Chapter 1328

Lord Bessa's eyes were full of seriousness and persistence, as well as deep affection, which made Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but after looking at Lord Bessa for a few times, he immediately avoided his gaze, and then looked at Manager Qing Gong!

"Since you have said so, Mr. Bessa, let's do this." Manager Qing Gong closed his eyes and sighed helplessly, then said something to Mrs. Bessa, turned to look at Ji Xiaoyan again, and said to Ji Xiaoyan. She said: "My lord, we will start to familiarize ourselves with the affairs of Qingcheng from tomorrow on."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.Director Qing Gong has talked to her about this matter many times, but the reason why it has not been implemented in the end is because of Lord Bessa. Now that this problem is solved, it is natural to put this study on the agenda!Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but smile when he thought that the days to come would be more fulfilling!

"Xiaoyan, if you don't understand anything later, you can also ask me! I will know everything!" Master Bessa looked at Ji Xiaoyan in a good mood, and immediately said something to her, and then Then he turned to Manager Qing Gong and said, "I don't think I'm interfering in your Qingcheng's affairs, right?"

"Of course not!" Manager Qing Gong looked a bit unhappy, staring at Lord Bessa and said, "We also want to thank Lord Bessa for giving you all you can. How can we blame you?"

"That's good, that's good!" Lord Bessa looked happy, turned his eyes from Manager Qing Gong back to Ji Xiaoyan, and continued: "Since Xiaoyan, you only started to deal with this Qingcheng tomorrow. The matter, now that Lord Lord God has also said that everyone can move freely, how about we go to your Qingcheng, how about it? We have been staying in the City Lord's Mansion for almost a month, and we should go out to see you, Xiaoyan Jurisdiction, there is something fun."

"Master Bessa, my Lord City Lord doesn't have as much time as you to play around!" Director Qing Gong said to Lord Bessa with a serious expression, as if Lord Bessa would lead Ji Xiaoyan into trouble!
"Boss Qing Gong, my city lord thinks that what you said is not right!" Lord Bessa immediately stared at him with some displeasure when he heard what Boss Qing Gong said, and said, "What is called everywhere?" Playing? Is that what we call playing around? It’s going to patrol, do you understand the patrol? If you are the city owner of your own city, you don’t know who is in the city, what shops are there, what is the layout of the city, and what is there. Buildings and the like, do you think the city lord is locked in the city lord's mansion all day long, listening to your reports, and then imagine what his own city looks like, Chief Qing Gong, what do you think is the meaning of such a city lord in front of him? ?”

After hearing the words, Chief Qing Gong glanced at Lord Bessa blankly, and then murmured: "I didn't mean that. I just said, Lord City Lord, you can familiarize yourself with some things in Qingcheng before going to the city. Take a good stroll here, it will be easier to get familiar with Qingcheng. I have no intention of locking you in the City Lord's Mansion!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded to Chief Qing Gong, and then said: "Boss Qing Gong, I know what you mean, don't worry. However, what Master Bessa said is also very reasonable, now that the main god has released the ban, It just so happens that I have time, so I can go around the city! If I start studying tomorrow, I won’t have so much time!”

Manager Qing Gong glanced at Lord Bessa, saw him smiling at him proudly, nodded for a while and said: "Master City Lord, if you want to go out, then go out, I will arrange people to follow." No matter whether Ji Xiaoyan agrees or not, Director Qing Gong immediately turned around and left.

Ji Xiaoyan's hand was still stretched out in the air, and after seeing that Chief Qing Gong had gone far away, he sighed, took his hand back, and then looked at Master Besa and said, "Master Besa, I'll go back and change my body." Clothes, are you comfortable?"

Lord Bessa nodded with a smile, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Okay, Xiaoyan, you go, I will come later, waiting for you! You change slowly, don't worry!"

Ji Xiaoyan hummed, turned around and left the gazebo, and then ran directly to her bedroom, ready to change clothes and go out.

