Chapter 1335
Lord Bessa stared at Chief Qing Gong who was full of hostility towards him, and didn't say what he wanted to refute for a while!
After all, the reason, to put it bluntly, is that Director Qing Gong accidentally revealed the small dark plot in his heart and put it on the bright side!Whether Miss Ji Xiaoyan heard it or not, Lord Bessa is a little guilty!It is undeniable that since the time Miss Ji Xiaoyan went to River Water City to buy water-proof beads, he has been planning how to abduct the girl to River Water City, and he has insidiously "contributed" to a series of things after that. powerful.Therefore, Manager Qing Gong said that he wanted to abduct Ji Xiaoyan all day long, he was not wrong!

However, these are just some of his small actions, hidden intentions!You said that Manager Qing Gong is really a person, if you see it, you can see it, how good he is bored in his heart?In other words, when Miss Ji Xiaoyan is away, it’s okay to argue with him a few words, and then hide these things from Ji Xiaoyan later, and take care of these things by yourself. It’s not enough to be a "greater" manager ?Why did you say everything so blatantly in front of Ji Xiaoyan?He, Bessa, is also the Lord of the City, okay, don't you want to save him face or something?
Director Qing Gong saw Master Bessa squinting his eyes and staring at him with a gloomy face. It took several seconds to realize what he just said.
"Cough cough." Manager Qing Gong immediately avoided Lord Bessa's gaze, aimed directly at Ji Xiaoyan, coughed twice to adjust his mood at the moment, and then continued to say to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master City Master , do you think you want to follow us to see those few intact houses now, and if you really feel that it is still uninhabitable, then we will consider other plans, do you think it is okay?"

Ji Xiaoyan lowered his eyes, and when he heard Manager Qing Gong's words, he thought for a while and nodded his head, and then said: "Well, that's it! If our Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion can still be lived in, we don't bother Mr. Besa .This River Water City is not too close to our Qing City, and it will be troublesome to run back and forth." Ji Xiaoyan has no impression of River Water City. The only thing she can guess is that Master Besa told her that if someone After capturing Qingcheng, if their teleportation array is destroyed, they will not be able to run from River Water City.
Upon hearing the words, Manager Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, then quickly nodded and pointed in the direction of a ruin, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Then, Lord City Master, let's go over there and have a look first. I remember That remaining palace room over there is the largest."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and following Manager Qing Gong, he went all the way around the ruined walls and began to check directly.
Facts have proved that the so-called intact rooms mentioned by Manager Qing Gong are really intact.Those rooms are basically located in the remote part of the palace, either the rooms are relatively small, lucky enough to be preserved; Not so convenient anymore!
Ji Xiaoyan covered his head, rubbed his waist, and looked at Manager Qing Gong with some resentment. After crawling out from the cracks in the ruins, he straightened his waist, looked at Manager Qing Gong and said, "Qing Gong Manager, are the rest of the rooms still in the same situation?"

Manager Qing Gong smiled shyly, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "This, Mr. City Lord, we can clean up these things in a while. The current situation is indeed like this. You also know, Mrs. Nimengsha They didn't think about these situations at all when they were fighting, so it's impossible to look at the place and fight, right? If you feel too tired, why don't I ask someone to clean it up right away, and you can go in and continue after it's done. have a look?"

"Boss Qing Gong, what time is it now?" Master Bessa gave Boss Qing Gong a dissatisfied look, then pointed to the sky, and said to him: "Look at what time is this? Wait until you find They cleaned out all these rooms, and it’s getting dark, so I’d like to tell you, Xiaoyan should follow me to River Water City.” Having said this, Lord Besa immediately turned his attention to Ji Xiaoyan, and then looked at her tenderly. Said: "Xiaoyan, the current situation of the City Lord's Mansion is really not suitable for you to live in. You should go with me. If you really feel uncomfortable staying in River Water City, then you have to wait for Qing Gong to clean up the place tomorrow. Well, are you coming back again? Otherwise, if it is true that you don’t even have a place to rest, it wouldn’t sound good, would it?”

