Chapter 1345 NPCs
Nightmare Foil drifted away wondering if these NPC residents of Mochen Town had such faces. They only faced adventurers like them in the past, so they didn't see it at all; That's why these people from Mochen Town showed their true colors
It's just that, no matter what kind of character and face these NPCs look like, it's none of their business for the wandering and strangers.Unless, they can directly rush out of the encirclement of so many NPCs, run directly to the teleportation array, and then leave here. However, they don't have this strength right now, so all they can do is look at the two white mist Clan and the leader of the Black Mist Clan, let's see what happens to them.
"Are you going to force us to stay?" The NPC man from the Black Mist Clan's eyes flashed, and he looked at the villager in Mochen Town and asked, seeing that he just smiled at them with his lips curled up. , with an undeniable look on his face, after a while, he sneered and said: "Then what if we say we won't go? Are you still planning to use force with us?"

"Hehe, everyone." The villager sneered and looked at all the strangers, and then said: "You may have stayed on the mountain for too long, and the news is not very well-informed. On this point, we I don't blame you for understanding. But, don't think that our Mochen Town is so dilapidated now that all the villagers are still as powerless as before. In the past, it was because our mayor was too low-key, so we I'm also lazy to move. But, it's different now."

The lean man of the Black Mist Clan frowned and stared at the villager.He knew that the descent this time seemed to be different from what they had expected.
"We are still in a hurry to find someone, and we really don't have much time to waste here with you." The leader of the White Mist Clan pondered for a while, then looked up at the villager and said, "Just tell me what you want. As long as What we can give, we give to you. We just hope to leave as soon as possible"

Hearing this, the villagers who were still stern-faced immediately looked better, and smiled at the people of the Baizhiwu clan and said with a smile: "Listen, listen, there are still sensible people among you. Isn't it? Speaking of which, we are also considered neighbors, if this is really embarrassing, it will not be easy to communicate in the future, right?"

The thin man of the Black Mist Clan stared at the villager with an ugly face, and said, "Just say what you want. If you really care about your neighbors, you won't be here. stopped us for the first time."

The villager didn't get angry at all because of what the man from the Black Mist Clan said, but looked directly at the people from the White Mist Clan and said, "Actually, we really prepared something for everyone. Since you are all willing to exchange, Then let's ask someone to bring the things here first, and we're embarrassed to ask for your things for nothing, aren't we?" After speaking, the villager turned his head with a smile and told someone to run away, and then rubbed his hands and looked at Bai Zhi Those of the Wu Clan said: "As for what you exchange with, we don't care, you can do whatever you want. As long as you are right with our neighbors, it will be fine!"

The stranger looked at the thick-skinned and shameless NPC villager in Mochen Town in surprise.He really didn't expect that the villagers in this game could have such personalities.
More importantly, there is no title or name on this villager's head!If this was done before, a name different from other villagers would definitely appear on his head, so that players like them can easily notice that if his current name is gone, it will be inconvenient for them to recognize anyone
The two leaders of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan also glanced at each other, probably a little speechless at the shamelessness of this villager.However, they didn't want to make something happen as soon as they got off the mountain.According to the idea of ​​the thin man of the Black Mist Clan, he doesn't mind making a move, at least he can directly suppress the people of Mochen Town, so that the clansmen who come down the mountain in the future don't have to be coerced or fooled by them. .However, looking back and thinking about it again, one more thing is worse than one less thing. The villagers in Mochen Town in front of them have already put on an appearance that they must let them leave something before letting them go. If they really do something, they I think I can leave safely, but what about the guys of the White Mist Clan who are not as skilled as them?

Turning back to the people of the Baizhiwu clan who were injured again, the head of the clan knew about it, so it’s no wonder that they didn’t abide by the agreement between the two clans, and the family motto of going down the mountain is a family, and they want to support each other?
Seeing that the guys from the White Mist Clan had settled the matter, all the members of the Black Mist Clan shut up and looked at them eagerly.I hope that those guys from the White Mist Clan can find something, let the villagers hold it and let them go
However, after staring at each other for a few seconds, the man of the White Mist Clan said, "See if you have anything there that you can give to them?"

"Didn't you give it to me?" The thin man of the Black Mist Clan blinked his eyes and asked innocently.

"Why did we give it? We are going to leave together?" The man of the Baizhiwu clan frowned, and glanced at the villagers of Mochen town who were watching them with a smile in their eyes. Then he stretched out his hand to grab the thin man of the Black Mist Clan, pulled him aside, and said to him in a low voice: "Just now I lowered my figure to negotiate with them, now something happened , it should be your turn."

"Why? It's not the only thing that wants to leave here!" The thin man of the Black Mist clan quit immediately, and directly patted the hand of the man of the White Mist clan away reluctantly, and then said to him: "Want to leave here?" Yes, half of our family." After a pause, the thin man continued in a low voice: "You can't give them too many things. Don't forget, we still need a lot of things when we travel. Don't be naive. I really thought they could bring us some good things to exchange for us. Also, our Black Mist Clan is not as rich as your White Mist Clan, and we don’t bring many things.”

The man from the White Mist Clan frowned, looking depressedly at the guy from the Black Mist Clan who was definitely stronger than himself in front of him, but he looked stingy and full of miserliness. After a while, he held back Say a sentence: "Then you take out the things first, and we will provide a copy according to yours. Is it all right?"

