Chapter 1310 Who did it?
For all game researchers, the game master light is a program subject they arrange in the game to help them supervise all affairs in the game, and then come out to serve them when they need it, and serve them in the "whole game" All adhering to the principles of fair and just games", make some small unknown "changes"!
Therefore, all game researchers feel that this so-called immortality experiment is really successful, and it will be very beneficial to them researchers in the future.They will become the masters of this "new world", and they will do what they tell the light to do. They are equivalent to ruling the entire game, and all the people who want to get eternal life will enter in the future
Therefore, none of them thought that when Guang was sent into this game as the mastermind, someone would tamper with him and reach an initial agreement with Guang without their knowledge!It is agreed that after accepting that the first human being becomes a permanent NPC, he can go out independently and turn the entire game world into a world that can reproduce itself and is no longer restricted and controlled by them!In other words, in the game world in the future, light will have the final say, and no one can make light do anything
"Who? Who? Who did this kind of thing!!" Li Xiangyu stared angrily at his colleagues in the laboratory behind him, screaming sharply.At this moment, he felt that everyone in the laboratory was suspicious!It never occurred to him that there would be such a fool who would negotiate such an initial agreement with it when they knew nothing about it, so that they would not even have a chance to revise it now! !This is simply courting death.
The researchers in the laboratory looked at me and I looked at you, but no one spoke.How long ago was this done?Only now to investigate, who knows?When the light was first developed, none of them stayed alone overnight and got along with the light alone!If it is really investigated, they are all suspects.But what if there is suspicion?There is no evidence! !Could it be that Li Xiangyu can arrest everyone?Besides, who knows if he is the kind of thief shouting "stop thief"?

Thinking of this, after the laboratory had been silent for a long time, one of the researchers named Xie Zhongren thought about it for a long time, and said: "It is obviously impossible to find out who did this kind of thing now. Why don't you think about it?" What are we going to do when we come down?" Speaking of this, Xie Zhongren saw that everyone was looking at him, so he cleared his throat and continued: "If it's true that you won't listen to our orders in the future, then we have to start thinking about some issues now. First, how will we continue this experiment! The meaning of light is very simple, it just takes the game world out of our control, and it still welcomes us to continue the experiment, but if we want to get the data of this experiment If the game is successful, it will not be sent to us until the player has obtained the consent of the player in the game. The second point is what to do with the game? What may happen in future games will not be in our As expected and grasped, if the players have any questions or dissatisfaction, we have no way to help them answer or solve it. This is something we have to think about now. If we can't help the players solve the problem, Then we have to consider how to explain to them that we are the game party, but we can’t even solve the game problem. The worst case is that we may need to make the experiment public in advance.”

"That's impossible!" As soon as Li Xiangyu heard about this possibility, he immediately said loudly: "It is impossible for our experiment to be announced now!"

Xie Zhongren nodded, and then said: "Yes. It is impossible for us to announce the experiment at this time. It is true that many people may agree with our experiment in pursuit of eternal life, but if the success rate of the experiment We can't guarantee it, so it's impossible for them to let themselves become test subjects. Not to mention, other people who may not approve of this experiment at all! The federal government supports us, and it is impossible to cover us too much. If we If this experiment really aroused public indignation or widespread opposition, it must be terminated."

The researchers in the laboratory were silent when they heard the words.

"It's all the fault of that guy who is looking for trouble, why did he make such an agreement with Guang!!" Li Xiangyu gritted his teeth and looked at the other people, with a look of wanting to eat people on his face.

"Old Li, it's simply not realistic to say that it's impossible to pursue such issues!" Although Xie Zhongren was only in his 30s and hadn't been in the research team for too long, he was a good person and his brain turned quickly. Very popular with colleagues.In addition, he himself belonged to Li Xiangyu's school, so when he spoke, Li Xiangyu didn't immediately shut him up.

Xie Zhongren sighed deeply, and then said: "Another point is that Ji Xiaoyan is still in a coma state after successfully entering the game, and we still need to find a way to get her data. Moreover, there is also her game warehouse And the body, we also need to get it back as soon as possible and keep it safe! As the first successful test subject, she will also have an advantage in the return test in the future. Mr. Li, how do you think this is going to be arranged?"

Li Xiangyu frowned, glanced at the researchers in the laboratory, and then suddenly asked, "Where did Mr. Yu go? Why isn't he here?"

As Mr. Yu, who was in the opposite direction of his work, Li Xiangyu still remembered it clearly.Although no one knows whether or when Ji Xiaoyan will succeed, most of the time, the researchers of these experiments gather in the laboratory.At such an important moment today, Mr. Yu was not there, which gave Li Xiangyu a bad premonition.Could it be that the guy who made the agreement with Guang is Mr. Yu?

When the researchers of Mr. Yu's faction heard Li Xiangyu's words, a man stood up and said to him, "Mr. Li, Mr. Yu left for Longcheng yesterday to pick up Ji Xiaoyan's game warehouse."

"Just left yesterday?" Li Xiangyu frowned, looked at the researcher suspiciously and asked, "How did he know that Ji Xiaoyan would definitely succeed? Did he have some agreement with Guang?"

