Chapter 1317 Knowing
fiancé! ?

Ji Xiaoyan was stunned by such a news.

Isn't she just a city lord in this new world?Didn't he just say that he will be an independent and free city lord here in the future, and it's over if he controls a large number of people?Earn everything by yourself and live hard, it's that simple!Why would someone like his fiancé suddenly appear again?

Yes, Ji Xiaoyan had to admit that the man in front of her was absolutely better than any man in the world she remembered, and it was pleasing to the eye.However, at this moment, she had to look at the man in front of her who claimed to be her fiance with a trace of vigilance and scrutiny!Who is she, Ji Xiaoyan, what is her identity and background, does she still have no idea in her heart?In the past few decades of her life, from birth to graduating from university, and coming out to work, if she can really attract such an excellent man to be her fiancé, why does she still need to keep thinking about the man who had an affair with each other, has she never been in a formal relationship?
Think about how Ji Xiaoyan, He De, and how can she be treated like a Mary Sue as a lucky hostess, and when she wakes up, she can see an incomparable super-quality man who is so beautiful and gentle to herself. He said he was treated like a fiancé?
So, the situation in front of her is either an illusion, fake; or, the man in front of her is deceiving her for some purpose.Of course, it would be impossible to say that the man in front of him had a broken brain. If he was blind, Ji Xiaoyan might still believe him a little bit.

So, Master Bessa, who thought that Ji Xiaoyan would relax his vigilance a little after hearing the identity he introduced, discovered that the girl's eyes towards him became more vigilant!
"Light, light" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Master Bessa vigilantly, preventing him from approaching, and shouted a few times into the air.

"Xiaoyan, who is Guang?" Xuan Mo looked up at Ji Xiaoyan curiously, trying to walk towards her.

In the end, Ji Xiaoyan yelled at him like a warning: "Stop, you all don't come here!!"

"Xiaoyan, what's wrong with you? I'm Xuan Mo! Don't you remember me?" Xuan Mo looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a look of grievance.For such a cute child like himself, when Ji Xiaoyan saw him in the forbidden area of ​​Panchi City, didn't he help him escape because of his cuteness?Why is it that she is covered with sharp thorns all over her body at this moment, and she won't let herself get close! !

So hurt, so hurt.
Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo with an aggrieved expression on his face, and accused himself with his eyes, as if he had made a huge mistake in not letting him approach, so he immediately frowned, and looked at Xuan Mo Mo said: "Don't think that making such an expression makes me soft-hearted. These days, a child like you is the scariest thing. You know everything, and with a cute face, you secretly give others There are too many stabbing situations, I am not those white lotus flowers"

While talking, Ji Xiaoyan frowned and looked around, confirming that it did not appear after waking up and screaming a lot, then he muttered in a low voice: "This light doesn't count! No! Well, after I come, tell me everything here? I’m awake now, it didn’t tell me anything, and it disappeared by itself.”

"Xiaoyan, who is the light you are talking about? Is it Lord God?" Friesman's mind was spinning quickly, he rolled his eyes, and asked Ji Xiaoyan. Seeing her glance at him, he immediately He asked excitedly: "Is it really the Lord God? Xiaoyan, have you seen the Lord God? Has it talked to you? Wow Xiaoyan, tell me what the Lord God looks like."

Ji Xiaoyan stared at Friesman with suspicious eyes, and after he finished speaking excitedly, he asked, "Who are you? What does the Lord God look like, what did he say, why should I tell you!! "

When Friesman heard this, he felt as if he had been frozen in an instant. After looking at Ji Xiaoyan for a few times in shock, he held his chest as if injured, and said to her, "Xiaoyan, I am Friesman. Ah! Have you forgotten me? Back then you took me back to the undead tribe and helped me find my family."

"Undead? Are you a dead person?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Friesman in surprise and asked.

"Who is the dead man! You..." Friesman swallowed back the sentence "You are the dead man" that he was about to say, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Our race is the undead race, but not It means dead!!"

"Oh, that's the kind of half-life, right?" Ji Xiaoyan nodded at Friesman as if I understood. I started to study my current situation.

Judging from the situation she is observing now, the world of "Enlightenment" mentioned by the main god alone seems to be somewhat magical.The little golden man called "Eternal Heart" by Lord Bessa is like a kind of elf in fantasy. Riesman; there is also a beautiful boy with obviously high IQ, a little treacherous, not normal; a quiet man beside him is said to be able to make some kind of potion, and he wants to drink it for himself.
"Xiaoyan, what are you thinking? Are you hungry right now? I still have food here!" Friesman saw Ji Xiaoyan's eyes dimmed, and he didn't know where his mind wandered. Considering that she might be asleep It's been too long, my mind is a little confused, so I don't care about it with her, so I quickly took out a piece of barbecue from the package, held it in my hand and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "This is a piece of meat that we roasted not long ago. Do you want to eat to fill your stomach first? You have slept for so long, you must be hungry, and your mind will be confused, and when you eat meat, you will definitely remember who we are when you are full!"

"No need! I'm afraid you'll be poisoned." Ji Xiaoyan didn't appreciate it, and directly refused to Friesman.

As a result, Friesman felt an arrow in his chest again, and stepped back while clutching his chest exaggeratedly.
On the contrary, Master Bessa just frowned at Ji Xiaoyan's behavior, then obediently kept a distance from her, walked directly to the stone where the Eternal Heart was hiding, reached out and knocked.

"Go away!" Eternal Heart's voice came softly from the stone.

"Come out and explain to me what's going on now! You've made it clear that we'll leave immediately after she accepts us!" Lord Bessa knocked on the stone impatiently and said to the Eternal Heart.