With a slightly bitter face, Ji Xiaoyan looked at Lord Bessa, and then at Manager Qing Gong.

It has to be said that her original expectation must be much better than the current actual situation.She thought that the rooms that Manager Qing Gong could count must have been cleaned before entering and exiting the room.If she really lives in it, it won't be a big problem. If you feel wronged, feel wronged. Think about when I rented a house before, the room was dozens of times worse than this place.
But, thinking about it, what Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect was that it was so difficult for her to get in and out of the room!Those broken beams and broken tiles may scratch her at any time, no, those broken walls can directly prevent her from going in and out. In many cases, she has to rely on the guards of Qingcheng to help lift the broken beams to get through the gaps. Climb in! Such a dilapidated house, even if she has the heart, it is probably difficult for her to live in it
Director Qing Gong gave Lord Bessa a sideways glance, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan's appearance, and after a while, he said: "My lord, it's up to you to decide whether you want to stay or not!"

Manager Qing Gong had to admit that after watching Ji Xiaoyan get scratched several times by those ruined walls, he still had some doubts about his proposal.These few houses are not bad, they look like a rotten mess from the outside, but the inside is really in good condition, and there is no problem at all for people to live in.However, this also requires a premise!That is, the place to enter and exit must be tidied up, but if it is to be tidied up, Chief Qing Gong has to admit that what Master Bessa said is indeed somewhat reasonable
It's getting late now.

Should he let his own city lord live on the remnants of the intact city wall at the outermost circle of the city lord's mansion, or go to River Water City for a good night's sleep?Director Qing Gong has already made a decision in his heart!It's just that it's not up to him to decide what to do!Miss Ji Xiaoyan is the city lord of Qingcheng!
"Isn't it too late to find someone to tidy up a room now?" Ji Xiaoyan also looked at the sky, thought for a while, looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked in embarrassment.If possible, she is still a little reluctant to leave Qingcheng!
Director Qing Gong shook his head helplessly, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "As far as the weather is concerned, it is indeed impossible before dark! Lord City Master, why don't you go to River Water City to rest?"

Lord Bessa looked at Manager Qing Gong with satisfaction, seeing that he didn't want to look at him at all, he hooked the corner of his mouth generously, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan! Don't think about it too much, just look at it." What a huge project these are! Manager Qing Gong will take a lot of time to clean them up, so you should follow me! At most, we will come back at dawn, don’t you want to go and see Qingcheng together tomorrow? environment? You can’t sleep here for one night, and then go out tomorrow with a listless look, can you?”

Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and finally looked at Manager Qing Gong's expression, then nodded, and said to Lord Besa: "Alright then! Lord Besa, I will trouble you!"

"No trouble, no trouble!" Master Bessa immediately smiled when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and said to her: "Xiaoyan, if you can go to my city, I will naturally welcome you very much."

"Then Chief Qing Gong, can they also go with them?" Ji Xiaoyan asked immediately seeing that Master Besa was in a good mood.She doesn't know many people in Qingcheng, and Manager Qing Gong is considered a relatively close person to her. She still can't do the kind of thing that she can enjoy comfortably by herself and let them make a bed in the city lord's mansion!Of course, she can't arrange for the maids and guards in the City Lord's Mansion!
"Boss Qing Gong and Xuan Mo are naturally able to go with you!" Lord Bessa is easy to talk at the moment, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a bright expression: "It is impossible for my River Water City to be able to accommodate a few of you. No? Xiaoyan, just rest assured!"

Only then did Ji Xiaoyan nod his head, and said, "In this case, let's clean up early and go to Ruifu Water City! Manager Qing Gong, do you think there is anything else that needs to be arranged? Our maid in the city lord's mansion And the guards, where can we stay at night?"

