The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1332 The Unexpected Person

Chapter 1332 The Unexpected Person
Manager Qing Gong never thought about the fact that one day Qing Cheng would discuss an alliance with River Water City!After Miss Ji Xiaoyan captured Qingcheng, they had the giant dragon Nimensa as a guardian beast in Qingcheng, and later they had the people from Qingshimen, and Shacheng, not to mention the adventurers who wandered in Qingcheng all day long. those.Therefore, Chief Qing Gong has never worried about the safety of Qingcheng!
But now, Ji Xiaoyan and Lord Bessa suddenly gave him a bolt from the blue!The city lords of all continents still have gatherings, and they can also seek alliances and targets for attack at the gatherings!This simply shocked him.
"If Manager Qing Gong feels that there are many things that need to be confirmed or learned in detail, and the matter of the giant dragon is over, I will ask Old Hess, the manager of River Water City, to talk to you." Lord Bessa said unexpectedly and kindly. He said to Manager Qing Gong, "I will leave some small matters to the old Hess to handle, so I will let you and the old Hess handle the alliance matters in the future."

Lord Bessa would never admit it, he just thought that if he went to discuss these matters with Chief Qing Gong, it would be a waste of his time with Miss Ji Xiaoyan, so he thought of calling old Hess over.
Director Qing Gong recovered from the shock, glanced at Lord Besa, then at Ji Xiaoyan who was staring at him seriously, and finally said shyly: "Then wait for Lord Besa, your manager Come on, after we finish talking, let's talk about it! Now you suddenly tell us such news, I believe that the city lord and I can't digest everything, so let's talk about it later!"

"It's up to you!" Master Bessa nodded, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "As long as Xiaoyan doesn't think that I send troops to help you when you have something to do in Qingcheng. Bessa will protect everything."

Manager Qing Gong heard the deep meaning in Lord Bessa's words, frowned and looked at Ji Xiaoyan deeply, then turned his face away and said directly: "Master City Lord, let's go on now!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, turned his head to look back, looked at Manager Qing Gong and said, "Director Qing Gong, do you think we can leave some place to rest in our City Lord's Mansion in the end?" After that, Ji Xiaoyan regarded this place as her home in this world, and she really didn't want to go to someone else's home to sleep and rest when she had her own home.Not to mention, two giant dragons came to her house and destroyed her property. She is really worried about her property
Director Qing Gong looked in the direction of the giant dragon in embarrassment, finally he could only sigh, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master City Lord, I can also estimate this! You said that if I told you this, maybe it would be okay." There are one or two houses left, but the two giant dragons turned over and razed the house to the ground? Then, what I told you, didn’t it all come to naught?”

There was a wry smile on the corner of Ji Xiaoyan's mouth, so he had to pray in his heart, praying that the two giant dragons who were said to be quite docile at least would give her some room at least.
Two giant dragons landed in the Santo's Mansion in Qingcheng, and there was such a big noise in the Santo's Mansion, the other NPCs in Qingcheng naturally knew the news quickly, and came to the outside of the Santo's Mansion to watch the excitement.So after Ji Xiaoyan ran out of the city lord's mansion with Manager Qing Gong, he saw the crowd of NPC aborigines.

"There are so many people in our Qingcheng?" Ji Xiaoyan was surprised, and couldn't help but look at Manager Qing Gong and said.Look at these crowded Qingcheng residents on the outskirts of the City Lord's Mansion. Ji Xiaoyan has always thought that after the Qingcheng that Manager Qing Gong mentioned to them, after the disappearance of many players and adventurers, there will be nothing left in the entire Qingcheng. There won't be many people!Unexpectedly, there are so many. Even Ji Xiaoyan saw many huge men and women standing far away in the gaps of some houses, looking towards the city lord's mansion.

