The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1315 Inside Story

Chapter 1315 Inside Story
Regarding the protection and habitat of Ji Xiaoyan's body in the future, after Yu Qisi and Lu Wu cooperated with the game researchers who had never met before and Yu Muqing and his party discussed for a long time, they finally figured it out!
Yu Qisi and Lu Wu were very clear about the purpose of calling them to the underground of Longcheng to meet those game researchers who had never met before, so they basically didn't let strangers waste any words during the whole process. Basically everything they wanted to know was answered.At the same time, Yu Qisi and Lu Wu also knew very well that if there were no strangers sitting in town, even if they found Yu Muqing and the others, they probably wouldn't be able to ask for any useful information.So this meeting, whether it was Yu Qisi, Lu Wu, or Yu Muqing who had never met before, everyone was satisfied.

Like Yu Qisi and the others who have never met before, they all thought that if the game company just took Ji Xiaoyan back and kept it in some protective fluid, they would just talk to Yu Muqing and his party and ask them to do it. Just work, just need the game company to provide enough protection fluid.It's just that after hearing Yu Muqing's explanation and understanding everything about this experiment, the strangers who have never met before finally feel relieved.It's just that it's impossible for him to call Miss Ji Xiaoyan out just because he feels relieved.
"We have roughly understood what you said!" The strangers clasped their hands on the table, closed their eyes slightly, and said to Yu Muqing and the others: "We also know the reason for your visit. I’ve been waiting for a long time, so I’m sure I’m not in a hurry. I’ll take you around Longcheng in a while to see if there’s anything you like. Of course, although I’m the owner here, I can’t Some kind of discounts for everyone. So... if you have something you like, remember to bring enough federal coins and then go buy it." At this point, the strangers suddenly laughed, and squinted at Yu Muqing and the others. Obviously shocked to the point of depression, he put away the smile on his face and continued, "As for whether you can take Xiaoyan away, I'd better wait until I contact her in the game and ask her for her opinion!"

"Then how can I do it!" Yu Muqing yelled loudly when he heard the stranger's words. Seeing that the stranger and Yu Qisi looked at him with a frown and doubt, he said seriously: "It's not up to her to decide!"

"That's her body, why can't it be decided by her?" asked the stranger.

Yu Muqing straightened his face, and didn't care whether he would offend his strangers, and said directly to him: "That's her body, that's right. But now is her body at a time when she can freely control it? Her current consciousness They have already entered the game, and becoming a permanent character in the game is equivalent to becoming a person in another world. Her current body belongs to her in our world, but she is not able to decide what to do with it. If she turned around and told you that she insisted on asking us to agree to some kind of condition before she agreed to let us take her body away, and we have no way to meet her condition, how can we just let her body In the absence of protective fluid, will it gradually get worse or even have some situations that we don't want to see? Will you allow her to treat her body so capriciously?"

The stranger looked at Yu Muqing silently, and it was undeniable that what he said made sense.

What if Miss Ji Xiaoyan felt that she had somehow become a test subject, felt resentful in her heart, and didn't want to hand over her body to these game researchers?Do you want to follow her and let her make fun of her body?However, if you just agree to let Yu Muqing and the others take Ji Xiaoyan's body away, the strangers thought about it for a while, then raised their eyes to Yu Muqing and said, "I will tell her. Everything will wait until I meet her." , let's talk again!" After finishing speaking, Yu Muqing, who had never met before, ignored the reluctance on Yu Muqing's face, nodded to the housekeeper at the side, and said, "Take them around, other things Talk about it later!"

"Good young master!" The housekeeper nodded dutifully, went straight to the door and called a few men in military uniforms. He didn't know what he had said to them. The men rushed in immediately, and each of them grabbed a researcher. Arm, directly pulled them to the door.

"Let me go, let me go!" Yu Muqing struggled, unwilling to leave, while being dragged outside, he shouted to the stranger: "You can't force us to waste time here like this!!"

"It's only a day or two!" The stranger said indifferently, "As soon as the game is updated, I think we will be able to see Xiaoyan! At that time, I will let you take her away!" This point, Unacquainted with the incomparable confirmation!
After all, if Yu Muqing and the others are not allowed to take Ji Xiaoyan and Yuyou Cang away, maybe it is true what Yu Muqing said, they will not take Ji Xiaoyan's body seriously!All he thinks now is to tell Ji Xiaoyan about this matter and see if she has any opinions. At that time, she can't negotiate terms with Yu Muqing and the others, so why can't he?
Therefore, what he needs now is to let Yu Muqing and the others take her away after meeting Ji Xiaoyan! !This is really for her own good!

"Game update?!! That is to be updated into a new world, how could it only take a day or two!! You can't waste your time like this, leaving us all in Longcheng, and don't let us take Ji Xiaoyan away!!" Yu Muqing said a little Angrily said to the stranger.
"New world!!" The stranger murmured, then looked at Yu Muqing and asked, "What about the new world? After the update, can't we players enter? Now that you have said it, where will it be in the future?" In a world of immortality, it takes a long time for it to update, I think it is normal. Anyway, Ji Xiaoyan has succeeded, she is already a person of that world, isn't she?" Speaking of this, strangers Then he remembered a very important thing, then looked at Yu Muqing and said, "By the way, don't leave right now! Xiaoyan's game cabin doesn't have much nutrient solution, and the ingredients of your protection solution and nutrient solution are different?"

"That's for sure!" Yu Muqing said seriously.

"Then ask your people to send some protective fluid over there now!" The stranger stared at Yu Muqing and said, "I think you should have prepared this thing a long time ago!"

