Chapter 994

Juli tribe settlement.

When the Juli tribe looked at so many people around their house with a confused face, they immediately yelled strangely and told people to cook.Afterwards, following the line of sight of the rest of the Juli tribe, he saw the small girl Ji Xiaoyan standing at the feet of several Juli tribesmen.

"Vice-caste lord?" The patriarch of the Juli clan blinked in disbelief, and after looking twice, he took a step towards Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, and said happily: "It's really the deputy-castle lord! Oh, hello, you old man has appeared!! If you don't show up again, the days of Qingcheng will be impossible."

"Huh? The old patriarch wants to tell the deity, why can't this day go on?" Lin Qianye frowned unhappily when he heard the words of the patriarch of the Juli clan, and gathered at his feet The black thing looked at the patriarch of the Juli clan with a threatening tone and asked: "So, the life of the patriarch has not been comfortable enough during this period of time. Want to be more comfortable? This deity has time, why not , just let this deity take the trouble to make the life of the patriarch more comfortable?"

"No, no, no, no need! Master Qianye, you are joking, oh, I was wrong, I said something wrong!" After Lin Qianye's voice fell, the tall body of the patriarch of the Juli Clan was somewhat restrained. Shaking uncontrollably, he hurriedly said with a flattering smile: "Master Qianye, you must not misunderstand! I was wrong. What I mean is that the main reason for the deputy city not appearing again is that Qingcheng does not know that it will become chaotic. What's it like, everyone's life is hard, there is absolutely no need to blame Master Qianye for dragging our Juli clan to dig tunnels! Absolutely nothing"

Ji Xiaoyan looked amusedly at the head of the Juli Clan getting more and more blackened, and Lin Qianye's NPC's face was getting worse and worse. After thinking about it for two seconds, he said: "'s not a problem for us to stand here How about? Why don’t you go into the house and talk about it?” To be honest, she was very curious about what kind of tunnel was dug under the house of the head of the Juli Clan, and, Lin Qianye’s NPC didn’t mean that Xiye was still behind ?How come Xiye hasn't seen the shadow of all the patriarchs of the Juli clan?Could it be that Lin Qianye's NPC took care of her?
"Yes, yes, yes! The deputy city lord is right, let's go in and talk, go in and talk!" The patriarch of the Juli clan couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and smiled at Lin Qianye The NPC said, after seeing the black mass under his feet slowly disappearing, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Ji Xiaoyan gratefully, and invited them into the stone house.

The situation in the room was almost the same as Ji Xiaoyan guessed!Although the house of the head of the Juli clan is much larger than the house of an ordinary Juli clan NPC, it is not worth the many valuable things in the house of such an NPC of the Juli clan!Even a lot of tables, chairs and benches that seemed to be well-made were piled up in the patriarch's house in a disorderly manner, and the rest were probably large boxes packed up from every Juli family, piled up one by one, all piled up in the patriarch's house. The house was packed to the brim.And on the floor in the middle of the room is a black hole that can only be entered by an NPC of the Juli clan.
"Is the deputy city lord interested in this?" The patriarch of the Juli clan was worried about not being able to find a topic. Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan's eyes were always on the hole, he quickly asked with a smile, preparing to organize a little introduction.

But who knows, as soon as his words fell, the old man Qing Mi who followed into the room immediately said: "Who cares about you! Patriarch, we are here to talk to you? If you have time now, If we have time, we should quickly settle the matter and go to the City Lord's Mansion to open the treasure house!!"

The patriarch of the Juli clan choked for a moment, took a deep breath, and secretly glanced at the NPC Lin Qianye. Seeing that his mood seemed to be okay, he opened his mouth and nodded to the old man Qingmi, "The elder has something to do. Just say it!"

Old man Qingmi doesn't care whether the head of the Juli clan in front of him is giving him face or Lin Qianye or Ji Xiaoyan's face, he only knows that the attitude of the Juli clan is not bad now, and things should be much easier to talk about. No, let’s not talk about it now. If there is something to say, these NPCs of the Juli clan may not speak loudly!Therefore, the old man Qingmi thought for a second, and directly told the patriarch of the Juli clan what he had discussed with Ji Xiaoyan, and then looked at him and asked: "Do you understand the patriarch? Speaking of Qingcheng, you have lived for such a long time. If you are really asked to leave here, life in the future will be very difficult. With so many clansmen, the patriarch cannot let them all suffer. Familiar, I don’t need Qing Mi to say, you also know that if you stay, the deputy city lord becomes the city lord of Qingcheng, and he will definitely not treat you like that girl Qingwan. In the future, the days of your Juli clan will be different. It's getting better and better. It's just that, as before, you have a responsibility to carry on your back every day!"