Speaking of which, the treatment of the city lord is really good. Ji Xiaoyan doesn't know what her life was like when she was in Qingcheng, what kind of clothes she wore, and what kind of food she ate, but from now on Say, it was definitely the day of the emperor!All the clothes she wore were extremely exquisite and gorgeously designed, which she had never seen before, and the food she ate was only beyond her imagination, and there was nothing she could not eat
Manager Qing Gong raised her meticulously and provided for her in every way.As far as this point is concerned, Ji Xiaoyan has been observing for a month, but she hasn't seen anything wrong with Manager Qing Gong. Therefore, for Manager Qing Gong, combined with the evaluations of Xuan Mo, Friesman and Brick, she can be regarded as Let go of a lot of defenses, and slowly accept this Master Qingcheng who may accompany her for a long time
As for Mr. Bessa, Ji Xiaoyan stopped his hasty walking, and couldn't help turning his head to look in the direction of the gazebo. He found that Mrs. Bessa, who was still sitting in the gazebo just now, had got up and seemed to be happily heading in her direction at the moment. Walking over, I couldn't help but throb in my heart.This man seems really nice.
But, are they really people from the same world?

With a bitter face, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help complaining about the master's brain light in his heart.Guang, who had promised to tell her many things at the beginning, threw her away after she woke up and went to do his business.She has been waiting for a month, and it has not finished its work. Could it be that the light will not appear until after those adventurers can enter their world again, as Master Bessa said?
What would she do if she met an adventurer at that time?

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan raised his foot again, walked slowly towards his bedroom, and began to think in his mind, whether he should take Manager Qing Gong with him wherever he went, or if something unexpected happened What if she won't handle the situation?If she does not do well in this city of Qingcheng, will she be fired?Not right!She remembered that when she first returned to Qingcheng, Manager Qing Gong said that she went to find that eternal heart in order to become the city lord of Qingcheng forever, no matter how she died, she would not lose this identity
Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan is somewhat grateful to the former "Ji Xiaoyan City Lord" at this time!If it weren't for her resolute decision, if she replaces her as the city lord of Qingcheng, she probably lost her status as the city lord of Qingcheng at some point, and she still doesn't know what happened
"Huhu." Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help exhaling twice, took a deep breath, raised his head to look at the sky, closed his eyes deeply, smiled happily, and then prepared to move on.However, when Ji Xiaoyan opened his eyes again, Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened instantly, unable to close them again.
"That's... what's that?" Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth wide, looked up at the sky, couldn't help swallowing, then turned his head in horror to look at Master Bessa who was still pacing slowly far behind, Pointing at the sky towards him, he shouted in horror: "Master Besa, Lord Besa is in the sky!"

"What? What's the matter, Xiaoyan?" Master Bessa was still immersed in the joy of going on a "date" with Ji Xiaoyan out of the city lord's mansion. When he heard Ji Xiaoyan's slightly panicked voice, he immediately asked her, and then Followed her fingers to look at the sky, immediately put away the smile on her face, raised her breath, and swung the spell directly to condense a stream of water under her feet, leading him to Ji Xiaoyan's side in an instant, and then He hugged her and rushed to a hall in the city lord's mansion
"Don't worry, I'm here!" Lord Bessa patted Ji Xiaoyan's shoulder reassuringly, and brought her to the corridor of the main hall, then whispered to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, hold me tight, we will immediately Go inform Manager Qing Gong and others!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and hugged Master Bessa, feeling the wind in his ears instantly, and then began to recall those two huge figures in the sky with some fear!That one red and one black is a dragon, right?She looked at it from afar, and it seemed like a giant dragon in a western movie. What kind of world is this?Isn't it a bit of magic, and the fantasy drama with space bags and the like is over?Why is there still a dragon! !Moreover, she even ran to her Qingcheng, making it clear that she was about to rush down! !
Is her Qingcheng about to be occupied by dragons?
Just as he was thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan felt Master Bessa stop his sprinting steps, and then heard him say: "Mr. Qing Gong, hurry up, tell the people in the City Lord's Mansion to get ready, two giants are coming from the sky. Dragon, I’m afraid we’re going to attack Qingcheng! Hurry up and make those who have no fighting power hide, and all the mages gather immediately. Let’s drive those two giant dragons away together. Or, kill them!!”

