Chapter 1301

"Did he blow something up?" Buluo Fanchen's eyes widened in surprise, after watching the actions he had never met before, he asked a question, and after seeing him nodding, his expression changed subtly in an instant: "What did he do?" The character is too bad. Generally killed by the player, the things are also randomly exploded. If the character is better, it might not explode once. This is just being chased and killed by monsters, and he exploded. By the way, he What is it that exploded?"

The stranger looked at Buluo Fanchen with a complicated expression, and then shared the attributes of the bead he picked up with him:

[Prop Name]: Failed Charm Orb (special prop)
[Introduction to props]: It is said that this bead was made by an alchemist who urgently needs others to pay attention to him.It's just that there seems to be some small flaw in the completion of Naihe's production. As a result, the beads can't attract the attention and pursuit of humans, but only attract some monsters to follow and attack frantically.This seems to be a failure
[props attribute]: After wearing this charm bead, it can attract various monsters (including active attack and passive attack monsters) within 20 meters to attack itself, and also attract ordinary non-attack monsters to chase and play. The attack and defense of all chasing monsters are increased by ten times until the wearing ends.

This item is unique, cannot be traded, and can be dropped.

"No wonder there are so many monsters chasing him, he can still resist. Tsk tsk!" Buluo Fanchen smacked his lips, looking at the male player who was still lying on the ground and unwilling to return to the city with some sighs, feeling a little strange Said: "What's wrong with him? He's already dead and still not returning to the city?"

"I guess I'm scolding you!" The stranger put the bead in his hand into the bag, looked at Fan Chen who didn't fall, and said: "What do you think they did with such a bead that automatically attracts monsters? Do you know him? It seems that he has a deep hatred for you!"

Buluo Fanchen gave the stranger a strange look, then squatted down and took a closer look at the male player, then shook his head and said: "I don't know! I have no impression of him! Could it be just Because I yelled out his bad thoughts just now, that's why he hated me?"

"I know your name!" The stranger glanced sideways at the male player, guessing that the male player might have jumped his feet angrily when he was lying dead and heard their conversation!The player who co-authored him and held grudges didn't know him at all!
"Maybe I'm not necessarily famous!" Buluo Fanchen shrugged, said something to the stranger, then stood up directly, and said to him: "Let's go, they are still ahead! It will be troublesome if you meet a dryad in a while!"

The strangers nodded.

"Well, strangers!" Buluo Fanchen hurriedly caught up with strangers, and then said with some hesitation: "The bead you picked up just now..."

"What?" The stranger turned to look at Buluo Fanchen.He wants beads?
"'s nothing! I'm just saying, isn't that bead able to attract monsters around?" Buluo Fanchen rubbed his hands a little embarrassed, and stammered to the stranger. : "I just thought... this bead is equivalent to automatically attracting monsters... see if you can... can you enter the dryad's area for a while, you take it Come on, help attract monsters. You are faster than us... You will definitely not be chased, so we don't have to worry about monsters coming along the road at any time..."

"I thought you wanted beads..." The stranger looked at Buluo Fanchen with some depression.He thought he picked up the beads, so he was going to use him as a humanoid monster absorber?But think about it, if he doesn't agree, and runs alone in the high-level monster area, who knows when he will be able to see the town!It doesn't mean that I ran to my death several times and still couldn't find my way.It is a little good to follow the immortal mortals, this man knows the monsters along the way, and he also has a map in his mind.As long as they don't encounter monsters chasing and killing them, there is no problem at all in going to the town once.

Coupled with the fact that Buluo Fanchen seemed to be able to get along with him, he thought about it for a stranger before, and was ready to agree.After all, he just brings a few players together, he has no time to waste here. . . . . . . .
"Me? What bead do I want! You picked it up, so it's yours!" Buluo Fanchen immediately waved his hand when he heard the stranger's words and said, "Besides, isn't that bead not tradable? Since You picked it up, it's yours. I just hope you can use this special item to bring us to town earlier..."

"Well..." Fan Chen, who had never met before, looked at Buluo and was about to say something, so he hummed immediately, and then stopped his topic and said: "Then after we catch up with them, let's use the beads... ..."

"Ah...oh, oh, okay, okay!" Buluo Fanchen hurriedly nodded to thank the stranger, "Thank you, stranger! You really understand righteousness too well... ..."

Fan Chen, who had never met before and rolled his eyes, was ignorant and unreasonable, thinking about whether this bead could be used when he went to Mochen Town later. . . . . . .But then I thought, aren't all the NPCs in Mochen Town?Taking this thing will definitely not be able to attract those NPC residents, which is equivalent to being useless. . . . . .
Thinking of the strangers here, I couldn't help but sighed.

At this moment, a regional broadcast suddenly rang:

[Regional Broadcasting] [Player] Porridge is required for drinking milk: The mortal world that never falls!You are the offal of the entire continent!Are you a man after all?You led a large group of lizards in the [-]s and over to chase after me, killed me, and exploded my equipment!Do you mean it?You just pretend, pretend!Still pretending not to know Lao Tzu!I tell you, I will fight you!If you don't return the beads, I will never end with you! !You bastard snatched Lao Tzu's monster outside the city at the beginning, and then you said that you can take us out of Qingcheng. . . . . .As a result, not long after leaving the city, the lizard monster came out and killed all the players in our team! !Are you out to deceive and harm people again now?

The stranger looked at the broadcast message in surprise, and then looked at Fanchen who couldn't fall. Seeing a trace of confusion and surprise on his face, he withdrew his gaze.

