Chapter 1329 Accept?

Manager Qing Gong is in a very good mood at the moment!

Ever since Ji Xiaoyan returned to Qingcheng with Lord Besa, he, the chief executive of Qingcheng, has been suppressed by Lord Besa, the lord of River Water City, all day long.No matter what he does, as long as the City Lord of River Water City is not satisfied, he will directly deny his suggestion to Miss Ji Xiaoyan... During this period of time, the life of Chief Qing Gong is not comfortable at all!
Now that he finally had a chance to vent his anger, Manager Qing Gong naturally looked at Lord Bessa with a very beautiful mood, waiting to see that embarrassing expression appear on his face, so as to find a solution for the depression he had been suffering for so many days. Exit, let off steam.Therefore, after finishing speaking, Director Qing Gong immediately pointed to the sky, and said to Master Bessa and Ji Xiaoyan who lost his memory: "Master City Master, look, soon Nimonsha and Cenarion will slowly I landed at our City Lord's Mansion and came to find you. The two giant dragons have good personalities, even if you forget about them, City Lord, you will love them again after you come to get along with them for a while."

Ji Xiaoyan looked up at the sky in doubt.Two seconds later, he asked Manager Qing Gong with some uncertainty: "Well, Manager Qing Gong, you said that the relationship between these two giant dragons is not bad? Why do I seem to see them running towards us in a somewhat unharmonious manner? Are they here? I think they look like they are fighting, right?"

Lord Bessa pulled Ji Xiaoyan towards his chest without showing any signs, and regardless of the expression on Manager Qing Gong's face, he said directly to Ji Xiaoyan: "No! Xiaoyan, I see that these two giant dragons are a bit strange. Something's wrong, we can't stand here, quickly find a place to hide from them"

"My lord, there is nothing wrong with the two giant dragons. Are they fighting?" Chief Qing Gong tried his best to open his eyes and looked towards the sky, and said something dissatisfied to Ji Xiaoyan, and then stared at him. Lord Bessa said: "I said Lord Bessa, this is Qingcheng. You are the Lord of River Water City, not our Lord of Qingcheng. Please don't meddle in some affairs of our Qingcheng and cause unnecessary trouble for our Lord. misunderstanding, okay?"

When Master Bessa heard the words, he just glanced at Manager Qing Gong, without even making a sound, he put his arms around Ji Xiaoyan's shoulders and pulled her away, heading towards the direction where Nimonsha and Cenarion were coming. Go, prepare to find a safe place and wait to see what happens next.

When Director Qing Gong saw this, he immediately became angry.

This Master Bessa is typically planning to occupy his own house on the territory of their Qingcheng, not to mention, is he still thinking of occupying their Qingcheng completely in a subtle way?I told him that the two giant dragons in the sky just came to see the city lord's mansion as usual. Why did he want to intimidate his own city lord? What is his purpose?
After imagining many terrifying possibilities in his mind, Director Qing Gong really couldn't stand up.No, no, I absolutely can't let the innocent city lord of my family be deceived by such a black-hearted city lord, turn around and Qingcheng falls into his hands, what should I do if they haven't been vigilant?The girl Ji Xiaoyan is now the permanent lord of Qingcheng, but it doesn't mean that Qingcheng will only listen to her forever!What if Lord Bessa has some tricks and finally turns Miss Ji Xiaoyan into a puppet city lord?