"She's out of her mind, what does it matter to me? Doesn't she have to wake up?" the voice of Eternal Heart said a little far-fetched.

"I don't have much patience, you know that!" Lord Bessa said lightly.

A few seconds later, the head of Eternal Heart popped out of the stone, glared at Lord Bessa resentfully, and then said to him: "Okay, okay, you will be like a plague god!" , if I don’t send you away, I won’t have a clean day! You all wait, I’ll beg to see Lord Lord God, and ask Lord Lord God before I speak.”

"En!" Master Bessa nodded in satisfaction, and said again when the Eternal Heart was about to drill into the rock again: "Talk to her first, we came together with her, we are the closest people, It won't hurt her. Give her something to eat."

"Trouble!" Eternal Heart gave Lord Bessa a blank look, looked him up and down, and said, "However, the closest person to her is probably without you? Those are the attendants of her, the lord of the Qing City." , is the closest person! Don't think that I don't know what you said to her attendants when she was not awake when she was hiding in the rock. She had a marriage contract with you, and after waking up I know who she is engaged to if she wants to go back to River Water City to get married with you!!"
"Really?" There was a trace of imperceptible danger in Lord Bessa's eyes, and he looked down at the Eternal Heart lightly: "You know quite a lot, but, what do you want when you know? Go and expose it in front of her." me?"

Eternal Heart glanced at Lord Bessa, and after emerging from the stone, he curled his lips and said, "Whether you are her real fiancé or not is none of my business? I will only do what Lord God arranges for me." Already!!"

Master Bessa hummed, watched Eternal Heart fly to Ji Xiaoyan, successfully approached her, and whispered in her ear for a while, then walked back slowly to Xuan Mo and the others. around, looking at Ji Xiaoyan
"You mean, they are all my attendants? They all listen to me?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the Eternal Heart with some doubts, pointed to Xuan Mo and the others and asked it.To be honest, if she wanted to say who she believed in after waking up, she really didn't know!But because of the attitude of Eternal Heart after she woke up, she also felt that this little elf would definitely not lie!At least, she didn't see how good the relationship between this little guy and Lord Bessa was, at least she wouldn't try to trick her, wouldn't she?
"Well, all of them! Except this." Eternal Heart nodded with certainty, said something to Ji Xiaoyan, and then pointed to Master Besa and said, "He is the Lord of River Water City." As for whether it is hers or not? Fiancé fact, it goes without saying.

After finishing speaking, Eternal Heart didn't care whether Ji Xiaoyan wanted to ask any questions, and flew back to the stone, and finally said to her: "Is there any question, after I go to see Lord Lord God, I will talk to you again." .”

"Can you see the light?" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly asked, seeing Eternal Heart digging into the rock with her butt pouted, she didn't have any intention of answering her, so she quickly said: "Then if you see the light, Let him come to me! I still have a lot of things I want to ask him."

Eternal Heart snorted, and didn't know whether it agreed or not, it just burrowed into the stone and disappeared.

"Then Xiaoyan, you know who we are now, right? We will never betray you, so we will definitely not use poison to harm you." Friesman was deeply concerned about Ji Xiaoyan's words, his eyes widened Wronged and said to her, "Then do you want to eat something first?"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Friesman, then glanced at Xuan Mo and Brick, and after staring at Brick several times, he said, "Your name is Brick, right?"

Brick nodded, and then said: "Well, I'm an alchemist! I usually make some potions and the like."

"Same as a doctor?" Ji Xiaoyan was very satisfied that Brick introduced his occupation directly, and after thinking about it, he said, "Do you have anything to eat?" Compared to Xuan Mo and Friesman, Ji Xiaoyan felt that this man, who hadn't spoken to her since she woke up and just looked at her with concern, looked more reliable.

"Xiaoyan, you don't believe me" Friesman hurt again.

After Ji Xiaoyan finished speaking, Brick immediately lowered his head and flipped through the package, then raised his head and said depressedly: "Xiaoyan, I don't have anything to eat here." After a pause, he said again: "Look Looking at your package, I remember that there should be food in your package."

"My package?" Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, then looked down at himself, only to realize that the clothes he was wearing at the moment were completely different from the gorgeous clothes he saw in that space. Much simpler.

"It's on your waist." Brick pointed at Ji Xiaoyan's waist, teaching her to use the space bag step by step.

So, when Ji Xiaoyan finally found the trick and saw the items in the interspatial bag, he opened his mouth wide in shock! !God, this world is so amazing! !There was only a small embroidered bag on her waist, according to Ji Xiaoyan's observation, it was enough to hold a few biscuits and it was almost full!As a result, I didn't expect that when I opened it, what appeared in my line of sight was like another world. The screen was full of various things, neatly grouped together by category, a large area.
Food, food, ornamental, herbs, bones, and even animal carcasses are all packed in their own packages, all piled up in small piles, which one you want to see, and which one you want to take, all you need is one thought, The grid of that kind of thing will be automatically enlarged in front of you, and then you can think about how many you want to take in your mind, or even which one you want to choose, and then that thing will automatically appear in your hand.
"Oh my God!!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help exclaiming, then looked at the big piece of bread in his hand, and said excitedly: "My God! This world is simply not a real world. It’s just like in a dream! It’s amazing and unreal.”

 PS: Thanks for the pink ticket of "Mu Yu Clover"!Thank you for the "Zhan Ruo Wu" pink ticket!Thank you "941 Dessert" for your review!Thank you for the two pink tickets to "Where to Gaze"!Thanks to "Jun Lingyu" for the two pink tickets!Thanks to "Master Bessa and Xiaoyan" for the peace talisman!
(End of this chapter)

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