Chapter 1312 is Enough

When the countdown of the game was still 5 minutes away, players who were about to go offline in the game found that new NPCs had appeared in major towns.NPCs all wearing black cloaks whose faces could not be seen clearly, and with big "mysterious fox clan" on their heads quickly appeared from various places, and went directly to the inn and hotel to find a place to sit down in twos and threes, ignoring the players .On the contrary, the many players following them breathed a sigh of relief after seeing them sitting down.
There were even quite a few players who immediately put on a look of weeping bitterly!

A curious player stepped forward to ask, and only then did he know.These players are all players who were forcibly captured by the mysterious NPCs of the Fox Clan to do quests in various places. When the system announcement came out, these players thought that their aimless forced quest chain was finally coming to an end. After running with these fox NPCs for more than an hour, they finally entered the town and were able to go offline when there was not much time left.

"This is a hidden race! There are hidden race NPCs who give you missions, do you still dislike them? If it's me, I'll wake up laughing from my dreams!" Many people don't know how boring and plentiful the missions issued by the fox clan NPCs are. The strong obsessive player said the same thing with a look of envy and jealousy.

And those players who are forced to accept the mission will collectively restore a big white eye, and then say the last sentence: "Okay! If you have a temper, you can also go to those foxes to take the mission."

All the players who took the quest of the fox clan NPC were filled with resentment.This reward they didn't see anything, they were busy in the game all day long, they didn't do any of their tasks, and they didn't kill any monsters.I wasted so much time on these NPCs of the fox clan, and the level experience has not been changed at all. If I don't do well, I might be punished by these NPCs of the fox clan!What a sad thing to think about!What they hope most now is that the NPCs of the Fox Clan can hold their hands high and tell them that the game is going to be upgraded, and the mission is only for a while, and they don't care if they give rewards or not!
These players only want relief.

However, after entering the tavern and watching the fox NPCs sit down and start muttering in twos and threes, the players still didn't see the hope that they could get out of this strange circle of missions.

When the game counted down for 1 minute, the NPC of the fox tribe finally said: "You can do what you have to do! When the Lord God informs you that you can come to our world to take risks again, you come back and do the rest Let’s talk about things later!!”

The players howled like wolves!However, no matter how unwilling they are, they have nothing to do with these NPCs!The most important thing right now is to get off the assembly line quickly
So, when the time came, all the players in the game disappeared in the game.And all the players who quit the game within the specified time do not know that after they quit the game, the NPCs in the game are not as they imagined, they will freeze in the game like stone sculptures, as if time stands still.
At this moment, the game world began to slowly darken, as if entering the night immediately.Numerous NPCs either stood by the window of the house and stared at the sky, or sat at the table calmly drinking tea, whispering something of interest to others in a low voice. He did not step out of the house at his command.

I don't know how long it took, the sky began to brighten, and after a while, the sun was shining brightly, and then the NPCs in the whole game heard a lot of beasts screaming from the sky, wave after wave, like a wave of beasts, the whole Their ears were deafened, and they even felt that those wild beasts were going crazy and were about to rush into the city.All the NPCs are panicked, feeling uneasy
Fortunately, this situation did not last long, and the voice of Lord Shenguang rang in everyone's ears: [Residents of all continents!I am Lord Shenguang!Now I want to tell you something, please listen carefully.]

Many players are used to spending their spare time in the game every day, experiencing another kind of life, but now they are suddenly asked to log out of the game, but they are not used to it at all.Looking at the screenshot of the beautiful world on the game interface, many players couldn't help but sigh!Usually I don’t think so, sometimes I even feel that it’s better to go back to reality if I’m doing nothing in the game!As a result, the game suddenly came out, and I really wanted to enter the game again in a panic. I couldn't get in, but I felt a little uncomfortable all over my body
As a result, most players immediately turned to game forums.

Can't enter the game, go to the forum to talk about things in the game, it feels better, doesn't it?
Fortunately, the game customer service has been cancelled, but the forum is still there.

At this moment, the top article on the game forum is no longer the post that broke the news about the rare NPC in the game, but a guessing post.The content of the post starts to analyze clearly, what will be the next game update content. For example, union battle, main task and so on
And careful players also found that this post does not seem to be posted by players from their mainland.
As a result, some players started posting in surprise immediately below the post. First, they asked which continent the host of the post was from, and which continent he was from.Then, then gamers on the forum found a problem.I don't know when, the game forums from different continents merged! !

You know, the game company's forum system was divided into four continents and existed independently.The purpose of this is to separate the communication between players from different continents!If there are players who want to know the situation in other continents, yes!You can separate the two continents to build accounts with others when you go offline.Therefore, players are used to watching the affairs of their own continent on the forum, and the news of other continents is exchanged offline.
Unexpectedly, the game forum has been merged quietly now.

So, in the following forums, all posts were posts reporting their own positions.
The stranger who had never met before frowned and read the first dozen or so pages of posts, and couldn't help rubbing his brows.He didn't know whether to be happy or depressed.

With great difficulty, he escaped from the closed city of Qing, arrived at Mochen Town, and then ran up the West Mountain, all the way to the top of the mountain.It turned out to be a game update! !He didn't waste the two hours of game time at all, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards the top of the mountain with the unfallen mortal.The result is still not able to reach the destination!On the way, they were met by a few NPCs wearing white mist, and they were "caught" into the village, saying that the Lord God had ordered them not to allow anyone to be in the wild.
Then, he and Buluofanchen were locked in a room, unable to go anywhere, until the countdown, he and Buluofanchen reluctantly went offline!As soon as he got offline, he dialed a call connection to Luoye Flying and asked him about Ji Xiaoyan's situation.

Fortunately, there was good news from Flying Leaves, but naturally, there was also bad news.

