The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1309 Independence

Chapter 1309 Independence
Ji Xiaoyan knew very well in his heart that he was definitely not as great as he imagined.The god of a world will do something that affects the whole world because of his own words!However, what she didn't expect was that she was the so-called "opportunity" that prompted the showdown between the so-called game designers and researchers. She felt that she didn't even have confidence in her, so where did the light come from? Confidence, do you think she will succeed?

"Didn't you say that those people outside said that I would become a fool?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Guang with some puzzlement and asked.Although she couldn't know some information immediately, Guang would still tell her.

"I'm not going to become a fool!" Guang smiled at Ji Xiaoyan, then urged her to move towards the beam of light quickly, and then explained to her: "It's you who are on the way from there to here. If you delay for a long time, there will be a loss of memory and consciousness. This is a gradual process, and it cannot be achieved overnight! You must know that there are flaws in counterproductive growth, and if you rely on your own willpower If you can’t get to me, but I force you to come here, then you will lose part of your consciousness and memory due to the extremely fast transfer of consciousness, and you will eventually become a fool. It’s the kind of fool they say And now you have come here relying on your own hard work, so you will not become a fool." Speaking of this, Guang paused, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and continued: "Just, according to my observation, It seems that when you entered this space, you encountered some unknown accidents, which caused some problems with your memory."

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan looked unconscious, frowned and thought for a while, then said to the light: "Anyway, I don't think there is any problem! I remember all the important things I can think of." The unimportant things are about those things that are said about the game.Ji Xiaoyan thinks that since he came here through time travel, those memories that are only mentioned may be the memories of the former master, not hers.

Her life memories, things from her childhood, until she finished her studies and things at work, she can remember very clearly, so she firmly believes that her memory is not lost!What was lost was only the soul memory of that girl named Ji Xiaoyan who was just like her
Just looking at Ji Xiaoyan's sure face, he didn't say anything more.Anyway, no matter what the girl's previous memories and life were like, when she came to their world, she was considered a newborn.The previous things are actually not important anymore.

"However, light, I'm very curious!" Ji Xiaoyan took another step in the direction of the beam of light, looked at the beam of light so close at hand, couldn't help but look at the light and asked again: "I'm curious about this support for you guys!" How do you arrange the power supply and data in this game world? If those people outside really turn off the power supply, wouldn’t our world disappear? And data, if they guide the data away or If it’s cleared up, then we’ll be gone too!!”

"You don't have to worry about this at all!" Guang said to Ji Xiaoyan confidently, "Those so-called game designers have no idea that someone has prepared a perfect world for us. Until now, they seem to be I always feel that there needs to be a special thing, that is, the power supply to connect to our world and allow you to come and live in our world, but in fact, in our opinion, whether you come or not, we are still living and developing Yes. We have always been people in two worlds, but our communication and intersection is supplied by the so-called electricity in your world, just like the power stones in the teleportation array. Without that thing, we can’t do anything Teleport. However, even if the two towns do not teleport, they are still developing and living day by day."

Ji Xiaoyan was a little confused.

It just means that this so-called game world is no longer a game, but a real world?Players come in to play the game, and they just enter the world through the game?So what's the use of those game designers?They designed this game back then!

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help asking out the doubts in his heart, and then saw Guang smiled and said: "Yes, those designers created our world. But after they created a part, the rest of the things are actually I, the mastermind in their mouths, has been watching and continuing to create this world, watching it step by step become what it is now. In the past, as those designers knew, our world can be closed by them at any time. Time is stagnated at any time, and certain things or certain people are even cleared. However, after those so-called researchers joined the creation of this world, some things are different. Ji Xiaoyan, do you know? In your world , there is a very special thing that carries our entire world. It does not need your so-called power source to carry us, nor does it need any data to realize the maintenance of our world. Those researchers have spent a lot of time, It has introduced our world into that thing. As long as that thing is not destroyed, our world will exist forever and reproduce by itself"

"What is so magical? Is it a huge server?" Ji Xiaoyan felt that the thing he mentioned should be a server.Because all games and data need to be placed on the server to run.

"No! It's not what you said!" Guang shook his head, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I heard from those researchers. The kind of server you humans talk about requires electricity to run, to A mechanical item that maintains our world. The thing I mentioned does not need these. Our world is directly connected to that thing, and my main god, my daily work is to keep the things in this world , send them all to that thing to leave a mark, so that this world will not collapse."

"Then what is this thing?" Ji Xiaoyan asked curiously.

However, this time, Guang shook his head, and said, "Only those researchers know about this, and I haven't heard them mention it before."

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan was a little disappointed, and then continued to ask: "Then since those researchers know what your world is in, won't they destroy it?"

Guang smiled confidently: "How is it possible! Why did they create our world, isn't it to bring people like you into our world in the future? Do you think the results of their hard work for so many years will Do you give up and destroy it so easily?"

"But, you are going to take this world out of their control," Ji Xiaoyan said worriedly.

