Chapter 1339 Decision
Ji Xiaoyan never thought that it was okay to get a city for nothing, and the city also gave away two giant dragons as guardian beasts for nothing, but she hadn't had time to digest this fact yet, and the surprise came again.Only one of the two dragons will give up the pride of the dragon and become her mount!

That's a mount!A dragon mount that only exists in movies, TV and storybooks!

Ji Xiaoyan blinked excitedly, looked at Ni Mengsha waiting for the answer, but had a guess in her heart.Maybe Cenarion's attitude can explain that it lost. Of course, this is just her guess. Whether the specific result is like this or not, I still have to wait for Ni Mengsha to tell.

"I won! Xiaoyan!" Sure enough, Nimensha's answer was as expected by Ji Xiaoyan, but she said it slightly tactfully, "If it was before, I would definitely not be able to beat Cenarion. It's just that When Cenarion came to Qingcheng, he had been injured all the time, and he has not healed until now; but I have been well-raised in Qingcheng, so Cenarion can't beat me with all his strength, and finally let me I won. Therefore, Xiaoyan, I will still be the Guardian Beast of Qingcheng from now on, and Cenarion will be your mount."

Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened excitedly, looked at Nimensha and asked: "Then Cenarion is gone, how can I find it? I usually have to go out or something like that?" When Cenarion left Ji Xiaoyan thinks that the dragon must be in a bad mood. If he does something that hurts his self-esteem, he doesn't want to do anything, he doesn't want to move, or he just leaves Qingcheng. Come out, then there is no need to study and care about the issue of whether the mount is not a mount at all
Didn't you say it all?The premise of being a mount and a guardian beast is that they still want to stay in Qingcheng.
"You don't have to worry about this, Xiaoyan!" Ni Mengsha said to Ji Xiaoyan with a relaxed face, "Cenario still has three days to get used to it, and when it gets used to it, it will come to the City Lord's Mansion to look for you .In the future, Cenarion will give you a way to contact it. If it doesn’t want to be troublesome, it can live directly in your city lord’s mansion and be there whenever you want. But, I don’t think Cenarion should choose to do this.”

Ji Xiaoyan nodded to make it clear, but he was greatly relieved.As long as Cenarion is willing to stay in Qingcheng, it will be fine. The dragon mount, it is exciting to think about it!

"If Xiaoyan has nothing else to do, I'll go back to the nest first." Ni Mengsha said to Ji Xiaoyan with some embarrassment: "I'll go back and bring you the gold coins, and then you should hurry up and rebuild the city lord's mansion." At that time, Cenarion and I were both in a daze, so we didn't pay attention to how your city lord's mansion was destroyed by us, so don't be angry with us!"

Ji Xiaoyan sighed silently.She also needs to be angry!

"Master Nimensha, after the fight with Master Cenarion, are you both injured?" At this time, Chief Qing Gong finally interrupted, and said to Nimensha: "You guys still have a good fight." Just go back and rest, I’ll send someone to follow you back, and bring the gold coins back! Don’t bother Nimensa, you can bring it back to us.”

"That's fine!" Ni Mengsha nodded, and after briefly discussing with Manager Qing Gong about who to send to get the gold coins, she flew away directly.

Manager Qing Gong will take care of the rest of the matter. When Ji Xiaoyan returned to Qingcheng, he just watched the cleaning process, and then went to see if there was any damage to the treasure house in Qingcheng. After that, the next day passed almost up.Master Bessa continued to propose to return to Refu Water City to live until Qing City was rebuilt.
Ji Xiaoyan thought about it, and finally nodded in agreement.

As for Chief Qing Gong, he still wanted to separate Master Bessa from Ji Xiaoyan, and the plan of asking Brick to see if there was any problem with Ji Xiaoyan was naturally unsuccessful.
The world in the game is living like this day by day, and no one knows that the Lord God will allow those adventurers to re-enter this world on that day; nor do they know what has changed in this world
What does the world outside the game look like?
After Yu Muqing and his group of game researchers were trapped in Longcheng for ten days, Li Xiangyu's first researcher finally sent people to Longcheng again, planning to get them back.Although, according to Li Xiangyu's thinking, if possible, he even hopes that Yu Muqing and the others will never go back.
However, reality does not allow it!There are still a lot of things in the game that Yu Muqing and the others need to go back to discuss and solve together, so this is why there are people from the second hole city
However, none of the researchers who went to Longcheng to look for Yu Muqing and the others saw them. It was just that when the flying ship landed, they saw dozens of men in military uniforms who came to take them away, and then they He was directly locked in a room, and someone delivered water and food every day.
That's it.

"Master." The housekeeper looked at the young master who had been buried in his research with a look of embarrassment on his face, and asked in a low voice: "Master, are we going to lock up those researchers like this? It's been five years. God"

"Otherwise, what do you think? You want to let them go?" The stranger raised his eyes and glanced at the temporary butler of Longcheng, and asked impatiently, "I'll let you tell Yu Muqing and the others that you will Have you said it? It's been several days, and they still haven't responded? Or are they not agreeing to my conditions?"

The butler shook his head helplessly, and said to the stranger: "Master, they still don't agree to send the protective fluid to Miss Xiaoyan, saying that they must take her away first." The stranger continued, "Master, to be honest, I think you should let Miss Xiaoyan go."

The stranger raised his eyebrows and stared at the butler with displeasure.

