Chapter 1330 Crisis
Master Besa looked at Ji Xiaoyan expectantly, with a little excitement and surprise in his eyes, he never thought that at such a moment, Miss Ji Xiaoyan would suddenly realize that Master Besa only hoped that in the next In just a second, Ji Xiaoyan can give him a nod, or give him a soft yes.

However, before he could hear Miss Ji Xiaoyan's voice, he heard a sky-shattering roar coming from the direction of the two giant dragons not far behind.
Following the voice and turning to look over, Ji Xiaoyan and Master Bessa were instantly stunned!
The two giant dragons that were still shrouded in dust and mist just now have shown their stature. At this moment, the two giant dragons are still fighting, and judging from the situation, the battle is not as fierce as usual.The most important thing is that Ji Xiaoyan and Master Bessa suddenly discovered that the two giant dragons seemed to be a little different from what they just saw in the sky
"Xiaoyan, do you feel that there seems to be something different about these two giant dragons?" Master Bessa frowned, looking in the direction of the giant dragons worriedly, wary of whether they would suddenly attack and affect He and Ji Xiaoyan said to Ji Xiaoyan in a low voice: "When I was in the sky just now, I didn't seem to see the spikes on their skin and the top of their heads. I saw it very clearly just now, the black ones Dragons don't have horns on top of their heads."

Ji Xiaoyan opened his eyes wide and looked in the direction of Nimonsha and Cenarion, and then nodded to Master Bessa with certainty after a long while, "Well, I also remember that the ones without horns don't they usually have horns?" It’s put away, I’m too excited to fight now, that’s why the horns popped out?”

Lord Bessa frowned, with an uncertain expression on his face: "I'm not familiar with creatures like giant dragons!" After a pause for two seconds, Lord Bessa grabbed Ji Xiaoyan and pulled her forward, mouthing Said: "Let's go, no matter what it is, it's better for us to stay away first! I see that your city lord's mansion is really unstoppable today. If not, let's go to my River Water City in a while. When Qingcheng is repaired, I will come back with you! Xiaoyan, as the city lord, you can't sleep in the ruins. You can't be willful about this matter. It's about your prestige as the city lord. You have to listen to me Do you know? Otherwise, if it spreads back, how can you gain a foothold in front of other city lords in the future?"

"Other city lords?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't answer Master Bessa directly, but asked about something he was interested in.She was worried that if she slept on the street, there would be something bad, and the residents of Qingcheng might talk about it, but she never thought that where she slept was related to other city lords?

Lord Bessa took a look at Ji Xiaoyan, with a worried expression on his face, and finally he sighed and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, although you used to be the lord of Qingcheng, but because you are not from the same world as us , so you don’t know many things. Just like what I told you on our way to Xishan. You, the city lord, can’t have many spells or treatments that we aboriginals can use in Qingcheng Yes. This is the difference between aborigines and adventurers! This is the world of our aborigines, and adventurers are outsiders, so many things are different.”

Ji Xiaoyan was confused.She doesn't remember any of her experience as a player in the game, so Ji Xiaoyan doesn't know how to compare what Master Bessa said!
"That's what I've agreed with you!" Master Bessa thought for a while, and after deliberating in his heart, he said: "There are some places that foreign adventurers are not allowed to enter, but we aborigines can. .Adventurers can only learn new things one step further after reaching a certain level of experience, but we aborigines don’t need it. As long as someone teaches them, they are smart enough to learn.”

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded half-understanding, then suddenly remembered something, looked directly at Master Bessa and asked, "Then, Master Bessa, I was also an adventurer before, how long have I been in this world?" Huh? Since I am an adventurer, do I also have adventurer friends in this world?"

Lord Bessa was stunned for a second, then turned to look at Ji Xiaoyan.In an instant, he thought of the adventurer named Flying Leaves who seemed to be familiar with Ji Xiaoyan in another world, his eyes became a bit dull!He really wanted to tell Ji Xiaoyan that in this world, she didn't have any adventurers she knew, nor did she have any friends, but he was the only one, and Master Bessa couldn't say anything when the words came to his lips.

