Chapter 1322 Dim Sum
No matter when, reality is always more unexpected than fantasy.

Lord Bessa also wanted to warn Mayor Lan Qi, telling him to pay attention to his attitude towards Miss Ji Xiaoyan in the future, and by the way, to emphasize the future relationship between him and Miss Ji Xiaoyan. I saw a maid coming in from the door, holding a pigeon in her hand.

"Any reply?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the pigeon with concern, and looked at Mayor Lan Qi curiously. Seeing that he didn't want to talk to him at all, he just flattened his mouth and looked away. I kept watching his movements.

"Master Bessa, are you leaving now? Don't you need to stay longer?" Mayor Lan Qi quickly read the news that the pigeon's legs were tied, and then looked directly at Master Bessa with a pleading voice. asked a question.

Lord Bessa frowned, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said to Mayor Lan Qi: "Whether to go or not, look at Xiaoyan! She said to stay and I will stay; if she wants to leave, I will definitely go with her I left. So, Lan Qi, you don't need to ask me this question, just ask City Master Ji, everything depends on her."

Mayor Lan Qi looked at Master Bessa in surprise, then glanced at Ji Xiaoyan with an ugly expression, pursed his lips for a moment and did not speak.For Miss Ji Xiaoyan, Mayor Lan Qi's psychology is still a bit complicated!Ever since this girl entered Mochen Town with Lord Bessa, he didn't like her very much. There was no reason, if he didn't like her, he just didn't like her!Later, seeing Lord Bessa, the city lord whom he always respected in his heart, seemed to revolve around this girl in everything, he couldn't understand her even more in his heart!No matter how you look at this girl, there is nothing special about her, so why can Master Bessa treat her like this?
In Mayor Lan Qi's mind, although Ji Xiaoyan is the lord of Qing City, she is not worthy of Lord Bessa at all!
Ji Xiaoyan looked at Mayor Lan Qi's gaze and expression on himself, couldn't help curling his lips, and then said directly to Master Bessa: "We can go now, right? The news brought by this pigeon is that we can Let's go? If possible, let's go now! I'm still waiting to go back to Qingcheng." The mayor of Lan Qi looked down on her, and he didn't want to talk to her, and he didn't want to take care of her situation. It's not that I can't see it!
If I owe him anything, why should I swallow my anger and go along with Mayor Lan Qi?Isn't that mean?This is what Ji Xiaoyan was thinking at the moment.In short, she has Lord Shenguang as her backer, and with the name of the city lord of Qingcheng, her position must be higher than the mayor of the town!Then why does she still want to look at Mayor Lan Qi's face?With Lord Bessa around, she couldn't believe it, how could he face her in front of her! !

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help sighing in his heart!Sure enough, this changed the environment, and my mood was a little different!I even learned and practiced the tricks of foxes and tigers in an instant.
"Okay! If you say leave, then we can leave now!" Lord Bessa nodded to Ji Xiaoyan straightforwardly when he heard what Ji Xiaoyan said, and then stood up immediately, as if he wanted to leave immediately.

When Mayor Lan Qi saw this situation, he immediately looked at Lord Bessa in a panic. Seeing that he was just staring at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, Mayor Lan Qi gritted his teeth and said to Ji Xiaoyan hesitantly: " City Lord Ji, we, Mo Chen Town, you know the current situation. If you can, I hope you can stay and help Mo Chen Town get through this banditry. As long as you can help, after the banditry is resolved, I will give you a generous reward. award!!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Mayor Lan Qi with some confusion, why he was so persistent in asking them to stay and help.Didn't Lord Bessa say everything?Even if they don't stay, nothing will happen to Mochen Town. If the banditry is too serious, there will be Eternal Heart on the top of Xishan Mountain to help!If the banditry is not serious, relying on Mayor Lan Qi and the villagers of Mochen Town, they can solve it without any pressure. Why do they have to stay?Just to keep Master Bessa?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help looking at Lord Besa, and after thinking about it, he suggested to him: "Well, Lord Besa, in fact, Mayor Lan Qi wants you to stay. Otherwise, you can stay Alright, I'll go back to Qingcheng with them first, and after you finish the business here, you can come to Qingcheng to see us." Having said this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately silenced her. She seemed to have invited Besa just now Your Excellency came to see her?
When Master Bessa heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he suddenly smiled secretly, then put away his smile immediately, and said solemnly: "I said, I will go wherever you go. The things here, Lanqi Town Naturally, you can solve it by yourself, so I will follow you back to Qingcheng."