"This... I need to think about it!" The leader of the Juli Clan is not an idiot either, after hearing old man Qingya's words, he didn't immediately agree, but said something very tactfully.

"Patriarch, you have to think about it. If we don't get the approval of your Juli clan, we dare not open the treasure house of Qingcheng. You also know that according to our guess, the little girl of Qingwan City Lord locked the town stone. In the treasury, as long as we open the treasury, we must immediately get the town stone! At that time, this Qingcheng will really change hands. A big city will change hands, and Lord God will test it. If you Juli If the clan doesn't give a clear answer, we can't afford to lose." The old man Qingmi said to the patriarch of the Juli clan with a hint of threat in his tone: "We also know that it is difficult for the patriarch to answer now, but There is no way to do this. Although the girl Qingwan and the mage named Lockebie are locked in the dungeon, they have had power in Qingcheng for so many years, and no one can guarantee when they will be able to escape. No? Those guys in Shacheng, to put it bluntly, is there any good way to suppress those two? We don’t clear the city either. Will it fall into the hands of those two?"

The patriarch of the Juli clan frowned even more when he heard the old man Qingmi's words.It is undeniable that what the old man Qing Mi said is the truth.However, the patriarch of the Juli clan glanced at Ji Xiaoyan who was standing not far away from him, and said to the old man Qingmi with some hesitation: "What the elder said is just that the deputy city lord of this city is still standing. Here." He didn't believe that the deputy city lord of Shacheng in front of him could still throw out the fat that reached his mouth. With her here, how could those people in Shacheng not throw away the two men in the dungeon of Qingcheng? Is the city lord paying close attention?

Hearing this, old man Qingmi glanced at Ji Xiaoyan and sighed inwardly.Hey, probably only a few of them know that Miss Ji Xiaoyan, the deputy city lord of Shacheng, only has one title!However, this kind of thing, this time is not suitable to tell these people of the Juli Clan, otherwise, they will definitely not even think about it, and they will not agree to help defend the city in the future.You know, as long as the Juli clan agrees, they will be equivalent to Miss Ji Xiaoyan's personal guard army in the future, which is different from the nature of the guards that the Lord God will bestow in the future.
Thinking of this, old man Qingmi immediately opened his mouth and said to the patriarch of the Juli Clan: "The patriarch probably doesn't know the true identity of our deputy city lord!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at old man Qingmi strangely, and thought: What identity do I have?
Sure enough, when the head of the Juli Clan heard old man Qingmi's words, he immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan in a strange way, then looked back at old man Qingmi, and asked him, "I don't know what else the deputy city lord is?"

"Don't the patriarch know that the deputy city lord is actually only half of our aboriginal identity? She still has half of her identity as an adventurer!" Old man Qingmi had a serious face, with an evil smile on his mouth, and looked at the giant. The patriarch of the Li clan continued: "If you want to come, the patriarch knows how many adventurers there are. As long as the deputy city lord is willing, he can recruit as many adventurers as he wants to defend the city. However, we consider that the Juli clan is so I have lived in Qingcheng for many years, if I leave rashly, the future will definitely be very difficult, so I thought of you first, and temporarily denied the idea of ​​adventurers defending the city! If the patriarch is really unwilling to stay , if you just want to leave Qingcheng with the sacred artifacts of your clan, then tell me immediately, we won’t stay here any longer, and we have to go out and hurry up to recruit more adventurers.”

The patriarch of the Juli clan looked at Ji Xiaoyan carefully for a while in surprise, then he didn't know what he thought of, put on a smile on his face, and said to the old man Qingmi: "Elder, in fact, there is no need to be so anxious about this matter. Isn't it? Look, it's getting late now, why don't we discuss it tomorrow?"

"We don't have that much time to wait!" The old man Qingmi knew that he wanted to delay the time when he heard the words of the patriarch of the Juli Clan, so he immediately waved his hands and said, "We can do things only when it's dark! We originally planned to open the treasure house at night." ! If you don't want to forget it, we'll leave right away!" After speaking, the old man Qingmi immediately winked at Ji Xiaoyan.

