Chapter 1308
Cheng Xiao doesn't quite understand!

The game master Brainlight said it for a long time, did it mean what he thought!
That girl named Ji Xiaoyan is about to become a permanent NPC in the game. Everyone in the upper echelon of their game company knows and looks forward to it. After all, this is a feat across the ages, and everyone is silently excited in their hearts.However, the excitement is the excitement, and the information revealed in the words of the master's brain at the moment makes the burning flame in his heart instantly splashed with ice water
What does it mean not to let them human beings interfere with the game world?sabotage its development?
Cheng Xiao suddenly had a feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

For the game designers like them, the entire "Enlightenment" game is just an entertainment thing designed with their painstaking efforts. Later, because of the participation of some scientists and the federal government, a game like "Light" was added. Only the mastermind of the game makes this game more novel and playable, and makes these designers more proud and more honorable!That's all!

Not long ago, when news came out from above, the designers knew that the work made by their team had actually become a "base" for a cross-age experiment involving the government!They were excited, excited, and looking forward to it!If human beings can really enter this game to achieve eternal life in the future, are they also considered the creator gods of this world?Isn't it also able to control the production and life of human beings in the game?
They really had fantasized about it in private.

However, now Guang told them very seriously that it was impossible!

In the past, as game designers, they created every NPC, every tree, flower, map, and city in the game bit by bit!They are the creators of this game, the gods of creation!They can enjoy the right and ability to modify and manipulate the entire game at any time!If there is something wrong with the player or NPC, they can call out the light, let it control and modify it, there is no problem at all, it is equivalent to a very normal work content!However, now Guang said that because of the addition of a new life, Ji Xiaoyan, their game world will be independent!They want to break free from their grasp!How can they allow it?
Cheng Xiao stared at Guang, couldn't help but licked his dry lips, and then asked: "Guang, I don't know if I understand what you mean. You mean, you Do you want to break away from us? Are you going to make your world independent and become the world under your notice?"

"That's right!" Guang said, looking at Cheng Xiao with certainty.

"Hahaha, haha!" Hearing this, Cheng Xiao suddenly burst into laughter. He turned his head to look at the people behind him, and saw that they all laughed towards the light like him, as if they had heard a big joke. Then he turned his face back, put away the smile on his face, looked at Guang and said seriously: "Guang, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course I know!" Guang looked at Cheng Xiao with great certainty and said, "In your eyes, I am just a bunch of data, but I know very well that I have thoughts, so what I say and do, I will It's very clear!"

"Then have you ever thought about what kind of world you live in?" Cheng Xiao raised his eyebrows, and said to Guang with a sneer: "Guang, I admit that you are an intellectual brain. It’s like that in the game. You have learned a lot these days, and you have grown up. You have feelings, thoughts, and even ambitions! This, I think those researchers They probably didn't think of it, did they? They must not know that you actually have the idea of ​​wanting to leave us. A mastermind wants to rule a world independently of humans! This is simply too ridiculous." Speaking of this, Cheng Xiao Shut up, I wanted to see Guang being irritated by his words, but found that this mastermind was completely indifferent, still standing quietly in the screen without saying a word. Then, Cheng Xiao's face darkened, and he continued to ask Guang: "Guang, have you ever thought that if we disagree, is it possible for your world to exist?"

"Do you want to say that you want to clean up the entire power supply system relationship and even the entire data?" Guang's voice sounded very relaxed, without any sense of tension or fear.

Cheng Xiao was silent.These are the questions he wants to talk about!It's just that, just from the sound of this tone, it seems that they have already gained confidence, and they are not afraid of them really doing these things.
Just glanced at Cheng Xiao, for the first time clearly expressed the tone of ridicule, and said with a sneer to Cheng Xiao: "Speaking of which, I should still thank the adventurers you sent to me at this time. In this world, they have brought out the ugliness of the human heart to the fullest. They have planned all kinds of bad things very well. They have taught me a lot, so I have planned all the things you want to threaten me. Showdown with you." Speaking of this, Guang laughed out loud for the first time, and then continued: "By the way, I will not accept any more proactive contact from you after the call is over. , if you really need to find me for anything, remember to make an appointment!! Help me later and tell those researchers, they want to ask me to give Ji Xiaoyan a hand no matter whether she can reach our world by herself, even if it is If she becomes a fool, she will also get things in my world, which may not be as they wish. Oh, and one more point, if you still want to send people to our world in the future and continue your experiments, I welcome it , will also cooperate! But at the same time, I also hope that you can protect Ji Xiaoyan’s body in your world, which is also a condition!! Well, that’s about it, I’ll stop here!”

After finishing speaking, Guang didn't care how Cheng Xiao would answer it, and just turned off the video call.

"Guangguang." Many game operator executives were startled by Guang's sudden action, and immediately shouted, and then immediately looked at Cheng Xiao and asked, "What's going on? Why is the video broken?"

Cheng Xiao pursed his lips and did not answer.

As long as they are completely sure, they have nothing to do with it, so they hang up the video to end this call.In the past, they have always said directly to Guang, that's fine, that's it, there's nothing to do without you!Then they hung up the video. This is the first and last time!
Light is really about to get out of their control.

"Cheng Xiao, think of a solution quickly! What should we do?" Many people immediately caught Cheng Xiao and complained.

