The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1331 Never Ending

Chapter 1331 Never Ending
Ji Xiaoyan understood what Master Bessa said.

"But, Mr. Bessa, what you said has nothing to do with whether I have a place to live in the City Lord's Mansion?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Mr. Bessa suspiciously, staring at him and asked.

"Of course it has something to do with it." Master Bessa sighed with helplessness on his face, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan with some earnestness: "People who haven't been here may not know what Qingcheng looks like. But, Xiaoyan, you don’t know that when your Qingcheng was opened, all the city lord’s mansions in the mainland received the news. It’s just that everyone doesn’t know who the city lord is! But this doesn’t hinder other city lords at all. I know that you, Qingcheng, have many adventurers living here!! A city with many adventurers, a city that can keep adventurers, do you think it will be as dilapidated as Mochen Town?"

Ji Xiaoyan shook his head.A city with more people is naturally more prosperous!
Lord Bessa nodded and continued: "So, it will be a matter of time before the news of Qingcheng's current situation spreads. Therefore, if there are rumors that after the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion is destroyed, the City Lord doesn't even have a place to rest at night, what do you think will happen? How does it look like?"

"Laugh?" Ji Xiaoyan half-closed his eyes and said hesitantly.

Lord Bessa immediately rolled his eyes helplessly at her, then flicked Ji Xiaoyan's forehead lightly, shook his head and said, "I told you, every city's lord has an alliance. So, If the news that you have no place to live gets out, other city lords will not laugh at you and die. They will watch you carefully, listen to the news, and after confirming that you have no other city lords to take refuge in, they can be sure that your Qing city is not in conflict with other city lords. Allied cities and then they can plan to invade Qingcheng! Do you understand now?"

Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief evident on his face.It's just a trivial matter that there is no place to live after the city lord's mansion is destroyed. How can it be raised to other city lords to judge whether it is possible to capture her Qingcheng through such a trivial matter?This world is too crazy, right?

"Don't stare so wide, it won't hurt!" Lord Bessa looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a light smile, and then said to her: "This world is not as simple as you see! Xiaoyan! So, in the future Days, you not only have to learn how to deal with the affairs of Qingcheng, but also learn more things in order to survive in peace! It’s not that the Lord God said that you will be the permanent lord of Qingcheng, you can be the lord of this city and own this city forever .Everything depends on your own efforts!"

Ji Xiaoyan's expression was a little dazed, as if he recalled that he was still in that dark area at that time, what the mastermind Guang said to her, she didn't remember the original words, but she remembered very clearly that Guang also said that at that time Just like Lord Bessa, as long as she works hard, she will be the permanent lord of Qingcheng
She always thought that what Guang meant was that she should work hard to develop Qingcheng and build Qingcheng better.Unexpectedly, there is such a meaning in it. The so-called hard work is to try hard to keep yourself, so that you will not be driven away under the covetousness of other city lords
"Then, Lord Bessa, have you made an alliance with that city?" Ji Xiaoyan came back to his senses, and couldn't help but look at Lord Bessa and asked.The city lord has not been in the city all day, isn't he worried that his River Water City will be captured by other cities?

Master Bessa smiled at Ji Xiaoyan indifferently when he heard the words, and said, "My River Water City has a special geographical location, and ordinary people cannot capture it, so it is relatively safe." Said At this point, Lord Bessa looked at Ji Xiaoyan's curious face, let out a breath, and then continued: "River Water City is surrounded by water on three sides, only one side can enter and exit."

"Oh oh oh!" Ji Xiaoyan had a clear expression on his face.This location is really good! !

"However, Xiaoyan, you don't have to worry too much. I'll ask old Hess to send the alliance letter later, and I will protect you in the future, so you can have more confidence." Master Bessa slapped his eyelashes, facing Ji Xiaoyan smiled and said: "If you don't understand the specific things, you can ask Manager Qing Gong to help you figure it out. He is your manager, and everything is good and bad, so you can discuss it with him. "

Ji Xiaoyan looked seriously at Master Bessa, and nodded after a while.

