Chapter 1340 Arrangement
No matter how dissatisfied they are with these game researchers, since they have already arrived in Yuncheng, strangers who have never met each other will naturally not get too entangled with them over trivial matters.Seeing his subordinates pushing back Yu Muqing's disarming majesty, the strangers hooked the corners of their mouths lightly, and after a satisfied smile, they directly asked someone to carry Ji Xiaoyan and the game warehouse, and let Yu Muqing and the others lead the way. up
As for where Miss Ji Xiaoyan will stay in Yuncheng, the head of the game researcher, Yu Muqing and the others have already settled the place for her when they took off from Longcheng.So they went all the way down the stairs on the top floor, and they were told that they had reached the place after walking about five floors.After that, I went through rooms one by one, gate after gate, through layers of guards, and finally arrived at a very spacious and bright room
"It's here?" The stranger frowned, looked at the room with only large expanses of glass except lights and some instruments, frowned and asked Yu Muqing, "Are you going to leave Xiaoyan here? "

Yu Muqing's expression was very calm, he just nodded when he heard the stranger's words, and then explained to him: "This is the most secret place in our entire research center, and it is also the place with the strictest guards. Every door we passed along the way just now The door has different people to control the switch, and then it is impossible for anyone to enter here without gathering all the staff who have the key, not to mention that we have installed surveillance in every corner around, basically There will be no dead spots here. We have backup cameras for every monitoring, even if there is a small problem, it will not have any impact! As for this room."

Listening to Yu Muqing's words, the stranger frowned and looked around.

"The materials in this room are all the best. The door is absolutely invulnerable to fire and water. After today, as long as we close the door, we must gather [-] people with password keys to enter again. The surrounding protection equipment directly The container connected to the protective liquid is in another room. The walls here are very strong, and the glass is absolutely top-notch. So, you don’t have to worry about the safety of Miss Ji Xiaoyan here.” Yu Muqing looked at a stranger , and said to him, "We don't usually enter here again. After you leave here, we will help Miss Ji Xiaoyan connect all the protective fluid devices, and then we will seal everything here. There is no special It will never be opened again!"

The strangers frowned tightly, and when Yu Muqing thought that he would have no objection, he said, "You mean, we throw Xiaoyan here, and then you lock her in this room, and she won't be here anymore." Just put her in a little protective fluid every day? Just put her in such a cold, morgue-like room? Not even a little green life? Who are you going to take her for? Is it here?"

Yu Muqing stared at the stranger in surprise, wondering why this man was a little angry again.Isn't that what experiments are all about?He didn't even dare to say that they put Miss Ji Xiaoyan here. In addition to the equipment connected to the protection liquid, they also connected the equipment for data research, so as to facilitate the future research on Miss Ji Xiaoyan's success? Is it a cold room?Isn't that what the lab is like?Could it be that the man in front of him is going to let them arrange this place as a garden for Miss Ji Xiaoyan?
"Why don't you talk?" The stranger stared at Yu Muqing aggressively, saw his puzzled face, and then said: "Forget it. I remember you said just now, you put the Xiaoyan here, you just need to pick it up." The instrument for infusing the protective fluid, right? All right, you can infuse the protective fluid for her first." After speaking, the stranger immediately turned to look at the butler who had been following him, and saw that he stretched his head over consciously, Then he began to order in a low voice.

Yu Muqing stared blankly at the whispers of the stranger and the housekeeper, wondering what they were going to do?If they don't go out with such a large number of people, how can they connect to the equipment?The man in Longcheng didn't even look at how many soldiers he had brought with him, they almost filled such a big room, okay?
"Hey, what are you looking at? My young master told you to put the protective fluid on Miss Xiaoyan quickly!" The army boss who had just yelled at Yu Muqing and the others on the top of the building looked at him with a displeased expression. Yu Muqing and the others said, "What are you all doing in a daze? Didn't you say that when Miss Xiaoyan arrives at your place, you immediately put on the protective fluid for her? Didn't you see that Miss Xiaoyan's protective fluid is running low?"

Yu Muqing took a look at the stranger, and saw that he was still talking to the housekeeper, and he had no intention of disciplining his subordinates at all. After thinking about it, he took a deep breath, and then said: "Everyone, even if we have to take over now You also need to make room for us to apply protective fluid to the equipment! Look, you have filled up the room, how can we do this?"

The military boss was stunned, and turned his eyes to the stranger. Seeing his eyes flickering over and frowning at himself, he quickly shook his body and shouted loudly to the soldiers following him: "Everyone is stunned!" What are you doing, if you should go out, let me go to the door and wait, what are you doing here, you are so big! Go to the door and find a place for yourself to guard, hurry up, hurry up!"

The soldiers in the room disappeared into the room at an extremely fast speed, freeing up the space in the room in an instant, and then ran to the corridor outside the room and stood up by the gates.

"Is it all right now?" The military boss raised his chin with a satisfied face, squinted at Yu Muqing and asked, and then said: "We have made room for you, you should hurry up and do things!!"

Yu Muqing glanced helplessly at the strangers, seeing that they had no intention of moving at all, and finally had no choice but to nod to the researchers under him.