Miss Ji Xiaoyan looked at her very clearly at this moment, full of curiosity and trust, which made Lord Besa really have the heart to deceive her. Moreover, their world does not stop communicating with adventurers forever, as long as he We know that Miss Ji Xiaoyan can become an aboriginal like them, and more adventurers will become aboriginals in the future!When the time comes, if the fallen leaves are flying, they will be the same as Ji Xiaoyan. One day, his lies will be exposed. At that time, won't Miss Ji Xiaoyan blame him?

Lord Bessa doesn't believe it!I didn't dare to block it either.

"Well, you also have many friends." After the words were blocked for a long time, Master Bessa said to Ji Xiaoyan with a shy voice, "It's just that you also know that I, as the owner of the aboriginal city, usually I don’t have much contact with adventurers. So I don’t know much about your friends who are adventurers.” Therefore, he has no way to introduce who is who to her, and he doesn’t have to help her find it in the future!That said, there is nothing wrong with it!
"Oh." Ji Xiaoyan nodded without saying anything.

Master Bessa was a little uncertain about what Ji Xiaoyan was thinking, so he looked at her worriedly, only to find that Ji Xiaoyan was looking at him with bright eyes.So, for the first time, Lord Bessa felt a sense of embarrassment and guilt. So, at an extremely fast speed, Lord Bessa averted his eyes!
Ji Xiaoyan looked at Master Bessa's movements with some amusement, smiled slightly, and then said to him: "Speaking of which, I have amnesia, and I don't remember anything from the past! Those so-called friends don't even have the slightest impression. No more. I don’t know if I can have an impression of them when we meet again in the future.”

Ji Xiaoyan thinks that those adventurer friends that Master Bessa mentioned should actually be another friend of Ji Xiaoyan to her at this moment.In Ji Xiaoyan's mind, she absolutely does not have the so-called amnesia. She just traveled through time. When she opened her eyes, she entered the soul of Ji Xiaoyan who was about to enter the game and become a character in the game, and became another character. A Ji Xiaoyan.And everything about her is not what she has experienced or known.

This is not amnesia, but two different lives of Ji Xiaoyan.

She asked Mr. Bessa about Ji Xiaoyan's adventurer friend just to get mentally prepared. If someone rushed to her one day and called her with a familiar face, she didn't know what to do. How to do it!It doesn't matter if I'm sorry, she has amnesia!However, if you are not mentally prepared and are fooled by others, that would be bad!

Therefore, after hearing Master Bessa's words, Ji Xiaoyan's heart was finally settled.

I will be the owner of the aborigines in the future, and I can learn from Mr. Bessa to amplify the difference between the aborigines and adventurers, and keep a distance if necessary.After all, those are not my friends, are they?The former Ji Xiaoyan has disappeared.
Lord Bessa glanced at Ji Xiaoyan with an unnatural expression, seeing that she didn't want to continue asking about the adventurer friends at all, then continued the topic just now, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Adventurers are all We have our own circle, and we aborigines are the same. Xiaoyan, you don’t remember anything now, so you don’t know. Our city lord is above the mayors of ordinary towns. There are many village chiefs and mayors in several continents, almost It is several times, even dozens of times that of the city lord. Therefore, every few years, if there is time, the city lords of each continent will gather together, but in many cases, everyone has not gathered together!"

"Why?" Ji Xiaoyan was curious.

"Various reasons!" Master Bessa replied vaguely, and then continued: "Every time we get together, it is an opportunity for us city lords to form an alliance. Xiaoyan, you must know that in this world, strong In a world where survivors live, if a city is not strong enough, it is very likely that it will be coveted by other cities, and then wars will be launched to directly seize the city and exterminate the people. Therefore, every time the city lords gather, each city lord seeks to form an alliance with each other Objects, and the opportunity to investigate whether they can attack cities and seize land in the future"

Ji Xiaoyan was a little surprised listening to Master Bessa's words.Does this mean that although she has the unspoken rules of the main god, she can become the city lord of Qingcheng forever, but if Qingcheng is destroyed by other city lords, she, the city lord, will no longer exist?Does that mean that the so-called immortality will also disappear by then?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help scratching his head.

