The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1341 How is it possible

Chapter 1341 How is it possible
Yu Qisi and Lu Wu's thoughts are very simple. Since Miss Ji Xiaoyan has been sent to the laboratory, she will stay here for a long time in the future, so she and Lu Wu naturally want to take good care of her body.Indeed, just like what Yu Muqing said, maybe one day Ji Xiaoyan will come out of the game again, right?What if something goes wrong with her body?How would she and Lu Wu explain to Miss Ji Xiaoyan?Even if she can only be in this state in the future, they should protect her.

Therefore, when strangers asked them what they planned to do in the future, Yu Qisi and Lu Wu said without hesitation that they must guard Ji Xiaoyan in the future.
However, what they didn't expect was that they had already made up their minds, and even strangers made this request for them, but the researchers at Yu Muqing's side disagreed.And the reasons for their refusal are also very reasonable.

"You two, I know you are worried about Miss Ji Xiaoyan, but her consciousness is no longer in this body." Yu Muqing thought for a while, frowned and continued: "To be precise, most of her consciousness is no longer in this body." So, if you want to guard her, you don't necessarily have to be here. You can also enter the game, meet her in the game, and guard her? After all, for Ji Xiaoyan now, the game is the real world Yes. If you don’t have a game account or a game box connector, I can use my rights to solve it for you. However, it is absolutely impossible for you to stay in the laboratory. Here, after we go out, you will be permanently Closed, no longer open"

Yu Qisi looked unhappy, and after looking at each other for a few times with Lu Wu, he turned his gaze to the stranger.

The stranger frowned and thought for a long time without speaking.

Yu Muqing looked at the stranger, he didn't speak, so he didn't say anything.After all, he had already told them all the truth, and they had to agree if they agreed, and it was okay if they disagreed. Miss Ji Xiaoyan has already been carried here, and the protective fluid has been applied, so it will not be so easy to leave after that.Of course, if he can, he doesn't want to break his face with these people. After all, there are so many soldiers out there. If there is any accident, no one can afford the consequences.
There was no sound in the laboratory, only the faint sound of equipment running.

The housekeeper, who had never met before, didn't know where he went. After a long time, he came back out of breath, and said to the stranger with a smile, "Master, I have brought back everything you asked me to find. Let me now Are they bringing them in?" The housekeeper cast his eyes on Yu Muqing while talking.
"Well, let's put it on." The stranger finally made some movement, said something to the housekeeper, and then said lightly: "Try to avoid those glasses."

The butler nodded in agreement, turned around and greeted behind him a few times.
Yu Muqing and other researchers looked out the door curiously and worriedly, and after a while, they saw many men in military uniforms carrying pots of plants into the laboratory.
"Is this a living thing?" Yu Muqing stared wide-eyed, looking at the stranger with some surprise and asked.In their current era, the truly pure and unmutated plants basically no longer exist. Therefore, these mutated and pure plants found by strangers are also a sky-high price in the Federation!Such a small plant seedling is not affordable for ordinary families.Now if families in the Federation want to decorate, it is usually enough to get some virtual plants with light curtains; if you are rich, you can buy some super-simulated air purifiers made of various materials to look like plants, which is considered very high-end up.
For those real plants, only big families will set up a special place to find someone to cultivate them carefully, and the price will not be low, and even many times they are priceless.
The owner of the hole city in front of him just explained it for a while, and he was able to bring out so many pots of real plants. This skill and method seems to be beyond the imagination of these researchers.
"These are all high-fidelity air purifiers, right?" A researcher who has been in Yuncheng watched the men in military uniform carefully place the plants around the laboratory, and said in a low voice, "What do you think of these?" It doesn’t look like a real plant. What a valuable thing that thing is. It’s priceless outside. How could it be taken out so easily and placed here, and it’s just a decoration for the experimenter. Ji Xiaoyan."

"That's right! Didn't I say it all, is she just a helpless orphan?" Another researcher nodded in agreement, and said in a low voice: "Besides, it's just like her. It's impossible to get entangled with this person Ah! It's better for people to look at themselves in the mirror every day than to see her."

"Well, it would be nice to give her some super-simulated air purifier!" Several researchers next to her immediately nodded in agreement.

Only those researchers who followed Yu Muqing under house arrest in Longcheng for a period of time did not speak!The owner of the hole city doesn't look like the person who gave away a super-simulated air purifier!Most of those plants are real.
"Master, everything is put away!" After a few men in military uniform had arranged the plants, they walked up to the strangers and said, and when they saw the strangers waving at them, they immediately stood behind him.

"Show it like this, do you have any opinions?" The stranger raised his chin slightly, glanced at it with satisfaction, and asked Yu Muqing, "Then if you have any opinions, please quickly raise them. We will start talking when we are done. next thing"

"You put these plants here, how will you take care of them? We don't have someone who will take care of these things!" Yu Muqing said to the stranger with a slight frown.Moreover, the most important point is that these are real plants, they need to be watered, fertilized, and loosened.Although their research is not in this field, they still know some general things. The owner of the hole city in front of them is really free to find something for them to do!
I just said that people can't be locked up in the laboratory, and now I'm causing them so much trouble
Those pots of things are priceless! !
"You guys just look at the cooking! Just make sure they can stay here with Xiaoyan!" With a relaxed look on his face, he smiled at Yu Muqing and said, "I don't believe you can even do Xiaoyan. Take good care of them, I can’t take good care of these pots of plants. If that’s the case, I really doubt whether you can take good care of Xiaoyan as promised.”

"We don't have that much energy!" Yu Muqing replied with a somewhat uneasy expression.