The thin man thought for a while, then nodded after a while, and then hesitantly rummaged through the bag for a long, long time, finally found a red grass with a distressed face, and pointed it at the white fog clan. The man said, "No, I heard from the clansmen that the people down the mountain just want to go to our mountain to find these herbs and other treasures, so I think it's not bad for us to give this to you. Have you brought it?"

The thin man raised his eyebrows, looked up at the man of the White Mist Clan, and saw that he rolled another eye towards him and found the same red grass, he was secretly relieved, and then He handed the red grass in his hand to the man from the Baizhiwu tribe, followed him back to the team, and stood in front of the villagers of Mochen Town.

"It seems that everyone has already discussed it." The villagers of Mochen Town looked at the two leading men of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan with a smile, and said to them: "It just so happens that we have prepared all the things for you. Alright, come on, take your things out and show them to everyone on the West Mountain.”

After finishing speaking, another villager brought out a bag, walked to the front with a smile, opened the bag, and said to the people of the White Mist and Black Mist tribes: "I know you are going to travel, we will prepare it for you." I bought some food that is always available outside now, as well as some ordinary clothes and a map. These things are very practical for you.”

Hearing the words, the lean man from the Black Mist Clan immediately glanced at the man from the White Mist Clan, and said in his heart: "Look, he knew that these people from Mochen Town wouldn't give them anything good."If they can prepare them some coins for the outside world, maybe he can change his mind.Just some food and common clothes, is there anyone in their group who is not prepared for going down the mountain?

These people in Mochen Town are really thick-skinned!To put it bluntly, they just took a bunch of things they had, and a map of some value to exchange for the good things of their clan. They really didn't feel guilty at all.
The leading man of the Baizhiwu tribe glanced at the villagers of Mochen Town, and glanced at the pocket, but he didn't intend to take a closer look, so he nodded and handed over the two red grasses in his hand. In the past, he said to the villagers of Mochen Town: "This is a very precious herb on our mountain, which can be made into a powerful healing medicine. It can be regarded as our gratitude to everyone for your hospitality."

When the villagers in Mochen Town heard this, they immediately beamed with joy.But their smiles froze on their faces when they saw the man of the White Mist Clan open his palms.

"Are you planning to send us away just by giving us two pieces of grass?" The villager who had been talking looked at the man from the Baizhiwu tribe with an extremely ugly expression, and stared at him fixedly and asked.

"This is a very precious herb!" The thin man of the Black Mist tribe said to the villager with a distressed face, "Don't look down on it."

The villager squinted at the thin man of the Black Mist Clan, and said, "We didn't mean to look down on him. It's just that, we think, you are looking down on us, right? We have prepared such a thing for you. There are many things, but look at you? Give us two grasses and we will be sent away? Do you really think that the people in Mochen Town are all fools or something? Precious herbs? Huh, no matter how precious What is the use of only two herbal medicines? The holy medicine for healing? How many holy medicines for healing can be made from just two small grasses?"

The man of the White Mist Clan looked at the herbs in his palm, with a very complicated expression on his face.

"If you really want to give it away, then you should also give us a small bag! How can such two herbs work?" The villager who kept talking raised his eyes and looked expectantly at the white mist. The man then said: "At least, you also want us to use these herbs to make some holy medicine for healing?"

"Yes, what you said makes sense!" The man from the White Mist Clan glanced at the lean man from the Black Mist Clan who was standing aside and kept rolling his eyes, and then smiled at the villagers of Mochen Town with his lips curled up. They said: "However, I think you may be a little unfamiliar with our herbs."

The men of the Baizhiwu tribe looked at the villagers of Mochen Town looking at themselves with doubts, straightened their backs, raised their chins and said to them: "Such a herbal medicine can at least make a large bottle of healing medicine." Holy medicine. The entire West Mountain will only produce about [-] of this thing every year. Therefore, we can’t get the amount of these two herbs that you want. If you think our sincerity is not enough, then we The exchange I just said is void." While speaking, the man from the White Mist Clan held the two red herbs, folded his palms together, and put the two herbs directly into his pocket. , and then after looking at the surprised eyes of the villagers in Mochen Town, he continued: "Everyone is right. Speaking of which, we are all neighbors, so we naturally want to be close and friendly. Didn't the mayor say that he wants to invite us?" Did you stay here for one night before leaving? Since everyone has kindly invited us, let's stay for one night, everyone, do you think we are going to see where we live now?"

When the residents of Mochen Town heard this, they immediately turned their eyes to the man who kept talking.I saw that man's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he rolled his eyes to stare at the man from the White Mist tribe. After a while, he suddenly smiled and said, "It's because we are too ignorant, brothers on the West Mountain. You have given us such sincerity, how can we not appreciate it! Just two, we will find an expensive box to pack right away. Aren’t you still in a hurry to find someone? Then don’t let us The town has been delayed, so it is better to leave early. When you are finished with your experience, we will definitely treat you well when you come back, as a landlord.”

The thin man of the Black Mist Clan sneered twice, turned his gaze to the man of the White Mist Clan, saw him and himself look at each other, and then said to the villager of Mochen Town: "Since you are all like this Said, then fine! When we come back, let’s talk again.”

The strangers and Yan Foil drifted away watching the contest between NPCs and NPCs. They didn't come back to their senses until they walked on Mo Chenzhen's teleportation. When will the smart NPCs in the game be like this? Philistine?

 PS: Thank you "Book Friends 150207193025958" for the peace talisman!Thank you "TEN" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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