The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1321 Take Your Time

Chapter 1321 Take Your Time

Ji Xiaoyan and the others followed Master Bessa, all the way into the mayor's mansion of Mayor Lan Qi, listening to Mayor Lan Qi whispering to Lord Besa where they were introducing how serious the banditry around Mochen Town was. , so what about their town's defensive ability, I originally gave up this town before, but after listening to Lord Bessa's words, I was ready to work hard, so now I am very worried about how to resist the invasion of those bandits, all kinds of words, Both in and out of the words revealed that Lan Qizhen wanted Master Besa to help, but Master Besa followed all the way into the house without saying anything, but looked directly at Ji Xiaoyan and asked gently: "Would you What to eat? I'll let Lan Qi get it."

Ji Xiaoyan did not respond, and glanced secretly at Mayor Lan Qi, seeing that he glanced at himself with some concern, thought for a while, and said to Lord Bessa: "Whatever you want, it doesn't matter what you eat. As long as you can eat that as soon as possible." If the people from the teleportation array are found, just leave here! If you want to eat, I will eat it when I return to Qingcheng!"

Lord Bessa frowned, apparently dissatisfied with Ji Xiaoyan's words, but his brows relaxed in an instant, looked at Ji Xiaoyan dotingly and said, "Why are you being polite to me? What do you want to eat, you just say it. If you can’t remember it right now, then think again!” After speaking, Lord Bessa looked at Mayor Lan Qi and said to him, “You sent someone to look for it. Find the teleporter in your town, and bring us something to eat, well, it’s best to find something that little girls like to eat!”

"Yes!" Mayor Lan Qi respectfully nodded in agreement with Master Bessa's order, and then turned to prepare.However, while turning around, he gave Ji Xiaoyan a dissatisfied look
"Xiaoyan, I see that the mayor doesn't like us very much!" Friesman's eyes were still very sharp, and he naturally saw Mayor Lan Qi's small movements, and whispered to Ji Xiaoyan: "You Are you saying that he will poison us in the food to vent our dissatisfaction? Or, put something dirty in the food?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Lord Bessa, and whispered to Friesman.In any case, didn't the mayor of Ranci say he was an old acquaintance of Lord Bessa?They are talking about their acquaintances here, what should I do if Master Bessa is unhappy and angry?Xuan Mo and the others have said in private that Lord Bessa is a man of great strength, so it's better not to offend them! !

When Friesman heard what Ji Xiaoyan said, he immediately shut up, then looked outside the door, and then said in a somewhat impatient silence: "Would we still help Mayor Lan Qi get rid of all the bandits? Can we leave after we solve it?" According to the previous situation, Miss Ji Xiaoyan should be the happiest at this time!Because she had something to do, she helped Mayor Lan Qi later, and that guy would definitely reward Miss Ji Xiaoyan, this is Ji Xiaoyan's favorite part.
"Why do you need help to leave?" Ji Xiaoyan was puzzled.

"Uh, isn't it always like this before?" Friesman hesitated for a moment, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked.

"Really? I don't remember." Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, and said something to Friesman, looking at Xuan Mo and the others looking at him with worried eyes, and then stroked his cheeks in embarrassment Hair, said: "Then do you think we have to help?"

Xuan Mo rolled his eyes, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I don't think it's necessary! No one has stipulated that Xiaoyan you must help and do anything. However, if you want to stay and help, we will definitely follow Yours is just," Xuan Mo said here, cast his eyes on Master Bessa, and then said: "It's just that you stay or not, Master Bessa, then we have nothing to do with it."

Master Bessa's gaze was always on Ji Xiaoyan's face at this moment, seeing that she seemed a little unwilling to stay, he immediately smiled and said to her: "Xu Mo is right. As long as you don't want to help, no one will help you." I can’t force you either! Besides, aren’t you in a hurry to go back to Qingcheng? Then we’ll just go back as soon as we find someone.”

"Then what should we do here?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Master Bessa worriedly and asked.

"Of course Lan Qi can solve it." Master Bessa said to Ji Xiaoyan with a relaxed face, showing a kind of blind confidence in Mayor Lan Qi.

