Chapter 1303 to

Who are the NPCs of the strange race that Buluo Fanchen said? They have never met each other and didn't even ask to be curious. Buluo Fanchen told him about the characters and races, and by the way, They didn't know each other before, what was the task of escorting the NPC that the few players received at the beginning.
That's a quest that randomly selects players.The NPC of the mission is a purple cloaked man named "Mysterious Fox Man". He stands outside a grocery store in Yuzhen, not far from Qingcheng. Ask the player if he would like to escort him to Qingcheng.Think about who would not like it?A very strange NPC of the fox clan stopped him and insisted on giving him a mission. No matter how he looked at it, it couldn't be an ordinary mission! !

Unfalling Fanchen is one of this group of "lucky" players.After the mysterious man from the fox clan had selected twenty players, he set off from Yu Town in a very low-key manner, all the way to Qingcheng.Speaking of which, when the Lord of Qingcheng was still the Lord of Qingwan, the monster obstacles before Yuzhen and Qingcheng were not that big!At that time, how could there be any monsters with a level of more than 70, and such perverted breeding monsters as dryads!At that time, there will be a few mobs, which is not bad! !

Fortunately, that mysterious man from the fox family is also very powerful.Along the way, they basically brought Buluo Fanchen to the gate of Qingcheng City, and when they entered the city gate, Buluo Fanchen and the others finally knew why such a powerful NPC of the fox clan needed them. The players are "escorted".

Along the way, as soon as the fox men saw the NPC guards at the gate of Qingcheng, they instantly changed from tigers to lambs, lowered their cloaks shyly, and hid in the ranks of the immortal mortals. , all the way into Qingcheng in a low-key manner
After that, the non-falling mortals don't know.

After the mysterious fox man entered Qingcheng, he directly gave Buluo Fanchen and the others some gold coins and experience rewards, and then randomly gave them a gift box of treasures, and then disappeared in the streets of Qingcheng.Buluo Fanchen didn't know what was opened in someone else's treasure gift box. He finally opened a small golden vest with defense.

"A man from the fox clan!?" The stranger frowns while looking at Buluo Fanchen.He seemed to remember that Xingkong Haohan told him that he and Yanfoil had gone to find the NPC master Yanfoil in the fox clan's territory back then, and later met Ji Xiaoyan and the others there.However, didn't this fox clan hold a celebration in their own home?After the celebration is over, shouldn't they go back to their homes and continue to live in seclusion waiting for players to open the map?Why did you come to Qingcheng again?Could it be because of Ji Xiaoyan?
I don't know each other before, but I don't understand!

"Ah! It's almost there, it's almost there!" Buluo Fanchen didn't know what was going on in his mind after hearing what he said about the mission. When he saw Yuzhen from a distance, he was very excited. Looking directly at the stranger, he shouted excitedly: "We've really come here! We've really come here. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It’s really not easy to run around!!”

The strangers smiled back, and the two quickened their pace and went straight to Yuzhen.

"By the way, I have never met you before, where are you going next? Do you want to upgrade or something?" Buluo Fanchen finally met a player he thought he could get acquainted with, so naturally he wanted to continue forming a team together. It's just that as soon as the words fell, the stranger shook his head slightly, and then said: "No, I still have something to do. I'm going to another town!"

"Are you going on a mission?" Buluo Fanchen asked curiously.

"No! Looking for someone!" The relaxed look on the stranger's face just now has been put away, replaced by a dignified look.I don't know what happened to Mochen Town when he arrived in Yuzhen?Did Ji Xiaoyan wake up and come down from the west mountain?
If she can wake up safely and successfully complete this experiment, she will live forever in the game!As long as she's alive it's fine!No matter what form!This point, strangers also figured out later!Now that someone has already started this experiment, that is to say, in the future, a large number of experiments will definitely be invested, and eventually it will become the final living environment of the entire human race, and all people will become immortal NPCs in this game. So, let Ji Xiaoyan It seems to be a good choice to develop your own strength first.
However, everything still has to wait until she wakes up before proceeding to the next step.
"Looking for someone." Buluo Fanchen blinked, and said with a smile, "I can help with this too! How about I go with you?"

