Chapter 1302 Dryad
The unfallen mortal and the stranger squatted in place to eat and never left!
Not far away, after being ignored by them, I felt very angry and embarrassed, and the Cave Master, who was not at home, was facing the suspicious eyes of other team players. A few players were depressed.They knew very well in their hearts that there were so many roads in this forest, and it was impossible for all roads to lead to the town. Naturally, some roads were blindfolded, leading them to die.In addition, the four of them are not thick-skinned characters. If there is a foolish player who keeps shouting to protect them to help attract monsters' attack power, they will naturally be much more relaxed.

It's just that they left the group impulsively because of the news broadcast in the area.I thought they would be able to see the town after rushing through the range of the lizard monster, and they didn't need to ask for the non-falling mortals, so they immediately withdrew from the group based on the principle of not losing money, so as not to be turned around by the non-falling mortals. It's overcast.But who knows, after only a few minutes of retreating from the group, they found this forest and two teams of players who dared not go in outside the forest. . . . . .
The cave master was not at home and thought that he would take the initiative to greet the immortals, this simple and honest male warrior would definitely show them a way out of face, and then everyone would part ways and go their own way.In the end, who knows, Buluo Fanchen still gave them a humming look, and then stopped talking to them.This made it embarrassing that the cave master, who was waiting for their directions, was not at home and had the urge to hit someone.

However, they can't do anything!They could only quietly stare at Buluo Fanchen, watching where he went, they followed with their heads down!

However, when the cave master is not at home, a few people can bear their patience, and the other players next to them are not so patient.

After standing together for a long time, the players of a team chose a path and went into the woods. After a while, there were bursts of exclamations, and after about a minute or two, the sound stopped. . . . . . .
It is estimated that the team has been wiped out by the dryad.

Fan Chen, who had never met before and never fell, knew this situation very well, so he didn't move his eyelids at all, and just rested and ate on his own, and chatted when he had time.The stranger also sent a short video call to Yan Foil Liuliai. After learning that he was still avoiding the NPC villagers and that Xishan's barrier didn't seem to be completely broken, he let out a sigh of relief. , and then discussed it with Buluo Fanchen, and after a while, they will enter the forest, and when the time comes, the two will rush directly. . . . . .
As for the cave master who obviously wanted to follow them into the woods, they were not at home, so they just followed them if they wanted to.After all, they are not members of the same team anymore, and they wouldn't be foolish enough to help them out, would they blame them if they had nothing to do?
However, Fan Chen, who had never met before, had a very good discussion, and the cave master was not at home to wait for a few players, so they would not follow their train of thought.After the four players heard that the team in front was wiped out, the worry in their eyes became a little bit heavier, and then they didn't know what they thought, and they walked slowly to Buluo Fanchen's side , and then stared at them for a few seconds with the cave master pursing his lips, and then said: "Captain, can you add us all back to the team? We accidentally clicked the button to quit the team just now. ...It's finally waiting for you to come. You won't be angry with us, will you?"

Buluo Fanchen was visibly shocked when he heard that the Cave Master was not at home, and even stopped eating!Then he raised his head and looked at him with his mouth wide open. After a few seconds of stunned, he said: "Accidentally? No way, are you joking? It's fine if one person is not careful, you collectively Accidentally quit the group?"

The Cave Master was not at home, he glanced awkwardly at the team of players who hadn't left by the woods, his face darkened, and then he said to Fan Chen, "It's just trembling hands! Quickly add us back to the team... ...Don't you still have to go to the town? It must be smoother for all of us to go together, the strength of the more people..."

Buluo Fanchen blinked vigorously several times, looked at the fact that the cave master was not at home, and said in disbelief: "Cave master is not at home, let me tell you, do you think I am really stupid, or am I too broad-minded? Find out by yourself. Tell me with your conscience, is what you said just now true? Is it the truth? Or is it just trembling hands! Hehehe......"

The cave master was not at home and saw Buluo Fanchen staring at him with a slightly disdainful gaze, and his face suddenly became ugly.Not to mention how embarrassing it was to be rejected by a man he thought was a nice guy, he also felt as uncomfortable as a needle prick in the eyes of the players next to him who were obviously watching the fun!What happened to the unfallen mundane in front of me?When they form a team outside the city, aren't they still easy to talk to?Shouldn't this non-falling mortal be happy to add them back to the team and continue to protect them when they look for the steps and say that their hands are shaking carelessly?

Yes, he felt that what the player called porridge to drink in the area might be a little unreliable, but at that time he followed a sentence, he would rather believe what he said than believe what he didn't.So decisively persuaded Tongxing's three players to withdraw from the team.In the end, who knows, by accident, they met again. . . . . . .Moreover, the atmosphere of the meeting scene in front of me is a bit wrong.

Things didn't develop the way he imagined at all.

Buluo Fanchen didn't care how bad the cave master looked when he was not at home, but directly sighed, and then said to them: "At first, I thought, you wouldn't listen to the saying that you need to add porridge when you drink milk, We will definitely be here waiting for us to come over. As a result, when we can say that we are protecting you from being chased by monsters and letting you leave safely, you actually quit the group so simply... What do you think What was my mood at the time? Now you are so brave to come and tell me, you just shook your hands? Hehe...I just realized that there are such thick-skinned people in this game... ...You really have refreshed my understanding of how shameless some players are!!"

The cave master was not at home and heard this, his face was so ugly that he was dying, but he couldn't say anything to refute.There is no denying that what Buluo Fanchen said is all the truth. They abandoned him first, and now they come back to beg others. If it was him, he would not show a good face.However, if you know it, you know it, but the cave master is not at home at this moment, but he can't turn around and leave guiltily!There are three players with me, and there is another team of players watching their excitement!If he just leaves like this, will he spread the word about such a person?

