Chapter 1337

The night actually passed pretty quickly.

It's just that this night, Ji Xiaoyan didn't know how the others were doing, she didn't rest well at all.Thinking of his family following Mr. Besa and the others all the way into River Water City and being watched by the residents, Ji Xiaoyan felt that River Water City was not as comfortable as he imagined.All the way from the gate of the city to the city lord's mansion, the residents of River Water City never stopped, one by two, one by one, they rushed to watch them, and asked them excitedly by the way, When the hell is the wedding! !

In the past, if she said she didn't believe in the fact that Master Bessa and the others had a marriage contract, now Ji Xiaoyan finally believed it.

Lord Bessa has been with them all the time, so he doesn't have time to send the news back to River Water City, and then find so many residents to fool her, doesn't he?Besides, many residents in River Water City obviously knew her, and she felt a little familiar, which she really couldn't deny.

In the end, after finally entering the City Lord's Mansion, Ji Xiaoyan heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't even have the mood to savor the delicacies prepared by Old Hess. After eating some casually, he said he was going to rest.Afterwards, she was taken into a palace by old Hess. It is said that it was the place where she stayed when she first came to River Water City, the former bedroom of Lord Bessa.
As soon as Ji Xiaoyan heard it, he immediately asked himself to rest in another place, and not to invade the real city owner's territory!But the old Hess didn't listen at all!The old Hess's reason is very simple, there is only one sentence directly, our Lord City Lord said, that's the arrangement, so you should rest
So, no matter what Ji Xiaoyan said, Old Hess was like a robot, smiling and repeating these words.So, in the end, Ji Xiaoyan was helpless!After watching old Hess leave, she didn't even have the energy to ask where Master Bessa would go to rest after giving her the place.
I thought that after being exhausted, I would have a good night's sleep until dawn, but when Ji Xiaoyan packed up and lay down on the bed, he found that he couldn't fall asleep at all.Her mind has been in high tension and rapid movement!She couldn't help herself to think, how would she continue her life in this world in the future?Do you accept a man like Master Bessa, and wait here honestly to get married and have children, and spend the rest of your life, or do nothing, and wait for those game researchers to finish the experiment as Guang said before, and then remove her from the Get out of this world?After that, go to get acquainted with another "real" world that she doesn't know, and live again?

Ji Xiaoyan was very worried!
Whether it is the so-called game world or another real world, she is not familiar with someone who has obviously time-traveled.If she returns to that real world, she is obviously a person who has time-traveled, how will she live in the future?Just looking at the high-end technology of this so-called game world, Ji Xiaoyan would not think that the "real" world she just talked about would be the one in her memory
The more Ji Xiaoyan thought about this, the more worried she became!It won't be the same as this game world!All the residents here know that after she came in from the real world, she lost her memory because of her brain injury, and they also accepted the fact of her amnesia. Then in the real world, people who know this Ji Xiaoyan will be as easy as Besa Adults, like them, accept the fact that she has amnesia and doesn't know anything, and tolerate her?
She is a person who has traveled through time and is unfamiliar with the place of life. Does she have to live in the real world?There are no relatives or friends for her!What the real world is like, she has no idea at all. If it is true in the future, as Guang said, if she goes back to that real world, she has to get acquainted with some strangers again, and then try to find a way to survive. Why bother? ?

In this game world, she is different.

She can live forever, possess magic (although she doesn't know how to use it until now, but after all, I heard that there are, right?), own a city, many city dwellers, she has pets, attendants, and even , Now it seems that there is no need to worry about life-long events!What's wrong with this game world?Ji Xiaoyan researched it all night, and finally came to the conclusion: this Enlightenment World, IKEA Yisheng, is the best destination for Ji Xiaoyan.
When the first ray of sunlight shone into the window of the dormitory in the morning, Ji Xiaoyan opened his eyes instantly.

Yes, she thought it through very clearly.

This world is her world!Everything here, as long as she opens her heart, she can fully accept, digest, and turn this world into a world she can live in.If she can't go back to the real world in her memory and find her relatives and friends, then what's the use of another real world, no matter how advanced it is?

Her memory is only the world given to her by the light now, and she still has so much, what else does she want?Why can't she live here with peace of mind?She possesses many things that people in the world pursue in an instant. What is there for her to be dissatisfied with?
Standing by the window of the dormitory, Ji Xiaoyan gently opened a gap, looking out, he saw colorful flowers, fountains, flying butterflies playing, and the fragrance of various flowers lingering at the tip of his nose. Everything is as beautiful as a fairy tale.

"dong dong dong"

Ji Xiaoyan didn't know how long he had been in a daze by the window, but he came back to his senses when he heard a knock on the door, and then he heard a female voice outside the door, calling softly: "Master Ji City Master Ji. Are you still resting?"

"No more!" Ji Xiaoyan lowered his eyes and answered.

In the next second, the door of the dormitory was instantly opened, and several maids were standing outside the door with toiletries, with bright smiles on their faces, they looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Master Ji, you are awake! We are waiting for you Wash." After finishing speaking, the maids stepped into the bedroom like a file, and rushed to Ji Xiaoyan's side.
"Master Ji, how long have you been awake?" A maid who seemed to be the leader said while helping Ji Xiaoyan twist the veil to wash his face, "You should have called us when you woke up. We have been waiting outside the door, I was afraid of disturbing your rest. I didn't expect you to wake up so early. If Manager Hess hadn't said that breakfast was ready, and your Manager Qing Gong in Qingcheng had said that you should wake up, we wouldn't dare to call you .”