In fact, Master Bessa's proposal is really good.Of course, this good foundation is based on the fact that the world is really as terrible as he said.

As a "newcomer" in this world, Ji Xiaoyan knows nothing, if he is really hunted down endlessly by a certain city lord and loses Qingcheng, then life will be difficult.She is immortal, so is she really going to enjoy death thousands of times in this world all the time?She doesn't have such perverted hobbies.
Therefore, having an alliance with a veteran city lord like Lord Bessa is very beneficial to her and to Qingcheng.It's just that if there's anything wrong with it, it's up to Manager Qing Gong to figure it out.After all, Ji Xiaoyan really doesn't know anything about her.
Lord Bessa saw Ji Xiaoyan's pensive look, and didn't disturb her, but quietly led her to continue walking around the city lord's mansion. Running eagerly, followed by a large number of guards from the City Lord's Mansion.

"My lord, my lord, are you alright?" Director Qing Gong immediately shouted a few words when he saw Ji Xiaoyan and the others from a distance, and then ran to Ji Xiaoyan with a worried look on his face. After looking her up and down and confirming that she had no problems, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master City Lord, I have summoned all the guards of the City Lord's Mansion, we will now Go and persuade the two dragon lords."

"No need!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed, looked at Nimonsa and Cenarion who were making a lot of noise in the distance behind him, and then said to Manager Qing Gong: "Let them fight well, they are tired , there will always be a rest. Let's wait for a while and look back at the losses. I hope they can give me a place to sleep at night." Speaking of this, Ji Xiaoyan paused for a moment, then looked at Manager Qing Gong with some concern and asked : "By the way, they are just fighting, they won't kill each other, right?"

Manager Qing Gong frowned, and said to Ji Xiaoyan after a while, "My lord, I don't know about this either! These two dragon lords have never fought in our Qing city."

"Then what are they for?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little puzzled.

"This... probably only they know about it!" Chief Qing Gong shook his head anxiously, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "By the way, Lord City Master, I remember that your Jiajia seems to be very similar to Lord Nimengsha. Good friend, do you want to bring Jiajia over and let him have a look?"

Ji Xiaoyan was stunned when he heard the words.Are Jiajia and Julong still friends?They are different species, right?
"Where is Jiajia now?" Ji Xiaoyan immediately looked at Manager Qing Gong after being dazed.

"I heard that I went hunting." Director Qing Gong frowned and thought about it, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's okay, Lord City Master, I will send someone out to look for Jiajia right away. I must find it as soon as possible. !!" After finishing speaking, regardless of Ji Xiaoyan, Director Qing Gong immediately turned around and called two guards, and passed on the message, asking them to find a member of the Lusi'er clan to find Jiajia as quickly as possible. .
Ji Xiaoyan stared at Manager Qing Gong curiously, wanting to know who the Lusi'er tribe he was talking about was.However, right now is not the time for Director Qing Gong to explain the confusion.

"Boss Qing Gong, Xiaoyan and I just looked at the two giant dragons a little differently. It's a little different from what we saw in the air!" Lord Bessa watched the boss Qing Gong finish arranging the guards, Then he interrupted politely and said: "You two giant dragons in Qingcheng always have long horns on their bodies and heads, which are put away when they fly, and pop out when they land? Or do they usually put their horns away? Only released when the fight is intense?"

Manager Qing Gong was a little surprised why Lord Bessa's expression and tone were so polite at the moment. After a second of surprise, Manager Qing Gong softened his attitude a lot when dealing with Lord Bessa.If people don't fight against me, naturally I, the master of Qingcheng, can't be too stingy, can I?But after listening to Lord Bessa's words, Chief Qing Gong frowned suspiciously for an instant, then looked at Lord Bessa in surprise and asked: "Master Bessa, what do you mean? Master Cenarion has thorns on his body?"

Lord Bessa was silent, nodded, then stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of Nimengsha and the others, and said to Manager Qing Gong: "If you don't believe me, Manager Qing Gong can go and have a look!!"

