The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1344 is different

Chapter 1344 is different

Because thinking about all the problems, after arriving in Mochen Town, they will definitely be able to understand when they meet other players.Therefore, after reaching a tacit understanding, the strangers and the Diabolic Wandering silently bid farewell to the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and other villagers, then left the village and went all the way down the mountain.
However, after walking for a while, they encountered another team of NPCs, the NPCs of the Black Mist Clan.It was at this time that Yan Foil and the strangers discovered that something was not quite right.

"This is the NPC of the Black Mist Clan?" Nightmare Foil Wandering frowned, because he was guided to the village of the White Mist Clan by the map of Xiao Qier of the White Mist Clan, and he was treated politely at that time , can move freely in the village, so he clearly remembers that when he entered the village of the White Mist tribe with the uncatchable Lily, each NPC had a white Mist tribe on its head. The title of the villagers, but now, whether it is the NPC of the White Mist Clan or the Black Mist Clan, there is nothing on their heads, and they will almost think that they are in the real world.
"Didn't those NPCs talk about it just now?" The stranger looked at Yan Foil Liliu with some confusion and said.To be honest, if possible, he doesn't look like wandering with Nightmare Foil at all.At the beginning, he was willing to cooperate with Yanfoil, because he was trapped in Qingcheng and couldn't get out, so he wanted to let Yanfoil come to Mochen Town to find Ji Xiaoyan.In the end, what was unexpected was that Yan Foil wandered around and wasted so much time, and just came to the same position as him
Nightmare Foil Liuli had no idea what the stranger was thinking. Seeing him frowning, he thought he was just a little puzzled. Why would he ask such a question? He said to him: "I clearly remember that when I entered the village of the White Mist Tribe, although I didn't know the name of each NPC, I could see 'White Mist Villagers' on their heads. This title. When I first entered the game and saw you, I went to talk to you. I didn’t pay much attention, but now I see a problem. The titles on the heads of these NPCs are gone.”

Hearing Yan Foil Liuliu's words, even strangers discovered the problem.

"Is it because they all hid their names?" The stranger asked with some speculation.Generally speaking, the name or title of the NPC cannot be seen in the game. There are several situations. The first is that the NPC is hidden by itself, but in this case, only advanced intelligent NPCs can be used; the second situation is This NPC is a special NPC, and the name of this NPC can only be seen after the player talks to him or completes a certain task given by him, and becomes familiar with him; the third situation is that what the player sees is only a paragraph The development of the plot of the fixed scene, the NPCs in this plot will not have any names and titles.Because no one knows what role they will play in the scene and in the future mission story.
"Do you think it's possible?" Yan Foil Liuliu looked at the stranger and asked back. Seeing that he didn't speak, he sighed and said, "I think this may be an updated problem."

"Game update?" The stranger frowned, looked at his system message, there was still nothing on it.If it was in the past, when they go online, there will be a system notification that the game update is complete, please continue to enjoy the game life and other system messages.Even if they go offline and go online in the future, they can read the information
But now there is nothing
Is it really the reason for the game update?

"Could it be that there is something wrong with the game update, so these errors appear?" The stranger asked, frowning and looking at Nightmare Foil.To be honest, when he said this, he himself couldn't believe it!What kind of game is this!So many game researchers and senior scholars are involved in the game, will this kind of error occur?Not to mention that the game has now been handed over to the mastermind to run and manage it.

There will be no problems with that high-level mastermind.If there was a problem, those game researchers would have jumped out a long time ago!

Therefore, the only explanation is that after the game is updated, all the NPCs in the game hide the names and titles that should have been displayed on the top of their heads for the players to see.
Yan Foil Liuli glanced at the strangers, smiled and signaled that they would know when they went down the mountain to have a look, and then said nothing more.

After the NPCs of the Black Mist Clan and the NPCs of the White Mist Clan met, they fought with each other for a few words and finally went down the mountain together one after the other and arrived at Mochen Town.No matter how vindictive they are usually, they are not going all the way with the villagers of Mochen Town at the foot of the mountain. When they get to the foot of the mountain, they are a group of Wu people
Beside the path at the foot of the mountain, many NPC villagers from Mochen Town are gathering there, and they don't know how long they have been waiting.When they saw the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan, their eyes lit up with excitement, they rubbed their hands together and greeted them impatiently.

"Brothers of the Wu tribe, are you going to travel? Have you brought enough things? We, the mayor, have prepared a lot of things for you. Do you want to go and have a look?" Several villagers directly asked Surrounded up, stopped a few NPCs of the White Mist and Black Mist tribes, and said directly.

"No need." A leading man of the Baizhiwu tribe glanced at the villagers lightly, and said to them: "When the Lord Mountain God opened the enchantment, I remember that you all went up the mountain to look for it? Our West Mountain There is nothing on the earth that you need, so we will not have it. We are not blessed to enjoy the things you have prepared. Everyone, if there is nothing, we will continue on our way."

The villagers of Mochen Town looked at each other, and their faces suddenly became a little unhappy.

Yes, when the enchantment of Xishan was opened, almost all the villagers in the town rushed to Xishan to hunt for treasures, thinking that they would definitely find some valuable and rare treasures from the mountain.In the end, who knows, they searched and searched on the mountain, but they didn't find anything of value at all.Later, Lord God issued a ban, and all the people in the town came back, and stayed until the ban was lifted, and then formed a team to go to Xishan for several laps, but finally found nothing
Later, everyone guessed that all the treasures on the West Mountain were probably hidden by the natives on these mountains, the guys from the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan.Thinking that after the ban is lifted, they will all come down from the West Mountain to travel outside, so this is why they prepare some things for travel, and prepare to exchange treasures with the villagers of the White and Black Mists.

