Ji Xiaoyan brought up the friend panel calmly, took a look, and found that a profile picture suddenly lit up, and then said: "Give me a little time, uncle, let me try it!"

"Okay! Don't worry!" Qing Mi nodded his head, "Anyway, even if we want to act, we still have to wait for a while!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then directly pointed out Qing Yuxi who had just appeared on the friend list, and then found out the previous stock flying lottery in the package, and sent a message to Qing Yuxi.
Miss Qing Yuxi's reply was very fast, and she sent it back in less than a minute. It was filled with a lot of words, and without exception, she asked Ji Xiaoyan if she was in trouble a while ago and how she is now. Where is it, whether Ann is safe or not, and then they say that Falling Leaves are all worried about her and so on.Watching Ji Xiaoyan's heart instantly warmed up a lot!
He took out a flying lottery and briefly talked about his real situation, Ji Xiaoyan picked up the things in the game now, and asked Miss Qing Yuxi to find someone to help contact Luo Yefenfei and let them play the game, Then everyone went to the settlement of the Juli clan to discuss matters. After receiving the flying lottery that Miss Qingyuxi agreed to, Ji Xiaoyan was relieved and squatted honestly in the yard of the Juli clan, waiting for news .

Qingyuxi and Yeguang Meijiu had established a cooperation during the siege, so Ji Xiaoyan didn't have to worry about whether Qingyuxi could contact Luoyefenfei and them.

Miss Qing Yuxi's speed was very fast, and it didn't take long for Falling Leaves Flying and Yeguang Fine Wine to go online one after another, and sent Ji Xiaoyan several flying tickets full of words. After Ji Xiaoyan read it moved, she told them that she was now After nothing happened, they asked them to hurry to the Juli clan to meet with themselves before discussing in detail.

After talking about the situation with old man Qingmi and the others, Ji Xiaoyan, led by a Juli clan NPC, went directly to the outer house and waited for Falling Leaves Flying Flying and the others to arrive.I don't know if Falling Leaves Flying Flying's characters are nearby, or their speed is too fast, Ji Xiaoyan didn't wait long, and saw them rushing over with a group of people in a mighty manner.

"Xiaoyan, are you okay?" After seeing Ji Xiaoyan, Luo Yefenfei hurried to her, grabbed her and asked with concern, "I didn't find your name in the list of survivors, I'm really worried Dead. If I had known that something like this would happen over there, I should have found you a safer city to live in."

"Lu Ye, I can't blame you for these! Natural disasters and man-made disasters, who can count!" Ji Xiaoyan washed his nose moved, and said something to Luo Ye with a smile, and then looked at the person behind him. Others asked: "Why do you have so many people here? It's easy to attract the attention of other players, right? Hurry up, let's talk first." After finishing speaking, Ji Xiaoyan directly pulled Fallen Leaves Flying and the others into the Juli Clan's room. room.

"Hehe, I have been in Qingcheng for so long, except for looking for quests, I have never really entered the houses of the aborigines here. Wow, this house of the Juli clan is really big!!" Miss Qing Yuxi stepped into the house while He sighed and said, after a few glances, he found the NPC of the Juli clan standing in the room, and then said a little embarrassedly: "I haven't seen the master's house is still here."

The NPC of the Juli clan didn't look unhappy when he heard what Qing Yuxi said, he just smiled foolishly, and then said to everyone: "Come in quickly, I'll close the door!" Players like Ji Xiaoyan, I'm afraid they can't close the stone gates outside their Juli Clan!
(End of this chapter)

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