The stranger who had never met before took a look at Buluo Fanchen, and instinctively wanted to shake his head and refuse!But then he thought about it, it would not be convenient for him to go to Mochen Town alone, and one more person would also give him more strength, wouldn't he?In addition, Buluo Fanchen has a good heart. Teaming up with them, even if it is the first time I meet a player, I keep thinking about how to pay to help others rush to Yuzhen. This character is still useless Questioned! !With his help, if he was chased by those NPC villagers in Mochen Town, it might be easier to escape.

It's just that there is still a little stranger who still wants to figure it out!

Thinking of this, Fanchen, who had never met before, looked at Buluo and asked: "When you were at the gate of Qingcheng, you kept saying that even if you died, you would send us as far as we could go. What do you think? If You hang up, go back to the gate of Qingcheng, form another team, and continue to send people off? Isn’t that an infinite loop, and you will never be able to leave Qingcheng?”

Buluo Fanchen scratched his head immediately when he heard the stranger's words, and then said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I wanted to leave Qingcheng at the beginning, just because a friend in another town asked me to help. Didn’t I hang up as soon as I rushed out? Later, I kept forming a team there, and my friend sent a message again, saying that I found someone, and I don’t need to go there. At that time, the team had already had players, so I couldn’t leave the group, right? Later, I thought that I would not be free anyway if I was trapped in Qingcheng, so I might as well try to see if I can go out. Since I am the captain, I have to be a little bit responsible, right? If I can help someone reach Yuzhen, I will help one, myself Hang up, at worst, come back to Qingcheng and it will be over."

The strangers looked at Buluo Fanchen speechlessly, and they co-authored it just because of such a simple reason.

"I'm going to a town to find someone, but the NPC in that town may have a problem." The stranger lowered his eyebrows and thought for a while, and then said to Buluo Fanchen: "I already have a friend in that town , but after they entered the town, they were targeted by NPCs. If this happened to us in the past, then we still need to avoid those villager NPCs and find someone.”

"So exciting? Why are the NPCs in this town so self-willed! Still catching players?" Buluo Fanchen was obviously very interested, looking at strangers and asked: "I think there must be an NPC town with such personality in it." There are some shocking missions. We are strangers, haven't you received the mission yet?"

The stranger shook his head, some things cannot be told to others casually.

"Then what will happen if you are caught by an NPC?" Buluo Fanchen continued to ask.

"Maybe he was fined 5 silver and then sent out of the town, or locked up in a corner of the town." The stranger said to Buluo Fanchen with some uncertainty.It seems that this is the case of the nightmare talk
"5 silver! So ruthless?" Buluo Fanchen said with some surprise, and before the stranger could open his mouth, he immediately rubbed his hands excitedly, and then said: "However, fines are so expensive, this town The secret must be greater. You must have not found the clues to the mission, otherwise, you will definitely not be chased. It doesn’t matter, as long as you are willing to take me there, I will help you. You found the right person, are you looking for an NPC? If so, maybe this task is on that NPC."

"Okay!" Fan Chen, who had never met before, wanted to say something more, so he nodded quickly, and while leading him into Yu Town towards the direction of the teleportation array, he said to him: "When we arrive at that town, Remember how much NPC money you spent, and I will return it to you later. You just need to help me divert those NPCs chasing us, and let me reach the foot of the western mountain in the town."

"The person you are looking for is on the Western Mountain?" Buluo Fanchen asked curiously.

"Hmm!" There was a hint of sadness in the stranger's eyes that could not be noticed.

"That's no problem!" Buluo Fanchen said confidently: "Look at my speed, although it's a bit slower than yours, I should still have a chance of winning against NPCs hahaha!"

The stranger who had never met before smiled, and said nothing more, stepped directly into the teleportation array in Yuzhen, stared at Fan Chen who was not falling, and stood up, then said directly to the NPC in the teleportation array: "Trouble, Mo Chenzhen."