"If he can solve it, does he still need to complain to you?" Ji Xiaoyan gave Master Bessa a blank look, somewhat displeased with his appearance.Speaking of which, since Mayor Lan Qi is his subordinate, their relationship is naturally different. They said they had so many difficulties, so they wanted to ask him for help.But, look at Master Bessa's appearance, it's okay to have no intention of helping at all, with a relaxed expression on his face
Lord Bessa looked at Ji Xiaoyan's expression of wanting to defend Mayor Lan Qi, smiled immediately, then looked at her tenderly and said, "Don't worry. If Mo Chenzhen is really so easy to be attacked After coming down, do you think that the eternal heart on the west mountain can still hide in the stone with peace of mind? Besides, if Mo Chenzhen really lost to those bandits, after so many years, how can it still be the same as it is now?"

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Master Bessa suspiciously, recalled the meaning of his words, and did not understand.Since Mayor Lan Qi can solve it by himself, why should he complain to Lord Bessa?
"Didn't you understand?" Lord Bessa was very happy that Ji Xiaoyan looked at him asking for answers, and after seeing her nodding, he said: "He just thought that if I stayed to help, he would have a reason to let me go. I brought Mochen Town into the influence of River Water City, and then followed me back to River Water City."

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded half-understood, looked at Lord Bessa, and began to guess what kind of thoughts this mayor Lan Qi had towards Lord Bessa. However, her thoughts had not yet No matter how far he stretched, he saw that Lan Qizhen brought a maid into the house with a large plate of things, then put all the things on the table, and said to Master Bessa: "Master Bessa, I eat everything It’s here. As for the teleporter you’re looking for, I’ve sent a pigeon out, and I believe news will come soon.”

Lord Bessa frowned when he heard the words, looked at Mayor Lan Qi and asked with some displeasure: "Did you send anyone out to look for it?"

Mayor Lan Qi shook his head, and said to Master Bessa with some embarrassment: "It's not that I don't send people out to look for it, but, Lord Bessa, the Lord God has already said that we all stay in the house and don't go out. This town is in such a state, if you don't obey orders, how can you do it?"

"But, we've been walking outside for so long, and nothing happened? Why are you so scared?" Xuan Mo asked Mayor Lan Qi with some puzzlement.They came down from the west mountain all the way, but they walked for a long time, and they didn't see the main god coming out to say anything?

Mayor Lan Qi glanced at Xuan Mo, but did not answer.

Lord Bessa took a deep look at Mayor Lan Qi, nodded after a while and said: "Yes. I can understand your current situation. Since you let the pigeon go out, then we will wait for the news After finishing speaking, Lord Bessa motioned to Mayor Lan Qi to sit down, then immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan, greeted with a smile: "Xiaoyan, come, eat something and relax. You See if there is anything you like to eat"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Mayor Lan Qi and saw that he was looking at the food expressionlessly, and he didn't want to reach out.In fact, she is not very hungry at the moment.
Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan didn't move, Master Bessa reached out and took a flower-shaped snack, walked to the seat beside her, sat down, held up the snack with a smile, looked at her and said, "Come on, try this .”

Ji Xiaoyan turned her head to look at Master Bessa in some surprise, and shifted her gaze from his face to the snack on her fingertips. Does she want to keep a little distance from this man right now?Or, accept his kindness?
"Come on, open your mouth!" Master Bessa looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a tired smile, and put the snack to her mouth.

The temperature of Ji Xiaoyan's face rose quite a bit in an instant, and then he avoided the piece of snack in a panic, and moved his face to the side, then reached out to take the snack from Master Bessa's hand, feeling a little nervous towards him He said, "I can do it by myself. You, you should go back to your side!"

"It's okay, I'm just sitting here to help you get some food!" Master Bessa was obviously in a good mood, fixed his eyes on Ji Xiaoyan, and said to her with a bright smile: "Which one do you like, I'll help you get it, you Just be responsible for eating."

