The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1334 The problem of accommodation is very big

Chapter 1334 The problem of accommodation is very big
Watching Jiajia follow the sweaty Chief Qing Gong into the City Lord's Mansion, Ji Xiaoyan did not feel relaxed, but instead felt a sense of loss that the City Lord's Mansion was about to die.The two giant dragons inside have gone berserk, presumably the intensity of the battle would have completely razed their Qing City's City Lord's Mansion to the ground and turned it into ruins. So, basically, she didn't have to look forward to entering the city. Who can be persuaded in the city lord's mansion?
Looking up at the sky, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but began to think about whether he should listen to Lord Besa's advice and go to River Water City to stay when it gets dark.
After hearing Gaga's words, Lord Bessa's expression became a little more determined, and he looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a lot of smile. It was rare to stand beside her all the time, looking at the city lord's mansion with her, keeping the same look. Silent, did not keep trying to persuade her to make up her mind early, whether to go to River Water City or something like that
I don't know how much time passed before Ji Xiaoyan realized that the movement in the City Lord's Mansion seemed to be much quieter.Not long after, a guard from the City Lord's Mansion trotted out from a corner, ran up to Ji Xiaoyan, and said to her: "Master City Lord, Lord City Lord, Lord Nimengsha and Lord Cenarion have finished fighting , the master manager said that it is much safer now, you can go in and check the situation."

"Okay." Ji Xiaoyan nodded bluntly, turned his head and wanted to say something to Master Bessa, but in the blink of an eye, he bumped into his eyes looking at him with a slight smile!

"Ahem, let's go, Lord Bessa." Ji Xiaoyan quickly looked away a little unnaturally, and after whispering something, he stepped out of the door of the house, and ran directly to the City Lord's Mansion as if fleeing.

Lord Bessa hooked the corners of his mouth as if his smile increased greatly, and followed Ji Xiaoyan's pace gracefully.Thinking that Miss Ji Xiaoyan's City Lord's Mansion might not be suitable for people to live in, follow her back to see the situation, if it's not possible, first get people to River Water City, and then send old Hess to bring people and supplies to help rebuild!Well, from now on, the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng will still need to be built bigger, and the decoration and architectural style will also need to be changed.
Lord Bessa was happily thinking about the future, and stepped out of the door, and then he heard the shrill voice of the male owner of the room behind him: "My lord, what are you doing, my lord? Are you leaving? Are you going to sit down for a while? Where are you going? Are you going back to the city lord's mansion? Is everything in the city lord's mansion finished? Will you announce today's matter by then? Let us know? My lord, my lord."

"Tell them to shut up and stop following! What kind of words!" Lord Bessa frowned, and ordered the guards of the city lord's mansion around him with some impatience, "Tell them, if you dare to follow , Direct expulsion!"

Several guards of the city lord's mansion looked at each other immediately after hearing the words, and then quickly glanced at Lord Bessa before nodding and saying yes, and then quickly rushed to the male lord of the house, while putting him in front of him. He stopped and pulled into the room, while whispering Master Bessa's words to him.
Then, the male host took back his voice in an instant!expulsion? !If they are expelled, where can they go in the future?They are living a good life in Qingcheng now. If they are expelled, let alone whether there will be a city willing to take them in, what will they do in the future?Can they still live in such a good house?Most importantly, is it possible to live in the city so freely without trying to do something for the city?

The answer is definitely no!Therefore, after hearing the message from the guards, the host immediately shut up calmly.Although this matter was not said by his own city lord, the male lord can guess what the identity of the person who spoke may be.Who knows if the city lord of their family will marry away in the future, and then listen to the words of the city lord?
They are all city lords, they just need to be obedient and not offend them.
Master Bessa closed his eyes and listened in satisfaction. He didn't hear any discordant voices, and then quickly caught up with Ji Xiaoyan, imagining the situation in the city lord's mansion with great anticipation.

Ji Xiaoyan's mood is not as good as Lord Bessa's.

