The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1304 The Mysterious Fox Clan NPC

Chapter 1304 The Mysterious Fox Clan NPC
Mo Chen town Xishan.

For the Eternal Heart on the West Mountain to open the enchantment and communicate with each other, the happiest person is probably that NPC Xiao Qi'er of the Baizhiwu Clan.When he was in the Baizhiwu Clan, he got Ji Xiaoyan's promise that as long as the barrier in Xishan was opened, he would be able to find her.For a race like them who have lived in seclusion in the mountains all year round and can't get out at all, it is very exciting to meet outsiders, and if someone is willing to take them in when they go out to practice, then Not to mention the excitement.

Therefore, when he felt that the enchantment of Xishan was about to open, Xiao Qi'er of the Baizhiwu clan packed up his things immediately, and then went to report to the elders of the Baizhiwu clan and the new patriarch. With a sound, he hurried all the way out of the white mist area, went down the mountain to the barrier, and waited for the barrier that looked like air but actually existed to break!
He is already imagining that if he leaves the barrier, he will immediately go to Qingcheng to find Ji Xiaoyan!She's sure to be blown away when she sees herself!Both the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan knew that the Mountain God on the mountain would open the barrier, but no one knew when, and he thought it would be a long wait.Looking at it now, it is estimated that after Ji Xiaoyan and his group went up the mountain to discuss things with Lord Shanshen and left, Lord Shanshen felt in a good mood, so he immediately opened the barrier and let the people of their two clans go out to practice on the mountain
However, the barrier was said to be opened, but Xiao Qi'er, who had been holding the package and watching the barrier for a long time, did not see the tendency of the barrier to break.On the contrary, the villagers from the villages outside the barrier gathered more and more. They all looked at themselves with strange eyes, excited and greedy, and kept throwing chickens they didn't know where they got through the barrier. Things like ducks, cattle, sheep, flowers, plants and porcelain were taken outside the barrier, and placed in front of him one by one for him to see.Xiao Qier looked at it for a while and then thought a little excitedly: the villagers outside the barrier came to welcome me because they found out that they were about to go out from the barrier, and planned to give themselves all the things in their homes of it?This is too hospitable.
It turns out that people in the outside world are so kind.
Xiao Qi'er was feeling pleasantly surprised, and kept thinking about what he had on him, which he could give back to these enthusiastic villagers later. By the way, if the people from his own clan also came later, he would definitely Tell them the good news!People from the White Mist Clan are very popular.
At this time, the strangers are not so happy.

When I was going to come to Mochen Town, I told Xingkong Haohann, and told him by the way that if he was free, he would bring a few people over to help him and so on.Arrive at Ji Xiaoyan earlier and see her successfully complete the experiment, then he will feel at ease!But what he didn't expect was that he broke through the encirclement of NPC villagers near the teleportation circle and entered the village with Buluo Fanchen, a guy he met by accident. There is no news from the vast starry sky.

Finally found a relatively remote corner to hide and waited for the villagers who were chasing them to pass by. They didn't know each other before they hurriedly dialed the video call and asked the starry sky, why haven't they come yet?

As a result, on the other side of the video, Xingkong Haohan's face was ugly.

"Susu, I might not be able to come!" Xingkong Haohann's face was very embarrassed at the moment, and then he said to the stranger: "I have organized people, and I am going to come to your Mochen town. As a result, the gang Some players first found a big BOSS and asked me to send people to encircle and suppress them, and then I sent them all away, but they ran into trouble as soon as they went out." Said, Xingkong Haohan looked helplessly and depressed to change the angle of the video Moved to the side, and then said to the stranger: "Nuo, look. We haven't reached the teleportation array yet, we were caught by a mysterious fox NPC who came out of nowhere. , let us go and do the task for him."

The stranger frowned.

Another mysterious fox NPC, this guy has already left Qingcheng?
"Susu, I know you won't ask me to come and help you if there is no urgent matter, but I really can't make it through now, don't blame me!" Xingkong Haohan said to the stranger with a pleading face.

"Forget it, it's fine if you can't make it through. Just find a few players to help me attract NPCs and the like! We only have two people now. If we are caught, will there be anyone to save our lives?" Never The acquaintance didn't want to ask any more questions, since Xingkong Haohan couldn't come by himself, it's okay to send a few players to help.Anyway, what he wants is the number of people, and it doesn't have to be a vast starry sky.

However, Xing Kong Haohann's face was still ugly when he heard the stranger's words, and then he looked at him apologetically and said, "Susu, you know me. What kind of friendship do we two have? Surely I won’t lie to you or anything like that, right? Now it’s not just me who can’t leave, the players in our entire guild can’t leave. Even the players we went to fight the BOSS in the suburbs, looking at the BOSS I'm about to die, so I can only lose the BOSS, and run back to help that mysterious fox NPC do the task. I don't know which fox NPC I offended. "Xing Kong's face is vast Weeping without tears, "We stayed in the town well, and saw the name above his head from a distance, thinking that we escaped with great difficulty in the Fox Clan, naturally we can not meet him unless we meet him , let’s stay far away. But who knows, they only ran a few steps, and this npc didn’t know what skills they used, so they rushed to my side in a flash, and said with a smile : "I remember you, you stayed in our Fox Clan during our Fox Clan Festival not long ago." I really want to give that NPC a slap! MD, we didn't stay there before, but we were imprisoned Okay! The NPC of the Fox Clan said it as if we were treated politely in the Fox Clan."

The strangers frowned and looked at Xingkong Haohan, and then looked at the surrounding situation. It seemed that they could not leave for a while, so they continued to watch Xingkong Haohan who was very depressed and confided to him in the video.