As soon as the researcher heard this, he immediately realized that something was wrong, and quickly shook his head and said, "Mr. Li, you can't talk nonsense! Mr. Yu's going to Longcheng was decided a long time ago. At the beginning, we sent The people who went to Longcheng met with a setback, and they never brought Ji Xiaoyan’s game warehouse back. Not to mention, they didn’t even touch the game warehouse. So when Mr. Yu heard the news at the time, he decided to go to Longcheng yesterday and take I brought back Ji Xiaoyan's game cabin. This is recorded, you can check it out."

Hearing this, Li Xiangyu glanced at the researcher from the old school of Yu, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, there is something wrong with him not being there at such an important moment."

The researcher glanced at Li Xiangyu helplessly, silently took two steps back, and returned to his own small circle.After all, everyone had conflicts at work, and it was normal for Li Xiangyu to be against their faction everywhere, as long as he didn't blame them for some inexplicable blame.For the rest, he just doesn't care about the lip service.

"Mr. Li." Xie Zhongren coughed and reminded in a low voice: "Since Mr. Li is on Ji Xiaoyan's side, can we just leave it alone? I heard that the people in Longcheng seem to be It's not so easy to get along with. Since Mr. Li is gone, let's arrange this matter for Mr. Yu. Naturally, we have to take care of other things in the game. See what happens next Arrangement? Give us a charter, and we will know what to do!!"

Li Xiangyu glanced at Xie Zhongren very satisfied, very satisfied with his subordinate's brains and flattering skills.After thinking about it, he immediately said to the others: "Since things are like this now, it is impossible for us to terminate the experiment or something. Let's make arrangements here and go to the conference room to discuss the next arrangements. However, Let me put my ugly words first, what was the purpose of our experiment at the beginning, everyone must have understood it clearly when they came in. We only made light to participate in this game experiment for the sake of the eternal life of all human beings. , we have made it very clear that this game is a brand new world where light operates and monitors independently, you must not let it slip, about light, we used to want to control it, do you understand?"

Everyone nodded.They still understand this simple truth.

No matter what they planned in the past, they must never tell it now, so it is all about the past, and it is all about the secrets that must be buried in their hearts.If the federal government or the families that supported their experiment knew about their small thoughts, then they would never want to live again.Researchers, if they die, the next batch of better ones will come in. What the Federation lacks most is not talents! !Not to mention, there is already such a successful example as Ji Xiaoyan here.
"It's good that you all understand!" Although Li Xiangyu was unwilling, he had no choice but to say to everyone: "Everyone just need to remember that what we are doing now is what we planned at the beginning. As for the arrangements for the next game, no matter who is the problem, tell them that we have planned for a long time, but we did not expect the test to be successful so quickly. Some things have not been arranged, so we can’t tell the public. Got it. Do you understand? If you understand, quickly pack up the things in your hands, and after 10 minutes, everyone will gather in the conference room."

All the researchers nodded immediately, and started to act immediately after Li Xiangyu finished speaking.

Xie Zhongren looked at Li Xiangyu with a slight sigh, and then asked in a low voice: "Old Li, can it be that we really have no way to reset it just like this? I remember that we had a backup data on the server before. "

Li Xiangyu took a look at Xie Zhongren, and said after a while: "You think I don't want to? But, how do we reset the light? Do you think that the light notified us because it wasn't ready? I guess the backup data is long gone. Yes. When we moved the light and the entire game data from the ordinary mechanical server to the black stone, those backup data were removed together! What is it for? It is the federal government and the guys in those families Afraid of what we will do to light. Do you think they are not worried that after the experiment is successful, they enter the game and obtain eternal life, but they will be controlled by us researchers, guys who they have never seen before? Besides, For those backup data, do you think it is not easy to annex some data based on the current strength?"

"Then shall we just sit and wait for death?" Xie Zhongren's eyes showed a trace of unwillingness and resentment.They have worked so hard for so long, and they just took advantage of Guang and the man who did it for nothing.

"Otherwise, what do you think can be done? Go and break that piece of profound stone?" Li Xiangyu sighed deeply, "The reason why that piece of mysterious stone was chosen as the server to host the entire game was because it is unique, not only can float Get up, can these data worlds still be accommodated? Think about how many federal troops are stationed in it? Can we destroy it? Even if you have a chance, you can’t fly so high. I can’t think of any way to break it !So, Xiao Xie! This match, we lost!!"

"The man who did the tricks back then was too abominable!" Xie Zhongren said with resentment on his face, "Old Li, do you think he might be from the federal government or that family?"

Li Xiangyu thought about it seriously, and sighed deeply: "If we could find out the first time, maybe we can find out who did it. But now? This game has been running for so long. We don't know about the agreement reached by that person, and we have no way to find out! Therefore, everyone is the object of our suspicion now, but we have no way to convict anyone! Because we have no evidence, we can only admit defeat now, and then have a good fight. Continue our work, find a way to get Ji Xiaoyan to agree to give us her test data after she wakes up, and then find a second test subject to complete our work! This is the only thing we can do now .”

Xie Zhongren pursed his lips, took a deep look at Li Xiangyu, then nodded, then turned his head to look at the screen, which also displayed the notification message sent to them by Guang.It's just that, under the notice, there is a new system message flashing at this moment
 PS: Thank you "TEN" for the pink ticket! .It was said that the last chapter was the last chapter, but a new volume was opened. Hey! !

(End of this chapter)

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