Thinking of this, Manager Qing Gong hurriedly ran to the direction where Ji Xiaoyan and the others left, and was going to talk to Ji Xiaoyan again, don't believe Master Besa's words too much! !After all, what did Lord Dragon come to Qingcheng for, won't they be able to confirm it in a while?At that time, I must speak carefully about this Lord Bessa in front of the City Lord, and let my City Lord keep a reasonable distance from him.
However, what Chief Qing Gong didn't know at this time was: Actually, what Ji Xiaoyan and Lord Besa saw was not wrong at all!Although Nimonsha and Cenarion in the sky flew here in the spirit of Qingcheng's City Lord's Mansion, their two giant dragons did not come here in a friendly way, but rushed all the way here with murderous aura and ultimate moves
The reason why Manager Qing Gong couldn't see the details was because he was an ordinary NPC, not a senior city lord like Lord Bessa, who was much superior to him in every aspect!And Miss Ji Xiaoyan used to be a player, she has grown up in various attributes, and now she has become a real NPC, after the main brain light kept her previous physical attributes, she returned it to her. Many attribute bonuses!Therefore, no matter which aspect, Ji Xiaoyan is much superior to Manager Qing Gong!And the field of vision is naturally farther and clearer.
Sure enough, when Manager Qing Gong trotted to catch up with Ji Xiaoyan and the others, he heard a huge roar coming from the city lord's mansion!Then when Director Qing Gong and Ji Xiaoyan stopped and turned their heads to look back, they found that many buildings and trees of the City Lord's Mansion that could be seen just now had been razed to the ground, and now they were covered in a large cloud of dust
"Is this what Manager Qing Gong said, the friendly visiting dragon?" Lord Bessa said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "I just want to ask, if we really listen to you, where will we stand and laugh?" Waiting for these two 'friendly' dragons to fall, is it true that the city lords of Qingcheng and River Water City are about to change hands at this moment? What is your intention? Are you going to kill both of our city lords directly? , and then achieve some ulterior purpose of yours?"

No wonder Master Bessa thinks so!Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help wiping off a cold sweat!Think about the place that is surrounded by dust and mist, accompanied by roars of giant dragons fighting, and the sound of buildings being destroyed. Could it be that they were all crushed into patties?Oh, of course, at this time Ji Xiaoyan still remembered the benefits of being the permanent city lord.

The main brain just said that he is immortal in this world!Therefore, there will be no situation where Master Bessa owns, Qingcheng will fall into the hands of other people after he is killed.

However, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help shivering when he thought about the death state of being Yacheng meatloaf! !That scene is too dire, so don't try it
Director Qing Gong didn't know what Ji Xiaoyan was thinking at the moment. After listening to Lord Besa's words, cold sweat broke out on his forehead instantly, and then he looked at his own city lord, only to find that her eyes were weak, It seems to be really scared! !As a result, Manager Qing Gong's legs softened a little in an instant, and then he looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said anxiously: "My lord, you have to trust me!! I can never harm you, these two dragon lords Usually, such a situation has never happened in Qingcheng. You can’t disbelieve my words just because of such an accident? I really have no intentions, Lord City Lord, you have to trust me.”

Hearing the voice of Manager Qing Gong, Ji Xiaoyan finally came back to his senses, and in a blink of an eye, he saw that he was about to cry without tears. After thinking about it, he said to Manager Qing Gong: "Boss Qing Gong, I think this We can talk about it later. Even if I don’t believe you, I’ll find out after asking other people in Qingcheng. I’m just curious now. Why did the two relatively harmonious dragons you mentioned fight? And, then If you don’t go to fight on the distant hills, you must fall into our city lord’s mansion to fight this destroyed place, what will we do in the future? Let them pay for it?”

"Master City Master." Director Qing Gong looked at the place where Nimonsha and Cenarion landed in embarrassment, and could only vaguely see from the dust that they were still fighting. After a few seconds of silence, he turned to Ji Xiaoyan. Said: "Master City Lord, I may not be able to stop watching the two giant dragons for a while, you see, or I will find someone to watch for a while, and then persuade them, and when they stop fighting, we will go Ask about the situation, and talk to the two giant dragons later about the issue of compensation?"

