The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1342 The Dust Settles

Chapter 1342 The Dust Settles
In Yuncheng, the laboratory of the research institute at the headquarters of the game company was silent for a long time because of a sentence that they had never met before.

Whether it was Yu Muqing and Li Xiangyu, or the men who followed them who had never met before, even Yu Qisi and Lu Wu, they were all shocked by the words of strangers!Even those researchers are in a very complicated mood at the moment!They simply couldn't figure out how the pretty-looking girl lying in the game cabin hooked up with such a powerful and powerful master of the hole city...

This is unreasonable! !

Everyone thinks so.

Li Xiangyu's brain turned quickly, after looking at Ji Xiaoyan, he immediately put on a smiley face and looked at the stranger, and then said: "Hehe, sixth young master, don't worry, it doesn't matter whether that girl Ji Xiaoyan is yours or not... Man, as a researcher, we will take good care of her. You also know that she is the No.1 in our successful experiment. She is always special, isn't she? Don't worry, there is no problem keeping her here... ...If you want to see her anytime, there is no problem, just let me know and I will arrange it!"

"Really?" The stranger looked at Li Xiangyu in surprise.Although he looked down upon the obsequiousness of the person in front of him, but he couldn't help him to do things!If I can really visit Ji Xiaoyan from time to time in the future, I feel that this Li Xiangyu in front of me can still give him a smile...
"Of course it's true! Sixth Young Master!" Li Xiangyu ignored Yu Muqing, who was staring at him with an angry face, and said to the stranger with a smile, "It's just that, when the time comes, Sixth Young Master might not be able to enter again." They came from here. As you know, our entire laboratory is very important. When Miss Ji Xiaoyan stays here, the environment is not only clean but also much safer... Therefore, if the door is not opened here, it will naturally not be opened again. So , if you want to come and see Miss Ji Xiaoyan, Master Six, then you can only stay in those few rooms..."

The strangers looked at the direction Li Xiangyu was pointing at. What he was talking about was the room behind the glass walls in the laboratory!It is also the place where Li Xiangyu promised Yu Qisi and the others to stay...
The stranger who had never met before took a deep look at Li Xiangyu, and then suddenly smiled after a while.I thought that the person in front of me was so flattering and promised so well that he would definitely be arranged for him to visit Ji Xiaoyan in the laboratory, but he really didn't expect that he was talking about those rooms.Think about it, Yu Qisi and the others were all agreed to stay where he agreed, but he came to see Ji Xiaoyan, wouldn't that be the same easy thing?This Li Xiangyu is interesting!It sounds like it's giving him a lot of face, allowing him to come and see Ji Xiaoyan, but it turns out... Hehehe, it's just an extra seat beside Yu Qisi and the others! !
No matter what, he did not violate their identity and responsibilities as a researcher! !
Thinking of this, the stranger looked at Li Xiangyu and said: "Since Mr. Li has said so, then I naturally have to abide by the rules here... But, I still hope that you can take good care of Xiaoyan... If she You can come back from the game, if you say something is not good at that time, Mr. Li, don’t blame me for coming to trouble you!!”

All in all, this Li Xiangyu speaks much better than Yu Muqing, Yu Muqing just told him the rules rigidly, but this Li Xiangyu is quite slippery.He is willing to give him this face...

Miss Ji Xiaoyan is already destined to stay here, no matter how helpless she is for strangers, it is impossible to use her body willfully!If it takes a month or a year to update the game, would he just let Ji Xiaoyan's body in the game cabin without protective fluid and then have an accident?

As for the fact that he actually entered the game in the future, after meeting Ji Xiaoyan and asking her opinion, if she wanted to scold him for hating him, he had no other choice...

Thinking of this, the strangers closed their eyes bitterly, then looked at Li Xiangyu and asked, "I have a question and I would like to ask you. I wonder if Mr. Li can tell you how long the game will be upgraded?"

Li Xiangyu's smiling face froze instantly after hearing the words he had never met.

The game upgrade is not something they have done, so what they are most afraid of now is that someone will ask this question!The main brain light has not responded to their calls until now, and they have no way of predicting what kind of changes the game will have... The whole experiment has a feeling that it is out of their grasp...
"Old Li?" The stranger looked suspiciously at Li Xiangyu and called out.

"Hehe.... quite interesting, Sixth Young Master, I was a little distracted just now..." Li Xiangyu said haha, smiled at the stranger, and said: "Speaking of which, Miss Ji Xiaoyan here Everything has been arranged, let's not bother them to clean up the laboratory, and then seal it up? Sixth Young Master, you also know that this experiment is afraid of accidents. Our researchers here cleaned up the place as soon as possible, and then put If the laboratory is sealed well, it can also reduce some things such as the growth of bacteria, right? Look... Shall we leave here first?"

The stranger frowned, and turned to look at Ji Xiaoyan's game cabin.

"Well! Let's go and see Xiaoyan, and then go out!" The stranger nodded, said something to Li Xiangyu, then looked at Yu Qisi and Lu Wu and said, "Let's go, let's go there together... "Look at her again...

Li Xiangyu glanced at Yu Muqing quite proudly, and seeing his depressed face, he hooked his lips, turned around and whispered to the researchers behind him for a while, then looked at the housekeeper whom he had never met before and said : "Everyone, do you think I should go out first and wait? After the Sixth Young Master and the others go out in a while, we will arrange for someone to clean up the place."

The butler glanced at the stranger who had already walked to the game room and stared at Ji Xiaoyan, nodded after thinking about it, stopped all the men in military uniform who were still in the laboratory, walked out of the laboratory, and stood obediently outside the door wait.

Li Xiangyu nodded towards the housekeeper and the others in satisfaction, then walked to Yu Muqing's side, and said to Yu Muqing: "Old Yu, you have been delayed a lot in going to Longcheng this time. There is such a big problem in the game. But you are not here. Later, you have to talk about this matter properly!"

