The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1314 Don't Misunderstand

Chapter 1314 Don't Misunderstand
How deep is the water in Longcheng?How many secrets there are! ?Yu Muqing didn't want to explore, and didn't want to know!He even had an urge to keep moving forward with his eyes closed, without seeing or listening to anything, that might be much safer for them, but the reality would never achieve his dream. small wish.

They have seen a lot and listened to a lot along the way!After the researchers were curious at the beginning, they gradually felt frightened, and something was wrong!The things here in Longcheng have exceeded the bottom line of the code of conduct that they usually know!They also gradually discovered one thing, that is, the more they see, the more dangers they will face. The so-called innocence of those who do not know is applicable in many ways, but they now belong to another kind, knowing too much , the type that will be silenced.
"Old Yu. Shall we contact the people on the flying ship?" A rather short researcher moved his lips tremblingly, with a little uneasiness in his eyes, he gently moved to Yu Muqing's side, and said in a low voice: " They only know that we have come down, they don't know where we are now, if there is something wrong with us, they can still find someone to rescue us, and they won't find us for a long time. What do you think?"

Yu Muqing couldn't help but sighed softly, turned his face and glanced at the researcher who was talking, then shook his head at him and said: "Where do you think you are now? This is Longcheng! Don’t you remember who owns Longcheng? Find someone to save us? Who do you think will come from the whole federation? Aren’t all the people from the whole federation going to rescue people in Longcheng? This is the army The site!"

"Then then we." And it's not dead?The short researcher didn't dare to finish all the words. After saying a few words, he looked at Yu Muqing eagerly, hoping that he could show them the way and calm down a little.

It's just that Yu Muqing has no choice!

To put it bluntly, they are just some scientists who can do experiments and make some contributions to the progress of human civilization; if they are more ambitious, they will be like Li Xiangyu and the others, doing some tricks secretly, fantasizing about controlling human beings, and it will be over.But if it is true in reality, these scientists are like scholars who have no power to restrain chickens. How can they compete with these powerful soldiers!If people really want to do something to them, they will have to suffer!

"Old Yu." Several researchers hurriedly shouted to see if there was any response from him.In the end, Yu Muqing waved his hands gently towards them, signaling them to stop talking!
So, several researchers looked around at the men who gathered together shouting and shouting prices, couldn't help shrinking their necks, and leaned closer together.Thinking about the seemingly powerful characters in these underground markets, they are afraid of these people who are in the city, what else can they do?Are you going to turn around and run away?It may not be that he was arrested just after he left the house.
"Everyone, we'll be there not far ahead!" The plainclothes man who led the way didn't know if he had seen the small movements of these researchers all the way, but with a smile on his face, he turned his head and pointed at a dark red door not far ahead. door, smiled at them and said: "I'm sorry! Our place is a little too lively. You should be used to quiet people. You are not used to bringing you here, right? Hehe, it's okay Our place here is not big, and we can get there in a few steps, don't mind a few!"

"It's okay!" Yu Muqing smiled with some difficulty, and after saying something to the plainclothes man, he couldn't help pulling his collar.The space here is actually not small, but because there are too many people gathered, the air seems a little too noisy, and it seems a little hot!

"It's fine if you don't mind!" The plainclothes man smiled, and led them to walk for a while. After passing through a few groups of people, he came to the dark red door, and stood there facing the door. Yu Muqing and the others said: "Okay, everyone just need to go in from here, go straight, and then turn left to enter the door. It's easy to find inside. I have something to do here, so I won't go in with you."

Mr. Yu looked at the red door, then at the cross-dressing man, finally he just bit his lip, nodded, opened the door and walked in with the researchers behind him.
The situation inside the door is completely different from the market they just passed by!There are crowds of people outside, and it is as quiet as night here.When they first came down here, besides them, there were a few men in military uniforms leading the way. They didn't feel that this tranquility was scary. Now they were the only ones, and they were not familiar with the road yet, and the surroundings were in a dark environment. A few people suddenly felt that something grew out of their hearts, and they felt like some monster would rush out at any time.
"Why is there no one here?" A researcher's voice suddenly rang out in a low voice, which startled everyone.

"What are you talking about! Aren't we human?" Yu Muqing comforted his heart that was beating faster suddenly, and couldn't help but whispered to the researcher who spoke, then adjusted his tone and continued: "Don't make any guesses here, we just need to follow the route that person said just now, and find the owner of this hole city! For the rest, don't even think about it! Let's go quietly. All right"

"But, Mr. Yu, can we go back safely?" A researcher couldn't help asking.

"We didn't do anything to offend them, so what will happen? Don't think about it!" Yu Muqing said angrily, "We only need to do our own job well! The rest is up to me! "

"Okay, Mr. Yu!" Several researchers breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.What they didn't know was that Yu Muqing had no confidence in his heart when he said such a thing.

All the way here, Yu Muqing also found something in his heart.The underground market here is so big, and there are so many people here, it is impossible for everyone to walk down the same stairs as them when they come down.Because when they came down, they found that although those stairs were clean, they didn't look like they were often walked by, and they didn't meet anyone else!In a place that accommodates so many people, there will always be people coming in and out at any time, it is impossible for them to go all the way without touching anyone.So I can only explain one thing, they were actually made things difficult for them to come down the stairs!

