Chapter 1336 Good thing!
River Water City has a large site and magnificent buildings!
This point, Ji Xiaoyan cannot deny!

But, at the same time, Ji Xiaoyan also had to say that the people of River Water City... oh, no, to be precise, it should be the city lord and the manager of River Water City, Old Hess, who are extremely flamboyant!
Just when Ji Xiaoyan led Xuan Mo and Qing Gong and they followed Master Bessa to officially step onto the land of River Water City from that pontoon bridge, the legendary Lord Master of River Water City, Old Hess, had already Appeared on that piece of land, and just when Ji Xiaoyan stood still, some men and women in gorgeous robes standing on both sides of the road in front of her directly took out a different stick and threw it in mid-air After swiping a bit, many gorgeous firework-like balls of light appeared in the air, making crackling noises.
"This is fireworks?!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but widen his eyes to see the light clusters that exploded in the air and turned into various flower shapes, then looked at those men and women, and then asked : "They are holding fireworks?"

Master Bessa was stunned when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and then asked with some doubts: "What is a fireworks tube?"

Ji Xiaoyan blinked, pointed to the sticks in the hands of the men and women standing on both sides, and said to Lord Bessa: "Aren't they holding fireworks tubes? Otherwise, where did the fireworks they release come from?" from?"

Manager Qing Gong couldn't help but twitched a few times when he heard the words, and hurriedly grabbed Ji Xiaoyan's clothes with an embarrassing expression, and said to her in a low voice: "My lord, my lord! That's not a fireworks tube , that's a wand!! It's for casting spells and using magic."

"Magic?!" Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened, and it took him a long time to recall it.That's right, what she's staying in now is not an ordinary world, but a fantasy world with magical flying elves! !Then, it is normal to think that there are magicians and the like in this world!As Friesman said at the beginning, isn't he some kind of ice magician?

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but feel ashamed!

During this period of time, she waited all day in the city lord's mansion for the Lord God's ban to be lifted. Every day she just ate and went around the city lord's mansion to look at the garden and so on. She never had a chance to see anyone using magic, so she never thought of it here!Even about the fight between Nimonsha and Cenarion, she didn't have a chance to see it clearly. She, the city lord, really knows very little!

No culture is terrible.

Ji Xiaoyan sighed absentmindedly in his heart. The manager Qing Gong next to him thought he had said something wrong, so he blinked quickly, then nudged Ji Xiaoyan twice, and said to her: "My lord, do you have amnesia?" I don’t blame you for remembering, but you must remember, you are also a magician yourself! Let Friesman help you get familiar with it later.”

"I'm a magician too?" Ji Xiaoyan finally heard something interesting.

"That's natural!" Friesman hurriedly stood up, and moved to Ji Xiaoyan's side together with Xuan Mo, and said, "Xiaoyan, you are not only a magician, but your master is also a magician! Xuan Mo and I It’s also the magician Yu Mo’s from the Earth type, I’m from the Ice type, and your master Lin Qianye is from the Dark type.”

"Then what department am I? Is it also from the dark department?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Friesman with interest and asked, but he began to imagine what the dark department looked like in his heart.The earth element and ice element are easy to understand, basically they mean literally, but what is this dark element?Magic for killing people?

Friesman was stunned when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and then turned his head to look at Xuan Mo. Seeing that Xuan Mo was also in a daze, he looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked, "Mr. Qing Gong, Xiao Yan What kind of magician is it?"

"Me? I don't know." Manager Qing Gong also looked confused!He didn't follow Ji Xiaoyan out of the city to kill monsters, and he didn't see her use magic in Qingcheng, and he didn't have a chance to let her use it, did he?Then how could he know what kind of magic Ji Xiaoyan knows?

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the expressions on the faces of several people, and suddenly frowned.

"You don't even know what kind of magician I am, do you?" Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened. He couldn't tell whether it was disappointment or loss. After looking at Xuan Mo and the others, he sighed faintly. tone.

"Xiaoyan, you can't blame us!" Xuan Mo thought for a while, then suddenly began to argue: "You were not a pure adventurer when you were an adventurer before! I heard that it is because you are half of our aboriginal identity, So you are different from ordinary adventurers in many aspects. So, to be precise, you belong to the kind of person who has no occupation and no attributes, and is different from us. So we really don't know what occupation your spells are. But what kind of spells you will use, we do know!"

"What spells do I know?" Ji Xiaoyan became more energetic when he heard what Yu Mo said.

"Fire! Several of the spells you know are from the fire!" Yu Mo immediately said triumphantly to Ji Xiaoyan, then involuntarily looked at Master Bessa, and said in a mysterious way: "You just happen to He is compatible with Lord Bessa. He is of the water type, and you are of the fire type. Let me tell you, if the two of you are together, it is absolutely incompatible. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

Before Xuan Mo could finish speaking, old Hess, who had already walked beside them, stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, pulled Xuan Mo aside with a smile, and held him firmly, with a hang on his face. With a perfect smiling face, he said softly to Ji Xiaoyan: "City Master Ji, you see that you have been standing here for so long, and you just came from Qingcheng. Clean up and rest. By the way, I have prepared a lot of delicious food for you in the city lord's mansion. You should eat more when the time comes."

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at old Hess, then at the trapped Yu Mo, and then said: "Well, I think you should let go of Xuan Mo first." As for food, she is not a foodie, This even used food to lure her!In other words, how much did she like to eat in this previous image!

Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Old Hess immediately loosened the hand that was holding Xuan Mo, but the hand covering his mouth did not move at all, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Hehe, our river water city Some are too big, and Yu Mo is still so small. It’s not good if he gets lost in a playful way, right? I’ll take him with me. Don’t worry, I’m very experienced in taking care of children. I’ll wait for you to meet with him in the future Our city lord"

Master Bessa heard that the old Hess was getting more and more unreliable, so he immediately stared and walked over. After seeing that the old Hess immediately shut up, he smiled and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Okay, Let's go, Xiaoyan!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at old Hess awkwardly, nodded to Master Bessa, and then asked in a low voice, "Are they all magicians from River Water City?"

Lord Bessa blinked, and then realized that Ji Xiaoyan was talking about the magicians who came to greet them, he smiled immediately, and then said: "Yes! They are all magicians from River Water City. Either studying spells at home or teaching disciples in the city. Of course, there are shifts like today. Usually, when I return from a trip, they will find time to greet me."

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, "Is this the only way River Water City can do this, or do other cities have to do this?"

Ji Xiaoyan thinks that, based on what Lord Bessa said, these magicians are like a guard of honor in a city. When the Lord Lord of the city comes back, he will come out to set off fireworks or something, and tell the whole city. That's probably it. Make a point!However, she had never seen such a situation in Qingcheng.
Master Bessa cast his eyes on Manager Qing Gong, and his meaning was very clear.So, Manager Qing Gong quickly stepped up to Ji Xiaoyan's side, and said to her in a low voice: "My lord, generally speaking, every city has a different way of welcoming its own lord back. Yes. This is also a way to announce to everyone that our city lord has returned. We have not clearly confirmed the city until now. How to arrange it when you go back, so I will help you write it down. Let's get one too."

"Is this necessary?" Ji Xiaoyan was just asking, but he really never thought that he would do such a thing in the future.You said that you have to tell the world when you go out and go home, and there is no privacy at all?Although, she doesn't even know if she has any privacy.
Manager Qing Gong raised his head and glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, seeing that her face seemed to be a bit unhappy, he sighed after thinking about it and said: "This, Lord City Lord, you used to be an adventurer, so it's a shame that you don't have this set of rituals. It doesn't matter. But it's different now! You are now a complete aborigine. Whether you are in the city lord's mansion in the future is not only our own residents, but also those adventurers who come to our city. So, Naturally, we need to discuss a plan to clear the city." At this point, Chief Qing Gong paused, and then said: "However, if you think that Lord Bessa's plan is too ostentatious, we are too. Other methods can be discussed.”

Actually, speaking of it, if Ji Xiaoyan doesn't like Master Bessa's way of doing things in their city, Chief Qing Gong should be more at ease.River Water City has been a big city for how many years, and it has developed to its current scale, and who knows how many talents have been dubbed besides Master Bessa and that old Hess?So, how easy is it for River Water City to find some magicians to hold a guard of honor?But what about their Qingcheng?Director Qing Gong couldn't help but sighed, what else did they Qingcheng have besides two giant dragons?

My own city lord doesn't even know his magic attributes, so what else can he expect?Not to mention that it's okay to find so many magicians to do these tricks.
Ji Xiaoyan doesn't know what's worrying in Manager Qing Gong's mind, she just thinks that if she can, she definitely doesn't want to be like River Water City!So after hearing Manager Qing Gong's words, he immediately nodded and said to him: "Well, good. Let's go back and think about it."

Seeing this, Lord Bessa opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't speak.He originally thought that Miss Ji Xiaoyan would like the way they greeted them in River Water City, so he turned around and gave her a few magicians to take them back to Qing City.In the end, I didn't expect that girl Ji Xiaoyan didn't like her.
Master Bessa couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

Director Qing Gong stepped back immediately after speaking to Ji Xiaoyan, looking at old Hess vigilantly, while telling the rest of the people to be careful about River Water City, he really can't feel at ease!In such a big city, how could they have taken a fancy to Qingcheng?

If it's really Master Bessa's blind eye to Ji Xiaoyan, Chief Qing Gong doesn't think it looks like it!What does Miss Ji Xiaoyan look like?That is a very ordinary and pretty girl's face. If you put it on the street, if you can't find five similarities among ten people, you can also find one or two girls who are similar in a certain part of the facial features, right?Who is Master Bessa?Has the city lord of such a big city seen fewer beauties?
How could he fall in love with Ji Xiaoyan out of nowhere like this?Of course, Chief Qing Gong is definitely not Hei Ji Xiaoyan or the like, he just thinks that it is absolutely impossible for a person like Lord Besa to look down on an ordinary girl like Shang Ji Xiaoyan
Therefore, Manager Qing Gong couldn't figure it out, but he could only observe slowly to understand the truth.

Lord Bessa saw Ji Xiaoyan stepping into his territory again, and the smile on his face became even wider. While waiting for Ji Xiaoyan to walk into the city lord's mansion, he told her where she was in River Water City before. Where did she go running, where did she sit, and so on, the tone seemed to be that everything Mrs. Bessa said was accompanied by him.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan looked at Master Bessa in obvious surprise, with obvious disbelief in his eyes.A city lord like Lord Bessa, when she first came to River Water City, would accompany her around like now, just like now!Does he, a city lord, have such a good mind?
However, before Ji Xiaoyan had time to suspect more, he saw a lot of residents on the side of the street who obviously came to see the fun and began to watch them.Then I don't know which resident started it, pointing directly at her and said: "Ah, look, look, it's Miss Xiaoyan! It's Miss Xiaoyan! The city lord has brought Miss Xiaoyan back! Is this going to be a wedding? ?”

"My lord. My lord, you are here to pick up Miss Xiaoyan. Are you planning to hold a wedding? Are we going to have a wedding in River Water City?"

 PS: Thanks to "TEN" for the two pink tickets!Thank you "Little Lili" for the pink ticket!Thanks to "book friend 15020719302595" for the peace talisman!
(End of this chapter)

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