The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1320 Find someone, leave

Chapter 1320 Find someone, leave
Master Bessa was very happy that he finally had the opportunity to highlight his self-worth, so after hearing what Yu Mo said, he immediately smiled at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Let's go to the mayor of Mochen Town now." Just ask him to help find the guards of this teleportation array and send us away. It won’t take much time, and we will be able to return to Qingcheng soon.”

Ji Xiaoyan didn't speak, just looked at Mrs. Bessa who wanted to show off, and didn't understand what the man in front of him wanted from her?She is such an ordinary person who can't be more ordinary, how can she deserve such a handsome man to treat her attentively?Could it be because he knew that he had a good relationship with Lord Shenguang, so he also wanted to find a backer, so he hired himself?
It's impossible! !According to Brick and the others, she and Master Bessa knew each other a long time ago. She came here from Qingcheng to find the eternal heart, and she became what she is now. ! !Moreover, before they came to Mochen Town, they had heard about the scandal between her and Lord Bessa.
But, where did he fancy himself?

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but secretly guessed in his heart, while following Lord Bessa who happily led the way, he ran directly to the mayor's mansion in Mochen Town, while observing him!They all said that she had been in this world for a long time before, from a small novice village all the way to the so-called Lord of Qing City, they all knew and witnessed many processes, so she was indeed in the world before. Live in this world! !
It's just that she doesn't remember it at all now.

So, does it mean that she forgot what she and this Lord Bessa knew at the beginning, but he still remembers it?

"The mayor's mansion is in front of you." Lord Bessa squinted his eyes tenderly, turned to look directly at Ji Xiaoyan, and saw that her gaze, which was staring intently at him, dodged quickly after meeting his sight, and immediately The smile on his face widened by two points, and then he said to her: "We stayed on the mountain for a long time, and we didn't eat anything delicious. We will go to the mayor's mansion in a while, and wait for Lan Qi to find someone. In time, let's have a good meal, especially you, Xiaoyan, you've been sleeping for so long, you're sure your body won't be too comfortable at the moment, eat more in a while, and then we'll go after a rest! After all, come out then It's been a long time, and I'm not in a hurry to rush back, right? Qingcheng must be fine! I'm still in everything."

Ji Xiaoyan's heart beat uncontrollably by two minutes!

It is undeniable that when such a handsome guy said such words to herself, a warm feeling rose in her heart instantly, the sense of accomplishment after her vanity was fully satisfied
Perhaps, after observing for a period of time, it seems not bad to have such a handsome man as a husband! !
Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but look at Master Bessa a few more times, watching him turn his face to look at him from time to time, with worry and concern still on his face, the sense of defense he just woke up gradually disappeared a bit
In Mochen Town, Lanqi Mayor's Mansion is the same as other villagers' homes at this moment. The gates are closed, and there is no movement at all.

"Shall we knock on the door directly?" Friesman stood outside the gate of the mayor's mansion, looked at Lord Bessa and asked, "Why don't we call first?"

"Just knock on the door!" Master Bessa said to Friesman without hesitation. After seeing him raise his hand to knock on the door, he turned to Ji Xiaoyan and said, "There should be someone in a while." Come. Let's wait a while!"

"Yeah!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and gave Master Bessa a reserved look.It feels like this man exudes an aura of caring about her all the time, lingering around her body for a long time.
Lord Bessa got a response, naturally he smiled with satisfaction, and then turned his gaze to the gate of the mayor's mansion.Judging from Ji Xiaoyan's defense after waking up, he can only slowly let her accept his existence first, and then talk about other things, otherwise, he might not be able to get close to her for the rest of his life!
Before long, after Friesman knocked on the door of the mayor's mansion, there was indeed a movement, but the door was still closed, and a stern male voice came from the mayor's mansion: "Who is knocking on the door? I don't know." Lord God has an order, must everyone stay at home? Who is outside, why don't you go home and stay, and why did you come to the mayor's mansion?"

