The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1323 Chapter City

Chapter 1323
The NPCs in Qi World basically found a room to stay obediently after the main brain light issued a notice not to go out and wait for the good news.Only some monsters and non-intelligent half-human NPCs are still active in the wild, and then there are Ji Xiaoyan and Master Besa and their group.

The NPC guard in the teleportation formation in Mochen Town was also very obedient and stayed at home obediently, and was going to wait for the Lord God to speak before going to work by himself.After all, this is the time when I can rest!Now basically no one in the whole world will go anywhere in the teleportation array, right?The adventurers are gone, and the aborigines are staying at home honestly. If he is still staying in the teleportation array, isn't he too stupid?With this in mind, the NPC guards of the teleportation array happily went home for a "vacation"!
As a result, he didn't expect that before the break lasted for a long time, he received a letter from Lan Qi, the mayor of Mochen Town, telling him to go to the teleportation formation immediately! !The teleportation array guards are very depressed! !
Who doesn't know that the mayor immediately hid in the mayor's mansion after the lord god spoke, and went to sleep?He also said that he was afraid that the bandits around the town were about to attack, so he went back to the mayor's mansion to prepare, at least to guard the mayor's mansion. Speaking of which, Mo Chen Town can become what it is now, Isn't it because of Mayor Lan Qi's inaction?According to him, the banditry around this town comes once a year, and they must be extremely hungry, and they will not have enough to eat after looting the rest of the town, so they will come and see!

As far as they are in Mochen Town, those bandits probably won't be able to grab anything when they come.

Thinking of this, the guards of the teleportation array had to admit that Mayor Lan Qi did a good job in one thing!Most of the valuable things in the town were handed over to the mayor of Lanqi. Regardless of the banditry or other accidents, the things they handed in were not found, or were embezzled.At any time, if they want to see the treasures they handed in, Mayor Lankey can hand them over to them!No matter how he did nothing in the town, the aborigines in the whole town have to admit that the mayor of Lanqi is still very good at guarding things.
However, there are advantages, and mayor Lan Qi still has many disadvantages.At this moment, the guards of the teleportation array complained a little about him! !Lord God has said to let everyone go home and not go out, why does he have to let himself continue to come to work?With the current situation, who would come to the teleportation array?Wasn't he wasting his time here in vain?

The guards of the teleportation array looked around, remembering the scene where there were many villagers chasing the adventurers not long ago, couldn't help laughing, then sighed and looked up at the scene that was a bit gray at the moment. The sky is misty, I plan to stand here for a while at the teleportation array and then go home to stay
However, when he raised his head and lowered his head again, the guards of the teleportation array discovered that there were some unusual things in the town.
There seemed to be a few figures on the streets of Mochen Town, where there should be no one! After 1 minutes, these figures clearly appeared in his sight!

"Who are you? Why don't you listen to Lord God and stay at home?" The teleportation guards yelled at Ji Xiaoyan and the others in a stern voice, and after glancing at them again, they frowned and said to them : "You look very unfamiliar. Aren't you from our Mochen town?!"

Master Bessa raised his eyelids, glanced at the guards in the teleportation formation, and said directly to him in a flat tone: "Mayor Lan Qi should have told you that you came here, we are going to clear the city now, you help us teleport leave, you can go home"

The guards of the teleportation array were stunned when they heard Lord Bessa's words, and then they realized: "You mean, the mayor sent me here just to help you teleport? Afterwards, as long as you leave, I can return Are you staying at home?"

Lord Bessa nodded.

The faces of the guards in the teleportation array brightened instantly, and they looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others very happily, then nodded and said to them: "Okay, then hurry up! I will send you away and fast forward Here comes the teleportation array. The biggest one is a pet, right? If so, put it away, how do you want me to frame it all with such a large volume?"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan turned her head to look at Jiajia, saw that it nodded towards her understandingly, and then took Jiajia into the pet space. Seeing this, Xiye who was next to her also asked to go in together.Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan nodded indifferently, and after he was about to put them away, Xiye suddenly said: "By the way, Xiaoyan, we haven't seen a grain of rice recently, it's invisible like a What does it look like? You’ll let it out sometime! Now that you’re an aborigine, you’re not afraid of having a special image in front of those adventurers, aren’t you?”

"Xiao Lier? Who is Xiaomi Lier?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned when he heard the words, and asked Xi Ye a little confused. Master Besa and Xuan Mo and the others were just before Master Besa and Xuan Mo said anything, suddenly a bloody eyeball appeared in Ji Xiaoyan's line of sight in an instant, only a few centimeters away from her face.
"Ahhh." Ji Xiaoyan, who was startled by the sudden appearance of the eyeballs, backed away at an extremely fast speed, and shouted in his mouth: "Ahhh, ghost, ghost, yes an eye, a bead."

Lord Bessa's reaction was quick, and before Friesman and Yu Mo hadn't moved, they had already rushed to Ji Xiaoyan's side, hugged her, and let her bury her head on her chest , and then gently patted Ji Xiaoyan on the back with a smile on his face, and said to her: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! This is your pet too. Little Mimi! It's what Xuan Mo said, don't be afraid of millet grains, It just looks a little scary, but it is actually very useful.”

"That's eyeballs!! Eyeballs!" Ji Xiaoyan tightly grasped Master Bessa's clothes, refusing to look up.At this moment, she doesn't care who she is holding, as long as it makes her feel safer! !That is a bloody, bright red eyeball!pet?Whose pet is an eyeball!these people are just kidding
"Yes, it looks like eyeballs, but it's also your pet!" Although Master Bessa was very satisfied with Ji Xiaoyan's posture next to him, he still explained to her: "This little blur is your pet from evil spirits!" Where did the Lord of the city get the gift? If you don’t believe me, ask Xuan Mo and them, they all know! Oh, by the way, speaking of Shacheng, you also have a position in Shacheng, do you remember?”