Ji Xiaoyan heard a hint of murderous intent in Master Bessa's voice, and then let go of his hand, moved away from his chest, looked up at him, and then aimed at Manager Qing Gong.

After looking at it, Ji Xiaoyan saw the problem.

Director Qing Gong didn't show any panic after hearing Lord Bessa's words, instead he looked like he was constipated, and just stared at them blankly.
"Boss Qing Gong, what's your expression?" Master Bessa asked angrily towards Boss Qing Gong, "Didn't you hear what I just said? If you don't act again, this city of Qing may be destroyed Lost"

Manager Qing Gong shook his head with a half-smile, then sighed deeply, and said to Lord Besa who was glaring at him and Ji Xiaoyan who looked puzzled: "Master Besa, Lord City Master, You don't have to worry. We won't have any problems in clearing the city, and there will be no such thing as a giant dragon attacking the city. The two-headed dragon in the sky" Director Qing Gong pointed to the sky with a nonchalant expression. Then he sighed, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "My lord, you have lost your memory, so you don't remember! Those two giant dragons are Nimonsa and Cenarion! Speaking of which, they are all your friends. It is because of you that we came to Qingcheng to garrison. Hey, look over there, that is the mission you issued to let the adventurers in Qingcheng help Cenarion build the mountain and give it a place to live. So, they don’t They will destroy our Qingcheng, they are the defenders of our Qingcheng!"

"You mean, those two giant dragons are the guardians of Qingcheng? Or did Xiaoyan bring them back?" Lord Bessa was shocked, and after looking at Manager Qing Gong in disbelief and nodding with certainty, he finally He looked at Ji Xiaoyan again, and said helplessly, "Xiaoyan, your amnesia is really out of timing!"

Manager Qing Gong smiled proudly, and then said: "It's okay. You don't remember them, my lord, but they still remember you. But, my lord, when Cenarion came to clean up our city, did you agree to it?" , the matter of going to help it slaughter the two giant dragons was delayed after you went to find the Eternal Heart. So if Cenarion asks you later, you should think about what to say."

"Then what should I say?" Ji Xiaoyan still couldn't accept that the huge figure approaching in the sky was brought in by her. Hearing Manager Qing Gong's words, she immediately looked at him and asked, "Boss Qing Gong , what do you think I should say? If this is wrong, wouldn’t that dragon just spray fire and kill us?”

"No way!" Manager Qing Gong shook his head, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Both Nimonsha and Cenarion signed an agreement with our Qingcheng to station permanently in Qingcheng, and they went up to the main god. So, counting, you You can also be regarded as their masters, so it is impossible for them to hurt you. However, you personally agreed to the matter of Cenarion, and you also issued an order from the city lord to invite many adventurers to participate, so I am afraid that this matter When adventurers come to our world again, you still need to continue."

Ji Xiaoyan also wanted to ask about the details of the dragon slaying requested by Cenarion, but from the corner of his eye, he saw that the two giant dragons in the air had gotten much closer, so he quickly asked Manager Qing Gong: "What about Cenarion? What should I say if O asks?"

"You just need to tell them the truth, and then say that you will help if you agree!" Manager Qing Gong looked relaxed, and Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but want to rush up and scratch his face. impulse.

"It's been a month since we returned to Qingcheng, why didn't they show up, but now they show up? Didn't something happen to come here?" Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's expression, Master Bessa burst out laughing, and then frowned. Looking at Manager Qing Gong, he asked, "These two giant dragons just flew out for a stroll, right? Why isn't Manager Qing Gong worried?"

"Master Bessa, I think you have forgotten one thing?" Chief Qing Gong finally felt elated when he heard what Master Bessa said, and raised his chin at him and said, "You forgot, The Lord God just lifted the ban! They used to stay in the cave because of the Lord God’s ban. Now that the ban is lifted, they will naturally come out. Besides, they are regular visitors to the City Lord’s Mansion, so come and visit It’s nothing to Mr. Bessa, you are so rare!!”

 PS: Thank you "Book Friends 150207193025958" for the peace talisman!Thanks to "BenSharles" for the pink ticket!Thanks for the "Who's a Leprechaun" sachet! .Thousands of begging to subscribe! !my dears
(End of this chapter)

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