The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1313 To Longcheng

Chapter 1313 To Longcheng

Nightmare foil almost vomited blood out of anger.

After finally waiting for the enchantment of Xishan in Mochen Town to open, he and Lily, who couldn’t catch him, met an NPC who came down from Xishan, made a deal with him and got the map of Xishan, and hurried up the mountain, imagining After a while, I will definitely find Miss Ji Xiaoyan before I don't know each other before.It turned out to be a good thing. After I was banned by the NPC for no reason, it would be considered unlucky that no one could contact me. Who knows, this has not reached the destination yet. With a bang, the mastermind issued an announcement, directly saying that the game update would be closed. ! !
The most important thing is that the time after the update is still uncertain! !He was still waiting to go to the top of the mountain to guard Ji Xiaoyan, but such an accident happened on the way, so what happened to Ji Xiaoyan?Nightmare Foil is so anxious in the game that she doesn't know what to do!I can't contact others, I have no way to understand the situation, and I have to find a place to stay in the game later!Otherwise, who knows what will happen when the game is restarted! !
But Lily, who couldn't catch her, made a decision for Yan Foil, and she had to wait for the game to update if she wanted to find someone.Otherwise, with these two players, how could they beat the game mastermind?Therefore, the most important thing for them right now is to go to the village of the Baizhiwu tribe on the map they exchanged with Xiao Qier! !

So, the helpless Yanfoil had no choice but to nod, and entered the village with the irresistible Lily according to the map.

It's just that they went later than the strangers, and because the strangers were arrested and entered the village by themselves, they were treated better in the Baizhiwu tribe and could move freely. However, They don't know each other's existence.

Until he left the game and drifted away, he didn't know what happened to Ji Xiaoyan.

He was thinking of getting in touch with the stranger and asking about the situation.As a result, before he made the call, Yun Shu found him excitedly, pulled him and began to talk about the new NPCs that appeared in the Southern Continent, making it impossible for him to escape.My elder brother didn't approve of the fact that I and Ji Xiaoyan were getting too close, Yan Foil's wandering heart was very clear, so he lied when he asked Yunshu to send someone to help him enter Mochen Town.
So, by the time Nightmare Foil drifted away and had time to contact strangers, it was already two hours after the game was closed and upgraded!At that time, I had already met Mr. Yu who had gone to Longcheng, and I had no time to talk to him.

As always, Longcheng is like an abandoned city, with yellow sand blowing all over the sky, and the strong wind blowing hard, making it extremely uncomfortable to blow on people's faces.

Under the command of the men in military uniform on the ground, Yu Muqing's flying ship slowly landed on an open space on the edge of Longcheng, and after it settled down, he was notified to open the hatch immediately. Under the watchful eyes, after checking the items carried by them one by one, they were "escorted" to leave the flying spaceship, and sat on the suspension vehicle all the way and ran wildly into a building with only ruined walls, and then from inside one by one Downstairs all the way down.
Yu Muqing didn't know how many floors they had descended to, but he just remembered walking up and down the stairs non-stop. A few cronies beside him complained and whispered beside him: "Why do you still have to go! What age is this, and there is no floating elevator? If we go this way, how long will we have to go?"

Yu Muqing looked at the men in military uniform leading the way ahead, but didn't say anything.Right now, each man in military uniform is holding only a dimly lit lighting tool, which is only enough for them to see the road under their feet clearly. The surroundings are black and black. They can't see the road ahead, nor can they see what's behind them. No matter how far you go, you can only keep moving forward!Yu Muqing felt a little uneasy in his heart at this moment!
I have long heard that the owner of Longcheng seems to be a little dissatisfied with them, so the people they sent earlier were driven out of Longcheng without even seeing how Miss Ji Xiaoyan is going.This time they entered Longcheng very easily, but in the current situation, he didn't feel at ease, instead he was a little worried.The owner of Longcheng didn't mean to lock them up, so he brought them to such a dark place?What if something really happened to me here?

He hasn't seen what the new game world created by his teacher will look like!

"Mr. Yu, are you alright?" A man following Yu Muqing suddenly saw huge beads of sweat on Yu Muqing's cheeks, and hurriedly asked with concern. After seeing him shaking his head, he said again: "What are you doing now?" It’s not like when we were young! If you feel uncomfortable, you can tell us quickly, let’s rest here before leaving! I’m sure they won’t embarrass us.”

"That's right, Mr. Yu, you have to take care of your health!" The researchers behind nodded quickly when they heard this, and then looked directly at the men in military uniforms who followed them and said, "You people too, we How old is Mr. Yu. You actually took us up the stairs. What time is it now? Do you think we don’t know that there is such a thing as a suspended elevator? You are deliberately making things difficult for us.”

The leading man in military uniform stopped in his tracks, turned his head to look at Mr. Yu and his group, did not answer their words, just walked a few steps silently, and then said in a low voice: "Hurry up, our young master is still waiting. It's just a short walk away."

"Okay, okay! Stop talking, everyone, it's important to get down to business!" Hearing this, Yu Muqing breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said something to his cronies and students behind him.Then, while wiping the sweat from his forehead, he muttered in his heart: It seems that I am getting old, and I really can't do it.If he encountered such a situation before, his attitude might be the same as that of the students and cronies behind him. If he can bear it, he will speak directly, right?But looking at it now, just relying on his own imagination, the cold sweat on his forehead broke out involuntarily, and he didn't even notice it.Sure enough, he is old!
But, fortunately, the man in military uniform leading the way said that their young master is waiting below, so he doesn't have to worry about being taken to an unknown place to silence him.
Comforting himself like this, Yu Muqing finally relaxed slowly, and then walked around the stairs for a while, finally reached the end of the stairs, and saw a space with twinkling lights.