Or, the owner of Longcheng doesn't want them to know where the specific passage of this underground market is!
Yu Muqing thought about these two possibilities carefully, and he prefers the first one!
After all, what happened to the person they sent to pick up Ji Xiaoyan's game warehouse last time.He didn't believe that the person in front of him hit a wall, and he would be treated differently if he came!Who is he, Yu Muqing?Except for the last person among their researchers, who can know him when he comes out?He didn't think he could have much face.
With this understanding, Yu Muqing carefully led the researchers who followed him, and finally walked to the door that the man in disguise said, and knocked on it.

Two seconds later, the door opened from the other side.

There were several men in military uniforms standing inside.

"Please come in." A man in military uniform who was obviously going to lead them the way nodded towards Yu Muqing. After watching them enter the door, he led them through a long corridor, and then stopped in front of a room. After asking a man standing guard to open the door for them, Yu Muqing finally saw a room that should be an office.

"Go in! The young master is waiting for you!" The man in military uniform said to Yu Muqing in a hoarse voice, and after watching them enter, he closed the door with a bang.

"Everyone, please sit down!" A well-dressed man stood not far from the door, greeted Yu Muqing, and then led them to a square table, pointing to the only person sitting above the table. The trapped man said to them, "This is our young master!"

What is the name of the owner of Longcheng, the man did not introduce,
Yu Muqing knew very well that he couldn't ask without being introduced by others, and the significance of this was self-evident!They are not qualified to know, so others do not introduce it!
Sure enough, the man sitting just glanced at them, moved his fingers, and signaled them to sit down without saying a word.

After Yu Muqing sat down in a place that seemed more suitable, he immediately opened his mouth and introduced himself and the researchers who followed him.Then, during the introduction, I casually took a look at the legendary owner of Longcheng!
What Yu Muqing had to admit was that although the man in front of him looked a little young, he had an outstanding temperament and calm eyes. He was probably the most important child in the family.However, in Yu Muqing's opinion, the only thing that is not good about this man is his appearance!Outstanding is outstanding, but it is too gorgeous, so that people's attention will be focused on his appearance at the first glance, rather than other personal strengths.
There is a kind of illusion that makes people feel that he is a vase at first.
However, Yu Muqing knew very well whether the man in front of him was a vase.Therefore, after introducing all the people on his side to the young master, Yu Muqing didn't think that he would introduce the people on their side, and said directly: "We are here this time, one is for the future of our company. I apologize to you for the attitude of the few people who came here at the first time, and the second is to pick up Miss Ji Xiaoyan and her game cabin."

"What are you going to do to Miss Xiaoyan?" Yu Qisi and Lu Wu were standing two steps behind the strangers, and they had been staring at Yu Muqing and the others since they entered the door. After hearing Yu Muqing's words, Yu Qisi immediately couldn't help asking: "After you take Miss Xiaoyan away, how are you going to protect her?"

On this point, Yu Qisi and Lu Wu are very contradictory.

First, the game company said that if Miss Ji Xiaoyan succeeds, they will take her body back for preservation, and then wait for a later test to return her consciousness back to her own body.They expected Ji Xiaoyan to succeed, but at the same time, they were also worried about Ji Xiaoyan's health after this success, and what should the two of them do next?Going to protect Ji Xiaoyan in the game, it seems that they are the burden; but in reality, it seems impossible for them to be allowed by the game company to guard Ji Xiaoyan all the time
The second point is what they care most about.

After Ji Xiaoyan came to the game company, how are the researchers planning to preserve her body until the next experiment!
Yu Muqing glanced in surprise at Yu Qisi and Lu Wu behind him who had never met before. He thought that these two people were just ordinary attendants, but he didn't expect to be able to speak when the owner of the hole city was silent. In this way, These two are not ordinary people in Longcheng?
Thinking of this, Yu Muqing thought about it, and said to Yu Qisi: "We have special protection measures. Although we can't disclose it, I can assure you that Miss Ji Xiaoyan will definitely take good care of her when she arrives at our place. .Since we can design something like a game cabin, we can naturally ensure that her body is in the same state as it is now."

"Just about the same?" The stranger asked Yu Muqing with a frown.

"Yes." Yu Muqing couldn't help straightening his back when he heard the stranger's words, and then said to him: "We can't promise you that she will be exactly the same as now. After all, if a normal player is nourished in the game room Soaking in the liquid for too long will cause some discomfort, not to mention that she will sleep in those protective liquids for several years or even decades! So, strictly speaking, I can’t guarantee you that she will be the same as now. Same."

Hearing this, the stranger took a deep look at Yu Muqing.This one in front of me is much more realistic than the previous group.

"Then your so-called protection is just putting Miss Xiaoyan in that protective liquid?" Yu Qisi couldn't help but asked with a frown, "If it's just that, why don't you give us the protective liquid? Just look at her!"

"I'm sorry, this is definitely impossible!" Yu Muqing shook his head regretfully, and then said: "The reason why we brought her to our laboratory is to observe her condition at any time and study better protection methods." liquid to protect her! Therefore, there is no way for us to fulfill your request."

"You mean, you took Miss Xiaoyan's body back for the purpose of doing experiments on her body every day? That's absolutely impossible!!" Yu Qisi's eyes widened instantly, and he screamed.

"Girl, I think you have misunderstood!" Yu Muqing saw that the face of the stranger changed instantly, and quickly waved his hands and said: "Our experiment is taking the route of spirit and consciousness. In addition to studying how to protect the liquid In addition to protecting the body, the focus is still on the spiritual field. So we only need her to lie in the game cabin, and we can study the data in the game cabin.”

 PS: Thanks to "lenfant" for the pink ticket!Thank you for the two pink tickets of "Mu Yu Clover"!Thank you "Feng & Dance" for the pink tickets!Thanks to "nanami2hk" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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