Chapter 1343 Sadness
The stars move, time flies.

No matter how the players complain, how urgent.The update of the game still took a full three months.
Strangers and others started to prepare after knowing that the game was updated and was about to be launched.Because no one in the game company can say what the game will look like after the details, so many players are looking forward to it. Similarly, there are also many players who have been watching with cold eyes.
In the summer of 1013 in the new era, [Revelation] The game was updated and opened again.

This time the game update really surprised all the players a little at the beginning, and then broke out for a long time of dissatisfaction, kept posting complaints on the game forum or continuing to call the previous customer service calls, I want the game company to give an explanation, but no matter how the players complain, the game company has never responded.The so-called mastermind-controlled game without customer service that was regarded as a means of propaganda by the players at the beginning, only after the update was completed and running for a few days did the players realize that all of this is true.

The current game is an independent game controlled by the main brain, and no one can intervene
And, most importantly, the current game is really different from the previous one.

After the game was updated, I opened my eyes in the game without knowing each other for the first time, and saw the window in the room of the Baizhiwu village. At this moment, a lot of dazzling sunlight was projecting in. The person who was locked here with him at the beginning Other players are not online yet!
"The Lord God said that those adventurers have been allowed to appear in our world. Go and see, are those adventurers who were locked inside still there?" A deep male voice sounded faintly, and after a few seconds, Su When I didn't know each other, I saw the door of the room opened with a babble, and an NPC man turned his back to the sun, seemed to glance at him, then turned and said to the back: "Master Village Chief, an adventurer has appeared."

"Then bring him out and send him down the mountain immediately." The man who should be the village chief said in a low voice, "It just so happens that you can go down the mountain too. This little Qi'er has been down the mountain for a long time, and there is no news yet. When I came back, I don’t know if something happened outside. You just happened to take this adventurer, and while taking him out, you just happened to look for Xiao Qi’er.”

"Yes, Lord Village Chief!" The man standing at the door nodded, walked directly into the house, stood in front of the stranger who was still in a daze, and said to him: "Adventurer, hurry up, we will take you now!" Go down the mountain."

The stranger frowned, glanced at the still empty room around him, and said, "I still have companions who haven't come yet, I'm not going down the mountain, I'm going up the mountain!!"

"Up the mountain? What are you going up the mountain for?" The man frowned, looked at the stranger with displeasure and said, "The mountain god has closed the mountain, so you can't go up. Besides, our mountain god is not your adventurer." Those who meet will see each other. Hurry up, we will go down the mountain now"

Hearing the words, the strangers looked at the NPC man in surprise, and then asked, "You said the mountain was closed? If the mountain god can't see you, what will the people on the mountain do?"

"What people on the mountain? There is no one there, Lord Mountain God." The NPC man said impatiently to the stranger.

"You mean, have all the people on the mountain come down? Where are they all? Are they all in the village?" The stranger asked in surprise.Could it be that Ji Xiaoyan has come down from the mountain?So, did Flying Leaves come down with them, in the village?
"In our village, you are the only adventurers who have nothing to do." The NPC man looked impatient, and said to the stranger: "Okay, okay, you adventurer, don't ask Dongwen here. Xi, these are none of your business, although we were the ones who caught you here at the beginning, but under the circumstances at that time, it was our utmost benevolence to let you stay here for so long, so you now Outsiders should leave too."

"Then what about my companions?" asked the stranger, frowning.

"Of course they will be sent down the mountain when they show up, just like you!" The NPC man said to the stranger, and then stretched out his hand to pull him. After seeing him dodging, he immediately said displeasedly: " Adventurer, you can't stay here any longer. You must leave now"

"Then I'll ask another question, please tell me." The stranger looked at the NPC man seriously, and then said, "I just want to know, have those people who went up the mountain already gone down?"

"The person who went up the mountain?" The NPC man frowned, and after a while, he realized it, and asked the stranger: "You mean the adventurer with a giant beast? Come to the mountain god the one from?"

The strangers nodded.Miss Ji Xiaoyan has a pet, Jiajia's body is very big.
"They should have left a long time ago." The NPC man said calmly to the stranger: "After the Lord God issued the ban, no one dared to leave the house and stayed in the house or in the village. Later, after the ban was lifted, the mountain god said to seal the mountain, no one will exist on it, so...there will be no one on the mountain. The adventurer you mentioned should have left long ago."

"Then where will they go? Will they pass through your village?" The stranger asked urgently.

"I don't know about this." The NPC man shook his head, looked at the stranger with extreme displeasure, and said, "Okay, adventurer, I've told you everything you want to know, and now you have to leave with me .”

The strangers were silent for a few seconds, then nodded, followed the NPC man all the way out of the house, and then went to the center of the village, watching the NPCs of the White Mist clan start the tedious process of seeing them off
As a result, the send-off process was not over yet, and I saw a few NPCs from the White Mist tribe appearing on the square with a person, and I saw that it was Diablo who had wandered away.

"Why are you here?" Nightmare Foil Wandering was obviously surprised, he had no idea that they met in this village instead of meeting each other on the way up the mountain.

It's also surprising that I don't know each other before.