Manager Qing Gong didn't move, but immediately turned around and recruited two Qingcheng guards, and hurriedly ordered to them: "Hurry up, hurry up, quickly find a few people from the Lusi'er tribe, and let them ride three Winged Quadruped Birds, go and see if Master Nimonsha and Cenarion are still on their own peaks and let them go quickly to bring Gaga back!! Bring more Three-winged Quadruped Birds. Speed be quick!!!"

"Yes!" Several guards immediately turned around and ran away.

Ji Xiaoyan and Lord Bessa exchanged glances, looked at Chief Qing Gong and asked, "Boss Qing Gong, what's the matter? Aren't those two giant dragons Nimensa and Cenarion?"

Manager Qing Gong was bitter, and said with a remorseful expression: "I'm sorry, my lord, I can't answer this question for you right now. I'm not sure if it's Lord Nimengsha and Cenarion who are there. Now we will only know after the people of the Lusi'er tribe go to the two peaks to check... Lord Nimengsha has stayed in our Qingcheng for a long time, and it has come since you became the city lord of Qingcheng. So, if you Ask me if Master Nimengsha has any thorns on her body, and I can tell you with certainty that there are none. As for Master Cenarion, it has rarely appeared since it entered Qingcheng, so I don't know its situation very well! "

Speaking of this, Chief Qing Gong immediately frowned, looked up into Ji Xiaoyan's eyes, and said to her: "Since Lady Nimengsa came to our Qingcheng, we have never seen it like it is today. So, Bei I can’t answer you with certainty about what Lord Sa said. It’s just that the giant dragons I saw in the sky seem to be Lord Nimonsha and Cenarion. However, that’s just what it seems.”

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, expressing his understanding, and then looked at the many guards of the Qing city behind Chief Qing Gong, and said: "Then we will discuss everything after the people you sent out come back. Now, we should leave this place first. It’s better if the battlefield is farther away, if you get injured, it’s not good, Chief Qing Gong, what do you think?”

"Okay, okay, okay!" Manager Qing Gong nodded quickly, and after calling the guards of Qingcheng to protect the city lord carefully, he followed Ji Xiaoyan and said to her in a low voice, "Master city lord, be careful."

Ji Xiaoyan hummed, and while following Manager Qing Gong, he thought for a while and asked in a low voice: "Director Qing Gong, are all our guards in Qingcheng here?"

"Almost all of them are here!" Manager Qing Gong didn't know what Ji Xiaoyan meant by asking this question, thought for a second, then nodded and replied, "There are still some people on duty, and many places need people to be on duty. "

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then said: "I just heard something from Master Bessa."

When Director Qing Gong heard about Mr. Bessa's affairs again, there was a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes.Xindao: I don't know what the Lord of River Water City is doing?

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Manager Qing Gong, saw him looking at him with a puzzled face, and said, "I heard from Master Besa that there will be gatherings between the city lords every few years. At that time, there will be city lords who will conduct inter-city meetings." It’s possible to make an alliance with them, and it’s possible that we’re going to capture that city.” At this point, Ji Xiaoyan looked at Chief Qing Gong’s face, and saw that he looked at him in surprise. Although I am the permanent lord of Qingcheng, if someone comes to rob Qingcheng and drive me out, they can still occupy Qingcheng. However, my title is still there. If you want to take back Qingcheng, you need to return to the territory of Qingcheng If there is a city lord who knows about my situation and then comes to capture Qingcheng, it is very likely that I will face an endless pursuit."

Manager Qing Gong couldn't help but swallowed the saliva overflowing from his mouth, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said with a trembling voice: "My lord, don't scare me about these things, I don't know why? Is this true? ?”

"Of course it's true! You don't know, it's because you're not the city lord!!" Lord Bessa glanced at Manager Qing Gong, exhaled, and then said: "So, Xiaoyan and I made a proposal, the two of us We will form an alliance with each other and help each other. However, the details need to be dealt with by you, Chief Qing Gong.”

 PS: Thank you for the pink tickets of "Snow Mountain Solo"!Thanks to "Master Bessa and Xiaoyan" for the peace talisman!
(End of this chapter)

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