The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1338 The reason for the fight

Chapter 1338 The reason for the fight

River Water City City Lord's Mansion.

Ji Xiaoyan hadn't even approached the dining place when she saw Lord Bessa and Chief Qing Gong waiting for her in front of the hall.Seeing her approaching with the maid, Chief Qing Gong trotted to her side and asked how she was doing in a low voice, followed her quietly, and then walked towards Bei Master Sa walked over.

"Xiaoyan, you are here!" Master Bessa asked Ji Xiaoyan with a cheerful smile on his face, and then continued: "Let's go, breakfast is ready. I used to be with you every day Eat in Qingcheng, today I will finally be the host.”

Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Master Besa, watched the maid who led her all the way back to stand aside obediently, then followed Master Besa into the door, and saw that Xuan Mo and the others were already standing at the dining table.

"Xiaoyan, you're finally here!" Xuan Mo and Friesman ran directly to Ji Xiaoyan's side, and said to her with bright eyes, "If you don't come, we'll all starve to death. Breakfast here by Lord Besa It looks good. We thought that when we came here, the whole table would be full of river fresh and sea fish, but we didn’t expect that River Water City also had fruit to entertain us.”

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes at Xuan Mo and the others helplessly.Is there any city that has no fruit to entertain guests?Besides, is it true that River Water City can only eat fish and shrimp if it has the name of a water city?
"Come on, come on, Xiaoyan, we've all looked at it for you, those things are more delicious." Friesman whispered to Ji Xiaoyan: "Not to mention, the things here from Mr. Bessa are really delicious. Not bad! Xiaoyan, you may not know that many of the things on this table are not special products of our cities, but things from other cities far away. I have only heard of several things that I have never seen before. You don’t know In some cities, people don’t sell special products, but only give them to people who I consider friends. Mr. Bessa has a good network.”

Ji Xiaoyan listened to Friesman's words, and silently glanced at Master Bessa, seeing him squinting and smiling at her, he immediately returned a smile, and then suddenly appeared in the smile on Master Bessa's face. A little surprised.So, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Master Bessa didn't expect that he would smile at him, did he?
Hehe, he definitely didn't know, he had thought so much all night here, he was ready to fully integrate into this world, and he was also ready to take a good look and accept the fact that he was his fiancé.
The breakfast didn't last long, so after Ji Xiaoyan and the others were full, the sun moved a little.After watching the maids remove all the things on the table, Lord Bessa suggested that Ji Xiaoyan and the others go to visit his Santo's Mansion first, and then go to the city to have a look.

"Master Bessa, we still have to go back to Qingcheng to see Lord Nimengsa and Lord Cenarion! We, the city lord, don't have time to visit your city lord's mansion." Chief Qing Gong looked at Lord Bessa with a look of defense. Said with a glare.

Master Bessa frowned slightly displeasedly and glanced at Manager Qing Gong, then turned his gaze to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Well, Master Besa, we really need to go back and have a look. We'll have time later, so let's come and visit again!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Master Besa with a clear attitude and a smile.

"Really?" Lord Bessa's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief evident on his face.What happened to Miss Ji Xiaoyan today?So easy to talk to?
Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

Therefore, Lord Bessa laughed immediately, nodded directly and said: "Okay, okay, okay! Since you have said so, Xiaoyan, let's come back after your Qingcheng matter is resolved! Old Hess "Master Bessa turned his head to look at Old Hess in a good mood, and after giving him some instructions in a low voice, he looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Then Xiaoyan, let's go now! Go back to Qingcheng and have a look." What happened to Nimensa! By the way, I have given old Hess an order regarding the alliance between our two cities. Later, he will arrange the affairs in our city and list out all the details, and then he will come to clear the city. , then we will discuss it together.”

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded bluntly, and then followed Lord Bessa all the way out of the City Lord's Mansion, preparing to take the teleportation array back to Qingcheng.

