Chapter 1307 World
The NPC villagers of Mochen Town are struggling with their own affairs on the West Mountain in full swing; Fan Chen, who has never met before, followed all the way to find the way to the top of the mountain; After Lily met Xiao Qier from the Baizhiwu Clan, she exchanged two gold coins for a map of Xishan from his hand, and then escaped the siege and interception of those NPC villagers in Mochen Town, and finally arrived. At the foot of the mountain, he ran all the way up the mountain.

And what happened to Miss Ji Xiaoyan at this time, probably no one knows except the game master Brainlight in that dark space.

The world outside of Mo Chen Town in the game is not very peaceful at the moment.

I don't know when it started, players in many towns and cities have discovered some so-called fox NPCs wearing black cloaks and mysteriously issuing tasks in the city.These NPC release tasks are random, but at the same time, they are also mandatory!That is to say, if these NPCs of the fox tribe have taken a fancy to you on the main road, then you must do the mission given to you!not do?sure!They have a lot of ways to restrain you by your side, so that you can't speak or move!
According to the information on the forum, there was once a player who got lucky and encountered a bloody boss in the suburbs alone. He thought that he didn’t know that the team was so unlucky that he took advantage of it, so he rushed up to fight the boss. Get up, imagining that the blood bar can go straight to the end without being disturbed by others, and explode some good things for yourself!In the end, who knows, after finally killing for a while, when the boss was about to fall, an NPC of the fox tribe appeared, and he couldn't help but say that he must give him a task!
At that time, this player thought, let the fox NPC wait a while, and after he chopped off the remaining few knives of the boss, he went to accept the task. Maybe this adventure-like fox NPC could give him something special. Isn't it a hidden mission?By the way, this player still sighed in his heart, today is simply a day of shit luck! !

However, he just said: "Please wait for me." Then the NPC of the fox clan quit!

So, seeing that the BOSS would fall down with just a light slap, the player heard the system prompting him: He angered an NPC of the Fox Clan, so this NPC punished him, making him feel angry. Within two days of his playing time, the entire game character could not move or speak, and could only stand in place.If he is killed by others or monsters, he will stand in the teleportation formation for two days, and then he must immediately rush to the side of the fox NPC to complete the task given by him.Moreover, there are no mission rewards.

It's okay to be forced to give the task, and there won't even be a damn reward!He was even inexplicably fined for two days! !What's more, when the boss saw that he couldn't move, he immediately got up and grabbed himself with a claw, as if he wanted revenge. Then, after a few claws, he belched and let the boss take revenge.
There is nothing more difficult in this world than this.

Later, after waiting for two days, this player posted the matter on the forum to let the rest of the players know about it.However, when facing the NPCs of the fox clan, most of the players showed a very excited and positive attitude.You know, the NPC of the fox race has never appeared in the game before, and now I finally met one, and I still have to give myself a task, can I not accept it?how is this possible! !What if it's a hidden mission?What if these NPCs of the Fox Clan come out and set out missions to save their race, and he happens to be the savior of the Fox Clan in the entire game?
Therefore, the experience of this player did not cause any sensation on the forum at all. Instead, he was abused by many players who had not received the Fox Clan mission, saying that he was born in a blessing and did not know his blessing.
It's just that this situation didn't last long, and the forum turmoil broke out again.

At the beginning, many players broke the news on the forum, saying that they were forced to do tasks in the game by NPCs of the fox clan, and they said that they had no freedom. Even now, after doing the tasks and running around for so many days, what It's a waste of time to not get any mission rewards! !

Subsequently, these players complained more and more
Then, some players noticed something was wrong!

At the beginning, everyone thought that the NPC of the fox clan came out to release the mission, it must be because of some problems in the clan, to give the players a chance to save the fox clan and so on.This is a hidden mission, or the main mission!As long as you accept the task and complete it carefully, you will always get a generous reward!

As a result, as the past few days have passed, more and more players are forced to help the NPCs of the fox clan to do tasks. They thought it would only take a day or two, or they found that the nature of the tasks is getting better and better, and the rewards they will get More and more; or end the task and get the reward!As a result, the first few groups of players who helped the Fox Clan with the missions left the Fox Clan's NPC after receiving the rewards, and went to do their own things. The players behind will be miserable.Either they are asked by those fox NPCs every day to find some gadgets, or to send letters to so-and-so, talk and ask questions and other tasks. Players simply don't have time and energy to do other things.

This time lasted for another two days of game time.The quests of the fox NPCs began to spread. After catching a player who asked him to accept the quest, he could even spread the quest to all the players in his guild forcibly accepting it! ! !This is what happened to the vast starry sky and the others
As a result, the game forum became lively again.Many players rushed to the forum, scolding these Fox NPCs, and asked players who have done the Fox mission, how long will this mission last? Some players even started to gather and bombard them. Customer service, ask them to come out and give an explanation.
However, this time, the voices of the players were very loud, but none of the customer service staff dared to speak out. They made a video call to the customer service staff, and as soon as they mentioned the fox clan, the customer service staff either kept silent or just smiled and said, Hello, Regarding the matter of the Fox Clan, it is still undisclosed, please wait patiently
As a result, the NPCs of the fox family gradually became the objects that all players avoided in the game.