Except for the surrounding wall outside the City Lord's Mansion, which is still intact at the moment, stepping into the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, the entire City Lord's Mansion is like another world, breaking into her sight strangely.The bluestone avenue that was smooth and tidy in the past is now full of holes, and I have never seen a piece without marks and potholes; the flowers and plants on both sides of the road were also destroyed before, and none of them were complete. As if it had endured a violent storm, the withering was horrible; as for other things, Ji Xiaoyan really didn't know how to describe them. The entire City Lord's Mansion was like a ruin, and basically there was nothing intact, let alone those things. The hall and the house.It would be nice to have one or two corners left.
"They are really good at controlling the attack range!!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled wryly, while looking at the current environment in the City Lord's Mansion, he sighed and said, "From the outside, there is basically no major problem inside. But now Come in, hehehe, basically there is nothing good at all. Look at their destructive power. If it goes a little further, my city lord's mansion will be completely destroyed, and it can be rebuilt directly with the wall "

"Hmm!" Lord Bessa secretly gave Nimonsha and Cenarion a thumbs up in his heart!No matter what reason they flew to the city lord's mansion to fight this time, they have helped him a little
Hmm. In the future, the layout of Ji Xiaoyan's Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion can still be the same as his City Lord's Mansion. When entering the gate, a moat will be built, and then a suspension bridge or something will be built. After entering, a huge garden or fountain will be built, and it will slowly start. build a house
Lord Bessa was looking at the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion at this moment, and at the same time began to plan which building could be built in the future.

Ji Xiaoyan doesn't want to delve into what Master Bessa is thinking, she just wants to see what is intact in the City Lord's Mansion as soon as possible; What happened to the dragon? By the way, what are these two guys thinking!If you want to fight, you don't know how to go to the top of the mountain to fight?Why did Mao insist on flying to her city lord's mansion to destroy it?

Soon, Ji Xiaoyan saw the silhouettes of Jiajia and Chief Qing Gong after crossing the ruins.They were standing next to the ruins of a house at this moment, and with heavy breathing, Ji Xiaoyan immediately found the bodies of two giant beasts with completely different colors lying in the ruins
"My lord, my lord, you're here." The first time Director Qing Gong saw Ji Xiaoyan, he overcame many obstacles and rushed to her, then said to Ji Xiaoyan with great excitement: "My lord, Lord Nimengsa and Lord Cenarion have stopped fighting. Moreover, Gaga also told them that the loss of our Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion will be borne by them."

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Nimonsha and Cenarion who couldn't see their complete bodies in disbelief, and then asked Manager Qing Gong: "Do they have money to compensate us?" Could it be that Manager Qing Gong didn't see it, Their entire Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion, except for the outermost wall that is not broken, is the rest of the place basically destroyed?Will the two dragons have money to pay them to rebuild?
"My lord, don't worry!" Manager Qing Gong said to Ji Xiaoyan with a relaxed expression on his face, "How could Nimensa and Cenarion have no money to compensate us? You don't even know, they What treasures there are in the caves! So they must all have money to pay us."

Hearing the words, Ji Xiaoyan let out an oh, and then asked Chief Manager Qing Gong with some concern: "Then how are they doing now? Can't they get hurt anymore?"

Manager Qing Gong put away the smile on his face, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan in a low voice: "That's right! Lord City Master, did you see the battle when we came in with Jiajia? Hey, that's called a beating one." The sky is dark, the sun and the moon are dim! If Kaka hadn’t been yelling at Lord Nimengsha, maybe they would fight until the year of the monkey.”

"Based on what you're saying, Nimensha must have been injured more seriously?" Ji Xiaoyan analyzed.If you think about it, the beating at both ends is completely irrational and the red-eyed giant dragon, if one of them wakes up earlier, it must be beaten even worse, right?

"Then we won't know about it." Manager Qing Gong finally didn't promise this time, he shook his head at Ji Xiaoyan, and said: "We'll only know about it when they rest." Having said that, Director Qing Gong hurriedly leaned in front of Ji Xiaoyan again, and then said: "By the way, Lord City Master, Lord Nimengsha, they probably have to rest for a long time, and they will definitely not be able to ask anything until tomorrow. However, you told me to I'll take care of it for you."

