The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1318 I still have to figure out the relationship

Chapter 1318 I still have to figure out the relationship
On the top of Xishan Mountain in Mochen Town.

Xuan Mo, Friesman, Brick, and Jia Jia and Xi Ye who are said to have returned from hunting for food all chose their seats to sit around Miss Ji Xiaoyan, surrounded her carefully, and looked at her Excitedly looking through the miscellaneous things in her package, from time to time, she secretly glanced at Mrs. Bessa who was obviously excluded by Ji Xiaoyan.
"Xiaoyan, do you want to ask Master Besa to come and sit down?" Friesman looked at it for a while, and saw that the others turned a blind eye to Master Besa's hesitant appearance of wanting to come over, so he , After thinking about it, he asked Ji Xiaoyan a question, and casually cast a look at Master Bessa.He has the essentials for his own love!

Sure enough, after hearing Friesman's words, Lord Bessa's eyes lit up for a moment, and after blinking at him to express his appreciation, he cast his eyes on Ji Xiaoyan, and then watched Ji Xiaoyan walk from her He looked away from the pile of things and looked at himself.

Lord Bessa's heartbeat accelerated a little for no reason.
"Xiaoyan?" Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan just looked at Mr. Bessa but didn't speak, Friesman hurriedly urged him and said: "Mr. Bessa is still very creditable for our way to get here. Besides, yours Isn't that what the relationship is?"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Friesman with some displeasure. What is the relationship between her and Mrs. Bessa, it is not clear at the moment!

"Friesman, I don't know what you said. However, if you think Master Bessa is very good, you can follow him! You are just my servants, not slaves. You should go wherever you want. Very free, right?" Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyebrows and said something to Friesman obviously unhappy, then looked at Xuan Mo and the others and asked, "If you want to leave me, do you still need me to do it?" what?"

Ji Xiaoyan is very open to the attendants who are picked up. They all said that they have been walking around in this game world with them all the time, and their relationship is very unusual, but now she has no memory of them at all. No.So, if one or two of these attendants leave, she doesn't care!Anyway, I’m not familiar with it, so I won’t give up, right?

Besides, these days, doesn't she see such incidents of betrayal by subordinates on TV and the Internet? As far as Friesman's behavior is concerned, it is typical to show favor to Mrs. Bessa in front of her face!Isn't this the trend to be ready to betray?Rather than waiting for him to betray, let him go now.
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but look at Master Bessa.

At the beginning, Jiajia and Xiye came back after she knew how to use the package space, and then Master Bessa looked very familiar, ready to come to her side.To be honest, if it was in the previous world, Ji Xiaoyan might still be lucky. He didn't know what kind of shit luck he had, to be favored by such a beautiful man, and to have a fairytale-like affair in fantasy Life!
Unfortunately, her mind is very clear! !She wouldn't be so foolish as to just trust a man who claimed to be her fiancé in such a new world.

Isn't it a common saying?Beautiful things are poisonous! !What's more, this poisonous man might even get involved with her so-called attendants. Then he will definitely not be a good person! !
"Jajia only follows Xiaoyan, not anyone else!!" Before Xuan Mo and the others answered Ji Xiaoyan's words, Jiajia, who had a huge body beside him, hurriedly made a statement, and after pulling Ji Xiaoyan back to his thoughts, he also helped Xi Ye also said: "Xiye is the same!! Together with Jiajia, always follow Xiaoyan, not others!!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan turned to look at Jiajia, patted its paw warmly in his heart, and said to it, "Yes, good!" As for animal pets, Ji Xiaoyan still likes them very much.I don't know if it's because she is a woman, so she is a little nervous about animals. She always feels that there is no obstacle in keeping pets like Jiajia and Xiye!In addition, Jiajia's body is so huge and can be ridden, which really surprised Ji Xiaoyan; Xiye is small and super cute, and it is easy to poke her cute spot
Moreover, the most important thing is that these two can also talk. They are simply two super pets! !Therefore, Jiajia and Xiye are easier for her to accept than Xuan Mo and the others who are present at the moment.