"You don't have to worry about this city lord!" Chief Qing Gong said to Ji Xiaoyan respectfully, "Our city lord's mansion still has a dungeon, so there is absolutely no problem for everyone to squeeze in." After finishing speaking, Chief Qing Gong said to Ji Xiaoyan He cast his eyes on Lord Bessa, squinted his eyes and looked at him from time to time, and began to calculate in his mind.
He had never been to River Water City before, and he didn't know what it looked like there.This time it's better, he can go directly with his city lord to inquire about it
Lord Bessa doesn't care about these extraneous things, as long as Miss Ji Xiaoyan agrees to go to River Water City with him, that's fine.He believed that as long as this girl followed her, his caring manager would warmly welcome her and help him keep Ji Xiaoyan behind! !If it is really impossible to stay, at least she can be convinced that they really had such a reputation as a fiancé couple in River Water City back then, didn't they?

Director Qing Gong found a few guards in Qingcheng, and after giving orders, he gathered all the others together, and immediately followed Ji Xiaoyan out of the city lord's mansion and rushed to the teleportation formation, and then stepped on Go to the teleportation array, and you will be directly teleported to River Water City!
When he opened his eyes, Ji Xiaoyan saw a completely different world.

There is a large expanse of sea area here, reflecting the gradual setting sun, stars are shining on the water at this moment, and there are also large stretches of sandy beaches and rock groups.River Water City stands on the water not far from the beach, surrounded by water on three sides and mountains on one side.Of course, this so-called mountain has no peaks at all, but a gentle slope.

One side of the hillside is a huge city, and the other three sides are also water!If you really want to say it seriously, River Water City is equivalent to being surrounded by water, and it is still floating directly on the water.
Because, Ji Xiaoyan can obviously see from a distance under the clear water surface, there is nothing under River Water City except for the shadow of the light source
The teleportation array that Ji Xiaoyan and the others are standing on at the moment is a small sandy beach in River Water City located at the south gate of the city. One side of the beach is connected to a wooden pontoon bridge, leading straight to the gate of River Water City. Both sides of the pontoon bridge are Standing full of soldiers in various costumes.When they saw Ji Xiaoyan and the others appearing in the teleportation formation, the few people closest to the transmission formation immediately bowed their heads respectfully, and shouted to them: "Welcome, Lord City Master."

"En!" Master Bessa responded lightly, turned to look at Ji Xiaoyan and said with a smile: "Xiaoyan, welcome to River Water City!"

Ji Xiaoyan twitched the corners of her mouth and smiled.She thought that they would only see one or two guards of the teleportation array when they teleported here. She never thought that there would be so many people here. When did they receive the notice from Master Bessa and wait here? ah?This formation is too exaggerated! ?
Master Bessa seemed to see what Ji Xiaoyan was thinking, and while reaching out his hand to signal her to help him step out of the teleportation circle, he said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Are you wondering when I told them to come here to pick us up?" ?”

Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyelids and nodded.

Lord Bessa laughed immediately, and then said to her: "Actually, Xiaoyan, you are thinking too much! We have so many people here in River Water City at any time. It was just for the convenience of notifying old Hess, when will I Come back, I told you that I was often away from the city before. Later, River Water City was officially opened to allow adventurers to enter, and many adventurers came here, but many of them were not qualified, or It is said that they are not welcome in our River Water City, so their main purpose of standing here is to identify some adventurers who cannot enter our River Water City, and then drive them away directly."

"So that's the case!!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded clearly, and then asked, "Then have you identified it?"

"That's for sure! Otherwise, what are they doing here?" Lord Bessa pulled Ji Xiaoyan out of the teleportation array, and at the same time took her on the pontoon bridge, walking directly towards the gate of River Water City. : "Our river water city is not like any adventurer can come in, so in terms of safety, Xiaoyan, you can rest assured!! Let's go, let's go in quickly, old Hess may have got the news, and he is heading here Come pick us up."

 PS: Thanks for the two pink tickets to "Who Is the Leprechaun"!Thanks to "Book Friends 150207193025958" for the peace amulet!
(End of this chapter)

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