Freesman looked at Master Bessa, waiting for him to solve it.They were not familiar with the mayor of Mochen Town, Lan Qi. This job of knocking on the door could be done, but when it came to communication, it still needed an acquaintance, Master Bessa, to do it.Otherwise, if they open their mouths, they will either be scolded to death, or blacklisted by others, the kind who will never talk to them! !Not sure, if the mayor became angry and sent a few guards out, beat them up and threw them away indiscriminately, that possibility is also uncertain!
"Lanch, open the door!" Master Bessa ignored Friesman's gaze and said something very consciously.

"Are you... Are you Lord Bessa?" After hesitating for a few seconds, Mayor Lan Qi asked in surprise, and then asked loudly without waiting for Lord Bessa to answer: "Master Bessa, have you come down from the western mountain? Yes, yes, yes, you should be coming down too. The mountain god on the western mountain has already opened the barrier, so you can come down the mountain easily."

"Well, open the door!" Master Bessa responded lightly to Mayor Lan Qi, regardless of what he was talking to himself, and directly ordered: "We have been staying on the West Mountain for a long time, and we need to come in for a rest a bit."

Mayor Lan Qi was silent for a second when he heard the words, and then he said: "Okay, okay. Then Mr. Bessa, wait a moment, I will open the door right away!"

Lord Bessa nodded, and after listening to the commotion in the mayor's mansion for half a minute, he saw that the door slowly opened a gap, revealing the cautious face of Mayor Lanqi, and then looked at him in surprise. Looking at himself, he said nervously: "Quick, quick, quick, Master Bessa, come in quickly!"

"What's wrong with you?" Lord Bessa glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, motioned her to follow, then walked into the gate of the mayor's mansion, and asked Mayor Lan Qi: "I see you like this , who are you hiding from?"

"Didn't you just listen to Lord God and stay at home?" Xuan Mo answered with a puzzled face, seeing that Mayor Lan Qi didn't seem to want to talk to him at all, so he pouted and followed Beibei honestly. Behind Lord Sa, he entered the mayor's mansion and stood still, and while waiting for Ji Xiaoyan and the others to arrive there, he looked at Lord Besa, waiting for him to ask the mayor to lead the way.

Mayor Lan Qi heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Lord Bessa enter the door, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and Jiajia impatiently, frowned and said: "Master Qingcheng City Lord, that is your mount, you still Make it smaller, or put it away and come in. The gate of my mayor's mansion is very small, and it can't fit your mount."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Mayor Lan Qi, thought for a while, then nodded and climbed from Jiajia's body to the ground, and then watched Jiajia consciously become smaller and smaller, and finally became the same size as Xiye. Mengmeng circled her feet and followed her all the way into the mayor's mansion.

"It's amazing!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but look at the current Jiajia a few more times, and then looked at Xi Ye who was beside him and asked, "Since Jiajia can become smaller and bigger, can you, Xiye, also be able to do it? When will you change into another one for me to see?"

"I'm not a mount, so I won't change!" Xi Ye looked at Ji Xiaoyan rather arrogantly and said, and immediately felt a sharp gaze cast on him, wanting to think about it, then changed his words and said: "Let's talk about it when you want to see it. My body shape is definitely bigger than Jiajia now. Therefore, there is not enough space here. Don't change it. Let's talk about it later!"
Ji Xiaoyan looked around the mayor's mansion of Mochen Town for a week, and found that it was almost dilapidated like the buildings outside, so he nodded and said to Xi Ye: "Okay, we can talk later when we have time. I'll see I am not a relatively solid place, if you break something, I guess I might not be able to afford it!"

When learning to use the package space, Ji Xiaoyan first looked at his savings and found that there were only a few hundred gold coins, and immediately began to worry about his financial situation.What this girl didn't know was that she was carrying a huge sum of money! !The game is based on copper coins, not gold coins
Mayor Lan Qi glanced at Ji Xiaoyan with some displeasure, and quickly closed the door, then ran to Master Besa, and whispered to him: "Master Besa, you are doing something in Xishan Is it all done?"