Mayor Lan Qi glanced at Lord Besa with a hurt face, couldn't help scolding Ji Xiaoyan several times in his heart, and then continued to say to Ji Xiaoyan with an ugly face: "Master Ji, if you want to stay, I will definitely give you rich rewards that adventurers can use!"

"Adventurer?" Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, then looked at Xuan Mo and the others with some doubts, and then asked: "It's not just that I'm not the kind of adventurer you talk about now, it's a complete adventurer." The so-called aborigines?"

"Hmm! That's natural!" Friesman and Xuan Mo immediately nodded and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Now you are an aborigine like us, and you are no longer an adventurer! So, Mayor Lan Qi What you said is useless to us Xiaoyan. She doesn't need any rich rewards from you."

Mayor Lan Qi's shock at this moment is indescribable.

Yes, he knew that Mrs. Bessa and the others went up the mountain with the lead of an adventurer named Ji Xiaoyan, so they could meet the conditions. However, he didn't know exactly what they were doing up the mountain, and he didn't think too much about it!Maybe, it's just that Master Bessa went up the mountain to find some treasures, that's also possible, isn't it?So, he didn't inquire at all! !However, what he didn't expect at all was that during this trip to the west mountain, Miss Ji Xiaoyan was an adventurer when she went up the mountain, but now she has become an aborigine after coming down the mountain?Still a pure aborigine! !how can that be! !
"What's the reward for adventurers?" Ji Xiaoyan was curious about this.

"It's just some small things!" Xuan Mo rolled his eyes, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile: "Xiaoyan, the good things you have in Qingcheng are so many times better than those! So, Lan What Mayor Qi said is useless to you."

Ji Xiaoyan said with a look of understanding, and then looked at Mayor Lan Qi and said, "In that case, Mayor Lan Qi, has the person from the teleportation array passed by? Let's go directly can we leave now?"

Mayor Lan Qi didn't answer Ji Xiaoyan's words, but stared at her with an inquiring gaze and didn't speak.

It was Lord Bessa who felt a little uncomfortable looking at this situation, so he walked directly to Mayor Lan Qi, asked him to read the note that the pigeon brought back, and said directly to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Yeah. , the person has been found, let him be informed that he has gone to the teleportation formation. Let’s go, Xiaoyan, since you don’t want to stay here anymore, let’s go to the teleportation formation now and go back to Qingcheng.”

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, looked worriedly at Mayor Lan Qi who had been staring at her with burning eyes, quickly lowered his head, and said to Xuan Mo and the others: "Then let's leave now."

Master Bessa smiled and watched Ji Xiaoyan and the others leave the house, then put away the smile on his face, looked at Mayor Lan Qi, and said with warning eyes: "Lan Qi, after so many years, I really didn't expect The temperament you cultivated in Mochen Town is even more tricky, I thought that there would be a chance to get together again in the future, but now Lan Qi, you really let me down!!"

"Master Bessa!!" The mayor of Lanqi grumbled, looking at Mr. Bessa in panic.

"No need to say more!" Lord Bessa's attitude was very stern, "Lanch, can't you see my attitude towards City Lord Ji? Even if she is not an aboriginal like us, you shouldn't treat her like this , your attitude towards her is the same as your attitude towards me. Whether she is an adventurer or an aborigine, since I brought her to Mochen Town, she is a different person in this world to me. ! And how did you do it? Mo Chenzhen, I, Besa, won’t care about it anymore. From now on, Refu Water City is just a thing of the past for you! You don’t have to think of any way to come back!!”