The bad news is: Lord Bessa, together with Xuan Mo, Friesman and the NPC attendants of Ji Xiaoyan, expelled Flying Leaves from the top of the mountain, and asked a few NPCs of the Black Mist tribe who happened to come to the top of the mountain to deliver food, Take him away!

The good news is: Judging from Master Bessa's actions and expressions, Miss Ji Xiaoyan has succeeded!
"Are you sure!?" This was the only sentence that the strangers asked excitedly and nervously when they heard the news from Flying Leaves.

"Naturally." Flying Leaves said in a very relaxed tone at the time, "We watched Eternal Heart rushing out of that broken stone, laughing and looking at us depressedly for a few seconds before turning to Bei Master Sa said, "Okay, you can relax a little bit. She can sleep for a while! At that time, you can pack up your things and leave my place. I hope we will never see each other again!" Afterwards, Bessa My lord, they just gave Xuan Mo and Friesman a wink, telling them to imprison me directly with magic, and take me down the mountain. As a result, they ran into those people from the Black Mist clan after not walking far, and then they They handed me over to the Black Mist Clan and took me away. Therefore, I am very sure that Xiaoyan must have succeeded. Otherwise, Lord Bessa and the others will keep me by their side just because of Xiaoyan’s real situation.”

After listening to Falling Leaves Flying Fly's words, the stranger heaved a sigh of relief. After saying thank you, he hung up the video call.His mood is very complicated and needs to be sorted out.

After closing the game forum page, the stranger who had never met before looked at Ji Xiaoyan who was sleeping in the game room next to him.She was still the same as before, with her eyes closed, lying there quietly, with a ruddy complexion and even breathing, as if she had fallen asleep. It was impossible to imagine that her consciousness had already entered the game at this moment, and she would not wake up again. coming.

From now on, I can no longer see her mischievous eyes and her smile that makes people can't help but smile along with the corners of her mouth in reality.
The stranger reached out and stroked the glass of the game cabin, and stared at Ji Xiaoyan in a daze.

"Master." In the originally quiet room, the intruding voice of the housekeeper rang out instantly. The stranger couldn't help but frowned. He looked away from Ji Xiaoyan's face and looked at the person standing outside the door. Butler, and then heard him say apologetically: "I'm sorry, young master, for disturbing you."

"What's the matter, just tell me directly!" The stranger adjusted his expression, looked at the housekeeper and asked.

"People from the game company are here again! According to your instructions, we agreed that their flying ship is parked in Longcheng, and they are ready to come to see you at this moment."

"Here's another person? Or the woman who led the team last time?" The strangers couldn't help but frowned.He still had some impression of the old woman's arrogant appearance last time.Would she still want to take Ji Xiaoyan away with her character? Humph, he and she never thought about it.If possible, he would like their game company to share the technology with him. He will take care of Ji Xiaoyan's body and wait for her to appear from the game again.
"No." The housekeeper shook his head and said, "It's a man named Yu Muqing, about 60 years old, and he introduced himself as the researcher. Did you see it or not?"

"Didn't you say it's already here?" The stranger looked at himself, the temporary housekeeper, with some dissatisfaction.

"It's the young master!" The housekeeper suddenly felt uncomfortable, and quickly lowered his head in response, and then said: "The main reason is that last time you also agreed to their flying ship docking to pick up Miss Xiaoyan. Later, it was only because some things were not agreed upon." , That's why they left. I thought that they would have a new talk with you this time, so I ordered them to stop and agreed to let their spaceship dock."

"Okay, there's no need to say more about the extra things. If you stop, stop, I can't drive them away!" The stranger waved his hand impatiently, signaling the butler to shut up, and then reluctantly looked at it again. Glancing at Ji Xiaoyan, he said: "Send someone to call Yu Qisi and Lu Wu, let's go see that Yu Muqing and then call someone to guard her! I don't want any accidents to happen, do you understand? "

"Yes, young master!" The butler immediately responded with puffed up chest.

"Xiaoyan, let's meet in the game!" The stranger patted Ji Xiaoyan's game cabin lightly, said something to her, then took a deep breath, turned around and left the room.

Yu Muqing had already participated in the internal meeting of their researchers in the Flying Ship. Although he did not express any opinions, he just quietly listened to Li Xiangyu and his party chattering at the meeting about how they would deal with the federal government next. Explain, how to explain to those families.Then after they determined the explanation and countermeasures, they immediately hung up the video, waited quietly to arrive at Longcheng, and then got off the flying ship!

Speaking of it, the game world can be independent, in fact, he has a part to credit.However, all of this was not ordered by him.It was his teacher, the wise old man who was one of the founders who proposed this experiment!When he put light into the game, his teacher was still alive!It is also because of his teacher's painstaking efforts that the current light is natural, and it is precisely because the teacher does not want the future light to be controlled by one of these researchers, or to be controlled by certain people, to achieve certain ambitions. That's why when Guang was just formed, He and Guang agreed on such an original agreement: as long as one day, one person can change from a human to a data NPC and enter the game life.Then the light can turn the entire game world into an independent world, not controlled by anyone.

Even, the teacher wrote some worries and dangers after the independence of the game world into that agreement, so that light can start to accumulate in normal times. Therefore, this thing that caught Li Xiangyu and the others by surprise happened now.

Yu Muqing was very happy.

Fortunately, my teacher thought of so many things in advance!Fortunately, my teacher believed in me and led him to do such a thing! !Yu Muqing felt that maybe only this matter could calm his guilt towards the experimental gamers! !At least, after they have successfully become game NPCs and obtained eternal life, they will not be controlled by people like Li Xiangyu, and they can be free, that's enough.
 PS: Thanks to "Master Bessa and Xiaoyan" for the safety talisman!
(End of this chapter)

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