The stranger did not continue to answer the conversation, but just stared at Yu Muqing with his beautiful pair of phoenix eyes.

The researchers following Yu Muqing saw this scene, quickly pulled his clothes, and said in a low voice: "Old Yu, let's turn on the No. [-] instrument later, enter a few commands, and let it take care of these things." The plants are just for us, let's not bother with him." What if this man is provoked, and later they directly arrange for people to destroy them humanely?As far as the background of Longcheng is concerned, they are not the ones who caused it.
Yu Muqing pursed his lips bitterly, finally had to take a deep breath, and then said to the stranger: "Forget it, just take care of it, but I want to declare first, if these plants die, you can't blame us .”

"En!" The stranger responded lightly, and before Yu Muqing could say the next thing, he said immediately: "It's just that if these plants die, you should notify me at any time to replace them. I don't want to When Xiaoyan woke up one day, he saw the dead plants."

Yu Muqing glared at the stranger, and finally could only give a vague hum, and then said to him: "Then if you don't have anything to do, let's go out first! The protective fluid is also connected, and everything is normal. Let's take it." The laboratory needs to be sealed off when we come down. What do you guys think?"

"What should we do?" Yu Qisi looked anxiously at the stranger and asked.This matter has not been discussed yet.
"You have to leave here too!" Yu Muqing said expressionlessly.

Yu Qisi didn't listen and turned his attention to the stranger.

"If they can't stay here with Xiaoyan, then let them stay outside, the room on any side of the three walls is fine. This shouldn't be a problem, right?" The stranger asked Yu Muqing after thinking about it. , "Whether it is in the game or outside the game, they must follow Xiaoyan. This is their duty and mission"

"This experiment is also our responsibility and mission!" Yu Muqing straightened his back, and said to the stranger: "Whether they stay there, they will hinder our experiment. I still say that, I will provide them with a connection They can go to find Ji Xiaoyan in the game, but here, there is really no place for them to stay."

I don't know each other before, and I want to refer to July [-]th and Green Five.

"No, we have to guard Miss Xiaoyan." Yu Qisi's attitude was very tough.

The strangers lowered their eyes, rubbed their fingers, and said to Yu Muqing with a flat face: "Oh, yes, I forgot, I remember I said that when I wanted to come here, I still need Let someone stay here to take care of Xiaoyan. I would like to ask you to reserve a few places for Yu Qisi and the others later, but also leave a few places for my people, and they will also stay for shifts."

"You... are you trying to spy on us?" Yu Muqing's anger rose sharply.What happened to these people in front of them?Can't understand people's language or what?He said it so clearly, why did they just pretend they didn't hear anything?It was fine to keep the man and the woman in the first place, but he didn't agree to this matter. These people want to add another person, which is simply too bullying.
What do you think he is so easy to talk about?
Yu Muqing thought about it, and was about to open his mouth to refuse the stranger again, when he saw Li Xiangyu running in from the gate with a happy face, and then smiled flatteringly at the stranger: "Oh, isn't this the sixth young master?" ? Why did you come in person? Look at me, I’m so busy here that I received a message saying that you are coming, go, go, go, Master Six, where is your place here? Let’s go to the lounge Sit down for a while? If you have anything to do, you can just order it directly, and we will try our best to help you."

Wei Wei, who had never met before, looked at Li Xiangyu in surprise, then turned to look at Yu Muqing, and asked, "Who is this?"

Look at this gesture, the man in front of him who greeted him enthusiastically doesn't look like a low-ranking man!If he is really as he said, he can help solve everything, then
The stranger frowned slightly.

"This is Mr. Li." Yu Muqing glanced at Li Xiangyu with disdain and displeasure, and said reluctantly.He really didn't expect that this man would come so soon.
"Sixth Young Master, my name is Li Xiangyu, and I'm in charge here." Li Xiangyu smiled and said to the stranger, then glanced at Yu Muqing, and continued: "Look at this, what's wrong with Mr. Yu? Sixth Young Master, are you satisfied? It doesn’t matter, Sixth Young Master, just tell me and I will help you solve it.”

"Oh? Really?" Even though I don't usually like Li Xiangyu's kind of people, but at this moment he has to admit that sometimes such people are still very useful.So, the strangers directly opened their mouths to briefly talk about Yu Qisi's request and his own, then squinted at Li Xiangyu and said, "I don't know if Mr. Li can solve this problem for us? I'm just watching." What Mr. Yu means, it seems that it is not easy to handle."

Li Xiangyu frowned in some embarrassment, and Yu Muqing suddenly caught sight of Yu Muqing from the corner of his eye, so his eyeballs rolled immediately, and then he raised a smiling face and said to the stranger: "What did the sixth young master say! It's not What's the big problem?" After hesitating for two seconds, Li Xiangyu gritted his teeth and said, "Sixth Young Master is talking about these two, plus a few more people under your command, right? This is not a big problem, I will arrange a place for them later. It's just, I don't know how many people you want to keep, Master Six? After all, our laboratory has limited space, and if there are too many people, it will not be easy to handle."

He nodded and said with an understanding look on his face, "Not many, just three or five people are enough. See if you have arranged it! I can't just put my beloved woman on you for no reason. Let’s ignore it here, right? Mr. Li, what do you think?”

"Ah?" Li Xiangyu's eyes widened in shock, he looked at the stranger in disbelief, then glanced at Ji Xiaoyan who was wrapped in protective fluid and tubes, and then murmured: "Six Young master, tell me, that... that Ji Xiaoyan is your beloved? Your beloved woman?"

How is this possible?Never heard of such news
(End of this chapter)

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