"Susu, I told you. Where are we in the Fox Clan to do missions? To be abused! After finally getting out, I wanted to avoid the NPCs of this clan. They all said It’s a hidden race. It’s a race that no players know about in any festival. To put it bluntly, it’s a race that hasn’t been opened yet, isn’t it? The result is now good. This fucking hidden race is not hidden until the player has opened it. , came to our broken town to play! It’s fine to come to play, but I still have to catch Lao Tzu, saying that I knew each other before, so all the players in Lao Tzu’s gang have become people who help him with tasks!! I can't refuse this fucking one." Xingkong Haohan looked regretful and said to the stranger, "Susu, you don't even know how depressed I am! This is simply a sudden disaster!"

The stranger looked at the vast starry sky quietly, not at all worried that anyone would hear him crying like this.In the past, people didn’t use video calls very much. First, the charges were relatively expensive, and no one would spend money to show off so easily. Second, in the video call at that time, if you were chatting with someone, the people next to you could hear your conversation , There is no privacy at all, not to mention who to ambush, or when killing monsters, who you video call will be exposed.

Later, I didn’t know it was that idiot. I added a friend with a business partner in the game, but I didn’t get in touch with him in reality. I went to the game to see, hey, that guy is here, and I made a video call.Then the two of them talked on the phone and talked about the business by the way, and then...then it was even more fun.By accident, the content of the conversation between the two was overheard by some other players. One player was so active that he directly wrote down the content of their conversation, and then bought it to the reality of the two. opponent
As for the consequences, you can just understand it.

However, these two depressed businessmen quit after learning the truth, and went directly to the game customer service to complain.Damn you, it’s okay to charge such a high fee for a broken video call!They also spent the money, but they don't even have any privacy at all, how can this be possible!The privacy of their video calls can’t even match the cheap call channels such as TMD Feizhi and Feige Chuanshu, so isn’t their money wasted?

As a result, the two recruited many players, and even many family members in the game jointly contacted the game company to report the situation, demanding that the hidden function of this video call be reformed.So, the complaint was submitted, and after research by those in the game company, the video call finally changed.

As long as the player has a video call with other people, all the video images of the call and the content and sound of the speech will only be known by the two parties!It is not even allowed to record and record the person himself, which greatly enhances the privacy of this video call.Of course, the game company has also considered some situations. If there are those who call and abuse others, or other abnormal situations, the players of a certain party can apply for the customer service to intervene during the video call, and then respond to the call. Judgment on the nature and badness. After that, it will be dealt with.

Therefore, when Yan Foil wandered in the post station and made a video call with a stranger, Dugu Yizhicao next to him couldn't succeed in eavesdropping or peeking.

"Forget it, you'd better do the mission with that fox NPC! If you can't come, then you can't come!" Seeing that Starry Sky's complaints were almost finished, the strangers sighed and said: "By the way, that fox What mission did the NPC of the family ask you to do? Is it to escort him somewhere?"

Xingkong Haohan shook his head, and then said helplessly: "It's fine if you are an escort. The players of such a big gang act together, can't we protect him? If it was an escort, I would have already run away from this crazy NPC I don’t know where the fuss was made, and each of us was assigned a task, either to go to the east to ask for a broken bowl, or to go to the west to bring a message or say something inexplicable to a certain NPC, etc. He arranged for me and a few other people to follow him to some place in the town to serve water. I have never seen such a crazy NPC!! You have no idea what he wants to do in a day."

"Well, go quickly! We'll contact you later if we have something to do!" The stranger nodded, although he was very curious about what this fox NPC wanted to do, but he also knew that this was not the time for him to be curious about these things.

Buluo Fanchen probed his head to check the surrounding situation, then gestured to him, telling him that he could leave and continue walking.So he needs to go to Xishan as soon as possible at this moment. If possible, it would be the best to be able to join the wandering Nightmare.

After hanging up the video call, the strangers nodded to Buluo Fanchen, and the two of them stooped to find a few straws to put on top of their heads, and ran towards the west mountain cautiously.Although there are still many NPC villagers running along the way, relatively speaking, it seems safer for strangers.At least the sense of danger in my heart is much smaller.
After walking in hiding for about half an hour, I saw the vast green mountain without knowing each other.

"Are we here?" Buluo Fanchen looked up at the peak of Xishan, and then said to the stranger with some surprise: "My darling, where in the teleportation array did you see that this mountain is not so high! Why did you get to the foot of the mountain and feel that the mountain has grown a lot taller?"

The stranger who had never met before rolled his eyes at Buluo Fanchen with some amusement, and then took him two steps directly up the west mountain, and they bumped into something invisible at all with a bang.Buluo Fanchen rubbed his head while covering his head, curiously stretched out his hand to touch the air, and then murmured: "Wow. Is this the so-called enchantment? It's too advanced! It's the first time I've seen and touched it. If you don’t come here, you don’t even know that there is something here. I don’t know each other, how do I get in this enchantment? Do you have any quest reminders?”

The stranger who had never met before fixed his eyebrows and looked at the top of the mountain in the distance, where Ji Xiaoyan was!But they can't get in! !

"Wait, let me ask where my other friend is!" Reluctantly putting down his hand from the enchantment, the stranger said something to Fan Chen, who is not falling, and then dug out the name of Yan Foil Liu , sent him a video call.However, Yan Foil, who always answered his video call immediately, did not respond after he tried to connect several times.

If he was running, and he had dialed so many times at intervals, Nightmare Foil Drifter would have responded once!However, why did he still not respond after hitting him so many times?Could it be that he was caught by the NPC villagers?

 PS: Thanks for the pink ticket of "Rain, Sunny"!Thank you "Demon Purple Star" for the two pink tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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