Seeing Jiajia's proud appearance, Xuan Mo quickly declared that he would follow Ji Xiaoyan forever
Friesman was a little dazed at the moment.

He signed an agreement with Ji Xiaoyan, and he will be her servant for the rest of his life, so he knows very well in his heart that he will always belong to Miss Ji Xiaoyan!I never thought about following others!Friesman had his own considerations for speaking for Lord Bessa.
One is the strength of Lord Bessa himself.On this point, Friesman undeniably wanted to say that that guy was much stronger than him. If Ji Xiaoyan and the others could follow Lord Bessa, no matter what they did, it would naturally be much easier.

The second point is that when Ji Xiaoyan was sleeping, Lord Bessa kept telling them that the relationship between him and Ji Xiaoyan was not ordinary. They confirmed the relationship between the fiancé and couple when they were in River Water City, and now they just need to wait for Ji Xiaoyan. After Xiaoyan became a real person in their world, and became the permanent lord of Qingcheng, they could get married, and then River Water City and Qingcheng were merged together.
So, with this information in his heart, Friesman thinks that although Miss Ji Xiaoyan has forgotten a lot of things after waking up, including Master Besa as her fiancé, he can't let their future husband and wife What a gap between the two!What if Master Bessa got angry and left in a haughty way, broke off the engagement, and took revenge on Ji Xiaoyan and the like?What if Master Bessa was offended by this, and Miss Ji Xiaoyan's memory came back?When the time comes, things between her and Master Bessa will get into trouble, why don't you blame them for not helping now?
So, Friesman was worried.

He is completely kind, but why can't Miss Mao Ji Xiaoyan understand him?He also said to let him follow Master Bessa!He is her man, how can he hang out with Lord Bessa?If they want to go, they will only be able to go if Ji Xiaoyan takes them there.
Thinking of this, Friesman's gaze became a little aggrieved.

After hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Master Bessa next to him immediately turned dark.

Did she know that he lied to her, that's why she treated him like this?Otherwise, how could a girl like Ji Xiaoyan treat him like this?The little girl has always stared at him with grievances in her eyes, and from time to time she looks fearless, the kind who will bite people when she is anxious!He couldn't help but want to tease her over and over again.
Thinking of this, Lord Bessa pondered for a while, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Xiaoyan, Friesman is yours, so how could he follow me? You are overthinking! What is the relationship between the two of us?" Ah, how could I possibly rob you."

While speaking, Lord Bessa casually walked towards Ji Xiaoyan and the others!However, after only two steps, Ji Xiaoyan cast his eyes on him and said to him, "Don't come here!!"

Lord Bessa looked at Ji Xiaoyan with his eyes wide open, and asked in puzzlement, "Why?"

"The relationship between the two of us is probably not as good as the relationship between me and them, right? So, it's better for you to stay away!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Master Bessa with a strong attitude, completely ignoring the look on his face. Confused and slightly angry, "You said you are my fiancé, but I don't have the slightest impression. What if you cheated on the marriage? I don't know what I was like before, so how can I be with you?" I don't know if I know each other, but now, in my opinion, you said that we two have a marriage contract, I can't accept it, so, relatively speaking, they are all my servants, and the Lord God helped me make a contract; and you To me, they are just strangers, so for everyone’s safety, it’s better for us to stay away!!”

"You really forgot about me?" Master Bessa looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a look of disbelief and asked in a muffled voice.

"Sorry, I really don't have an impression of you!! I think it's better for us to keep our distance now!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Master Besa's face, then quickly turned away, stretched out his hands to wrap himself in the space The stuff went.

She doesn't want to discuss the relationship between the two with this monstrous man in front of her. You know, it takes courage to reject such a superb man.

The result of everything will wait until she sees the light, or in other words, after she gets the news of the light from the Eternal Heart, let's talk about it!Now, anyone who says anything is unbelievable to her, including Xuan Mo and Friesman who are surrounded by her at the moment
"Okay, I'll study things slowly when I turn back." After thinking for a while, Ji Xiaoyan put away all the things on the ground, stretched his waist, and asked Friesman: "By the way , Friesman, have you thought about it yet?"

