Chapter 1311 In the game

[World System News] Mastermind: Adventurers, please pay attention! The world of "Enlightenment" will stop all activities after two hours, and the world will be upgraded. All adventurers are requested to leave the world safely within the stipulated time!The specific upgrade time is uncertain, and the restart time will be notified one hour after the upgrade is completed!All adventurers can only enter again two hours after the world is successfully upgraded.

Note: After the upgrade, "Qi" will no longer have the so-called adventurer customer service, and all the affairs that can interfere with this world.All adventurers will no longer enjoy any injustice after entering "Enlightenment", and all production and life must rely on themselves.

From now on, "Qi" will only be an independent world, ruled by the main brain light, and will no longer be disturbed by any external factors.
[World System News] Lord God: Aboriginal people, please pay attention!The world will stop all activities after two hours, and the Lord God will arrange everything.All aborigines are requested to return to their proper positions and homes, and no longer engage in external activities until the world is restarted after being notified.
"Mr. Li." Xie Zhongren looked at the two latest news flashing at the bottom of the light screen, and couldn't help but look at Li Xiangyu in astonishment and shouted aloud.

"What's so surprising? What should come will always come!" Li Xiangyu closed his eyes and said to Xie Zhongren: "Since Guangdu has a showdown with us, you should expect it to do so. However, Its speed is too fast, a little beyond our expectations! Let’s go, Xiaoxie’s place will not be our world anymore, our game. Now, what we have to face is the reality outside The world and those players are gone"

"Yes!" Xie Zhongren nodded, glanced at Li Xiangyu who seemed to be a little old, and followed him out of the laboratory gate.Thinking about how they have worked so hard for so long, they hope that after Ji Xiaoyan transforms from a human into a data figure, she can get the results of the experiment, and then start experiments in large quantities, and finally turn this experiment into the ultimate refuge for human beings, so that all Everyone enters the game to live and survive, and these researchers eventually become the masters who rule the entire game world!As a result, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very cruel!Just because such an agreement was made between such an unknown person and the mastermind, what they had planned for so long suddenly came to naught.
This is simply destroying their dreams and life goals!

It is certain that Mr. Li will feel old when he thinks about it.Xie Zhongren couldn't help closing his eyes, is his back like this?

Pushing open the door of the meeting room, all the game researchers at the game company's laboratory headquarters have all assembled.

Xie Zhongren followed Mr. Li all the way to the main seat, then stopped halfway and sat where he should sit, then watched Mr. Li sit down, cleared his throat, and said to everyone in the conference room: "If Once everyone is here, the meeting will begin! As for those who are not present, all face the video call! This meeting is very important, and everyone must confirm their participation!"

As soon as Mr. Li's words fell, someone responded immediately, and then saw the faces of many researchers who were not present appear on the light screen in midair.Old Yu is naturally on the list, but his face at the moment does not seem to be as depressed and nervous as other researchers
However, as far as the current situation is concerned, no one will pay attention to it.
But the current game is naturally a different situation.

After the mastermind made the announcement in the world, all the players were collectively stunned, and then cursed and confused.This game hasn't been upgraded for a long time, and they can understand it if it's just a simple upgrade. After all, there will be some new gadgets every time you upgrade, and everyone is still very curious.It's just that this time the upgrade is done, it doesn't matter if you don't upgrade online!However, the mastermind of the ya said that the game should be turned off and upgraded!Moreover, there is not even an estimated time for this upgrade!It didn't say at all, when will everyone be able to enter the game again!It only said that the notification will be made one hour after the upgrade is completed, and then everyone has to wait two hours after the upgrade is completed, that is, one hour after receiving the notification to enter the game! !
MD, isn't this tossing people?Do you want all players to squat on the game entry interface and wait?
The players in the game collectively complained about the upgrade, and later, some players dug out the system messages and thought about it, and then found something wrong.

When the game was launched, what was the promotion of the game operator? Which player can't remember!The original publicity said that the entire game is run and managed by the mastermind, there is no GM in the whole process, or people control NPCs, etc. The whole game promotes fairness and justice, which is why so many players come to the game with confidence. .But what does the mastermind say now?
After the game upgrade is completed, there will be absolute fairness, and no one will dare to play!So, does it mean that someone has been interfering in the game in the past two years? In fact, players have played in the game for so long, and they have not obtained the "fair" rights that the game company advertised at the beginning?

Once this remark was exposed by the players, it was quickly spread widely on the forum, and then almost all the players in the game figured out the content of the mastermind's words, so the video call and chat message box of the game customer service were instantly crowded by the players exploded
However, even so, the players still haven't received any news from the customer service.The entire operator's customer service team is just as the mastermind said, directly paralyzed in the game and cannot be used; and after receiving the call from the players, the customer service team in reality, regardless of what they want to ask, just say: I'm sorry , Now there are some emergencies, all questions in the game, please ask again later, thank you for your consultation.goodbye!
So, the players have nothing to do!The customer service is no longer available, so who can they ask for all the questions they have at the moment?Mastermind?Where does the mastermind have time to deal with them!

At this time, I don't know which player suddenly said: "Ah, the game will be closed in more than an hour, I have to quickly hand in the tasks in my hand, and go back to the city to sort it out."