"Master, please allow me to speak a fair word!" The steward opened his eyes wide, sighed, and said to the stranger, "It's useless if you really want to lock these researchers here! Miss Xiaoyan The game cabin is here, and she can only rely on the protective fluid to continue to survive in such a perfect state. Although you want to coerce those researchers and let them keep Miss Xiaoyan by your side as much as possible, but what good is it? ?Miss Xiaoyan is just a body here now, hasn’t the real her gone to the game? It’s meaningless for you to guard like this? Yes, you said at the beginning that Miss Xiaoyan’s game cabin and body need to be disposed of in any way, you I want to wait for Ms. Xiaoyan to decide by herself, but this situation is not allowed now! Yu Muqing and the others found not much protective liquid in the flying ship, and every day it is used will be less than one day. I have searched carefully many times, but there is no protective fluid at all.”

The stranger's face slowly turned ugly.

"Master, as soon as the protective fluid is used up, you may not even have time to send Miss Xiaoyan to Yuncheng. You might as well make a plan now and send her away intact." The stranger said, "If you are really worried, young master, it's better like this! Just make it clear to Yu Muqing that we will send someone to follow their flying ship and directly guard Miss Xiaoyan in Yuncheng. Hand over the body and the game compartment to them, and then withdraw. During the period, they must be young masters who dare not do anything to Miss Xiaoyan under the noses of our people, what do you think?"

"Do you think this is feasible?" The stranger suddenly became a little confused.

He knew very well that what the butler said was not wrong at all!The protective fluid is consumed every day, and Yu Muqing and the others don't have much stock in their flying ship. One day, Ji Xiaoyan's protective fluid will be used up. What will he do then?
The bones of Yu Muqing's group of researchers are also strong enough, no matter how frightened they are, they will firmly insist that they will not transport protective fluid to Ji Xiaoyan. In this situation, they are very passive!

"Master, it's not a question of whether it's feasible or not, it's a question of what you have to do!" The housekeeper sighed deeply, and then said to the stranger, "Miss Xiaoyan can't afford to wait."

The stranger was stunned for a few seconds, then he took a deep breath and said to the butler, "Go down first and let me think about it."

"Yes!" The housekeeper nodded, stepped back silently, closed the door and thought for a while, then turned around and walked directly towards the room where Yu Qisi and Lu Wu lived.

a day later.

The second group of researchers who came to Longcheng to look for Yu Muqing and the others were finally released from the house, and led by many men in military uniforms, they saw Yu Muqing and his party who were not in a good state of mind at all.

Half an hour later, they were escorted back to their flying spaceship by those men in military uniform. From the window, they saw a large number of soldiers coming out of the hole city, carrying a game cabin, and a man led them directly aboard. A flying ship belonging to Longcheng.

A few minutes later, the order to take off and return came from the spaceship.

None of the people understood what was going on with their trip to Longcheng!They were locked in a small dark room for a few days in Longcheng, counting the days in fear, thinking how to ask for help, but before they could figure out a way, they were released for no reason, and were sent back directly The flying ship is ready to fly back to Yuncheng.

What do you think they are here for?Just to be locked up for a few days?

This group of researchers couldn't figure out the reason at all, and finally had to put this matter in the bottom of their hearts temporarily, and waited to meet up with Yu Muqing and his party later, and then asked about the situation.

It's just that what I didn't expect was that after the flying ships of their line returned and landed, they didn't even have the chance to talk to Yu Muqing and the others.
From Longcheng to Yuncheng, their flying ship, which they had never met before, traveled relatively slowly, and it took three days longer than the usual time.

As soon as the flying ship landed in Yuncheng, many game researchers surrounded them excitedly, and directly surrounded several flying ships, waiting to see who was the first to successfully enter the game. Xiaoyan and the game cabin were thinking in their hearts, if the mastermind didn't give them the data, how could they get something out of Miss Ji Xiaoyan's game cabin and study it carefully.
However, these researchers waited and guessed for a long time, which flying spaceship contained Ji Xiaoyan and the game cabin, but only after all their own flying spaceships were opened did they realize that they had been following him all along. The flying skyships behind those two flying skyships are not theirs at all. And Miss Ji Xiaoyan and Yuyou Cang are on top of those foreign military flying skyships.

"This is your headquarters?" The stranger looked around and asked Yu Muqing.This is the top of a high-rise building in the center of Yuncheng. From the wear and tear of the docking pattern on the ground, it can be seen that there are not too many flying ships docked here.
Yu Muqing nodded, glanced worriedly at the game cabin behind the stranger, and said, "Going down the elevator here is where we usually work. Do you think it's okay for us to go down now?"

The strangers nodded.

"That." Yu Muqing said hesitantly, after thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and made a request, and said to the stranger: "I think it's better for Ji Xiaoyan and You Cang to be handled by our professional personnel. Your subordinates are very concerned about our route here. I'm not familiar with it, it would be bad if I accidentally knocked her while carrying her. What do you think?"

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about? Do you mean that we can't even catch up with you?" A tall man in military uniform who had never met behind him immediately froze when he heard Yu Muqing's words. He yelled at him with displeasure: "Just you skinny scholars who can beat us? Is it to make people laugh out loud, or is it because you want to insult us, so you did it on purpose?" Ah? You’re talking about it, can’t we big men who are five big and three rough can’t compare with you weak scholars? We’re so bad, and we’re not as good as you when you lift someone up? Just tell me, what’s the next step? .We really need to see if we really can't carry Miss Xiaoyan to the destination safely and soundly? If we really can't do it later, we will bother you senior people; I need you to give us an explanation!"

When Yu Muqing heard this, his face was a bit embarrassed and uncomfortable.So he doesn't like these rough people very much!Sometimes, I feel that they don't understand anything, and they can speak freely; sometimes they are really sensitive, and they can catch a lot of troubles with a little language disorder
He just let Ji Xiaoyan and Yuyoucang return to their hands, to hold a little bit of sovereignty. He didn't expect that when he said this, he would be directly misunderstood by such a military boss, saying that they were insulting them!Where does he have such meaning?

 PS: Thanks to "? Sumo" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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