Manager Qing Gong's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief on his face, he grabbed Brick, who was about to pass by him, and followed him slowly behind Ji Xiaoyan, whispering Facing Brick, he asked, "Brick, what happened to our Lord City Master? Did someone drug her last night? You asked Xiye to protect the City Master. How is the protection? How can I look at the City Master? Is there something wrong with your attitude?"

Brick took a look at Manager Qing Gong, and said honestly: "Xiye has been guarding Xiaoyan all this time. Don't worry, Manager Qing Gong! As for the medicine, I don't think Xiaoyan has taken any bad potions."

"You mean, it's normal for the city lord to look like this today?" Manager Qing Gong said with disbelief on his face.

Brick nodded, he didn't see anything abnormal about Miss Ji Xiaoyan! ?
"Impossible, impossible!" Manager Qing Gong shook his head vigorously, and said to Brick: "The city lord's appearance is abnormal no matter how you look at it! It's not that you don't know the attitude of the city lord towards Lord Bessa. But there has always been a slight guard, but look at it now, you have only come to River Water City for one night, how could your attitude towards him change? It must be Lord Bessa who took advantage of the city owner who fell asleep last night At that time, I found someone to give her medicine. Brick, I will return to Qingcheng in a while, and I will immediately separate the city lord from Bessa, and you can show her carefully! We can't let the city lord be killed by villains It seems that none of the people in River Water City have good intentions."

Brick still wants to open his mouth and continue to express the high-speed manager Qing Gong, Ji Xiaoyan is sure to be fine.But seeing Mr. Qing Gong's expression that obviously wouldn't believe anyone's words, after thinking about it, he nodded and said: "Okay, since Mr. Qing Gong must check Xiaoyan, then I will check it All right."

"Well! Be careful." Manager Qing Gong patted Brick on the shoulder and instructed.

Brick nodded, and then heard Friesman who had been silent next to him speak again: "I heard from Xiye in the morning that Xiaoyan didn't seem to sleep well all night, and I don't know if it's true!"

When Manager Qing Gong heard this, he was immediately startled. He threw away Brick and immediately looked at Friesman and asked, "What's going on? Why didn't Lord City Master have a good rest last night? Did River Water City do it?" What kind of hands and feet? What about Xiye? Friesman, where did Xiye go? I have to ask it myself."

"Xi Ye, Xi Ye naturally followed Xiaoyan in front!" Friesman shrugged indifferently, said something to Manager Qing Gong, and then said with a smile: "Let me tell you, Manager Qing Gong , don’t worry about Xiaoyan. If there is something wrong with her, can we not tell you? She is fine now, even if she is fine, you will be surprised here too.”

"What do you know!?" Manager Qing Gong gave Friesman a blank look, and said to him, "Your Majesty, the City Lord, don't have anything to do. If there is anything to do with her, I, Qing Gong, will die!!" After finishing speaking Regardless of the expression on Friesman's face, Manager Qing Gong trotted a few steps, passed them and followed Ji Xiaoyan closely.

Friesman shrugged, looked at Manager Qing Gong's back, turned to Brick and said, "Why didn't I see him care about Xiaoyan so anxiously before?"

Brick remained silent, and continued walking obediently.

After entering the teleportation array, in the blink of an eye, Ji Xiaoyan and the others returned directly to Qingcheng from Refu Water City thousands of miles away, and then entered the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion with only the outer wall intact. In the city lord's mansion, the whole body was covered with scars, Nimonsa and Cenarion, who obviously had traces of guilt on their faces.

"Master Nimonsha, Master Cenarion, are you all alright?" Director Qing Gong looked at Nimensha and Cenarion with some vigilance and asked, and after seeing them nodding helplessly, he breathed a sigh of relief. Then Wei Wei said with a bit of reproach: "What happened yesterday, my lords? We thought you were going to come to see the city lord, why did you suddenly start fighting? Fortunately, the city lord found the two adults in time Dodge the abnormal situation, otherwise"

Ni Mengsha looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some embarrassment, "I'm sorry, Xiaoyan"

Cenarion didn't express anything, he just stared at Ji Xiaoyan, and then asked: "Xiaoyan, we are running out of time for our appointment, how is the manpower you summoned? Can you wait for the time to arrive?" , shall we leave immediately?"

