The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1324 City Lord Mansion Corruption

Chapter 1324 City Lord Mansion Corruption

Is Qingcheng uninhabited?That must be impossible!
It's just that there are really no NPCs living near the teleportation array where Ji Xiaoyan and the others are standing!
Of course, this does not mean that no people can be seen on the streets here, which means that there are no NPCs living here.Just like Mo Chen Town, although the Lord God asked everyone to stay in the house and not come out, there were no NPCs walking or talking on the street, but Ji Xiaoyan and the others walked all the way from Mo Chen Town, and they could always pass through the door from time to time. Or you can see people in the room by the window, and there are whispers; but near the Qingcheng teleportation array in front of you, there is really no one.
"Xiaoyan, what are you talking about? How could there be no one in Qingcheng?" After hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Friesman immediately gave her a blank look, and then said to her quite proudly: " Don’t even think about how many adventurers come and go in Qingcheng every day, how could there be no one! Of course, at this moment, under the order of the Lord God, those adventurers have temporarily left our world, so they can’t be seen. But this does not mean that there are no people in Qingcheng.”

"It really doesn't look like a place where people live!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Friesman seriously, pointed to the room next to him, and said to him: "Look at the dust on it, it doesn't look like someone, or you said The way those adventurers live!"

Friesman was stunned, and looked in the direction Ji Xiaoyan was pointing at, and saw a lot of dust and rotten grass leaves on a window sill, so he sighed, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Maybe there are no people living in this area. Our Qingcheng is so big, it is impossible for everyone to live in it, right? When you became the lord of the city, Xiaoyan, it was just because of how to sell the house. Have you ever been worried? I think this area should be those houses that have not been sold.”

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Friesman, "Didn't the adventurers you mentioned come to buy these houses?"

"Those adventurers don't have so much money!" Yu Mo interjected directly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Our houses in Qingcheng cannot be sold at any price. So it is possible that this place will be vacated." Forget it, Xiaoyan, let's stop wasting time here, let's go directly to the City Lord's Mansion to find Chief Qing Gong. If you have any questions, you can ask him."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, motioned for Xuan Mo to lead the way, and immediately followed all the way to the City Lord's Mansion.

Of course, along the way, Ji Xiaoyan still took a good look at what the place where he would settle down in the future would look like.Overall, after reading it, she couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief!Considering the vastness of Qingcheng, she also felt that her life in the future should not be too difficult!Such a beautiful and huge city will definitely not let her, the city lord, starve to death, will she?Thinking about it, I became the owner of such a big city all at once, and it still feels like a dream.
Lord Bessa has not been idle all the way, while observing Ji Xiaoyan's expression, he is also secretly looking at this city that belongs to Miss Ji Xiaoyan.Speaking of which, when Miss Ji Xiaoyan became the lord of Qingcheng, he also knew the news, thinking that he had brought the girl back to River Water City and asked her to help him unblock the city, and he still felt that the girl There was a little bit of meaning, so at that time, he immediately asked someone to send her a gift to celebrate.It's just that she doesn't know if she likes it or not
Now that I want to ask, it is unlikely.This girl doesn't remember anything! !

Thinking about it at the time, I never thought that there would be such a day that this girl would be able to become an aborigine like him all the way from the identity of an adventurer, and she was also an aborigine confirmed by the Lord God himself. If I had known that there would be such a As a result, when the girl was about to leave in River Water City, I hurried to do it!If he had felt it at that time, he would have done it, maybe now he would not be so lucky
Thinking of this, Lord Bessa couldn't help but sighed deeply.

Sorry!Sure enough, I didn't seize the opportunity, which is very frustrating.
The City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng, like the Mayor's Mansion in Mochen Town, has its doors closed.

"I'm going to knock on the door, I'm going to knock on the door!" Friesman said excitedly to everyone, and then ran directly to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, knocking a few times while stretching out his hand, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "There are usually a lot of guards standing here, but now they all returned to the City Lord's Mansion because of the Lord God."

"Oh." Ji Xiaoyan nodded to show that he understood, and then looked at Lord Bessa and Xuan Mo with some curiosity and said, "By the way, I have one thing that I am very curious about."

"Tell me!" Master Bessa asked with a smile.

"From Mochen Town to our Qingcheng, we didn't see anyone on the way. The person in the teleportation formation in Mochen Town also said that everyone stayed at home according to the Lord God's order and didn't go out. But, Take a look at our road, down from the mountain of Mochen Town, and then from Mochen Town to Qingcheng, on this road, we are all walking outside, isn't there any problem?" This point, in Mochen Town Ji Xiaoyan was a little curious when he was on the teleportation array.

She can be regarded as a member of this world now.Logically speaking, like everyone else, he should obey the command of the Lord God and stay at home honestly and wait for the light to lift the ban.But on their way, they went straight down the West Mountain and then went straight back to Qingcheng. If you said that she was the only one, then it would be justifiable. At least she was talking about life with Guang not long ago, right?However, they still have Lord Bessa, Su Mo, Friesman, Brick, and Jiajia from the pet space along the way! !The calculation is even more far-fetched, Xuan Mo and Jiajia are her people, if she can walk, so can they!But, what is Master Bessa?

Can the fiancé also share this preferential treatment?
it's unlikely
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but wait for Master Bessa and Xuan Mo's answer with extremely curious eyes.