During the period when the game was updated, Nightmare Foil Wandering contacted him, but only a few times, and the two sides never met the right time to really talk.Afterwards, the strangers have always been busy with things, busy sending Ji Xiaoyan to Yuncheng, busy staying in Yuncheng, carefully observing how those game researchers treat Ji Xiaoyan, and finally when they heard that the game update is almost over They have never met each other before, and finally took their minds away from those game researchers, began to pay attention to the game, and waited for the moment to see Ji Xiaoyan in the game.
It's just that he didn't expect at all that he didn't see Ji Xiaoyan, but he suddenly saw Yan Foil Displaced.

"I was arrested before the update." The stranger replied to Yan Foil Wandering, and then asked: "What about you? We were locked in the room over there, didn't we see you?"

"I found it myself." Yanfoil Liuliu said to the stranger, "So, we are not locked up in the village, and we can walk around freely." After a pause, Yanfoililai looked at Su with expectancy. The stranger asked: "I contacted you several times after I left the game, but I couldn't find you every time. Do you have any news about Xiaoyan? How is she now? I was banned by the NPC just before I quit the game. I can’t send messages to anyone, and the ban on talking is now lifted. I originally wanted to send a message to Flying Leaves to ask about the situation, but there is no option to contact friends to send messages in my menu.”

It was only then that I thought of the reminder from the stranger who had never met before.

After Falling Leaves Flying Flying logged out of the game, he told him that he logged off at the top of the mountain, but Ji Xiaoyan should be fine and successfully entered the game.After the game was updated, if there is no accident, the information that the NPCs of the White Mist clan said that there is no one on the top of the mountain is actually wrong.
After Falling Leaves flew online, it must still be on the top of the mountain.

So, can they directly send a message to Luoye Fenfei, asking him to ask the so-called mountain god, if Ji Xiaoyan and the others went down the mountain, where did they go?By the way, when did you leave?
Thinking of this, the stranger hurriedly lowered his head and called out the character friend panel, but after flipping through it, he found that something was different.

There is an option box for sending messages behind the previous friend list. Players can click directly and choose whether to send a flying sign, a flying pigeon to send a letter, or a video call.As long as there is a flying sign in the package, you can directly send the flying sign message in the same city, or buy Feige directly at the post station, and then send Feige a letter. As for the video call, it is even simpler, just select it directly, and then go out at one click .But now, there is no option box in the friend panel except for the name of the friend
"Liaoli, you just said that you were banned by NPC, so you can't send messages to others now?" The stranger raised his head, looked at Yanfoil and asked Liuliu.

"Yeah!" Yan Foil Liuli nodded, and then said: "I was banned when I went up the mountain, otherwise I would have sent you a message, and now I can't even use video calls."

The stranger bowed his head, checked his friend box again, and his face became serious.

"What's the matter, vegetarian?" Yan Foil Liuliu looked at the stranger and asked.He could see that the stranger's expression was not very good, as if some bad news was about to appear
"I seem to be the same as you. I was banned." The stranger, with a dark face, was silent for several seconds, and said to Yan Foil Liuliu: "All my friends have no options behind you. You are forbidden to speak." How long? Or, when will it end? Is there a countdown? Or can you just find a certain NPC to release it?"

Yan Foil Liuliu looked obviously surprised, looked at the stranger and asked, "Don't you know when you were banned? No, why are you also banned?"

"I don't know either!" The stranger shook his head, and then said to Yan Foil, "I haven't received any system messages at all." Foil drifted and asked: "You just went online, right? Have you received the system notification of going online? I remember that I didn't see anything when I opened my eyes."

Nightmare Foil was startled, and immediately began to silently read the system options together with the strangers.As a result, the same character system information as before appeared in front of my eyes, but the welcome words that appeared before when I went online were gone!The chat window below the system box is also gone.
"What's going on?" The stranger was stunned.

Yan Foil drifted silently, bowed his head and started tinkering. After turning around for a long time, he took a deep breath, then looked at the stranger and said, "Vegetarian food. Did you lose some things before?"

The stranger nodded, and then said: "The skill upgrade box, the progress bar, etc. are all gone." After a pause, the stranger continued: "The most important thing is that the previous letter receiving box is also gone. .”

Yan Foil Liuli took a deep breath, looked at each other several times with the stranger, and then said: "I have a bold guess."

"Say!" The strangers had a very bad premonition.

"I don't think it's because I was banned, or you were also banned." Yan Foil Liao frowned, and said to the stranger: "I was banned at the beginning, and this kind of inability After contacting anyone, I have read it carefully. I can receive other people's messages, but I can't reply. Therefore, there should be a letter acceptance box, and the previous messages are all stored in it Yes. But now there is nothing. The most important thing is that not only I am like this, but you are also like this. Then this can show that this is not just me, maybe everyone Appeared. So, that is to say, this is the tip of the iceberg after the game update”

"Now there are only two of us here, and what you said can't be proved." The stranger said with a frown.

"Then we'll have to wait until the third player shows up to prove it." Nightmare Foil Wandering still frowned, and said to the stranger, "Otherwise, I'll go offline and ask other people?"

The strangers glanced at the several NPCs of the White Mist clan who were walking towards them after the farewell ceremony, frowned, and said to Nightmare Foil: "Forget it, go offline once and for all. It also delays time. Besides, it is impossible for us to stay here now. I think we have to go down the mountain immediately. Go to Mochen Town to see the situation first. "

 PS: Thank you for the blessings of "DADA Reading" and "Dark Shadow". I also thank the children's shoes in the group for their blessings. Thinking about it, it is also a sad birthday. Only a few of you have the blessings. Does this mean that you don't want to update it? No one cares about Qianqian's reason?
(End of this chapter)

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