Then they were strangers and they watched the four researchers press a red button on the four sides of the wall, and then the ceiling on the top of the room began to move, and then a small square instrument was lifted from the ceiling. It fell, and then many colored tubes that seemed to have life stretched out from the instrument.The tube naturally hung in mid-air for a few seconds, and then it was absorbed to Ji Xiaoyan's game compartment at an extremely fast speed, as if it had been attached to a soul in an instant, and began to find the socket by itself.
The stranger held his breath tightly, and stared at Ji Xiaoyan's game cabin without daring to blink at all.He didn't know if these were normal procedures, and he didn't know if Ji Xiaoyan would be in any danger staying inside. He could only just watch quietly, watching her lying peacefully inside, being trapped by the instrument. The colorful tubes wrapped bit by bit know nothing.
"This is an intelligent protective liquid input device." Yu Muqing glanced at the tense expression on the stranger's face. After thinking about it, he introduced a sentence to him, and then continued: "They will automatically recognize the interface. Once connected Unless Ji Xiaoyan in the game cabin wakes up by himself, or there is nothing in the protective fluid container, no one can order it to stop inputting the protective fluid.”

The stranger nodded.

Yu Muqing hesitated for a few seconds, and continued to speak: "Well, the connection of the input device will be completed soon, we can go to another isolation room to observe the situation here. It is the glass room on the sides. Look at us right now. Shall we go out first?"

Hearing the words, the strangers looked at Yu Muqing, and then said lightly: "I remember you said that only this instrument is connected here, and after closing the door, it will not be easy to enter again, right? I think it's too cold here. No, it’s not angry, so I’ve asked people to prepare some decorative things. Anyway, the space your instrument can take up is not too big, and the rest of the place can be arranged for Xiaoyan. I don’t know, what do you think? what?"

"Then how can I do it!!" Yu Muqing's first reaction was to frown, denying the stranger, and then suddenly thought of who the man in front of him was, so Yu Muqing thought about it in his heart, and whispered to the stranger: "This is a laboratory, not a ward or something. Look around, we have three glass walls, all of which are used to observe Ji Xiaoyan. If you arrange things here, it won't be a hindrance Is it our experiment? I remember you also said at the beginning that you don’t want Ji Xiaoyan to stay in the game forever, right? Now we only need to study the experimental data of her successful entry into the game, and then we will enter the next research direction, you What do you think we will do next? Are you going to stop us?"

The strangers stared slightly, turned to look at Yu Muqing.He didn't expect that the game researcher in front of him would break the news to him like this!But is what he said true or false?He can't tell!I dare not believe it easily!Yes, strangers have to admit that the direction of the experiment Yu Muqing mentioned, these scientists will not stop, can send people into the game, naturally they will think about when to get people out, otherwise they will have to What are you doing here with Miss Ji Xiaoyan's body and the game room?As a souvenir?

However, there is one thing that he is unwilling to believe in Yu Muqing!

No matter in the past or now, he only broke the news when he asked him to compromise.This made him have to suspect that Yu Muqing actually caught him caring too much about Ji Xiaoyan, so he wanted to make him submit, so he made up some information.
Yu Muqing looked at the pair of pitch-black phoenix eyes that he had never met before, staring at him like that, and gradually felt a sense of panic, a feeling of wanting to look away.The man in front of him is not as simple as he looks on the surface. If he is not what he wants, is it possible for the soldiers standing outside the room to rush in immediately?

Thinking of the many possibilities that may arise in the future, Yu Muqing finally had to grit his teeth silently in his heart, and said in a compromised way: "I know that the relationship between you and Ji Xiaoyan is extraordinary. It's just that the situation here is not as good as other places. If you really I think this place is too deserted, so I can only ask you to put some decorations in this room without affecting our observation of Ji Xiaoyan. It's just that these decorations can't have reflective things, and they can't cover the light. Ji Xiaoyan"

The strangers looked at Yu Muqing who kept asking him with a magnanimous face, the expression on his face did not change at all, until after Yu Muqing finished speaking and looked at himself, the strangers did not know each other. He asked, "That's all?"

Yu Muqing nodded.If it can meet his requirements, then no matter how the room is arranged, there will be no problem!However, the only thing he worries about now is whether the man in front of him will listen to him or not.
They didn't know each other before, but they didn't make things difficult for Yu Muqing anymore. They just nodded towards him, and then said: "I will try my best to be right. These two are Xiaoyan people. Xiaoyan will live here permanently from now on. What do they mean? , I want to guard her here." The strangers said while pointing to Lu Wu and Yu Qisi standing behind him, and said to Yu Muqing: "Can you arrange for them to be here?"

Back then, the strangers would agree to bring Ji Xiaoyan and follow Yu Muqing here, firstly, because Ji Xiaoyan needed protective fluid, they had a reason to come here, and secondly, after asking Yu Qisi and Luwu, the two of them also agreed to come here. Agreeing to bring Ji Xiaoyan over here, the decision was made by strangers.It's just that what Lu Wu and Yu Qisi are thinking about is that after they come here, let strangers help them to stay by Ji Xiaoyan's side and stare at the researchers.
"Stay here? In this laboratory?" Yu Muqing froze for a moment, and immediately frowned and asked the stranger. After seeing him nodding, he immediately said firmly: "Master, you have come all the way, and you have asked me a lot. I am satisfied with everything I can, just for Ji Xiaoyan to be well protected here, and we can also study how she successfully became the No.1 experiment. However, we also have our bottom line, it is impossible for you to make any demands We all promise you and satisfy you. I just told you that after we arrange Ji Xiaoyan, this laboratory needs to be completely closed, and it will not be opened again without special reasons. What you said If the two of you stay here, how will you solve your daily life? If we have nothing to do, we will gather all the people who have the key and open the door for them to breathe? We don’t have so much time to open the door for them.”

(End of this chapter)

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