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the maid who was talking, but didn't say much.She felt that the girl was not simply telling her these things, but was complaining. As for what she was complaining about, her mind was still a little confused and she didn't have time to think it through.
Sure enough, after the maid finished speaking, she caught Ji Xiaoyan not paying attention, secretly looked at her, then immediately lowered her head, and continued to help her tidy up, while saying: "Master Ji, did you rest well last night? "

"Well, it's okay!" Ji Xiaoyan responded out of politeness.

"Oh, that's good!" The maid exaggeratedly let out a sigh of relief, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile: "We were worried that you would not be able to rest well! You came in a bit of a hurry, and we didn't have time to clean up Manager Hess sent someone back to inform you after receiving that you had entered the city. We originally cleaned up the side hall next to you. If you insist on letting you rest in his dormitory, we don't even have time to clean up!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan seemed to wake up a lot in an instant.Why did she feel that the maid's words were sour?

The maids at the side seemed to see that Ji Xiaoyan was not talkative, rolled their eyes, and said, "That's right! Lord Ji, you don't know, we were so busy yesterday! I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up with you to come and rest Already!"

"Hehe, think about how exhausting we were when we helped the city lord move his things to the side hall!" A maid covered her mouth, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and giggled and said, "City lord Ji, you don't know , In order to decorate the bedroom of Lord City Lord for you, we have recruited a lot of people to help us to make it look like this. On the way, Manager Hess came to see it several times, and scolded us for changing it for a long time before finally decorating it as it is. Such"

"That's right, that's right! We've never seen who the Lord City Master and Chief Hess attach so much importance to! City Lord Ji, you are the number one!" Several maids looked at Ji Xiaoyan with burning eyes, with perfect expressions on their faces. Smile, but these words instantly made Ji Xiaoyan feel a chill in his neck.

No matter how she looked at it, she felt that these maids were not in the same mind?
"Really? Thank you so much!" Ji Xiaoyan watched the maids staring at her after they finished speaking, as if they would never answer if she didn't speak, so she was so dry Opened his mouth and said something.

"How can we take responsibility! Master Ji!" Sure enough, after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's answer, several maids covered their mouths with handkerchiefs, looked at each other and said with a smile, "You But the Lord City Master and Manager Hess have ordered them to take good care of the important guests."

Hearing these words that were neither yin nor yang, Ji Xiaoyan instantly felt annoyed and irritable.It's early in the morning, do you want to come to this kind of worry-free thing?She was still in a good mood.
"Master Ji?! Master Ji!" Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's erratic eyes, the maids seemed to be a little absent-minded, and immediately widened their eyes and stretched out their hands in front of her and shouted a few words, seeing Ji Xiaoyan turn his eyes back After reaching them, the maids put away the dissatisfaction in their eyes, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "Master Ji, what kind of clothes do you think you are going to wear today? I heard that these are The city lord personally prepared it for you, but I don't know which color you like, so let us bring it in and choose one for you."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the clothes held in the hands of several maids who had been standing behind, and did not speak for a moment.

"Master Ji, which one do you think you like?" The leading maid lowered her eyes and smiled and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "You don't know that our Lord City Master has spent a lot of thought on these clothes! For so many years, we have never seen the Lord City Master take such care of anyone, City Master Ji, you are really... different!"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the maid, and thought in her heart, she might be thinking something different than what she said!However, looking back, I only rested here for one night, and this is not her Qingcheng, so why bother?I don't care what the maid of Mr. Bessa's house looks like, after all, I'm going back to Qingcheng soon
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan hummed again indifferently, and directly chose a set of clothes that she thought were not bad to change into, and then said: "Let's go, I'm hungry."

Eat early and leave here early, so she won't bother with these maids here.
The maids responded and smiled obediently at her. After leaving a few maids to clean up the house, the leading maid took Ji Xiaoyan out of the bedroom and went directly to have breakfast.Everything was so natural, as if they didn't say much just now, they just came in to serve Ji Xiaoyan to wash and dress!
This game world does not seem to be so unreal!
Ji Xiaoyan was thinking about it while following the maid.

According to Zhaoguang, these maids and residents in this world should be the NPCs and virtual characters that players talk about in the real world.They shouldn't have such rich feelings and such personalities, but now it seems that things are not like that at all.

Every building here is so real; everyone here has his own personality, his own appearance and feelings, and his own life experience. Every flower, every grass here, Every tree is equally real. Where is this a virtual world?

Here, is a real world.

A real dream world!

Ji Xiaoyan was a little dazed, and a predestined idea suddenly appeared in his mind.Maybe, she will time travel, and she will travel to such a game world, it is a kind of destiny!If such an almost real game world can be created in the so-called real world, then what does this real world look like?She didn't dare to imagine, and she didn't know if she really traveled to such a world, would she be discovered directly and be used for experiments?Extract the soul or something?
So, it's good to travel to such a game world!Because everything is arranged so well right now!Just like a beautiful dream, I just need to follow the beautiful dream I have outlined and continue to work hard to live every day.
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(End of this chapter)

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