The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1316 I Can't Remember

Chapter 1316 I Can't Remember
I have never met him before, looking at the old people in the video with expressionless faces like statues, no matter where they are, they are sternly talking to him one by one, not even moving .

"Sixth boy, did you hear what we said!!" An old man didn't know if he noticed that the stranger's expression was obviously a little fuzzy, so he immediately stopped his voice and yelled at him , after seeing the stranger's eyeballs looking at him, he immediately shouted at him a little angrily: "Sixth boy, what is your attitude? So many of our elders are telling you that you What expression? Did you hear what we said?"

"Go ahead!" The stranger nodded, stretched out his hand and scratched his ear frivolously, then said to the old man with a smile on his face, "Grandpa Seventeen, just tell me what you want, how old am I? Your ears are good, so it’s impossible not to hear your teachings, isn’t it?”

"Hmph, I think you didn't listen at all!" The old man glared at the stranger angrily, then looked at the other people on the video screen and said, "I've said everything I should say, you guys still don't know what to say." Hurry up if you have anything to say. I still have things to do here, old man."

The stranger looked at the old man again, did not speak, but swept his gaze to the rest of the screen, and saw many old people frowning and staring at him without speaking. He flicked his fingers and said to them: "If the elders have nothing to do, then I will not accompany you. There are still many things that I need to do in our city every day, so I am not here Accompany the elders, take a step first?"

"You kid, remember what the old men said to you!" The old man who was called the Seventeenth Grandpa by the stranger raised his eyebrows when he heard his words, and yelled at the stranger, and nodded when he saw him smiling. After the reconciliation, he said: "Little six, old man, I am not telling you any jokes, you still ignore it as before! I told you before that this game is not an ordinary game. Let you play it." The game is not for playing. It is for you to compete. After you didn’t report to any of us last time, you inexplicably mobilized so many people to go to the wild. If you are not lucky, you will bring it back You bought a black stone, do you think we won't deal with you? You have to remember that you are not the only outstanding child in the family."

The stranger who had never met before continued to look at the old man with a smile, and after seeing him frowning and looking at himself a little depressed, he nodded to express his understanding.Then after watching the rest of the portraits on the screen disappear one by one, the smile on the faces of the strangers gradually faded away!
It's a bad mood to be strangers!

Those guys from the game company really have a temper! !Also sue
Miss Ji Xiaoyan came back from the field with him at the beginning. When the old people in the family came to pick up Xuanshi in the field, naturally someone would report his situation, so Ji Xiaoyan was brought back by him. We all know.Originally, they wanted the strangers to drive Ji Xiaoyan off the flying ship directly, but the strangers said that they knew Ji Xiaoyan from the beginning, and there were even certain transactions, which were regarded as beneficial transactions, so they did not let the strangers know each other. The old men in those families threw Ji Xiaoyan out of the flying ship. Later, because they were strangers to find the mysterious stone, their family's contribution to the Federation went up immediately, and later because they wanted to donate the mysterious stone, this I got a lot of benefits in the federation, so as a reward, Longcheng was also thrown to a stranger, as one of the heirs of the family, to practice.
Thinking of this, the faces of strangers suddenly changed a little bit.

He ranks sixth in the family rankings, barely making it into the ranks of heir candidates.But as a direct descendant, he is not the oldest, nor is he the closest successor to the current family leader. If he really wants to become the family leader, he still has a long way to go.To perform well, to have achievements, to have experience, and to have strength
For him, Longcheng is indeed a very important competitiveness!
It's just that I don't know each other now, but I feel that this competitiveness is a bit cumbersome, and it makes me a little less free.Those old guys in the family always threaten them with these things whenever they have something to do. How can this be their own experience?Exactly what the old guys in the family want them to do.
The stranger let out a breath of irritability, and after a while, he snorted coldly, and waited for all the old people on the screen to disappear from his sight, then turned around and left the room, and then faced the door Yu Muqing and his butler said, "Go, go and see the flying ships of those game company people! Ask some data to work better, let's go and look at the game company's database"

If it is really necessary to give Miss Ji Xiaoyan to those guys from the game company unconditionally in order to keep this place of Longcheng, then what is the use of it?A man can't even protect the woman he likes, and needs to use this woman in exchange for rights, so what's the point of this right?It's better to go to the game and be a test subject, say that you may not be able to be like Ji Xiaoyan, throw away these shackles in reality, gain freedom in the game, and live freely as you want.
Such an idea suddenly popped up in the mind of the stranger!Then, this idea grew wildly. If it is really possible, maybe I can go to the game with Ji Xiaoyan soon?

Thinking of this, the strangers couldn't help fantasizing about the life in the game.

At this time, Yu Muqing and the others were led by the men in military uniforms in the city, and forced to wander slowly in the market they passed by at the beginning.They don't want to buy anything at the moment, they are not interested in anything, and they don't want to watch anything, but those men in military uniform who are holding their hands and pretending to be afraid that people will conflict with them will not let them do whatever they want. walk away
They can only wait!
After the game was updated, Ji Xiaoyan met the owner of the Longcheng
And during the period of game update, all the people were either frowning and wishing that the game would be launched soon, or they were browsing the forums everywhere, looking for any information about game updates
The game company, on the other hand, sent an announcement to the many players who asked them about game updates, explaining what the master brain said, that the game world will be truly fair in the future, saying that the system was not perfect in the past, Therefore, in a certain part of the game activities, manual intervention is still required, but now the game system has been completely perfected.That's why there will be game updates, and there will be absolutely no artificial intervention in the game life in the future, and the game will truly be fair and just
As for what the game will look like after the update, the game company explained vaguely, only saying that players should wait patiently.