Then?Then all the players woke up!That's right, where is it to discuss game customer service or what is fair and unfair now!The most important thing now is to quickly pack up and get ready to go offline.Otherwise, you will be kicked forcibly later, who knows what it will be like when you go online?If the mastermind gets angry and directly deducts something from them, who else can they turn to to solve it?And the most important point, the mastermind said that after the game is played again, all players will have to rely on themselves (as if some players didn't rely on themselves to mix in the game!). Therefore, in the warehouse Things are very important! !
With this understanding, the players in the game quickly started to turn in the task, and those who should turn in the task turned in the garbage. Everyone hurriedly moved around the town and city.

At this time, the NPCs were not idle either.

All the NPCs in the whole game started to pack their things. Those with shops naturally took the time to do business and then sorted their items; the NPCs in the wild also accelerated their pace and walked towards the nearest town!

For the first time, those so-called enigmatic mysterious NPC merchants and special merchants appeared in the eyes of the players, and they all entered the taverns in the city and town with such a title, and then sat down and did not leave.

Many players wanted to "hook up" with these NPC merchants opportunistically, so they either ran directly to sit next to these NPC merchants, or couldn't squeeze through, and simply waited for the game to be closed and upgraded at the entrance of the tavern, and then came Block these NPC merchants to try their luck
After that, the forum became lively.

Either some players started to take photos with special NPC merchants, inviting interested players to go to the tavern where those merchants stayed to watch the excitement; or some players revealed legendary NPCs that no one had seen before: Enchanter, Blessing Masters, Talisman Crafters, Trap Masters, and even Skill Scroll Makers, a game update directly refreshed players' understanding of those legendary NPCs!

It turned out that these NPCs already existed in the game.It's just that these players don't know it at all! !
Many players went directly to the forum to read the news after tidying up the things in their game, or they went to find the NPCs they were interested in and went to stay.Maybe, when I play the game, I can still see these NPCs passing in front of me, and then I say that I may not be favored, get inheritance and so on?This fantasy, every player has! !

However, whether it can be realized or not, everyone knows in their hearts!

The forum was lively for more than an hour, and when there was still half an hour before the group went offline, a player suddenly posted a post, and the title shocked all the players in an instant—[Shocking: In River Water City Church, According to legend, the archbishop NPC who only heard his name but didn't see him appeared! ! 】There is no text under the title, only a photo attached!It was a portrait of a man with a church window in the background.The man was very old, with silver hair, wise wrinkles on his face, soft and clear eyes, wearing a gorgeous red robe inlaid with gold patterns, holding a golden The scepter, the top and bottom of the scepter are inlaid with colorful gemstones, setting off the huge red gemstone like stars holding the moon. Besides the obviously expensive and gorgeous bishop's crown on the top of the head, there are three large purple characters :archbishop!
"Fuck! It's really the archbishop!!" The player named Black Jazz Island on the first floor of the post replied directly one second after the post appeared.

Then the following began all the player's reply content: I am grass!Truly the Archbishop! !
All Archbishop players are no strangers!Although I haven't seen the appearance of this NPC, I have definitely heard of it when I entered the game.In this game, the player characters basically have a one-person-one-role system, and all player characters are directly bound to DNA.After all players enter the game, if they don’t want to play anymore and want to delete their account, they must go to the archbishop, and then explain to him the reason why you want to delete the account and leave the game. After obtaining the consent of the archbishop, the archbishop will give you a task , let you go and finish.After you are done, pay a certain fee, and the archbishop will help you delete your account and leave!Then the player can delete all the information you have bound in the game.
After that, if players want to enter the game, they will have to wait for a long time in real time.

The reason why the archbishop surprised the players is that every player who enters the game knows him, and they all know where he lives and where he usually stays.But no player has seen him in those places!It can be said that the NPC Archbishop is definitely the most well-known NPC character in the game, everyone knows it, but no one has seen its real NPC character.Even some good players ran past the churches in many game cities in the game, and then shouted inside, shouting all the church NPCs to drive him out, but they didn't see the archbishop coming out! !

At the beginning, many players had analyzed that the reason why the game company released the news of the archbishop when they entered the game was actually just to let the players not worry about deleting the account after entering the game, but in fact it was not at all. I never thought about letting players delete their numbers!Otherwise, Mao obviously had the archbishop, the NPC whose number was deleted, but he couldn't find him at all?

It's because the game company didn't design such a character at all! !

But, it's different now!The game is about to be updated, and the very mysterious character Archbishop has appeared out of nowhere!This is simply too surprising for the players!

Therefore, as soon as the archbishop NPC was discovered, it can be said that it quickly became popular in the entire game forum.

It's just that the photo post of the archbishop of River Water City Church has not been popular for a long time, and players on the forum have revealed that there are archbishop NPCs in churches in many cities in the game!Most importantly, when the game was 10 minutes away from closing the upgrade, a world system announcement came out again:
[World Announcement]: Attention adventurers from all continents!The archbishops of churches in cities on all continents are waiting for you in the church!All adventurers who are unwilling to continue to live in this world with any dissatisfaction with the world of "Enlightenment", or doubts, or for any other reason, rush to the churches within the next 10 minutes At the Archbishop's office, the Archbishop will preside over the ceremony for you to leave the world of "Enlightenment" permanently.

This ceremony is simple and does not charge any fees, aiming to meet the needs of some adventurers.However, time is limited, adventurers in need, please make a quick decision and go to the church!The remaining adventurers, please find a place to settle down in the major towns, pack up your valuables and leave in an orderly manner. The world of "Revelation" will be closed in 10 minutes!

(End of this chapter)

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