[Regional Broadcasting] [Player] You need porridge to drink milk: Immortal mortal, I am at the gate of Qingcheng, waiting for you to come back!Damn you, hurry up and die! !Remember to bring back Lao Tzu's equipment, otherwise Lao Tzu will lead someone to use you in vain. . . . . .You bastard, you go everywhere to deceive people.I want to expose all your ugly deeds, and let all the players in Qingcheng know what kind of trash you are. . . . . . .

Buluo Fanchen looked at the area broadcasting that you need to add porridge to drink milk with a somewhat uneasy expression, and after a while, he raised his face and looked at the stranger and said, "Don't trust him! I'm not that kind of person... ... I don't even remember when I snatched anyone's monsters. I don't want to be enemies in the game. Let alone hurt others... You just saw that, those The lizard monsters were brought in by himself, and I didn't explode the things..."

The strangers nodded.He still doesn't quite believe the words of this player who drinks milk with porridge.After all, he was a very clear bystander and even a participant in what happened after he just came out of Qingcheng. He knew what it was like in his heart!According to his estimate, the player who needs to add porridge to drink milk is the male player who just lay dead. In the past, when everyone was killing monsters and leveling up outside the city, he had met the immortal Fanchen. He hit the opponent's monster, so he held some grudges.Later, when the gate of Qingcheng was just opened, Buluo Fanchen organized a group of players to go to the town, but accidentally, the entire army was wiped out when they went out. team, and hang up. . . . . .

Of course, it's unknown what his intentions were when he joined this team.

In the end, Buluo Fanchen was resurrected at the gate of the city, formed a team again, and joined the team by himself, and then acted together with other players.In the end, they couldn’t die. They ran into the new team who had to drink milk and add porridge. Afterwards, the man held a grudge. Fan Chen killed himself to avenge him, but who knows, he played himself to death. . . . . .

Then began the current scene of spending money to buy regional broadcasts and scolding. . . . . . . .
The stranger who had never met before glanced at Buluo Fanchen with a sigh. Speaking of which, this player seemed worth getting along with, but he was a bit of a villain. . . . . . .

Buluo Fanchen was feeling some trust from strangers, and suddenly his expression changed.The stranger looked at him a little strangely, and then heard him say with a sigh: "Forget it, it will be fine if you trust me."

I don't know each other and I'm at a loss.

Buluo Fanchen smiled wryly and said, "The Cave Master is not at home and they all quit the group......"

Hearing this, the strangers glanced at their team, and sure enough, there were only him and Buluo Fanchen, the captain, in it.

"Let's go!" Buluo Fanchen smiled wryly at the stranger, and said, "I really want to be responsible for the players who have joined my team and try my best to take them out of here together. As a result ...Hehehe, that's fine, it's just the two of us, and we don't have to worry about taking them with us. You don't know each other, so you don't need to use your bead. Let's go like this... ..."

The strangers nodded and said nothing more.It's just a little disappointed that the cave master who was still in the team just now is not at home waiting for a few players, and just listened to one side of the story, these four players don't believe that they have run so far together in their team.Speaking of which, it's good for them to withdraw from the team, so that if something happens in the team and they are later blamed on them, it will be fine and cause a commotion. . . . . .

The rest of the journey was exactly as Buluo Fanchen said, a large forest appeared in front of them, but the dryads in the forest did not see it, probably they were all hidden in those trees.There are several trails in the woods, leading to different places. At this moment, except for the cave master who is not at home and the four withdrawn players standing there with sad faces, not knowing which direction to go, there are one or two who came out of nowhere. The coming player team is here.

Seeing Buluo Fanchen and strangers walking towards each other, the faces of several players who were not at home were a little embarrassed, and then they muttered a few words in a low voice. Luo Fanchen asked, " are here! We have been waiting for you here for a long you see where we are going?"

Buluo Fanchen took a look at the fact that the Cave Master was not at home, and was hesitant to show them the way. Before he could reach a conclusion, the stranger next to him said, "Why are you still standing there? Let's go!!"

"Oh, oh, oh!" Buluo Fanchen came back to his senses, gave a slightly apologetic look at them when the cave master was not at home, then stood together with the strangers, looked at the forest ahead, and said in the team channel: " I don't know where all the roads here lead to. When I came here, I came out from the third road on the right..."

"Hmm..." The stranger nodded, and then asked: "So, have you run across this map before? Or did you run from the town to Qingcheng?" There are still players who like to run around the map?
Buluo Fanchen scratched his head in embarrassment, and then said: "It's not what I want. At that time, I accepted a task from an NPC, and I helped that NPC escort something to Qingcheng with a few players, so I left. This way..."

"Oh, then your mission is completed?" the stranger asked curiously.

"Well, it's finished. It's just that, with that NPC at that time, we didn't have any trouble killing monsters when we met them." Buluo Fanchen said to the stranger honestly, "We didn't meet monsters all the way to Qingcheng." A few monsters, so when I was beaten up by monsters when I left the city for the first time, I was still a little bit overwhelmed. At that time, I was thinking in my mind, why so many monsters suddenly appeared... Hehe Ha ha."

The strangers looked at Buluo Fanchen with a funny look, and then glanced at their cave master who was not at home, and then said in the team channel: "Let's rest for a while, my physical strength is not durable enough. I need something to eat..."

 PS: Thanks for the pink ticket of "Who is the Leprechaun"!Thank you for the peace charm of "Banqiu Fenmoliang"!
(End of this chapter)

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