"Hoohoo, we're finally here. Damn, how many floors have we walked down here!" Several researchers stood behind Yu Muqing and murmured in a low voice, "I haven't walked this way for many years. Passed!! You said, if we still walk like this when we go up, will we all have to lie here tired?"

"What are you muttering about!" Yu Muqing turned his head and warned in a low voice, "This is not our laboratory, stop talking nonsense!"

"Yes!" Several researchers hurriedly responded, holding their eyes and wandering around, curiously looking at the surrounding situation.

The man in military uniform who led the way saw that all the people behind Yu Muqing and the others had stood still, then nodded subtly, and said to Yu Muqing: "You guys wait here, I'll go and ask where the young master is with you guys. Meet!"

"Okay!" Yu Muqing nodded immediately, ignoring the astonished voices of the researchers behind him, and nodded in response to the man in military uniform with a smile, then stayed where he was, looking at the surrounding environment patiently. waiting.

This is the underground of Longcheng, Yu Muqing has heard of it before, and this place of Longcheng is not easy for people to enter.This place is like a small kingdom, with its own vigilance, its own defense, and its own order.People who are allowed to enter the city can get asylum, but at the same time they will also be subject to some restrictions. They can't talk about everything in the city!If you say so and are tracked down, you will definitely be punished.What the specific punishment is, no one knows!
As far as Yu Muqing knows, Longcheng is a black market, and the unique order here allows all items from the entire Federation to be sold here.But he doesn't know the specific sales model and other details!He always thought that the black market in Longcheng was carried out in those dilapidated buildings in that environment.As a result, it is only now that I come to know that it is not the same thing at all!Longcheng should be an underground city, many important things are carried out underground
Yu Muqing hadn't had time to think of more details, and he hadn't even figured out how a girl like Ji Xiaoyan, who had no relatives and no family history, met the managers of Longcheng when he saw the man in military uniform who had just left is back.

"Come with me!" The man in military uniform who led the way said bluntly to Yu Muqing and the others, regardless of whether they complained or not, he turned around and left.

Yu Muqing hurriedly called the researchers behind him to follow, and he also quickened his pace to catch up with the man in military uniform, and then walked back and forth in this huge underground space, passing behind several doors guarded by men in military uniform , and finally came to a very ordinary looking door.

"Go in!" The man in military uniform who led the way stood still in front of the door, and said to Yu Muqing and the others, "After you go in, someone will take you with you."

Yu Muqing thanked in a low voice, nodded and directly stepped into the door.Afterwards, he saw that the scene inside was no longer the cold and quiet situation they had just seen. The space behind the door was filled with crowds of people, and the voices inside were extremely noisy, like a market, lively and vulgar.

"Ah, what is this place? Didn't you tell us to go see it?" The researchers behind Yu Muqing shouted when they saw this situation.There is no way, in such a noisy environment, if they were not louder, they probably wouldn't be able to hear each other.

However, before these researchers could finish their words, they saw a man jumping out of nowhere, dressed in casual clothes, with a smile on his face that couldn't reach his eyes, staring at him. After looking at it for several times, they asked Yu Muqing and the others: "Are you guys from the game company? I'm the one who will guide you! If you don't mind, let's go first." Let's go! When our young master has finished talking to you guys, I'll ask if I can bring you back for a stroll?"

"It's okay, it's okay, let's get down to business first! You can't keep your young master waiting!" Yu Muqing took a fixed look at the young man who was talking, and quickly responded with a smile. While observing the situation here, he followed the young man slowly through the crowd.

Speaking of which, the place they are walking now is actually very crowded, with all kinds of hawking and bargaining voices coming and going one after another, making Yu Muqing devote himself to the research and get used to staying in the quiet research environment. The researchers who experienced this situation couldn't help being stunned, and felt that these shirtless people who were yelling loudly and arguing over one or two federal coins were particularly vulgar!
Yu Muqing always thought that since they were going to meet the person in charge of Longcheng, they would naturally be in a very quiet place. When they came down the stairs all the way, he always thought that what they saw after going through so many doors would be A place like a huge conference room, and the chief of Longcheng is sitting at the table, waiting for them
He never thought that this would be the situation in front of him.What he didn't even expect was that there would be such a lively scene under Longcheng, and there would be so many people. They passed through many crowds along the way. Some were selling weapons, some were selling medicinal materials, and many were selling daily necessities. And cherishing live poultry and so on, and some Yu Muqing saw stolen artworks, gems and so on in the news bulletin not long ago!They even saw a few places where servants were being sold, and there were a lot of people trying to increase the price, discussing which servant had bigger eyes and a better figure, etc.
You must know that in the Federation, the title of attendant actually represents slaves in ancient times. On the surface, attendants are not allowed to be bought or sold.All the attendants in the family said to the outside world that they joined the family voluntarily, or directly gave birth to a family born in the family, and it has nothing to do with business!And the federation also clearly stipulates that no matter whether they are civilians or poor people, they can voluntarily become servants of a certain family, but no one is allowed to sell servants!The family can give away their own servants as gifts, but if they don’t want a servant anymore, they can send him to the outer area to fend for themselves, or dispose of it in the family by themselves, and trading is not allowed!
Therefore, Yu Muqing couldn't help being a little startled.Longcheng can actually do this kind of thing!

What's more, it was simply for the group of them to see it on purpose.So does it mean that they will definitely not leave so easily this trip?Or, can't you leave?
(End of this chapter)

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