"Where is Shacheng?" Ji Xiaoyan moved his head away from Lord Bessa's chest calmly, and slowly glanced behind him, seeing that the image of Xiao Mimi's eyeballs was still floating in the air In the middle, I couldn't help swallowing, and then said: "I don't remember anything, what did I do in that evil city?"

Lord Bessa glanced at Ji Xiaoyan's hand still holding onto his clothes, smiled immediately, and said, "I heard that you are still the deputy city lord of Shacheng!"

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan asked suspiciously, then glanced at Xiao Mimi a few more times, twitched the corners of his mouth with a slightly improved expression, slowly let go of Lord Bessa's clothes, and stood up by himself , said sorry to Lord Bessa with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, I'm welcome anytime!" Lord Bessa smiled dazzlingly, and there was still a hint of smugness in his eyes.

Ji Xiaoyan quickly looked away with an unnatural expression, and this time he saw Xiao Mimi who was very close to her, so he quickly moved his body back, and then said to Xiao Mimi: "That. Ah, can you stay away from me? You will scare people to death when you appear so quietly and come so close."

Little Mimi didn't move, just blinked her eyelids, as if she didn't quite understand what Ji Xiaoyan meant.

"Little Mimi can't talk!" Seeing the puzzled look on Ji Xiaoyan's face, Brick next to her said to her, "Little Mimi has been following you all along, but he didn't show up because of his self-cultivation some time ago. Xiaoyan When you were sleeping, Little Mimi was always by your side."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded understandingly, seeing Xiao Mimi backed away from her face, he was relieved, and said to the others: "Actually, it's not scary to look at it. It's just that just now It suddenly appeared in front of me so I was a little scared" This is true!If Little Misty just appeared slowly and gave her a few seconds to get used to it, she wouldn't be frightened.Anyone who is unprepared and suddenly finds a huge red eyeball in sight must be as frightened as she is
"Well, we all know it!" Master Bessa took the lead and nodded to Ji Xiaoyan, "We won't laugh at you."

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the others in embarrassment, then quickly cast her gaze on the guard of the teleportation formation, and asked him, "Well, can we leave now?"

The guards of the teleportation array looked at Xiao Mimi who had returned to Ji Xiaoyan's shoulder several times in a daze, then nodded, and then asked Ji Xiaoyan: "Are you a city lord?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.That's what Master Brainlight and Master Bessa said! !

"The deputy city lord of Shacheng?" The NPC guards in the teleportation array stared wide-eyed, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, seeing her nod again after hesitating for a second, and then asked excitedly: "I heard that you are a Shacheng!" Is it true that the city can kill people at will?"

Master Bessa frowned, looked at the guard of the teleportation circle dissatisfied, and said to him: "Some things are just rumors, what's the use of asking these! Just do your thing well! Don't talk nonsense Don’t ask about things you shouldn’t know, and send us away quickly.”

The guards of the teleportation array gave Master Bessa a look of displeasure, and finally had no choice but to curl their lips silently and start preparing for the teleportation.There's no other way, they have a good relationship with their own mayor, so they can call him out at such a time and send them a teleportation, which shows how powerful they are!

"Okay, where are you going?" After finishing the preparations, the guards of the teleportation formation looked up at Master Bessa and asked them.

"Qingcheng!" Xuan Mo hurriedly responded.

The guards in the teleportation array nodded, and after muttering a few words in a low voice, Ji Xiaoyan felt that his eyes were filled with bright white light, and these light sources filled his vision at an extremely fast speed.
"Don't be afraid!" Master Bessa's voice was low and gentle in Ji Xiaoyan's ear, and Ji Xiaoyan even felt Master Bessa's hand supporting her at the moment, "Close your eyes, it will be fine in a while! Send That's how it is. Come on, be good, close your eyes and don't open them. Be careful and hurt your eyes."

Ji Xiaoyan didn't know whether he closed his eyes in the end. He only knew that after waiting for a while, he felt the white light source in his eyes slowly disappear, and the surrounding environment also changed. A dilapidated house turned into a tall and clean building, accompanied by the fragrance of flowers and birdsong.
"This is Qingcheng?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and looked at Master Bessa and the others in disbelief, "This place seems to be very big."

"Well, it's much bigger than Mochen Town. Later, I'll take you to River Water City to see where I am prettier. I think you will like it very much!" Master Besa said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile Then, he directly stepped out of the teleportation array, then stretched out his hand to Ji Xiaoyan, motioning for her to hold his hand before coming out of the teleportation array.

However, at this moment, Ji Xiaoyan's attention was completely focused on this city that was said to be her, and she didn't see Master Bessa's movements at all. After hearing his confirmation, she walked out of the teleportation room. After a while, he looked around with great curiosity.

The place where they appear now is at the intersection of several streets. After leaving the teleportation array, they can directly choose streets in different directions to leave.Surrounded by tall white rock buildings, there are many small flower beds in front of the buildings, and there are many flowers blooming in them!There are all kinds of signboards and decorative fabrics on the street, clean and comfortable, but unfortunately, no one can be seen now, and it looks inexplicably desolate
"Is there no one living here now?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help looking at Xuan Mo and the others worriedly and asked.You won't just give yourself such a city. In fact, it is a city with only houses and no residents. Let yourself be the city lord of this polished commander, right?

 PS: Thanks for the four pink tickets to "Requiem of the Wolf Clan"!Thanks for the two pink tickets to "Who's the Leprechaun"!Thanks to "? Sumo" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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