However, what the NPC villagers in Mochen Town did not expect was that people from the White and Black Mist tribes would not give them a chance at all.
"Brothers on the mountain, you don't even know what it looks like outside now. The things we prepared for you are all necessary items! If you don't take them, what kind of punishment will you suffer if you go out? How sad will your neighbors down the mountain be when they hear the news?" A villager who is obviously of high quality heard the rejection from the NPC of the Baizhiwu clan, the expression on his face did not change at all, and he just smiled and said The face is for your own good, and I said as if I was planning for you.

The NPC of the White Mist Clan didn't appreciate it at all, and said no, then turned to the others and said, "Let's go. Give those two adventurers to them."

When the NPCs in Mo Chenzhen heard this, they immediately turned their gazes to the stranger and Yan Foil's wandering body, and the eyes that were a little disappointed just now became brighter in an instant.

"Where did these two adventurers come from?" a villager asked with obvious interest.You know, when the enchantment of Xishan was not opened, they caught many adventurers in the town, and made a small fortune by the way. Now, it has been so long since the Lord God's ban was lifted, this Finally, two adventurers appeared. They didn't blackmail them, so they could easily let them go?

Thinking of this, all the NPC villagers in Mochen Town were excited.

Seeing this, the strangers immediately looked at the NPC villager who was the leader of the Baizhiwu clan and said, "Brother, we have nothing to do in Mochen Town. Aren't you going to travel? We just want to leave here too , it’s better to just drop in, by the way, we’re fairly familiar with the outside world, so if we’re not sure, we can show you the way.”

"Yeah, yeah!" Nightmare Foil also came to his senses, and quickly said to the NPC of the White Mist Clan: "When I came to your village with my companions, I also had friendship with a villager in your village, and listened to his advice. Only then can you find your village. Speaking of which, if you want to find him, I can still show you the way."

"Are you talking about Xiao Qi'er?" The leading man of the Baizhiwu Clan immediately narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard Yan Foil's words, looked at him and asked, "Do you know where Xiao Qi'er has gone?"

"I know, I know." Yan Foil Liuliu nodded quickly.He really didn't want them to fall into the hands of the NPC villagers in Mochen Town.Didn't they know what kind of virtue they were like back then?Not to mention that these villagers are really as he guessed, they don't even have titles on their heads. Who knows if these villagers will be the same as before after the game is updated, or will they be more terrifying than before?

Therefore, the most important thing is to follow the people of the Baizhiwu tribe and get out of here as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Yan Foil Liuli immediately turned his head and glanced at the stranger, just in time to see him frowning and looking at himself.Thinking about it, even strangers feel that after the game is updated, there are many things that are different.
The men of the White Mist Clan took a deep look at Nightmare Foil Wandering, and then turned to the residents of Mochen Town and said, "You heard me too, we have two adventurers here who can be guides, and Don't bother everyone. It's getting late now, and we have to hurry, so I won't bother you." After finishing speaking, the man of the White Mist Clan directly glanced at the man who led the Black Mist Clan, and saw him He didn't have any objections, so he turned around and said to Yan Foil and the stranger, "Let's go!"

Nightmare Foil Liuli nodded, put all the doubts in his heart to the bottom of his heart, then lowered his head, followed the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan, passed the residents of Mochen Town, and walked towards the teleportation array.

I thought that according to the development of this plot, they should be able to sit in the teleportation formation in Mochen Town smoothly, and then leave directly.Unfortunately, things backfired!

Nightmare foil wandering and strangers, their group of players and NPCs walked not far from the foot of the west mountain, and found that the NPC villagers who had stopped them just now had caught up with them, and then sent them to them again before the teleportation formation. stopped.This time, the attitude of the villagers is not as "kind" as at the foot of the mountain
"Everyone, what do you mean?" The leader of the Black Mist Clan is a thin man, but judging by his aura, he is not easy to bully.After seeing the villagers of Mochen Town stop them again, the thin man suddenly took a step forward with an expression of displeasure, then looked at the villagers, and asked: "Everyone just don't know what to do?" What are you planning to let us leave Mochen Town?"

"Hehehe, everyone on the west mountain, what are you talking about? We are the friendliest neighbors!" A villager stared at the thin man with a hint of malice and smiled, then said: "It's just that we thought about it. It took so many years for everyone to go down the mountain once. It's hard to meet you. Speaking of which, we are all villagers in Mochen Town, and we must do our best to be landlords. Please go home Sit for a while, and then send you away. How can you let you go away like this? If our mayor finds out later, he will scold us for being ignorant?"

"So?" The thin man narrowed his eyes, held back his anger, and asked the villager.

"So? Hahaha." The villagers turned their heads and looked at each other and smiled with their companions, and then said with certainty: "So, we just want to invite everyone to stay at our house for a night and have a good rest. Tomorrow morning Let's go on the road again. Look, everyone, how are you doing?"

"What if we don't go?" The thin man of the Black Mist Clan asked with a sullen face, clenched his fists and stared at the villager.

"Aren't you going? That's not okay!" The villager in Mochen Town put away the smile on his face, and said with a hint of ruthlessness: "You see, we have invited you all kindly. If you don't go, then Save our face! No matter where you put it and talk about it later, it’s not too good, isn’t it?”

(End of this chapter)

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