After finishing speaking, Master Bessa turned around and left the room directly, ignoring Mayor Lanqi's gesture of extending his hand to keep him and his annoyed expression!

"No, no, Master Bessa! Master Bessa!!" Mayor Lan Qi seemed to be drained of all his strength in an instant, and he sat down on the ground, muttering to himself as he watched Master Bessa leave. Fang Xiang shouted: "Master Bessa, I... I am just not reconciled to you! I am not reconciled. She is an adventurer, how can she get your favor. How can she be! How can she be. Master Bessa"

Ji Xiaoyan walked out of the mayor's mansion all the way, stood outside the gate and couldn't help but look back and look inside, then frowned and looked at Xuan Mo and the others suspiciously and asked: "This mayor Lan Qi is calling Lord Besa? "

"Is there? We have walked so far, Xiaoyan, can you still hear it?" Friesman looked puzzled, looked behind him, then shook his head and said, "You must have heard it wrong!!"

"Really? It sounded like I was shouting." Ji Xiaoyan said with some uncertainty.

"What are you shouting for?" Lord Bessa just came out from behind the door of the mayor's mansion, looked at Ji Xiaoyan curiously and asked, "Xiaoyan, what are you shouting for? What are you shouting for?"

"I seem to hear Mayor Lan Qi calling you!" Ji Xiaoyan said honestly to Mr. Bessa, seeing that his expression didn't change at all, he was still looking at her with a slight smile, and immediately turned his head and said : "It seems that I heard it wrong! If you were really called, you would not be here now. Then where should we go to the teleportation array now?"

She was a little excited at the thought of the teleportation array!

This is the first time she sits on something that only exists in imagination! !I don't know what it's like to stand on it. Is it possible to travel thousands of miles away with just closing your eyes and opening them?Thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan felt that he would live in such a fantastic world in the future! !This is simply like a dream! !
Master Bessa changed the topic when he heard Ji Xiaoyan himself, just smiled, and watched a maid behind the gate of the Mayor's Mansion in Mochen Town slowly close the door, then immediately quickened his pace and walked to Ji Xiaoyan's side , while stretching out his hand to take out a piece of snack and handing it to her, he said to her, "You only ate a piece of snack just now, aren't you full? Nuo, I brought you something specially, you can eat some more ?”

"No need!" Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Master Bessa, shyly unwilling to accept his kindness.

Lord Bessa continued to laugh, stretched out his hand to break off a piece of dessert, and gave it to Ji Xiaoyan without saying a word.

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but glanced at him, and then at the light red snack.It was a piece of bud-shaped dim sum, the whole dim sum was light pink, with faint patterns printed on it, like the meridian of the bud; there was a hint of red at the top of each bud, and then spread down and bloomed, filling the More than half of the petals make the whole dessert look very delicate and delicious, and there is an urge to take a bite
But at this moment, Master Bessa directly broke such an exquisite snack into two halves, exposing the yellow stuffing made into stamens inside, and then a faint floral and sweet smell broke into his nose, making Ji Xiaoyan unable to bear it He swallowed the saliva in his mouth.

To be honest, she has never seen such a beautifully colored and delicately made dessert before, and she never thought that there will be such a day, there will be a person who cares about whether she is still hungry all the time, and will think about it. Maybe I haven't had enough to eat, so I got a piece of snack, then carefully broke it and handed it to her, let her eat it!

Lord Bessa has a very thought-provoking smile on his face at the moment, and sincere concern in his eyes, and even an aura of indulging and accepting that makes people want to indulge and accept slowly radiates from his eyes, It spread bit by bit in the air, and gradually invaded Ji Xiaoyan's eyes and heart.
"Come!" Master Bessa saw that Ji Xiaoyan was staring at him in a daze, and immediately blinked at her dotingly, then brought the piece of light red snack in his hand to her mouth, and said in a low voice. Coaxed her to open her mouth stupidly, then fed the snacks in, and helped her wipe the residue of snacks that accidentally got on her mouth, and then said to her: "I brought you a lot. , if it’s delicious, you can eat a few more pieces.”

(End of this chapter)

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