"Hmph!" Friesman snorted towards Ji Xiaoyan with a rare annoyance, found a place to sit down, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "What do you think, I, Friesman, am nothing A treacherous guy. Follow you and follow you. I will not follow other people! But, think about it, what is wrong with what I said? I am not thinking about your future."

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Friesman in confusion, and was about to ask him to explain what he meant when she saw the little golden light flying into her sight, so she quickly stood up in surprise and looked at The Eternal Heart asked, "How? How? Did you see the light? What did he say?"

Eternal Heart flew past Lord Bessa meaningfully, glanced at him hastily, and then flew to Ji Xiaoyan's ear, and whispered to her: "Master Lord God said, this time we The world needs to be re-planned. He has a lot of work, so he doesn't have time to wait for you to wake up, tell you everything he promised you, and then leave. However, the Lord Lord God said, as the saying goes: all kinds of things yesterday You died yesterday, and all kinds of things will be born tomorrow. After all, you are also in our world now, and you can be regarded as a newcomer in this world. If you forget the past, you will forget it, and you can accumulate new memories when you look back.”

"What kind of explanation is this?!" Ji Xiaoyan was obviously dissatisfied, looking at Eternal Heart and said.

"Anyway, that's what Lord God said." Eternal Heart shrugged, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "However, if you really want to know something about the past, promise." Eternal Heart pouted angrily at Xuan Mo and the others, He continued: "These people have been following you all the time. If you have any questions, you can just ask them directly? Anyway, they are all your attendants, and they will definitely not lie to you. So, now you are basically here with me. There's nothing else to do, so let's go now."

"Did the light say when to come to me?" Ji Xiaoyan saw that the Eternal Heart was about to leave, so he quickly reached out and grabbed it by the corner of his clothes, and asked him.

"Master Lord God came to look for you?" Eternal Heart originally wanted to laugh a couple of times, mocking Ji Xiaoyan's overreaching, but after thinking about it, it seemed that when Ji Xiaoyan was sleeping, she was always talking to the Lord God. The adults were together, so Eternal Heart hesitated for two seconds, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I don't know about this, anyway, Lord Lord God is not free at the moment, when he has time, he will definitely come to you! "

Ji Xiaoyan let out a sigh of disappointment, seeing the Eternal Heart struggling to fly out under his fingers, immediately said in a low voice: "Don't fly around, wait a minute. I'll let you go if I ask another question." .”

"Say it, say it!!" Eternal Heart looked at Ji Xiaoyan impatiently.

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan quickly glanced at Master Bessa, and then asked to the Eternal Heart: "No, do you know Master Bessa over there? He said he has a marriage contract with me, so I want to ask, Do I have to marry him? Is this engagement really made by me and him? "

Eternal Heart frowned, glanced at Master Bessa who had been staring at him and Ji Xiaoyan, looked back at Ji Xiaoyan for a few seconds, and then said: "You are the Lord of Qing City, don't you even think that you are the Lord of Qing City? Don’t you have the right to freely control your marriage? As for how your marriage contract was settled, I don’t know!! You have to ask, Nuo, ask your servants, maybe they know. It’s okay, don’t hold on I'm dead, I still have to talk to that man."

Ji Xiaoyan relaxed his fingers, watched the Eternal Heart fly out of his palm and rushed to Lord Bessa's side, then turned his gaze to Lord Bessa seriously.

It is undeniable that if the man in front of him is really his fiancé, Ji Xiaoyan feels that his trip to the new world must have made a lot of money, but she has no impression of him at all, so her first time in this world One thing, is it about the marriage contract?

 PS: Another month has passed. Thanks to "susantsh0905" for the 5 pink tickets!Thanks to "Master Bessa and Xiaoyan" for the peace talisman!Thank you "Feng & Dance" for the pink tickets!Thanks for the pink ticket from "Where to Gaze"!Thanks to "yuanxueld" for the 3 pink tickets!Thank you "Jun Lingyu" for the pink ticket!Thanks for the pink ticket of "Water Flow Without Hate"!Thank you "Linna" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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