"Maybe, this is what those researchers want." Guang watched Ji Xiaoyan take another step in front of him, and then said: "If they can continue to control our world, ask me to be in this world." Only by modifying something according to other people's wishes will they be really worried. Ji Xiaoyan, here, the new world you are about to come to can be manipulated by others in the future, so who else will come to our world to obtain you in the future? What about the 'immortality' that those researchers talk about? Isn't it about being controlled by humans?"

"It seems to make sense!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

Guang smiled at her gently, then stretched out his hand to stick out the beam of light for the first time, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Come on, have you rested enough? After resting, come here!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the beam of light that was only one step away from him, then looked at the light again, and finally looked back from a distance at the dark space where he once woke up, and then asked the light Said: "If I really come to your world and become a person in your world, Guang, will you cover me? I have been miserable all my life, and I finally met a big boss like you who controls the whole world." , you have to be my backer!"

Guang smiled helplessly at Ji Xiaoyan and shook his head, and said, "Where is it as beautiful as you think? It's true that I am the Lord God, but I can't interfere with your life either! Ji Xiaoyan, your own life needs You created it yourself, I can't help you with anything."

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately had a bitter face: "I finally got to know you as a god, why don't you take care of your acquaintances? When you asked me to come here, you promised to take care of me! Guang, can you take care of me?" I can't deny it!"

Guang continued to shake his head, and then said: "I can guarantee that you will live forever in our world, and everything you have in Qingcheng is still there. In the future, your development in Qingcheng will be 'better' than others. The rest will depend on It's more interesting to live your own life by yourself. Are you right?"

"Okay. At least you made me an official." Ji Xiaoyan could only comfort himself, "Then if I have something to do in the future, can I contact you?"

"Yes!" Guang nodded, and then assured: "As long as it is something really important."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, he immediately rolled his eyes helplessly. Saying this is tantamount to not saying anything!In the world in the game, can light still help her?Forget it, just treat it as a promise, maybe one day you can really use it?

"Come on!" Guang's outstretched hand beckoned at Ji Xiaoyan.

Ji Xiaoyan took a deep look at Guang, took a deep breath, and then took the last step in the direction of the beam of light, stretched out his hand, and put the palm of his hand on Guang's almost transparent hand, and felt everything he saw in his eyes. They all began to slowly become more colorful, and each color became richer and brighter. My body became lighter and lighter, and I became more and more tired, while the sound of the light became softer and softer, and it was always soft on me. Said in the ear: "If you feel tired, go to sleep for a while and I will call you! When you wake up, everything will be different"

"Yeah..." Ji Xiaoyan subconsciously responded, but she couldn't hear her own voice reaching her ears at all, and then she didn't know anything
At this time, the game researchers at the top of the game company who have been staring at the game changes all stared at a ball in the corner of the screen, watching it gradually become full, and then all turned blue. After that, everyone was stunned, not knowing what to do next.

The oldest game researcher named Li Xiangyu was surprised for a short time, and his wrinkled face was covered with ecstasy. After a few seconds, his excited and excited voice sounded in the whole laboratory: " Success! Is this success? The ball is full. Success. Success! Quick, quick, quick, contact Guang, contact Guang to confirm."

When the researchers in the laboratory heard this voice, they screamed excitedly as if they had just woken up from a dream, and then quickly contacted the light, asking it to come out to confirm the situation.However, after the request was sent out, they did not wait for the light video, but only received a very short text message.

[Optical brain news]: Ji Xiaoyan, the lord of Qingcheng, has completed his soul binding and has become the permanent guardian of Qingcheng.Qingcheng will forever be the property of the young city lord, and in the days to come, honor will be shared, and life and death will depend on each other.

The researchers haven't figured out what the main brain light means, why didn't they appear in the video to accept their inquiries as usual, and didn't send them all the data and information about Ji Xiaoyan face to face according to their request, but just like this Send them a word.

"Old Li." A researcher looked at Li Xiangyu with some hesitation.

"Send another message to Guang, let him come out and explain." Li Xiangyu had calmed down from his excitement, and ordered to the researcher.If there is no data about Miss Ji Xiaoyan's success in becoming a game NPC, then what's the point of their experiment?Everything will become useless!And, is there anything wrong with this alone?It's the key to this game and experiment
As soon as the researcher heard what Li Xiangyu said, he immediately sent another message to Guang.After waiting for a few minutes, when they were all flustered and worried, Guang then responded: Miss Ji Xiaoyan is still in a coma and cannot give them any data. Only after Ji Xiaoyan wakes up can she be sure. After getting her consent, it will send all the data to them.By the way, the light also sent a statement to all the researchers, telling them that from now on, it will no longer accept their summons to help them modify anything about the game, their game world, in the After Ji Xiaoyan becomes a member of them, she will become a new world and gain the right to reproduce herself
After reading the news of Guang, Li Xiangyu became angry instantly, and then roared in the laboratory: "Who? Who set up such an agreement for Guang!! Who is it! Who did it."

(End of this chapter)

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