Manager Qing Gong had a faint pride at the moment, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "We have a large population in Qingcheng, and there are still many people who didn't come to see the excitement." Speaking of this, Manager Qing Gong felt that this was a bit wrong, So he hurriedly said again: "Actually, everyone doesn't like to join in the fun so much. Everyone usually has their own things to do. They came here at this time, presumably because they listened to the Lord God and stayed at home for too long, so they came out. Breathe; secondly, it may be that you are too concerned about the city lord, so don't worry about the city lord who just came here, I will ask the guards to tell them to leave immediately! Our city lord's mansion is not safe now."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

She also doesn't want to be laughed at by her own citizens, doesn't she?

Chief Qing Gong's action ability is very strong, after Ji Xiaoyan nodded, he immediately recruited people to disperse some of the crowd around the City Lord's Mansion.However, during these boring times when there are no adventurers to play with, the residents of Qingcheng finally saw that the prohibition of the main god was lifted and they can move freely. I don't want to leave so easily.

Therefore, although Chief Qing Gong sent guards to drive them away, in the end, he only drove the residents of Qingcheng away from the city lord's mansion.

"Mr. Qing Gong, I think it's better for us to find a place to sit down? What do you think?" Lord Bessa frowned slightly, and glanced at the residents of Qing City who were still surrounding him from a distance. Director Qing Gong suggested.To be honest, the current Qingcheng is really not well-managed. If it was in his River Water City, Lord Bessa can say with certainty that as long as he ordered things to go on, the entire River Water City would not have that resident will be disobedient
It is simply impossible for the current Qingcheng situation to occur.The city lord's mansion sent people to chase everyone away and let everyone go home. As a result, the city residents just moved away and were still waiting to watch the excitement.
Manager Qing Gong glanced at Lord Bessa, a little confused about what he meant by that?Isn't it the same as waiting where?However, afterward, Director Qing Gong followed Lord Bessa's gaze to look at Ji Xiaoyan, and saw that her face was somewhat uncomfortable, and immediately nodded and said, "Master City Master, let's go to the place not far ahead. Sitting in a room and waiting for news, what do you think?"

Ji Xiaoyan looked in the direction Director Qing Gong pointed, and saw a house with the door wide open at the moment, and there were a few figures hiding beside the door, secretly looking at the City Lord's Mansion.

"Where are we going?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong with some uncertainty and asked, and after seeing him nodding with certainty, he said, "But, where is the residence? Do you want to ask him if he wants to go?" You don't want us to go there?" Ji Xiaoyan was really worried, what if they just closed the door and gave them a bad nose if they passed by!
"No, Lord City Master!" Manager Qing Gong said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile on his face, "This is your Qingcheng, and all the residents in Qingcheng are your citizens. Naturally, all buildings are It's yours. Is there anything you can't go to?"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan breathed a sigh of relief, followed Manager Qing Gong all the way to the front of the room, and then heard the voices of conversation coming from the room: "Ah! Is it the city lord? The city lord is coming to our house rest?"

"Of course it's true, hurry up and vacate the room!"

"Yes, yes, yes! We'll clean it up right away, right away!"

"hurry up"

After a few seconds, there was no movement in the room. Ji Xiaoyan watched the two guards come out of the room, walked up to her respectfully, and then replied: "My lord, the room has been cleaned up, please go in rest"

"Where are the people in there?" Ji Xiaoyan asked a little uneasily.

"They are also in the room." A guard thought for a while and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "If you don't want to stay in the same room with them, my lord, my subordinates will tell them to leave immediately."

"No need, no need. This is very good, very good!" Ji Xiaoyan let out a long sigh of relief, said to the guard, and quickly stepped into the room.In fact, she was a little worried. Looking back, she was actually occupying someone else's home. If she still drove the owner away, it might not be long before she would be able to spread her bullying words.It's not that she has never heard of this kind of plot.

So, when the guard said which family was still in the house, Ji Xiaoyan was really relieved.

Sure enough, after entering the house, Ji Xiaoyan caught sight of a few residents who were supposed to be hiding behind the door and peeking at the city lord's mansion. At this moment, they were standing in a corner of the house with glowing eyes, staring at him, with a look of excitement on their faces. And curious.

