The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1319 Let's go when it's over

Chapter 1319 Go back when you're done

According to what Master Brainlight told those game researchers, the entire game world will not be reopened until Miss Ji Xiaoyan wakes up, and the update will be completed.But at this moment, Ji Xiaoyan in the game world is still awake, and she even got to know her attendants on the west mountain of Mochen Town, and none of the players outside the game has received any notification about the completion of the game update. information
No one knows what Guang is doing at the moment?Also ready to do something!
The only thing Ji Xiaoyan knows is that she entered this world, and she will live in this world in the future and become the lord of a city!This can be regarded as a life-long job that she found in this world alone. Thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan still thinks it is very good!As for Master Bessa's sudden accident, she can only treat it as a job accident at the moment, and find a way to solve it by herself!

As for the solution, whether to complete the engagement or dissolve the engagement, Ji Xiaoyan doesn't know at the moment!

Lord Bessa entrusted the Eternal Heart to ask about Ji Xiaoyan's situation, and the answer he got was: when this girl crossed the world, her brain may have been damaged, so she lost her memory.Then, there is nothing else to tell him!So, after thinking for a few seconds, Lord Bessa, who stood there blankly, suddenly laughed.
"Xiaoyan, since you are already awake, let's go down the mountain first, and then go back to your Qingcheng, shall we?" Lord Bessa's face is full of smiles at the moment, and it even makes people feel that his face is exuding a smile. A sense of joy in the spring breeze.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Yu Mo immediately nodded upon hearing Lord Bessa's words, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "It's been a while since we came out of Qingcheng, and the reason for this is that you, Xiaoyan, can become the permanent city lord of Qingcheng." The matter is finished now, and we should go back. I remember you are going to go treasure hunting or something, should we go treasure hunting first or go back to Qingcheng first?"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Xuan Mo with some doubts, then rolled his eyes like a cover-up, and said to them: "Go back to Qingcheng! Since I, the city lord, have finished my work, I naturally want to go back to my own city to have a look. Ah." She will never admit it, she is hearing Brick and Jiajia say that there is an omnipotent figure in Qingcheng, and the chief executive of Qingcheng is also her own, and that old man will explain to her any doubts she has. confused! !In this new world, she has just entered a game world. Now she has created a character and entered the game, and then she has to find an NPC to help her get acquainted with this world.
"Since we are going back to Qingcheng, let's go back!" Master Bessa said something to her with a smile on the face of listening to Ji Xiaoyan, and then looked at Xuan Mo and said, "As for Xuan Mo Let’s talk about the treasure hunt you mentioned later! It took a lot of time for Xiaoyan to go out this time, so I still have to go back and rest for a while. When you go to treasure hunt, I’ll have someone prepare some shelter Water thing, we will go together when the time comes!"

"Really?" Friesman originally stopped talking because of Ji Xiaoyan's distrust, but when he heard Mr. Bessa's words, he immediately asked with bright eyes, and then realized something was wrong, so he hurried Covering his mouth, he glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, seeing that she wasn't looking at him at all, so he pursed his lips sullenly.

Is Ji Xiaoyan already planning to ignore him?
Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Xuan Mo and Lord Bessa, and didn't care about the plans they said, just stood up, stood beside Jiajia and patted the dust on his clothes, then looked up at Jiajia with a smile and asked: " Then, Jiajia, can you give me a ride?" She has never sat on such a big animal as a mount, and Jiajia's super obedient appearance really prevented her from suppressing the idea of ​​riding it. !
"Yeah, Jiajia can take Xiaoyan home." Jiajia nodded happily, bent her legs towards Ji Xiaoyan, and signaled her to climb up by herself.