Damn, she feels really annoyed that there is no mastermind to explain at this time.

Master Bessa saw the worry on Ji Xiaoyan's face, and wanted to stretch out his hand to smooth her slightly frowning brows, but after thinking about it, he didn't move.These things are things that Ji Xiaoyan must know, and things that must be kept in mind.His River Water City is not close to Qing City, if there is really a city lord who has taken a fancy to Ji Xiaoyan's Qing City and plans to attack the city, when he gets the news and rushes over, it may not be that Qing City has already been destroyed.You know, when attacking and killing a city, everyone knows how useful the teleportation array is, so the teleportation array will be destroyed immediately to prevent the city from receiving airborne reinforcements, and then the siege will officially start
"Xiaoyan used to be an adventurer, so you don't have to worry about these things. Because you can't participate in our city master's party, it's unlikely that anyone will think about you." Lord Bessa paused for a long time before continuing. , "However, it is different now. Although you can have the promise of the Lord God to become the permanent guardian of Qingcheng, the premise is that Qingcheng is still there. If Qingcheng is gone, you..."

"I'll disappear too?" Ji Xiaoyan asked Master Bessa with wide-eyed eyes.

"Probably not, probably not." Master Bessa thought for two seconds, and with a little bit of luck on his face, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "You have some blessings from the main gods of adventurers on your body, so you probably won't Disappeared. It’s just that if Qingcheng is gone, then you may be hunted down forever. The price of immortality is that the owner of the city will continue to kill you forever.”

"Why?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't understand.If someone wiped out her city, why did they keep killing her?
"Because you have always been the lord of Qingcheng, and you cannot change it. Qingcheng was captured, but you have always occupied this name. As long as you live for a day, you have a chance to take the city back." Lord Bessa said Ji Xiaoyan said seriously, "Let me give you an example. For example, if I go to capture a city now, and the original city lord is alive but escapes, it doesn't matter. The city is already mine, and the original city lord's title will disappear. Drop! After I rebuild the city, this city will completely become my property. But, Xiaoyan, you are different from Qingcheng!"

Ji Xiaoyan stared at Master Bessa, saw him sigh, and then said: "If Qingcheng is taken away, your title of Qingcheng City Lord will not be lost. No matter who occupies your Qingcheng, it doesn't matter if Qingcheng is taken away. Rebuilding, as long as you step into the territory of Qingcheng one day, you can activate your status as the city lord and become the new city lord of Qingcheng again. This is the meaning of the permanent guardian of Qingcheng."

Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth knowingly, and then asked with some puzzlement: "Master Bessa, according to what you said, wouldn't those city lords come to capture my Qing City? Anyway, as long as I come back here, Qingcheng will be mine again, isn’t their effort wasted? As long as I tell the other city owners that I am the permanent defender of Qingcheng, won’t they come to capture me?”

Master Bessa shook his head at Ji Xiaoyan with a wry smile, and then said, "Xiaoyan, do you know how much you can get by capturing a city? Even if you know that you are the permanent defender of the Qing city, there is only profit, and there will always be money." Someone came to capture it. They only need to ensure that you are strangled outside the Qingcheng, and that’s it. Under the reward, there must be a brave man! There are so many adventurers, so no one is willing to accept the order to kill you? So, Xiaoyan , you still have to be careful in the future! Don’t leak the news that you are the permanent guardian of the Qing City. Now those who know about this are your closest people. If other city lords know, then they will all Everything has been calculated to capture Qingcheng. If they don’t know, maybe you can catch them by surprise, enter Qingcheng quietly, and then take Qingcheng back. Understand?”

 PS: Thanks to "BenSharles" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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