"Then how can I do it!" Yu Muqing immediately shook his head and refused, "The protection liquid is a highly confidential thing, we can't leak it around and take it away, if you really want to help Ji Xiaoyan, you should let us immediately Take her and the game chamber away, and immediately inject her with protective fluid."

Hearing Yu Muqing's words, the strangers frowned fiercely at first, then smiled suddenly, and then said to the housekeeper, "Have you heard what this person said? Let people go to their Feitian immediately Search the ship and find all the protective fluid they brought over!"

"Yes!" The housekeeper was stunned for a moment, but he didn't realize what the strangers meant by those words, and just nodded instinctively.

On the other hand, Yu Muqing and those researchers were stunned when they heard the words they had never met before, and then shouted in panic: "You can't do this! That's our flying spaceship, you can't go on it. Who said our Is there protective fluid on the flying ship? You can't mess around."

"At first, I also thought that you all said that the protective fluid cannot be taken out, so you can only get it at the headquarters of your laboratory." The stranger squinted and smiled at Yu Muqing, "However, I thought about it later. What you said just now, you said that we must give you Ji Xiaoyan and the game chamber, and ask you to inject her with protective fluid immediately. How long will it take for Longcheng to arrive in your laboratory, you should be very clear when you come, right? I want to take it immediately Go to Ji Xiaoyan's game room, and immediately inject her with protective fluid, then there is only one possibility."

"They brought protective fluid on the flying ship!!" Yu Qisi's eyes lit up when he heard this.

They didn't know each other before and said nothing, just looked at Yu Muqing and those researchers with a smile, and saw that they were all staring at him in a daze at the moment, with a very revealing and unwilling look, then smiled again and stood up : "Okay, it's okay now, you can go and take a good look around our city first! Let's talk later when we have time! Butler, send them off."

The housekeeper immediately nodded in response, and looked at Yu Muqing and the others quite proudly, before signaling the men in military uniform to take the researchers out of the room.After the gate was closed, he said to the men in military uniform: "They are all 'visitors', you must send someone to follow them carefully, and protect them so that nothing will happen to them in our city, understand?"

"Yes!" Several men in military uniforms immediately nodded and replied, and after seeing the housekeeper waving for them to leave, they immediately pulled the unwilling Yu Muqing and the others out of the passage, and returned to the huge underground market
The strangers led Yu Qisi and Lu Wu out from the other door of the room.

However, this time, the strangers did not go back to Ji Xiaoyan's game room with Yu Qisi and the others, but separated from them after reaching the ground.As for what he was going to do, Yu Qisi and the others didn't dare to ask.

"Lu Wu, do you think those researchers really brought that protective liquid in their spaceships?" Yu Qisi followed Lu Wu back to the place where they stayed after watching the strangers disappear. In that room, he muttered to Lu Wu: "If the protective liquid is not found, should we hand over Miss Xiaoyan immediately and let those researchers take it away?"
"It should be!" Lu Wu thought for a while, nodded and said something, seeing Yu Qisi staring at him with some sharp eyes, he quickly said: "But we don't have to worry about anything! Didn't the vegetarian young master just say that?" Is it? There must be protective fluid in the spaceships of those researchers. Didn’t you see their expressions when they were dismantled? If there was no protective fluid, they would definitely not have that expression. So, you don’t have to worry at all. We What we have to worry about now is when the game can be restarted! We have to ask Miss Xiaoyan about what we will do in the future."

"That's right!" Yu Qisi nodded, and after secretly heaving a sigh of relief, he said sadly: "I heard that the time for this game update is not fixed at all. Listen to the tone of those researchers just now. It takes a long time for a game update”

"Turning a living person into an NPC in the game, it would be weird if this update didn't last long!" Lu Wu turned his eyes to the sky, said something to Yu Qisi, and then said: " However, we still need to make more preparations and collect our things. If possible, we should go to the game company to guard Miss Xiaoyan. We need to enter the game to protect Miss Xiaoyan.”

"En!" Yu Qisi nodded without thinking, and then said: "However, in reality, we also need to guard Miss Xiaoyan's body."

"Isn't that nonsense you said?" Lu Wubai glanced at Yu Qisi, ignored her staring at him, and walked faster, pushed their room away, and then said to Yu Qisi : "Can't you come in? Didn't you say that Miss Xiaoyan's game compartment needs to be cleaned? I'm going to fetch water."

Yu Qisi gave Lu Wu a helpless look, then nodded and entered the room.

At this moment, the strangers on the other side, led by a man in military uniform, entered an underground room on the other side, and then looked at the many video screens in that huge space, and clicked on each person in the video. Nodding, sat down on the chair.

"I heard that you drove away a few people from the game company not long ago, and this time they came again? What are you going to do?" The old man in a video looked at the stranger with a faint expression, and his tone was a little He said not very well: "I heard that the girl you picked up from the wild was still in Longcheng, and the people from the game company came here for her? You have to investigate carefully what she did. Don’t forget, Longcheng is the foundation of our family’s foothold in the Federation, and it’s only for a period of time that it’s handed over to you. Don’t be too arrogant and get carried away thinking that you have brought back a mysterious stone for your family. , just want to do whatever you want in Longcheng, if you cause any trouble, you get out of Longcheng immediately! If you still want your future, you should carefully investigate if the girl you brought to Longcheng is with you If there is any problem with the game company, if it doesn’t work, send it away immediately! Don’t let her cause any trouble for our family! As you know, our family has also invested a lot in the game, and the interests in the game Our family also has a share! What's more, the relationship between the federal government and game companies is not very weak."

 PS: Thank you "Jun Lingyu" for the pink ticket!Thank you for the pink tickets of "Xing Yuan VS Yuan Xing"!Thanks to "Ang Tao Tao Mao" for the two pink tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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