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Isn't it just that you don't want to organize us?" The cave master stared at Buluo Fanchen with red eyes when he was away, and shouted at him through gritted teeth: "Let's wait and see..."

"Well, let's wait and see!" Buluo Fanchen nodded, and said solemnly to the fact that the cave master was not at home, and then when he saw him staring blankly, he added: "Well, if you now If you don't want to leave, please leave first...we are going to leave!"

After finishing speaking, no matter how gloomy the expressions of the others were when the cave master was not at home, Buluo Fanchen directly looked at the stranger, asked him if he could go, and then stood up after seeing him nodding his head Come, then tilted his head at the fact that the cave master was not at home, and asked, "Can I have a moment?"

The strangers looked at the four players gloatingly, and then looked at Fanchen who couldn't fall, then followed him, passed by their side where the cave master was not at home, and walked towards the direction of the woods, whispering in his ear The cave master was not at home whispering: "Are you going to follow him? Not sure, you will regret it..."

The stranger who had never met before turned his head to see that the cave master was not at home, and seeing his eyes full of hatred, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.In this game, it is really not easy to meet a friend who is close to the eyes!

"Let's go!" Buluo Fanchen also looked at the four players before entering the forest, and then directly greeted the strangers and stepped into the forest.And the team of players who had been waiting by the woods to see the situation quickly followed after watching them enter the woods. . . . . . .
"Should we also follow?" A male player who was not at home looked at him hesitantly and asked, "If we follow up now, we may not be able to take advantage of them being chased by monsters. Go a little further."

"Let's go!" The cave master sneered twice when he was not at home, and then said: "Isn't he unwilling to form a team with us? It's just right! We just go in by ourselves... Huh, he still wants to Lead us the way and attract monsters, right? Where are you going to be aloof? Have a conscience, he doesn’t even check to see if he has this thing... I’m really looking forward to seeing where his dead body is lying and watching Let us pass by safely... Hahahaha..." After finishing speaking, the cave master was not at home, so he directly greeted the three players around him, and followed closely the team in front.

However, the plan was very good. After entering the woods, the cave master was not at home and they realized that the situation seemed to be completely different from what they had imagined. . . . . .

As soon as Buluo Fanchen and the stranger entered the woods, they immediately started running wildly. In 1 minute, it disappeared directly from the sight of the players who were about to take advantage of it.It directly caused them to lure away only a few dryads, and a team of players behind them picked up and greeted another group of dryads.And the cave master who was following at the end was not at home. They had just entered the woods not far away, and they were stared at by a few tree spirits that had just been refreshed. They fell to the ground in less than 5 minutes, and returned to the gate of Qingcheng to be revived. ! !

Wanting to pick up cheap things is not as smooth as imagined.

The refresh mode of the Treant in the woods is somewhat different from that of ordinary monsters.These dryads are slow-moving, active monsters that rely on branches to attack.When seeing a player appear, it will immediately pull out the roots and start waving the branches while attacking and chasing the player until the player dies, or loses the target because of running too fast.Then these dryads will choose a location to take root on the spot and wait for the next target.And the tree pit it left at the beginning will refresh a new dryad seed to fill the mud pit after a few minutes, and then the seed will germinate and grow extremely quickly within 1 minute, becoming a new tree spirit. A dryad monster. . . . . .To be honest, the most terrifying thing in the game is this dryad monster!
They can grow continuously, move and reproduce, and expand their territory.If it dies, in the place where the dryad died, if no one picks up its seeds, the dryad will continue to grow again on the spot. . . . . . .
Therefore, the cave master was not at home and the few people didn't know about the tree spirit's spawning situation. They thought that they would go in a few minutes later to pick up the cheap, and they would not be topped by monsters. Then they met the tree spirit who had just spawned to fill the hole. Then hung up directly.

Speaking of which, the cooperation between the strangers and the unfallen Fanchen is good.Because his speed is faster than the non-falling mortal, he leads the dryad to start running, and the following non-falling mortal can just trot along.If you see a stranger being hit by a tree spirit and the blood loss is serious, Buluo Fanchen will immediately swing the knife at the tree spirit to attract the attack and resist it. . . . . . .
This forest is not big or small.Buluo Fanchen vaguely felt that the woods seemed to be bigger than when they came from the town, but he was a little uncertain, so he didn't open his mouth to talk about it with his strangers.While talking and running, the two of them ran in the woods for about [-] minutes, and then rushed out of the woods in one breath, standing in a wasteland, panting and looking at the resentful stop The dryad, who was rooted in place and maintained an attacking posture, said happily, "Finally ran out!"

"Yes! It finally came out!" The stranger let out a deep breath, then looked at the dryad strangely and said, "It was planted here? Shouldn't it run back?"

"I don't know..." Buluo Fanchen shook his head, and then said, "When we came last time, that NPC was all killed along the way. But I really want to remember what happened to these dryads after they died If there are seeds, the reason why that NPC must walk to Qingcheng seems to be because of the seeds that burst out after these dryads die..."

"Really? What's the use of those seeds?" Asked Fanchen, who had never met before, looked at Buluo with some curiosity.

"I don't know! That NPC won't let us pick it up!" Buluo Fanchen shook his head, then grabbed his hair, shrugged indifferently and said, "Maybe this is the hobby of those rare race NPCs!"

 PS: Thank you for the "Rain, Sunny" amulet!Post it early today, I want to take my devil out to play.Ha ha.
(End of this chapter)

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