Ji Xiaoyan shrugged his shoulders and nodded irrefutably, smiled apologetically at Lord Bessa, moved out of his arms, and looked at Manager Qing Gong and said, "Okay! Let's talk about Manager Qing Gong when they stop fighting, hurry up Find someone to control it, and don't let them destroy our city lord's mansion in Qingcheng." At that time, she, the city lord, will be pitiful!She had just finished getting acquainted with the City Lord's Mansion in this room, and it was completely destroyed by the dragon in a blink of an eye. If there is no place to live at night, then it's okay to spread the word.
Of course, Ji Xiaoyan doesn't know if anyone will pass on this in the end!However, the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng must be preserved!She is going to live here for a long, long time.
After hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Director Qing Gong quickly turned around and left the scene as if fleeing, and went to the guards of the City Lord's Mansion to control the situation.Whether it can be controlled or not, let's talk about it!Things, he still has to do.

Lord Bessa saw that Manager Qing Gong had finally left, then leaned against Ji Xiaoyan, and then said with a sigh: "Xiaoyan, it seems that you are not very safe in Qingcheng! You see How long have you been back? I just said that I would take over the affairs of Qingcheng, and this happened. I don’t know what the two giant dragons will be like. I was thinking, or you can follow me to River Stay in Shuicheng for a while!" After all, this girl is going to live in his River Shuicheng in the future, isn't she?Going ahead now, it might not be possible to get her to agree to the marriage contract with him earlier.
Master Bessa was thinking secretly in his heart, while looking at the place where the dust and mist were slowly dissipating, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I watched those two giant dragons for a while, it might be We can’t stop anymore. For safety’s sake, we’d better stay farther away! Xiaoyan, what do you think?”

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Master Bessa, and when he thought she would not answer, he said in a low voice: "Master Bessa, speaking of which, this should be my permanent home in the future, right? I remember the Lord God and As I said, Qingcheng will be my city from now on, and I will always be the lord of Qingcheng. Isn’t it appropriate to stay in your river water city?”

"What's inappropriate? Haven't I been in your Qingcheng for almost a month?" Master Bessa was stunned, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said.Wasn't the atmosphere between them still good just now?What's wrong with Miss Ji Xiaoyan?
Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, turned his eyes away from the giant dragon, and while listening to the thrilling roar, motioned for Master Besa to go out, and continued: "Master Besa, you are different. How many years have you been in Riverwater City, how old are you now? How long have I been back in Qingcheng? These are all different! And, as far as the present is concerned, Master Bessa, I think you seem to be the same as our Qingcheng Manager Qing Gong is a little bit off. Manager Qing Gong is the manager of our Qingcheng, and now he is helping me, the useless city lord, to manage Qingcheng. While you are talking about helping me, you are still fighting with my helper. Tit for tat I thought about it, why is this not so good?"

"Xiaoyan..." Master Bessa was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan.

Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Master Besa, and then continued: "Master Besa, I know, you are also kind. You have never been to our Qingcheng, and you have not had much contact with Chief Qing Gong. When we were together, I had contact with Chief Qing Gong. You were the same as when I first returned to Qingcheng. You thought he might harm me, so you wanted to protect me, right? I understand, thank you too!"

Master Bessa stared at Ji Xiaoyan, did not speak, and listened to what she said seriously.

"However, Lord Bessa, you don't know that although you and I belong to this world and become members of the life under the glory of the Lord God, it seems that we are all the same. But in fact, we are still different!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled slightly, glanced at Master Bessa with some bright eyes, then took a deep breath, and said to him: "I am very clear about how you treat me during this time. But, the same , I can see how Manager Qing Gong behaves! I thank you, and I also thank him. You are all for my own good, and you are all helping me. So, I accept Manager Qing Gong!"

Master Bessa was stunned when he heard this, and recalled what Ji Xiaoyan said just now, a look of surprise appeared on his face, then he looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked in disbelief: "Xiaoyan, I have some I don't quite understand what you mean. What you mean now is that you accepted Chief Qing Gong, and the same is true for me? You also accepted me."

 PS: Thanks for the pink ticket of "Mu Yu Clover"!

(End of this chapter)

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