Lord Bessa nodded lightly, and then said to Mayor Lan Qi: "I am going to leave, but there is no one in the teleportation circle, can you find out where the person in the teleportation circle is, and ask him to give us Open the teleportation array, we are going back to Qingcheng!"

Mayor Lan Qi looked at Master Bessa in surprise, then glanced at Ji Xiaoyan and the others standing behind him, and then asked with a frown: "Master Bessa, do you want to take them with you?" Going to Qingcheng? Are you sending the city lord of Qingcheng back?"

Lord Bessa nodded, saw the frown on Mayor Lan Qi's face, and asked, "What? Judging by your expression, there is no way to do it?"

The mayor of Lan Qi pursed his lips, and did not answer Master Bessa's words immediately, but directly pointed his finger in one direction, and said to Master Bessa: "Master Bessa, you have stayed on the mountain for so many days, you must have some I'm tired, let's go in first, I'll get someone to prepare some delicious food right away, and I'll clean it up for you."

Lord Bessa frowned and glanced at Mayor Lan Qi, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.Then he immediately thought of Ji Xiaoyan, turned his head to look at her and frowned at the environment in the mayor's mansion, then Master Bessa slightly hooked his lips imperceptibly, and said to the mayor of Lanqi Town: "Come on. Come on, let's go in first."

Mayor Lan Qi nodded, and while waiting for Master Bessa to walk into the house, he asked in a low voice: "Master Bessa, why did you go down the mountain? Didn't the Lord God tell everyone to stay in the house? I I thought you would stay in the village of those people on the mountain, and come out after Lord Lord God lifts the ban. Are you not afraid that Lord Lord God will find out when you come out now?"

"Are you talking about the guys from the White Mist and Black Mist tribes in the White Mist?" Lord Bessa looked at Mayor Lanqi with an obviously uneasy expression, and asked him.Since he knew that there were people of these two races on the western mountain, why didn't he tell them when they went up the mountain?If he had warned them, they wouldn't have been trapped in the white mist for so long after going up the mountain, wasting so much time in vain.
The mayor of Lanqi really didn't know what Master Bessa meant when he asked this question, but he just said to him honestly: "I don't know who those people live on the mountain, I only know that there are people living on that mountain. They have always been Living in that enchantment, we will only come out when the enchantment is opened occasionally, and then the residents of Mochen Town can go up the mountain to get things and exchange them for some good things on the mountain, or go up to find treasures by ourselves.”

"So, you don't know about the white fog on the western mountain?" Lord Bessa's expression softened slightly.

"White mist? I don't know much about this! After the enchantment is opened, we have never seen white mist when we go up the mountain!" Mayor Lan Qi frowned slightly, and said to Master Bessa, "Maybe there is, But we haven't met each other before."

Lord Bessa hummed lightly, and didn't want to say anything more about this topic, but asked Mayor Lanqi directly: "I saw that you have moved something to block your door. what happened?"

Speaking of this question, Mayor Lan Qi's complexion instantly turned ugly, and he glanced at Mrs. Bessa, so he was hesitant to say anything! !
"Why? Is it convenient to say?" Lord Bessa asked Mayor Lanqi with a dull look.

"It's not inconvenient!" Mayor Lan Qi sighed deeply, and then looked at Master Bessa and said, "I have never kept any secrets from you. However, Lord God has an order to let everyone Stay at home and don't go out, so I closed the door. But you also know that I have always neglected the management and maintenance of Mochen Town, so the gate of the mayor's mansion is not very strong. And in the town, it is not Every resident is an honest person. To be honest, there are several bandit dens on the hills not far outside the town, and there are their internal agents in the town, so they will soon know the big and small news in our town plus Recently, many adventurers have come to the town, and the residents of the town have either locked them up or extorted a lot of money. Those bandits have already got the news and are going to loot Mochen Town. I can't let this The mayor’s mansion fell, so the gate was blocked, I hope to protect this place more.”

 PS: Thanks to "Master Bessa and Xiaoyan" for the safety talisman!
(End of this chapter)

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