Yu Muqing looked at Li Xiangyu, and asked after a few seconds: "Old Li, what do you mean by that?"

"What can I mean? Old Yu, what I said is literally! You don't know, this time the matter with the mastermind is completely beyond our expectations. The one who made the initial agreement with the mastermind Man, we haven't found out who it is until now. Then this upgrade happened, and you took someone away again, saying that you were looking for this girl Ji Xiaoyan. In the end, how long did you delay? Many people above have some doubts, but you are not here at this juncture, is there something wrong with you?" Li Xiangyu squinted his eyes and stared at Yu Muqing, as if he wanted to see something from his face. He just watched for a long time, He also saw Yu Muqing's eyes wide open, staring at him angrily, so Li Xiangyu thought for a while, then smiled and continued: "Of course, Lao Yu, don't blame me, this is from above." Meaning. As you know, we researchers are just doing research, and many things still need to be decided by those investors and the federal government. The time you left this time is not right, so don’t blame the higher authorities for letting you Say it."

"What you mean is that you suspect that I have done something wrong?" Yu Muqing widened his eyes, looked at Li Xiangyu and asked, "Old Li, don't be too obvious about your faction's suppression."

"Old Yu, what are you talking about!" Li Xiangyu said unhappily when he heard Yu Muqing's words: "It's just that sometimes we have some disagreements in the direction and goal of our research. Where did the faction come from! Yu, it’s not that you can’t talk nonsense! We are all one.”

Yu Muqing looked surprised, and looked at Li Xiangyu as if looking at a stranger. When did this person change?When did he talk so well?The faction problem among their researchers, isn't it caused by him?Could it be that during his absence in Yuncheng, he didn't know what happened unexpectedly?
"Why are you so surprised?" Li Xiangyu looked unhappy, glared at Yu Muqing, and then said in a low voice: "Old Yu, no matter what, we are all on the same front. What we pursue all our lives is the success of this experiment. Right? So, you have to remember that no matter what opinions we have different opinions, it is our internal matter, we are all one, you know? When you go back to talk to you, you have to keep this in mind .You can't let the people above know about our internal affairs, otherwise we can't continue this experiment. Do you understand?"

Yu Muqing squinted his eyes, and finally came to his senses: "I see! Are you afraid that they will know that we are divided internally and stop this experiment?"

Li Xiangyu took a deep look at Yu Muqing, saw the slight ironic smile on his face, straightened his back immediately, and said seriously: "Do you have the heart to watch this experiment be stopped? Will there be experimental data available?"

Yu Muqing did not answer.

Li Xiangyu continued: "Old Yu, it's different now. We didn't expect what the mastermind caused this time, and we haven't worked out any good solutions until now. The higher-ups have already said hello several times. Next time, let's talk about the situation, but I refused on the pretext that we are too busy and are in a hurry to process the experimental data. So none of us researchers have ever gone out. But, you are different, When the accident happened, you were not here. Therefore, the above will definitely use this reason, saying that you have no time to receive data, as an excuse to ask you to ask questions. If at this time, you make them aware of our entire group Internal problems, then, this experiment is very likely to cause trouble. It is not impossible to stop it, do you understand?"

Yu Muqing frowned, looked at Li Xiangyu seriously, and after a while, said in a low voice: "I know how to do it."

Li Xiangyu nodded in satisfaction, then reached out and patted Yu Muqing on the shoulder, and said to him: "No matter how we fought before, we all have the same goal, and we all hope that this experiment will succeed. Keep up the good work!"

This time, Yu Muqing did not respond.

He didn't think he, Li Xiangyu and the others had any good cooperation.Of course, in terms of academics and experiments, they can cooperate, but in other aspects, such as the ultimate goal of the experiment, they are definitely not on the same path.What Li Xiangyu wants is to control all mankind and wants power; what he wants is a new world!Now, the optical brain has started
Thinking of this, Yu Muqing couldn't help but sneered at Li Xiangyu in his heart, he suspected him, but there was no evidence!He was indeed involved in this matter, what a pity!After the teacher is gone, no one will know this secret will follow him to the grave.
No matter how reluctant Yu Qisi, Lu Wu and strangers were, they finally left the game room where Ji Xiaoyan was lying, red-eyed, followed Li Xiangyu and the others out of the laboratory, watching some researchers in isolation suits Ji Xiaoyan put a huge glass cover on the top of Ji Xiaoyan's game room, and then swept the rest of the laboratory with professional instruments. After that, the doors of the laboratory began to be disinfected one by one, and then closed.
"Master Six, do you want to go to the observation room?" Li Xiangyu looked at the strangers who had been staring closely at the closed doors, thought for a while, and said to him with a smile, After talking to him, he said: "It's the room behind the glass in the laboratory where you can see the situation inside."

The strangers nodded, and followed Li Xiangyu with a large group of men in military uniform.

This man Li Xiangyu is really smart, I'm afraid he won't be at ease
The strangers thought secretly in their hearts, and finally smiled.No matter what Li Xiangyu wants to do from him, or what he wants to do, what he has to admit is that he has indeed achieved what he wants!Compared with Yu Muqing, who was imprisoned by him for a long time in Longcheng, but still handled things a little rigidly, this Li Xiangyu is indeed better.
However, the only helpless thing for strangers now is that they don’t know how long it will take for the game to be updated before he can see Ji Xiaoyan. He is very worried whether she will be angry, so he just sent her body to this laboratory. .
 PS: Thanks to "Ni Yun" for the pink ticket! . By the way, tomorrow is Qianqian's birthday!Can it be discontinued?Ha ha ha ha! ! !Please bless! !Another year old! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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