On the contrary, quite a few players have left messages to ask, whether the game company will provide compensation for delaying everyone’s time, such as what kind of gift package will be sent after going online, or equipment, gold coins, etc., the game company Only one sentence was given: We don't even set up customer service anymore, let the game become the jurisdiction of the mastermind independently, how can we arrange to send these compensations! ?

So, the players complained again!

However, no matter how much trouble the players make, the game company will no longer come out to make any announcements!Everyone enters the game interface every day except for nothing to see how long the update will take, just go to the forum to see the players' posting time in the boring time.
In the game, after six days of playing time, Ji Xiaoyan finally opened his eyes as if he was full of sleep, and then saw a handsome and delicate man looking at her with a pleasant smile, while holding her shoulders to let him go. She sat up and asked her with concern: "You finally woke up! How do you feel? Are you okay?"

"Who are you?" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head a little drowsily, then patted his forehead with his hand, looked at the man in front of him and asked, and then asked, "Where is the light? Why isn't it there? Are you there?" who is it?"

The man's face darkened for a second, then he frowned tightly, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said slightly annoyed: "Don't you know who I am? You don't remember anything after you wake up from sleep? Or are you blaming me for this? Ji Xiaoyan, don’t even think about it, I did it for your own good! How well you live in our world? Don’t you want to stay? "

Ji Xiaoyan frowned slightly, she couldn't listen to what this man said in her head, and was about to ask him not to stand in front of her and prevent her from standing up, when a few more people rushed out of the side figure.
"Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan, are you okay? You really came to our world, you won't be leaving, right?" A long, pink and jade-carved little boy rushed directly through the gap by taking advantage of his figure. Looking at her by Ji Xiaoyan's hand, she said in surprise, "Xiaoyan, you have been lying down for a long time, we have waited enough."

"Wait a minute what's the matter?" A fair-looking man beside the boy rolled his eyes at him, then immediately cast his gaze on Ji Xiaoyan, and said to her, "Xu Mo, you are so serious, Xiaoyan just woke up. Your mind is still a little unclear, and you are complaining here, hurry up, hurry up, Brick, didn’t you make some potions for Xiaoyan to refresh her mind? Hurry up and give her to drink.”

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he immediately became vigilant.Her name is Ji Xiaoyan, that's right, Master Naoguang told her long ago!It's just, how did the person in front of her who she obviously didn't know know her name, moreover, he looked very familiar! !Guang didn't tell her that he still has acquaintances who are visiting her!The most important point is, what kind of potion do these so-called "acquaintances" want to feed her? If she is poisoned to death, who will it be?

She has just entered a new world, okay? !
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly climbed up from the stone, staggered to hold on to the stone next to him, looked at the men and children surrounding him with distrust and defense, and asked: " Don't come here, I don't know you. Who are you! Don't give me any potions or anything like that."

"Xiaoyan, what's wrong with you? I'm Xuanmo!" Xuanmo's eyes widened, he looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said innocently, then pointed to the white man next to him and said: "This annoying man is Friesman Ah, those quiet and quiet people next to me are Brick. Also, there are Jiajia, and Xiye, they just went to find something to eat, Xiaoyan, don’t you remember us?”

Xuan Mo and Friesman fixed their eyes on Ji Xiaoyan eagerly, expecting her to say something that seemed familiar.However, the reality is that Ji Xiaoyan frowned tightly, watching them in silence!

Lord Besa next to him also frowned at this moment, while standing up, trying to get closer to Ji Xiaoyan's side, after seeing her move to the side obviously defensively, he stared at her closely and asked: " Do you remember who you are?"

"That's natural." Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then said: "I don't remember how many of you I know."

Master Bessa really wanted to touch Ji Xiaoyan's forehead, to see if she was burned stupid or something, but after seeing that she didn't seem willing to let him touch her at all, then she sank her face and turned towards her. Looking at the stone on the other side, he shouted: "Eternal Heart, come out! Explain to us, what is going on? Didn't you say that everything will be fine after she wakes up? Why doesn't she remember us? ?”

After hearing Lord Bessa's words, Eternal Heart popped out of the stone for a while, looked at Ji Xiaoyan for several seconds, and then said to Lord Bessa: "I said, It will be fine if she wakes up, but that means she won’t die. Whether she can wake up successfully is beyond my control, and why she became like this is beyond my decision to intervene, so ah , you can’t trouble me. By the way, now that she’s awake, you should leave now! I’ve been restricting Xishan for a long time, so if you can leave at any time, take her with you. "

Lord Bessa stared at the Eternal Heart dissatisfied, and was about to clean it up, but after watching the Eternal Heart disappear into the stone immediately after finishing speaking, he glared at it bitterly, and then Looking at Ji Xiaoyan, he said to her: "Forget it, Ji Xiaoyan, you don't know us now, you will get to know us gradually!" Having said this, Master Bessa glanced at Xuan Mo and the others, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan : "By the way, I forgot to tell you. My name is Besa, the lord of Refu Water City, and also your fiancé"

 PS: Thanks for the pink ticket for "Who is the Leprechaun"!

(End of this chapter)

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