And the game company's designers and operators' high-level personnel have also begun to scratch their heads and suffer.I thought that the inexplicable appearance of an experimental product like Ji Xiaoyan in the game would have already made them very busy, but what I didn't expect was that the players in Qingcheng had made a fuss for a while before the girl Ji Xiaoyan had any clues, and then The matter of Qingcheng was finally resolved, and now there is another matter of the fox clan.

The point is, the game designer had designed the part of the fox clan at the beginning, but according to the plan, it will be a part that will be launched after a long time!Moreover, there will never be any situation where fox NPCs run around in the game continent and force missions.
What happened to these fox NPCs?
This is a big doubt in the hearts of all game designers and operator executives.After discussing for a long time in a meeting, the game designer and the top management of the operator unanimously decided to ask the mastermind. After all, this is a problem in the game, so it is natural to ask the big boss in the game.

However, this time, when the main brain faced these people, the attitude it showed was different from the attitude towards the game researchers.

The game designer and the game researcher are two different groups of people. One group just helps the mastermind create the game world, and the other group helps the mastermind develop and research the game world.Therefore, in terms of attitude, the light is not the same for them!

"What do you mean?" Guang looked impatiently at the human game researchers and operator executives with somewhat arrogant eyes in front of him, and asked lightly.

"Guang, we just want to know what's going on with this fox family? Now is not the time for them to come out for activities!" As the representative of the game designer and the high-level representative of the operator, Cheng Xiao frowned and looked at the light screen. The image of the mastermind with a blurred appearance had a slight displeasure in his tone.

"What do you mean it's not when they come out for activities?" Guang's tone was not very good, staring at Cheng Xiao and asked: "What you mean is that everyone in our world needs your consent when they will be active. ? Does that mean that you can just directly control the people in our entire world?"

"Guang, you know we don't mean that!" Cheng Xiao frowned, looking at Guang obviously unhappy: "It's just that when we designed it, it would take a long time for the Fox Clan to have corresponding tasks link, and then develop into the "

"To what?" Guang obviously interrupted Cheng Xiao angrily, and said with a cold snort: "Our world is a world of independent development, but it is not a world controlled by you people!! We also have feelings With thoughts, there are flesh and blood in our world, why should we listen to you? You are only involved in the process of creating our world, not the gods of our world. We must do what we are told to do. !! Our development has our freedom. What is it called not appearing at this time? The development of each race is their own business, and no one has the right to interfere!!"

"Guang, are you trying to go against our design?" Cheng Xiao stared at Guang angrily and asked.

"Why do we go against our own development because of your broken design?" Guang sneered at Cheng Xiao and said something, then glanced at the other people behind him, and seeing their faces were astonished as if he had seen a ghost, Then he looked at them sarcastically and said: "In the past, you told me not to violate your design, not to let the race develop too fast, for the sake of some people, I agreed. But what you have asked again and again, is Do you think I will agree to everything you ask, is it too easy to bully?"

Cheng Xiao was silent.

Usually, if there were any major problems in the game, they would go to Guang directly and let him solve them in the game.This is undeniable!After looking for it again and again to solve the problem, they did have a kind, as long as there is any problem in the game, just give them a command, and it will be fine.In the end, what he didn't expect was that Guang, who had always obeyed their orders, would sometimes resist.

Who gave it the courage. No, who should have given it the wisdom!
"I won't interfere with the Fox Clan's affairs. This is the result of their own development!" Guang Guang glanced at the self-righteous game designers and high-level operators in front of him, swept them with disdain, and then said lightly: "I forgot to tell you. In the future, you should not intervene too much in the affairs of our world. That is our world, not your world. You are not the masters of our world, don't put yourself The position is too high and there are still a few days, you can get used to it! After our world ushers in a new life, I will not contact you again, and you should stop trying to contact me."

"Guang, what do you mean?" Before Cheng Xiao had time to recover from Guang's words, several voices behind him asked eagerly: "Are you unilaterally severing contact with us?" ?Don’t you forget, you are just a bunch of data, you are just a virtual character we created, we can design you, and we can also design another light!!”

"Shut up!" Cheng Xiao immediately twisted his face and yelled behind him when he heard this. He didn't really look at whether the words were said by that brainless person. He just looked at Guang and asked, "Guang , can you explain to me, what do you mean by this?"

As the mastermind of the entire game, if it was really that easy to manufacture, where would they be begging for it all day long?Yes, it is a mass of data, but this mass of data was created by condensing the wisdom of how many people! !Where is it so easy to change and create?

Just looking at Cheng Xiao, I don't know if there is a contrast in the voice and attitude, so I think Cheng Xiao's attitude is not bad, so I paused for two seconds, and then calmly said to him: "You created our World, so as the god of this world, I thank you for being able to properly listen to your opinions and intervene in the development of this world in the past. However, it will be different in the future! This world will become a complete independent world in the future! With the entry of new life, our world is not only a created data world, but also a world with independent thinking that can accommodate new life. In a certain respect, we are all the same Already!! So, I will fulfill the mission and task of my god, take a good look at my world, and not let you interfere and destroy its development.”

 PS: Thank you "Book Friends 150207193025958" for the peace talisman!
(End of this chapter)

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