"Boss Qing Gong, didn't you say that I've been the city lord for a long time? Why do I feel like they haven't seen me before?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Boss Qing Gong with some puzzlement and asked.She cares about this very much!
According to Director Qing Gong and the others, I have been the city lord in this Qing city for a while. If this is true, how could it be possible that these city residents still have such emotions in their eyes when they see her?She dared to bet that although this family lived near the city lord's mansion, they had obviously never seen her
Could it be, who among them lied?

After hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Director Qing Gong immediately shook his head with a smile, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Don't think too much, Lord City Master. They just rarely see you, and you rarely go out Mansion, this sudden visit to their home, they are naturally a little excited."

"Is that so?" Ji Xiaoyan obviously didn't believe it.

"Of course it is. If you don't believe me, I'll ask them to come over and ask." Manager Qing Gong looked deeply afraid that Ji Xiaoyan wouldn't believe him, turned around and waved to those townspeople, signaling them to come over.

The leader of the "Master Manager" should be the male owner of this room. After seeing Manager Qing Gong's actions, he immediately trotted over and asked excitedly, "I don't know what orders you have, Mr. Manager?"

"My lord wants to know, why are you hiding there and staring at her?" Manager Qing Gong looked at the man and asked, already imagining that his next words were just as he imagined, and then waiting for Ji Xiaoyan to believe
However, what Director Qing Gong didn't expect was that the man in front of him didn't follow his script at all!After hearing Manager Qing Gong's words, the host was stunned for a second, then he glanced at Ji Xiaoyan excitedly, then looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked, "Really? Manager, can we talk?"

Chief Qing Gong nodded.

The male host took a step forward in an instant, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Master City Master, Lord City Master, we are really flattered to learn that you are coming to our house to rest."

When Director Qing Gong heard this, he nodded in satisfaction, with a smile on his face, and was about to wave his hand directly, signaling the host to go back to his family, and stop talking nonsense.

Unexpectedly, the male host didn't even take a breather, and continued directly: "I was flattered, thinking that you have come to our house, if we have any questions, we must ask you. Then I thought, you just came to our house, how could we come here so abruptly? That's why I stood there and stared at you." Speaking of this, the male host didn't care about Ji Xiaoyan's face What a look of astonishment appeared on the screen, and hurriedly continued: "My lord, can we ask you something?"

Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for several seconds, then found his own voice, and said, "Say it."

The host rubbed his hands excitedly, seeing that the guards around him didn't intend to stop him, he immediately spoke even more excitedly: "Actually, Lord City Master, I have several questions I want to ask you. See if you can If so, you can tell me everything." Taking a deep breath, the hostess immediately put away the flattering smile on his face, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "The first question is, my lord, What happened in the City Lord's Mansion? Listening to the movement, it is not a trivial matter! I heard that not long ago, it seemed that Lady Nimengsha had fallen into the City Lord's Mansion. I don't know if it is true! If Is it true, what happened to Lord Nimengsha? According to the situation, is the City Lord’s Mansion about to be destroyed? If it is destroyed, will you requisition us to rebuild? At that time, the City Lord’s mansion will be destroyed. How much do you pay? Do you include three meals? When the time comes, can you leave me some work like a supervisor to do?"

When Manager Qing Gong heard this, his face immediately turned dark.What is this man doing in front of him?It's fine if you don't follow his plot, what's the problem?Thinking of this, Manager Qing Gong hurriedly greeted the guards, trying to gag this man away
However, no matter how fast their movements were, they couldn't catch up with the man's mouth: "Also, and, Lord City Lord, it was rumored in the city not long ago that you were engaged outside, and I heard that you are the City Lord of another city." .Then will you be married, or will the city lord come over? When will the teleportation array between our two cities be built? Can we just go and have a look for free?"

 PS: Thanks to "1986XO" for the two pink tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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