Hearing the words, Ji Xiaoyan immediately looked at Manager Qing Gong, saw him nodding to him, and then said to Cenarion: "Well, there is no problem."

"That's good!" Cenarion looked relieved, turned to look at Ni Mengsha, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "In that case, I will come to you when the time is up. As for you, the owner of the City Lord's Mansion Question, those guards have already told me, later you find someone to come to my dragon's lair, and I will pay you gold coins."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded in a daze, and then saw Cenarion stretch out his huge wings, and after a violent flap, he flew into the air in an instant, waving a huge wind, blowing up the dust on the ground, and within a few seconds, he flew into the air. disappeared from her sight.

"It's gone now?" Ji Xiaoyan hasn't recovered yet.Didn't it mean that after Cenarion and Nimengsa rested, they still have to ask them what happened to the fight?Why did it fly away?After destroying her city lord's mansion like this, it's over just to send someone to get gold coins for compensation?

"It's okay, it's okay, Lord City Lord, Lord Nimengsha is still here!" Manager Qing Gong hurriedly said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Just don't let it go away."

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan quickly nodded and looked at Nimensha, and then asked, "Nimengsha, what's going on with you? Why did you start fighting?" Not all of them said that the two of them were enemies before, but since Senna After Leo was bullied by other dragons and kicked out of his territory to join her, has the relationship between the two dragons eased?

Ni Mengsha stared at Ji Xiaoyan with wide eyes, blinked her eyes a few times, and then said: "I'm sorry Xiaoyan, for making your City Lord's Mansion look like this."

"It's already like this, you don't need to say anything more." Ji Xiaoyan waved his hand, and suddenly thought: "Nimengsha, you also want to compensate me for the loss of the City Lord's Mansion, right?"

"This is natural!" Ni Mengsha nodded with certainty, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I'll go back and get you gold coins in a while!! I know, you all like gold coins the most."

"Why don't you just follow Cenarion and run away without doing anything!" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly said after hearing Ni Mengsha's words: "Why did you guys fight? It won't be like this in the future, right? ?”

"No, no, Xiaoyan, don't worry!" Nimengsha quickly shook her head, and said apologetically to Ji Xiaoyan, "Actually, we wouldn't fight. Cenarion even came to clear the city like this." It’s been a long time, we’ve all been very disciplined and only do what we’re supposed to do. Didn’t the lord God tell everyone to stay in their dens and not come in and out at will? Cenarion and I are very obedient Yes. But yesterday, Lord Lord God suddenly lifted the ban. I thought Xiaoyan, you must have returned to the City Lord’s Mansion, so I’m going to see your results. Who knows, I met Cenarion on the way.”

"Then you guys started fighting?" Ji Xiaoyan asked with narrowed eyes seeing Ni Mengsha's somewhat unspeakable appearance.

"Speaking of it, it seems to be like this." The scales on the corner of Nimensha's mouth moved unnaturally, and then hurriedly continued: "But, Xiaoyan, we didn't fight for no reason."

"Why is that?!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed a little.Since these two giant dragons obviously dislike each other by nature, why did the former "Ji Xiaoyan" agree to let them both live in this Qingcheng! ?Look, isn't this just causing trouble for nothing?
Nimengsha raised her neck, looked at Ji Xiaoyan, and said, "It's Lord God."

Nimensha looked at Ji Xiaoyan and they all stared at her in surprise, and then continued: "Originally, Cenarion and I flew here together, but suddenly we received the Lord God's order , said that the two of us cannot stay in Qingcheng as guardian beasts of Qingcheng at the same time, we must compete for one to stay, and the other, if we want to stay in Qingcheng, we must become your mount for Xiaoyan! Therefore, for the pride of the dragon, Cenarion and I got into a fight."

"Then, which one of you lost?" Ji Xiaoyan regained his energy when he heard the word "mountain", and looked at Ni Mengsha and asked a little excitedly.

 PS: Thank you for the two pink tickets for "Snow Mountain Solo"!

(End of this chapter)

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