"Yeah, if the light really doesn't listen to our command, what will we do in the future? How can we ignore this game? If we really let the light decide everything, then if we have problems in the future, how can we deal with it? Players solve it?" Many people yelled like this, but what they thought in their hearts was not like this at all!What they worry about is losing the right to control the entire game world
Cheng Xiao stared blankly at the video, didn't reply a word, and didn't know what was going on in his mind.After a while, he turned his head to look at the rest of the people and said, "You all heard what Guang said. I was just talking to Guang as your representative. About the game and the players you are worried about, Don't ask me. If you have any questions, just ask those researchers. We are either the designer or the operator responsible for the operation of the entire game. We only need to reflect the problems. Some things are not We don’t need to worry about it!! As for how to solve the players’ messes in the future, just ask the researchers to give a regulation, and we’ll just follow through!!”

When everyone heard the words, they were stunned for a moment, and then immediately began to discuss in a low voice.

Cheng Xiao didn't have the heart to listen to what they were talking about, so he turned around and left the meeting room. He was greatly relieved when he heard the door close behind him gently.

He is a little bit reluctant to lose the feeling of controlling the entire game world, but there is no other way!When he heard those words of the light, for a few moments in his mind, he thought of clearing all the game data in the past, or clearing part of it, so that the light could feel his threat.But then think about it, what's the point of him doing this?Now that the light is aware of these possible consequences, if it is not prepared, will it say it so easily?

It must have something to rely on, so it dared to speak to them!
It's just that they don't know what this support is!He doesn't want to know about this game now, he can no longer participate in it!After the game is independent, there will be no such thing as a game designer like him, so does it mean that he is also qualified to enter the game?
Thinking of this, Cheng Xiao couldn't help but rejoice.

Designers like them spend their days devoting themselves to designing things in the game, but they are extremely looking forward to leaving this post and getting a chance to enter the game to experience it.Now, it looks like that wish has come true! !

Cheng Xiao took two steps in the opposite direction of his own department, and suddenly laughed happily.That's right, as long as they no longer participate in the design of the game, are no longer in this position, and no longer have the right to possibly modify the game, then they can also enter the game like ordinary players!They can also occupy a space in the game, laying a solid foundation for their life in the game after the game experiment is successful in the future!

Because, they have game knowledge that other players don't know
Thinking of this, Cheng Xiao immediately rushed to his team office happily. He couldn't help but want to tell everyone the good news.
But in the current game, Guang finally breathed a sigh of relief, returned to the beam of light in the dark area, looked at Ji Xiaoyan who was sitting on the ground resting only a few steps away from it, and was silent.

"Hey, Guang, have you come back yet? There's only one figure here, as a decoration? Don't make a sound?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the beam of light with some resentment, and asked complainingly.

"Well, I'm back!" Guang's voice came clearly after a few seconds.

"How? How?" Ji Xiaoyan twisted his body excitedly, looked at the light in the beam of light and asked, "Have you told those people?"

"Say it!" Guang was in a good mood, and said to Ji Xiaoyan cheerfully and a little excitedly.

"So, in this world, we are really independent?" Ji Xiaoyan blinked, looked at the light and asked excitedly: "From then on, you won't have to be nagged and harassed by those game researchers and designers anymore." Controlled?"

"Yeah!" Light continued to nod.

"Huh, that's really great!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but let out a big breath, and then said with emotion: "Just a word, you can easily get rid of them, I just can't figure it out, why did you Don't do it?"

Guang looked at Ji Xiaoyan tenderly, shook his head and said, "It's not as simple as you imagined."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the light in the beam of light suspiciously, and after seeing him also looking at him, he heard Guang continue to say: "I have prepared before, thought about it, maybe one day I will be able to take care of this world, I will no longer let those people dictate the development of our world. It’s just that the time is not ripe, and I can’t do anything! Otherwise, it will only be counterproductive.”

"Is now the time to mature?" Ji Xiaoyan asked puzzled.

"That's natural!" Guang said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, "This is the timing for you!"

"You're talking nonsense again, how can I be so great!" Ji Xiaoyan rolled her eyes and said.She is not a savior, and she is involved in all important matters, and she is self-aware of this!
"No, that's the time for you." Guang looked at Ji Xiaoyan with certainty, saw her looking at him, and immediately continued: "Do you really think that I'm going to tell those people that we want to become independent only because You said, as the god of this world, I have to be a responsible god, not a god controlled by others, and then go? No, Ji Xiaoyan, no. I have already arranged these things, Just waiting for you. No, to be precise, just waiting for you, the first life to enter our world! Just because you are about to enter our world, I already have enough confidence , That's why I went. Look at where you are sitting now, Ji Xiaoyan, you are only a few steps away from our world, you work hard, and you will succeed! Therefore, I have the confidence and the opportunity to tell Those human beings, our world does not need their control. We are a world that can accommodate and welcome life, and develop and survive freely.”

 PS: First of all, I wish everyone a happy Zongzi Festival!Thanks for the pink tickets to "Rain, Sunny"!Thank you "Thousand Magic o_O Stars" for the pink tickets!Thank you "Feng & Dance" for the rice dumplings!Thank you "TEN" for the peace talisman!Thanks to "Skyノdandan" for the dumplings!

(End of this chapter)

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