"What I ordered? What is it?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't have any impression in his mind at the moment.

"It's the question of the night's accommodation you mentioned!" Qing Gong said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, "When you came in, you must have seen the current situation of the entire City Lord's Mansion, right? Is there a problem?"

"Isn't it?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked back.Normally, under such circumstances, if Manager Qing Gong can still maintain such a smiling face to discuss this issue with her, then surely the matter of accommodation will not be a problem at all. Otherwise, Manager Qing Gong can still be so relaxed?

On the contrary, Lord Bessa's eyes sank after hearing Manager Qing Gong's words, and then he looked at Manager Qing Gong with some displeasure, and said to him: "Boss Qing Gong, what do you mean by this? I look at the situation now The city lord's mansion was almost completely destroyed. Could it be that you are still planning to build a corner for Xiaoyan in such a place, so that she can live temporarily? Have you ever thought about it, Xiaoyan is your Qingcheng owner? City Lord! Everything about her represents your Qingcheng?"

Manager Qing Gong nodded, tilted his head to look at Master Besa, and then said: "Master Besa, you also said that it is about the same!! Almost destroyed and completely destroyed are two different things! Let’s talk No matter how hard it is, we can't just build some kind of hut for our Lord City Lord and let her live in it! She is the Lord City Lord of our Qing City."

"Then what do you mean by what you just said?" Lord Bessa asked with narrowed eyes looking at Manager Qing Gong.In any case, based on his observations along the way, there should be no intact buildings in Qingcheng, and Miss Ji Xiaoyan can't live here no matter what.
Director Qing Gong glanced at Lord Bessa, looked directly at Ji Xiaoyan, and said to her: "Master City Lord, you may not know. After we persuaded Lord Nimensa and the others, we have already given all of the City Lord's Mansion to you." Check it out. Hehe, it's a strange thing to say, Lord Nimengsha and the others are almost destroyed everywhere. There are only one or two palaces that have been destroyed a lot. In fact, there are many rooms inside that are intact. .So, Lord City Master, you don’t have to worry about resting at night. After we tidied it up, there should be seven houses that can be directly occupied by people. There are still more than 20 houses that only need to be repaired slightly, and they can still be lived in. went in."

"So?" Lord Bessa's face darkened instantly when he heard Manager Qing Gong's words, and with reproach in his eyes, he looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked, "So, Manager Qing Gong, you are going to let Xiaoyan to live in those incomplete palaces?"

"Isn't this an expedient measure?" Manager Qing Gong took it for granted, looked at Lord Bessa and said, "If possible, I don't want my Lord City Lord to live in such a house! But isn't there no way now? Our City Lord Mansion The city wall of the city is not broken, and the outsiders don't know what the current city lord's mansion looks like. If the city lord goes to live in the city, what kind of words will it be spread out? Let's not just tell outsiders that the city lord's mansion in Qingcheng has been destroyed. Can no one live in it? Besides, those houses are intact, even the furnishings inside are not damaged, but other parts of the palace have collapsed, so there is nothing wrong with living in it. Bessa My lord, our city lord hasn't expressed his opinion yet, he said he doesn't want to! So, it's better not to help her make a decision."

Lord Bessa immediately glared at Manager Qing Gong fiercely when he heard the words, then looked directly at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Xiaoyan, you can't listen to Manager Qing Gong. This City Lord's Mansion can't live anymore, you still follow me Go to River Water City and stay where I am! Don't worry, when the time comes, you have accepted my invitation before, and you have already set a time to pass, and outsiders will never know the truth."

"Master Bessa, can you stop thinking about abducting our city lord all day long?" Upon hearing what Lord Bessa said, Chief Qing Gong immediately yelled at him, "No matter what, we The City Lord of the family is the City Lord of Qing City, how could he go directly to your River Water City after something happened in Qing City? Your River Water City has not yet formed an alliance with our Qing City! You are not someone from our City Lord, please Don't make any more decisions for her."

 PS: Thanks to "Master Bessa and Xiaoyan" for the safety talisman!Thanks to "Book Friends 150207193025958" for the peace talisman!
(End of this chapter)

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