After the white light, he opened his eyes, and saw the scene of the teleportation array surrounded by NPC villagers who asked him to choose a tour guide.
However, the situation in front of him was still somewhat different from what he said.
The teleportation array in Mochen Town is still surrounded by many NPCs at the moment, but it is obviously different from the situation in which the entire teleportation array is densely surrounded by NPC villagers as described in the nightmare.At the moment, the teleportation array in Mochen Town is also surrounded by people, but counted by strangers, there are only more than 40 NPC villagers. They just stood around the teleportation array and surrounded it twice.
According to Yan Foil Wandering, the strangers were about to spend money to see which NPC to choose to show them the way to "visit" Mochen Town, but he didn't see clearly how many of them, when he heard the NPC outside the teleportation array The villagers said to them in a deep voice: "Adventurers, outsiders are not welcome in Mochen Town at the moment, please leave immediately!"

"What's going on?" Buluo Fanchen looked at the stranger in surprise, and then asked in a low voice: "Is it possible that the mission NPC you are looking for has been found, so these NPCs want to send the mission to other people?" Player, so you are not allowed in?"

I don't know each other and I can't figure it out.

Didn't it mean that as long as you spend money, you can enter Mochen Town?
"Adventurers, we don't welcome outsiders in Mochen Town at the moment, please leave immediately!" the NPC's voice repeated, with unquestionable sternness in his eyes.

Seeing this, the strangers quickly dialed a video call connection for Yan Foil Liuliu.

Fortunately, at this moment, Yan Foil Wandering is still in the corner where he hid at the beginning, and he can talk to him in a low voice.

Hearing that the stranger had told the situation near the teleportation array, Yan Foil Liliu immediately frowned, and then asked, "Do you think it's because the enchantment of Xishan is about to be opened, so why don't you ask?" These village NPCs don’t want players to come in? However, when they let us in, I also feel that these NPCs also wanted to blackmail us, and they were not really willing to let us in at all. Vegetarian, you can’t see it, If those NPC villagers don't want you to come in at all, you can just rush in anyway, anyway, you will be like me in the end, hiding everywhere."

The strangers thought for a while and nodded.

"By the way, you just need to get rid of those NPCs and go directly to Xishan. I remember that the NPCs who reported the news seemed to come from the northwest side of the town. Let's go directly there, and then everyone Let's meet again?" Yan Foil Liuliu thought for a while, and discussed with the stranger.

"Okay!" The stranger nodded, and after hanging up the video, he immediately whispered the plan he had discussed with Yan Foil to Buluo Fanchen.

"Adventurers, we don't welcome outsiders in Mochen Town at the moment, please leave immediately!" The NPCs around the teleportation array saw that they were strangers. They still stood still in the teleportation array, with a bit of impatience in their eyes. Then he said loudly: "Adventurers, if you continue to stand still inside, then we will have to lock you up. As adventurers who are unwilling to listen to our warning, we must give you severe punishment!"

After finishing speaking, the strangers saw the NPC villagers around the teleportation array directly waving the weapons they had been hiding all along, walking towards the teleportation array, ready to reach out and start grabbing them.So they had never met each other and quickly gave Buluo Fanchen a look, and he charged directly to a few weak-looking NPC villagers, and then...
Then, after watching those NPC villagers fall to the ground, they immediately followed up with Buluo Fanchen, who had never met before, and rushed all the way to the northwest of Mochen Town.
And at this moment in the Xishan barrier, there is already a person standing there, staring excitedly at the slowly thinning barrier
 PS: Thank you for the pink ticket of "Love Salary Chewing Snails"!Thank you for the "Rain, Sunny" peace talisman!I saw some children's shoes saying that Xiaoyan has not woken up recently, and Qianqian is still writing supporting roles.Qianqian still wants to say: Thank you for your opinions!It's just that a book is complete only when the stories of supporting characters and protagonists are combined together and interspersed with each other.The encounters of the supporting characters also lead to the development of some stories and circumstances of the protagonist. So, please wait patiently, please?

(End of this chapter)

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