If it takes another day, the two bastards, Guitu and Shendiao, will have a higher chance of finding out that something is wrong. He doesn't want to see those two bastards robbing things again in front of Qingcheng's treasure house.Today he left outside the city lord's mansion ahead of schedule, and if Guitu and Shendiao didn't doubt it, they would think that he was tired of scolding and wanted to take a rest.But if he doesn't show up outside the city lord's mansion tomorrow, those two bastards will definitely guess something, and when the time comes, they might be able to guess where he went after searching all over the city!

If the people from the Juli Clan really didn't want to stay and garrison Qingcheng in the future, he could only drag Ji Xiaoyan to the adventurer overnight to discuss this matter.

The old man Qingmi couldn't help but sighed in his heart, now he only hoped that things would not be so complicated
Lin Qianye, who had been silent by the side, finally listened to the whole thing and wanted to complete it.Seeing that old man Qingmi and the patriarch of the Juli Clan were silent, he opened his mouth and said: "Speaking of which, the city lord of Shacheng is also a closed disciple of this deity. If the patriarch is unwilling to help this deity's disciple, don't blame this deity. When will you think about it in the future, it’s okay to give the disciples of the Juli clan some tests or something to help them become talents." Lin Qianye said, with that gloomy smile on her face, looking at the Juli clan's disciples. The patriarch couldn't help but shudder!
Isn't it just to stay in Qingcheng?Before agreeing to dig the tunnel, they had discussed it long ago, and they are still willing to stay here in the future.What a wonderful place Qingcheng is, with food, drink, and houses to live in. If the Juli people leave here and go to the barren mountains and old forests to re-establish a settlement, let alone how much time and energy will be wasted. Certainly not as cool as Qingcheng!In the future, there will be many adventurers in Qingcheng. They just take some small things as rewards, and they can fool many adventurers to go outside the city to hunt monsters for them as food. , I have to be self-sufficient in the future, and if I am not careful, I will still be hungry. It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal! !

He has been reluctant to agree to stay for a long time. Isn't the patriarch of the Juli clan thinking about putting his own stance high, so that he can win more benefits?But now, the old man Qingmi and Lin Qianye have both spoken, if he still refuses to agree, he will have no chance to turn back!At that time, there will be no chance to cry!What the old man Qingmi said is right, there are quite a few adventurers in this city of Qing, although their strength is not too high, but they have an advantage in numbers.
The expression on the face of the patriarch of the Juli clan changed several times, and then he gritted his teeth and said: "As long as the deputy city lord promises that we will make our Juli clan live a comfortable life in the future, we promise to stay and guard the deputy city lord. The city is gone!!"

"That's for sure!" The old man Qingmi immediately had a smile on his face when he heard the words of the patriarch of the Juli Clan, and immediately responded, then turned his head to Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "Is that so, girl?"

"Mmm, yes, for sure!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly nodded in response.

So, after the matter was settled, everyone's expressions were different, but nothing unpleasant happened. After directly discussing how to get to the treasure house for a while, Ji Xiaoyan looked at Lin Qian in a strange way. The NPC Yena asked in a low voice: "Master, didn't you say that Xiye is behind? The patriarch of the Juli clan has been out for a while, why haven't I seen Xiye yet?"

"What are you so concerned about with a pet that is stupid and not too powerful?" Lin Qianye glanced at Ji Xiaoyan with disdain, and seeing her fawning smile, she curled her lips and said, "I guess It's stuck below! Yu Mo, go down and see that guy Xiye, if it gets stuck, pull it up."

"Oh, good!" Xuan Mo nodded obediently, and directly landed on the dark hole.

Ji Xiaoyan was a little strange when he heard the words, and guessed in his heart what the following situation was like.You know, with Xiye's small size, where can it get stuck?Unless the passages below are dug into small honeycombs!But after thinking about the words of those Juli NPCs, Ji Xiaoyan felt something was wrong again. Those Juli NPCs have said that the passage below is quite large, so that they can go in and out at ordinary times!

Ji Xiaoyan, who couldn't figure it out, scratched his head in distress, and finally turned his gaze to the entrance of the cave, waiting for the truth to emerge.

Xuan Mo's speed was really fast, and Ji Xiaoyan didn't have to wait long to float up from the hole, then grinned, and said to Lin Qianye and Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiye is really good!" The most important thing is that it is stuck inside, if I don't help, it probably won't know how long it will be stuck inside! That guy Xiye, the longer he grows, the more stupid he will be." After finishing speaking, Xuan Mo fell directly to the Next to Ji Xiaoyan, he looked at the dark hole, and then said: "Xiaoyan, let's go outside the house, the movement of Xiye coming up in a while will make the patriarch's room bigger, I'm afraid there is no room for him. We stand!"