"Jajia, I want to be with Xiaoyan too!!" Yu Mo looked at Jiajia with a look of vying for favor and said, only to hear Ji Xiaoyan's voice of refusal: "I want to be alone"

"Xiaoyan, you don't like Xuan Mo anymore, do you?" Xuan Mo immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan with tears in her eyes, with a look of grievance on her face, looked at her and said, "What did Xuan Mo do wrong? Xiaoyan, why are you Don’t like Xuan Mo anymore? Xuan Mo is a child, didn’t Xiaoyan always take care of me as a child? Why don’t you like me anymore?"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Xuan Mo quite indifferently, and then said after a while, "I just woke up, and my mind is a little unclear, so let Jiajia drive me and everyone to walk together, and we all have to ride on Jiajia's back , how can I do that? Xuan Mo, you have to set an example for others!! When I turn back and wait for my brain to clear up and feel better, I’ll come down to accompany you. For now, just let me stay let's go."

Ji Xiaoyan still feels that, as far as the child Xuan Mo is concerned, she is definitely a very innocent and extremely black-bellied master. If she is not careful, she will fall into some kind of conspiracy by her servant. Don't get too close to him.

On the contrary, Xuan Mo pursed his lips immediately after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, obviously unwilling, but finally nodded, and moved to Jiajia's feet with a pitiful look.That way seems to be swearing, even if Miss Ji Xiaoyan doesn't take him to sit on Jiajia's body, he will always follow her
Naturally, the way down from the west mountain was much easier than when Ji Xiaoyan and the others went up the mountain.

The enchantment of Xishan was opened, and the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan living on the mountainside all responded to the words of the Lord God Guangnao at this moment, and stayed in the village honestly and did not come out. The white mist in the fog area also disappeared because of the enchantment; the villager NPCs who "hunted for treasure" on the mountain in Mochen Town also returned to the village, stayed at home and waited, and did not appear in the West Mountain.
So Ji Xiaoyan and his party went up and down from the top of Xishan Mountain, and they went very smoothly.

"What's this place?" When he came down from the mountain road and stepped into Mochen Town, Ji Xiaoyan stared at the buildings in the village with some doubts, and asked Xuan Mo and the others: "Is this a town? It’s broken down like this, so no one has lived there for many years?”

Lord Bessa glanced at Ji Xiaoyan with a somewhat unnatural expression, and then said: "This is Mochen Town. Mochen Town is not deserted. It's just that the mayor didn't take care of it well, so it became like this."

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Lord Besa, then at the buildings of Mochen Town, and suddenly said: "Master Besa, you seem to know the mayor of Mochen Town ? Or do you have any acquaintances in this town?"

When Master Bessa heard this, he looked at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise.When did this little girl become so sharp?According to Eternal Heart, Miss Ji Xiaoyan's amnesia has been confirmed by even Lord Shenguang, so it doesn't exist at all. She still remembers that the mayor of Mochen Town was once from River Water City. matter.Therefore, she said this sentence entirely because she really heard it from his explanation just now.
Why didn't he feel that this girl was actually very smart before?
Seeing that Master Bessa didn't continue to reply to her words, Ji Xiaoyan understood a little bit in her heart, she probably hit the mark!
"By the way, where are we going back to Qingcheng from now? Are we going all the way back?" Ji Xiaoyan directly looked away from Lord Bessa, and stopped asking questions about Mochen Town, anyway, they are here It's just passing by, isn't it?It is more practical to care about other things.
Lord Bessa thought that Ji Xiaoyan would continue to ask him, but when she heard her suddenly change the subject, he glanced at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, telling her not to look at him at all, feeling a little depressed in his heart.According to the previous situation, the girl Jia Xiaoyan should have her eyes wide open at this moment, waiting for him to give an answer before giving up!Why is it just amnesia, even curiosity?How can he get her attention from now on?
Thinking of this, Lord Bessa couldn't help but began to recall the treasures in River Water City.I don't know if there is one of those things that can keep Miss Ji Xiaoyan behind. Think about the first time she used a dagger to pry those decorative gems in the room of her city lord's mansion. Lord Sa suddenly had the urge to laugh out loud
If she's still the same now as before, that's fine! !
Seeing that Master Bessa didn't intend to answer Ji Xiaoyan's words, Xuan Mo and Friesman immediately said to her, "How can we go back, Xiaoyan! If we walk back to Qingcheng from here, let's not say we know each other." I don’t know the road, just the distance, I don’t know how long we have to go!!”