"You're just curious about this one?" Lord Bessa froze for a moment, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a relaxed smile and asked, seeing her nodding her head affirmatively, then shook her head slightly, and explained to her: "Don't worry about it." Have you seen the teleportation guard in Shen Town? Under the orders of Mayor Lan Qi, he can be regarded as a type of free walking. Speaking of which, even if the Lord God asks everyone to stay at home and not go out, these teleportation guards can be regarded as Belongs to a special category of people! Because, maybe sometimes the Lord God will send people out to do errands. And they can’t do anything except help with teleportation! Therefore, they are a special category, and we are also a One of a kind."

"Which one are we?" Ji Xiaoyan asked back.

Lord Bessa looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some pride, and said, "The reason why we are special is because of you, Xiaoyan!"

"Me? What's so special about me?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little puzzled.Is it because she had a direct conversation with Hikari, and then Hikari promised to consult with him when there is really a lot of trouble here, so she is special?
Lord Bessa smiled, squinted slightly at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said: "Because Xiaoyan, you are the first one who successfully became a member of our aborigines from an adventurer! Therefore, you are special! You are the one with the eternal heart." It is said that the Lord God requires everyone to stay at home, but it is actually because of you! Therefore, we and you are barely a special group of people, and we can still walk freely outside when everyone is grounded. ! So, do you understand?"

"It's because of me?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little dazed!Then I figured it out in an instant!

That's right, there is an extra woman in this world for no reason, so I have to be busy helping her handle all the identity information and the like; and because of her appearance, this new world will not be the same as before , so, also need to have time to digest her information.
Lord Bessa looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile.There was an inexplicable sense of pride in his heart, the girl he fell in love with was really different!Think back to when he picked her up and brought her back to River Water City, now he is the lord of one city, oh no, the lord of two cities!She has changed a lot and grown a lot.

The sudden sound instantly awakened Ji Xiaoyan and Lord Bessa who were also in deep thought. They all turned their gazes to the source of the sound, the direction of the gate of Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion, and then saw the door that was still closed just now. The door was opened a little, and a beautiful little girl's face poked out from inside.

Ji Xiaoyan originally thought that maybe the little girl would ask, who are you?How did you come here?As a result, who knows, Friesman stood by the door and didn't speak yet. After the little girl scanned them all with curious eyes, her eyes lit up immediately, and she shouted excitedly: "Master, Lord, Lord!" My lord is that the city lord is back! Quickly, quickly, go and inform Manager Qing Gong that the city lord is back."

As he said that, Ji Xiaoyan looked at the little girl who seemed to greet her side twice, and then the gate of the City Lord's Mansion was quickly opened, revealing the wide road and courtyard woods inside.
"Master City Lord, you are back!" The beautiful girl rushed out of the City Lord's mansion excitedly, followed by a group of girls in the same attire and the same beauty, and rushed to a place not far in front of Ji Xiaoyan, facing her After bowing respectfully and saluting, he started chattering: "My lord, when you go out this time, Chief Qing Gong has visited the gate of the city several times, and I don't know when you will come back! You are not here During this period of time, our Qingcheng has been in a lot of chaos. Many adventurers have come to us to make troubles. If the Lord God asked them to leave, it is estimated that the position you are standing at the moment is full of adventurers."

Speaking of this, the girls immediately looked around in horror, and then immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan and urged: "Ah, Lord City Master, we can't wait here for Lord God to say, let us all stay at home Hurry up, hurry up, follow us in quickly! Before the Lord Lord God finds out, let’s go in quickly after taking the blame!"

After finishing speaking, several beautiful girls embraced Ji Xiaoyan and rushed into the city lord's mansion. After the gate was closed, they breathed a sigh of relief. They clasped their hands in joy and fear, and murmured towards the sky. He murmured, "I hope the lord god didn't see it! I hope the lord god didn't see it."

Ji Xiaoyan watched the actions of these beautiful girls with some curiosity, and then asked: "Are you?"

"Master City Lord, we are your maids in this City Lord's Mansion!" The maid who opened the door said with a smile when she heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and then said to her with some disappointment: "It's just that our City Lord's Mansion There are so many maids in the palace, you don’t necessarily know all of them, Lord City Lord. So you don’t know us, that’s for sure.”

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan was a little startled!

MD, there are at least a dozen maids in front of me!This is the legendary corrupt maid! !Moreover, judging from their tone, there are more than this number of maids at her disposal in this city lord's mansion!How much power does she have as the city lord? It's too corrupt, too corrupt, to have so many maids! !This is simply queen-level treatment! !How many lifetimes of blessings has she cultivated? In the previous world, she was as tired as a dog every day, and lived a life like a slave. In a blink of an eye, she went directly to heaven and became a queen.
This is simply too dreamy!It's so dreamy! !
This is definitely a trick!The precipice is the treacherous scheme of Lord Shenguang!It just wants her to stay in this world forever, that's why it arranges such a corrupt life and plot, it wants her to indulge, and it must be like this in the future that she can never leave!
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but glanced vigilantly at the maids of the City Lord's Mansion who were looking at her with bright smiles, and then glanced to the side. Because of the appearance of a beautiful maid, her eyes were not diverted from her. Mr. Bessa couldn't help but wondered in his heart: Maybe this Mr. Bessa is also a trick of the light.Beauty plus handsome guy, power plus wealth, she has it all at once, it would be strange if it wasn't a trap! !
The pie was too big for her to eat! !

Ji Xiaoyan, who was curling his lips in his heart, was still thinking about what to do next, when he heard an excited voice, and when he regained his composure, he looked up and saw a gorgeously dressed old man running at a very fast speed Arriving in front of her, he grabbed her by the shoulders, looked her up and down carefully, and then said excitedly and relieved: "I knew it! I knew you, the city lord, will succeed! You are sure You will become the permanent lord of our Qing City! I knew you would succeed and return safely!!"

(End of this chapter)

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