"Cough, cough, cough." When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he couldn't bear to be choked by the snack in his mouth. Seeing that Master Besa wanted to come over and pat her on the back, Ji Xiaoyan quickly waved at her Standing up, he ran directly to Friesman and Xuan Mo, distanced himself from Mr. Bessa, then calmed down, and said to him: "Don't, don't, can you stop doing this?"

"What's wrong with me?" Lord Bessa looked puzzled.

"We're still strangers, we don't know each other that well! Really, don't treat me like this. I can't bear it." Ji Xiaoyan said to Lord Bessa with some trepidation, "I really don't know how we got along before, I don't have any memory at all. So to me, Lord Bessa, you are a stranger, so don't treat me like this. That's fine, okay? I will feel very unnatural."

Master Bessa stared deeply at Ji Xiaoyan with a concentrated expression. After a while, he nodded and smiled at her and said: "Okay! I understand what you mean! Then we can get along slowly. Then we Let's go back to your Qingcheng first, and then go to my River Water City to have a look, maybe you can remember a lot of things between us, but even if you can't remember, it doesn't matter. You will have me in your future memory That's it"

Master Bessa understood very well that Miss Ji Xiaoyan was different from him now.He has a memory, but she is like a blank sheet of paper now, she doesn't remember or know anything about everything in their world.The only thing she knows now is that she is the city lord of Qingcheng.And she didn't remember where Qingcheng was or what it looked like.
So, it's normal that she doesn't remember what happened between them!And what he needs to do now is to take everything slowly. If it is too hasty, it will definitely scare Ji Xiaoyan. It is even possible that this girl will never come out after returning to Qingcheng!

So, according to what Ji Xiaoyan said, it might be better for them to keep a little distance in their current relationship.
Ji Xiaoyan didn't hear exactly what Master Bessa said, but took a quick sip of the water that Brick handed him, then nodded several times to Master Bessa, and then swallowed the water After taking a few big mouthfuls and smoothing my throat, I looked at Mayor Lan Qi and asked him, "Well, Lord Mayor, when will this reply come?"

Mayor Lan Qi's complexion is not very good at the moment. Regarding his request, he believes that it is impossible for Lord Bessa not to understand. However, Lord Bessa did not intend to respond to him at all, so he understood instantly in his heart. I am afraid that my plan will not succeed.Then, seeing Master Bessa's obedient attitude towards Ji Xiaoyan, Mayor Lan Qi's mood became even worse!What kind of adult did Lord Bessa look like in his mind?He was not so kind to Ji Xiaoyan, but what happened?That girl actually looked a little disgusted by Master Bessa.
This is simply not knowing the blessing in the blessing!It's the state of needing a beating! !

Therefore, when hearing Ji Xiaoyan's question, Mayor Lan Qi was not prepared to answer, and wanted to ignore her directly, but considering Lord Besa's attitude towards Ji Xiaoyan, Mayor Lan Qi lazily read it. Ji Xiaoyan glanced at it, and replied slowly: "Soon."

"How fast is it?" Ji Xiaoyan continued to ask, and finally saw Mayor Lan Qi glanced at himself with some displeasure, so Ji Xiaoyan immediately shut up, and went directly to the person next to Friesman. He sat down on the chair and did not speak.

Lord Bessa has been staring at Ji Xiaoyan all the time, and seeing her expression, he immediately turned his attention to Mayor Lan Qi, only to see Mayor Lan Qi with a volatile expression, so Lord Bessa couldn't bear it. Live frowned.Mayor Lan Qi's attitude towards Ji Xiaoyan and the others, he knows a little or two in his heart, as long as he doesn't do too much, he can pretend that he didn't see it.But, that was before!When Miss Ji Xiaoyan still had the identity of an adventurer, because after all, they are people from two different worlds, and if they want to develop anything, they are separated by a huge gully.
But, it's different now!Ji Xiaoyan is also an out-and-out aborigine, just like them!There is no problem between them, so if Lan Qi treats Ji Xiaoyan like this, if he doesn't care about it, it will not work.
 PS: Thanks to "Thousand Magic o_O Stars" for the two pink tickets!Thank you for the review votes of "The Years Pass at Your Fingertips"!Thanks for the pink tickets to "Rain, Sunny"!

(End of this chapter)

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