"Then how do we go back?" Ji Xiaoyan asked suspiciously.Is it by carriage?What about Kaga?
"Of course it's the teleportation formation!!" Xuan Mo said without hesitation.

"Teleportation array?!" Ji Xiaoyan's eyes lit up instantly.Yes, didn't I just say that?According to those researchers, this place is just a game world.Since it is a game world, there will naturally be a teleportation array here. If it is not allowed, so many players will have to run for a long time to do a task in the game. Who can persist?
However, since this is a game world, where are the players?
Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning.

"What's the matter, Xiaoyan? You don't want to go through the teleportation formation?" Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's uneasy expression, Yu Mo immediately asked, "If you don't want to go through the teleportation formation, we can also walk back. It's just a waste of time That's all"

Ji Xiaoyan shook his head.
She doesn't want to waste time on the road!Now she is eager to meet the "Director Qing Gong" of Qingcheng who should be her game guide!So, it's better not to waste time in these places!So, after looking at Xuan Mo, Ji Xiaoyan said directly: "Since we are going through the teleportation formation, let's go to the teleportation formation as soon as possible!"

"We all know the way to the teleportation formation, so there's no need to look for it!" Yu Mo hurriedly smiled at Ji Xiaoyan, greeted Jiajia and walked towards Mo Chenzhen's teleportation formation.

Miss Ji Xiaoyan has been a little strange since she woke up, and this point is very clear to Li Mo, Friesman, and Brick.It's just that what caused it, the only way to find out is to avoid Ji Xiaoyan and ask Master Besa!He had the heart of eternity to ask Lord God.
All the way through the streets and alleys of Mochen Town, Ji Xiaoyan sat on Jiajia's back, looking down at every house and building, and then found that the houses in Mochen Town were not only rotten, but also dilapidated, It's so old, you can't even see people in the town.Master Bessa also said that the place is a bit dilapidated only because the mayor didn't take care of it. According to Ji Xiaoyan's observation, there is actually no one in this so-called Mochen Town.
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but look in the direction of Master Bessa, and then he fell into his meaningful eyes all at once.
Seeing Ji Xiaoyan avoiding his eyes in a panic, Lord Bessa suddenly couldn't help but smile.It seems that this girl is not as indifferent to him as she imagined.
Mo Chenzhen's teleportation array was empty at the moment.Even the teleportation NPC that was supposed to be stationed there disappeared without a trace!Ji Xiaoyan and his party walked near the teleportation array, looked around, but did not see where the NPC responsible for teleportation was.

"So, according to what you said, if we don't find the person in charge of this teleportation array, we can't use this teleportation array to go back to Qingcheng. Is that what you mean?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looking at Xuan with some displeasure Mo and the others asked, "The question is, why is there no one here?"

"Generally speaking, there must be people here. There are always people when we come!" Xuan Mo said to Ji Xiaoyan, then patted his head suddenly, and said: "Could it be because the Lord God asked me to come here?" Everyone stayed at home, and the person who was in charge of teleportation here left? Well, that must be the case. Xiaoyan, we just need to go to his house to find him and then we can leave."

"Then do you know where his home is?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, pointed at the buildings in Mochen Town, and asked Xuan Mo, "Nuo, there are so many houses, do you know where he lives?" One room? Or, do you know which room he is staying in now?"

When Xuan Mo heard this, he was suffocated immediately, and then immediately pointed to Master Besa, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's okay, Xiaoyan, I don't know, Master Besa must have a way! This Mo Chen Town The mayor and Lord Bessa are very familiar with each other, so finding someone in charge of the teleportation array is not an easy task?" Having said this, Yan Mo looked at Lord Bessa and asked him Said: "Right, Lord Bessa?"

 PS: Thanks to "Book Friends 150207193025958" for the peace talisman!Thanks to "Linna" for the three pink tickets!Thanks for the two pink tickets to "Rain, Sunny"!Thanks to "Master Bessa and Xiaoyan" for the two safety symbols!Thanks for the pink ticket for "The Bandit Already Exists"! .In the new month, it is said that there has been a change in the pink vote list. I don't know the specifics, but I just know that if you have votes, give Qianqian more votes! !Thanks for it.
(End of this chapter)

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