"What do you mean?" Ji Xiaoyan looked confused!As for Xiye's big dog-like size, isn't such a big space enough for him to stand?Although he was very confused, seeing Lin Qianye and the others leaving the room with a clatter, Ji Xiaoyan went out with the others. After standing still, he heard a little movement from the room.

Two seconds later, I heard Xi Ye's slightly flat voice: "Bastards, you bastards, you left me in there again. Come on, help me, it's stuck. My neck is swollen, huh ink."

"Xu Mo, aren't you going to help?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't see the situation in the room clearly. Hearing Xi Ye's voice, he just turned his head to look at Xuan Mo and asked a question, and then heard Lin Qianye beside him say calmly : "Why can you help? That guy Xiye is just too lazy. He obviously can figure out a way out, but he just wants to get help and save himself time! If he doesn't figure out a way out by himself, just let it get stuck there." Already. After eating the food, we will go to the treasure house of the city lord's mansion."

The movement of Xiye in the room disappeared for a few seconds. After Lin Qianye had finished speaking, Ji Xiaoyan heard Xiye's surprised and excited voice, and howled loudly: "Master, Xiaoyan master, it's you Are you back? Are you back? You finally came back to find me, master, come and help me! They tortured me. If you don’t come to save me, I’m going to be stuck here, master, master. I’m going too Treasure house, I want to go too!!"

Ji Xiaoyan blinked, and after listening to Xi Ye's words, she looked at Xuan Mo curiously and asked, "What happened to Xi Ye during this time?" But I don't believe it.

Xuan Mo grinned, and then explained to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's Lord Qianye! After Xiaoyan you left, Xiye wanted to find a place to escape by himself, so as not to be caught by Lord Qianye and make life difficult. It's just that it was so obvious that it offended Lord Qianye, so Lord Qianye directly grabbed Xiye and brought us to the Juli Clan. Later, wasn't it because of the need to dig a tunnel? Xiye Ye was unwilling to help, saying that he was going to make his appearance ugly, and you don't like it in the future, and wanted Master Qianye not to arrange things for it, but Master Qianye directly made Xiye bigger, Then he tied the man named Emoke to Xiye's back, and asked Xiye to help Lord Qianye watch over the people while digging underground, because digging required mana to dig faster and faster. It’s better, Xiye is not willing to be obedient. Every day, he uses his mana to be lazy and only digs a little distance, and then he fights with Master Qianye. Xiye loses every time, but he doesn’t learn the lesson at all. Don’t use mana, let Lord Qianye get it out.”

"Ah!?" Ji Xiaoyan blinked, unable to imagine how much Xiye had been transformed.

"Master, master help!" Xi Ye's voice was still roaring in the room.

"I'll give you 1 minute. If you don't want to come out, then I will let you live underground forever." Lin Qianye glanced at the stone house with a cold expression, said something lightly, and then turned her head towards the other people. Stone House walked in.

After a while, Ji Xiaoyan saw a huge black head emerging from the door of the stone house, "Master... they are all bullying me!!"

"Xiye!!!" Ji Xiaoyan rubbed his eyes vigorously, some couldn't believe that such a big head belonged to Xiye, "How did you become so big?" When meeting Xiye, the volume will be even larger.
"Wuuu. Didn't Master Lin Qianye say that the soil is big enough to dig?" Xiye said to Ji Xiaoyan with some grievances, and then created a black vortex on the ground, and disappeared from the door of the stone house. Instead, he emerged from the vortex and stood in front of Ji Xiaoyan and the others.

Ji Xiaoyan didn't know what to say.The little Xiye is still very cute, but the enlarged version of Xiye is not so lovable.The huge body is much taller than those NPCs of the Juli Clan. No wonder Lin Qianye's NPC asked Xiye to dig a tunnel. As long as Xiye can pass, the NPCs of the Juli Clan Definitely no problem.
"Master, they are too bad. They only let me do things and never give me enough to eat. Digging the soil requires me to use my strength to dig. I can't even eat enough, and they squeeze me hard." Xiye hugged her paw with an aggrieved face, put her head on the ground, and complained to Ji Xiaoyan, "I'm so tired that I can't move every day. Master Qianye and the others said I didn't work fast enough, so I can't do it too fast." I'm not good enough master, I don't want to dig the soil anymore"

 PS: Thank you "▂Grade☆Student" for the safety charm! !The [-]-word chapter will not be updated today.whee!
(End of this chapter)

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