The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1347 after update

Chapter 1347 after update

Players who entered the game after the game update, soon discovered something wrong with the whole game.

Many functions that players are familiar with are gone.

Normally, the system messages that can be seen after entering the game, the welcome interface of the game, etc. have disappeared; the attributes of weapons, equipment, etc. have also disappeared, and in the entire character panel, any more digital things have disappeared. , there is no attribute data, and there is no numerical display of the number of items in the package; the previous attributes, introductions, etc. of weapons and equipment have disappeared, and even the panels such as player skill information have disappeared.
These are still small problems. The most serious problem is that the players have gradually discovered that the instant messaging system of the entire game has disappeared. Communications such as flying signs, video calls, and regional calls have all disappeared, leaving only one The Flying Pigeon Pass Book that can only be used at the post station
Players are still observing more differences, but many players have also discovered the differences between NPCs.

Those NPCs who used to have such-and-such NPCs on their heads, or NPCs with such positions, after the game update, the names on the top of their heads disappeared, and the names and titles on the top of the players' heads, etc. Yes, they all disappeared. Many players searched all the interfaces they could see, but they couldn't find where their game name should be displayed. The whole game now feels like a game no longer. The feeling of entering another real world
Because, all the NPCs in the game are instantly vivid.

The NPCs in previous games were all so-called smart NPCs, and they all acted according to the actions designed by the game designers and masterminds. Many of the things they did every day were required to be done.For example, giving players missions and the like, as long as the players take out keywords or mission props, they will give missions and talk to players!But now everything has changed
Many players who still had quest clues before going offline, and who were going to get the quest after going online, found that the NPC who would keep asking him if he wanted to get the quest before the update didn't bother him at all.Even when they took the initiative to take out the quest props, uttered the key words, and strongly demanded to receive the quest, those NPCs ignored them at all.
The whole game, a lot of things are different
When a player went out of the city, stood outside the safe distance of the monster attack, and was about to wait for someone to form a team, but was attacked, many players discovered this.In the whole game, not only the NPCs are different, the players are different, even the monsters in the game are different from before
"Customer service, customer service! Why didn't anyone from the game company come out and explain?" Many players yelled directly in the forum and in the game.Unfortunately, no one came out to explain to them.

"The MD game is updated, what has been updated? Why hasn't anyone come out to explain it?" After the players realized that no one responded, they immediately opened a post on the forum, specifically sorting out a post that broke the news in different places after the game update. Breaking news post.

Then, players discovered a lot of cheating updates and changes.

Monsters in the wild no longer have any safe distance from the player.No matter what kind of monster it is, there will no longer be any red-named monsters actively attacking.All the monsters no longer have their names displayed, nor will they not attack the player within a certain distance. As long as the monsters in the wild see or hear the movement of players or other humans, they will start to attack, and , and will keep chasing and killing them across regions until the player runs away successfully, or is killed by one of the two parties.
Moreover, the monsters in the game also began to fight each other for territory, or other fights
NPCs no longer like to send quests to players.
"MD, how else can we play such a game?" After learning about this situation, many players sat cross-legged in the town, pointing at the sky, and yelling to whom, "The monsters outside even have names. It’s all gone, hidden in the grass, who can find it? And, where is our skill panel? Customer service, come out and explain it to us! Without skills, what can we do when we go out?”

"Go, go, go, this game is not worth playing, let's change to another game." Many players jumped and posted on the forum with great excitement.

"Upstairs, are you sent by the game company to attract customers?" Under the post, many people asked with disdain, "Can your game be the same as Qi?"

"MD, I have invested so much energy and time in this game, now let me change the game? Isn't this a joke? I have been here for so long, and I changed the game and started again? Do you think I am a fool? "Many players complained, "Customer service, you guys should come out and explain to us! How can we say that we are also old customers. After the update of your game, you just don't care about anything?"

"I don't believe that there is no customer service in any game. This must be some kind of conspiracy by the game company." Some players speculated on the forum.

It's just that no matter how lively the forum is, people from the game company have no way to respond to them.You must know that the game researchers at this moment are the ultimate managers of the entire game. They have not spoken, and no one dares to move!But the current game researchers don't have the time and mood to care about the players in the game. They are anxiously connecting to the main brain light at the moment, waiting for his response.
"Old Li, Guang will stop contacting us, right?" A researcher stood behind Li Xiangyu in a low voice and asked him worriedly.No wonder he thought so, ever since they received the notification that the game was updated, they have been waiting for the game to be officially launched, and then contacted Guang, asking him to help contact Miss Ji Xiaoyan and ask her if she would like to successfully enter the game Experiment with data, let the light shine on them!However, after they waited for so long, Guang did not respond to them!
Today the game updates players, allowing players to enter, they have been waiting, waiting for the light to appear
Li Xiangyu raised his brows, finally shook his head, and said, "I don't know about that anymore. The current light is no longer the original light. By the way, how is the situation in the game? It's all opened up." How long has it been? Has anyone from our side entered the game to watch it?"

The researcher behind Li Xiangyu shook his head, and then said: "The situation in the game is not very good."

"What's wrong?" Li Xiangyu turned to look at the researcher behind him in some surprise.He is a little curious, what is the difference in the game update?
"Just said that he wants to change the game into another world. He seems to have done it." The researcher lowered his head slightly and said something to Li Xiangyu. Seeing his eyes widen, he considered his words and continued: "All players in the game now can only see a character panel with their name written on it, the image of their game character and some other simple information, and some other panels that are not very useful. The rest of the panels and functions are all gone. And, all players, NPCs and monsters no longer display their names. Players’ activities in the game will be the same as we are in real life now, relying on their own observation.”

Li Xiangyu was stunned for a moment, unable to react for a while.

"Moreover, every NPC in the game is no longer restricted. All their thoughts and actions have freedom." The researcher thought for a while and continued: "Players who want to receive tasks can only Depending on luck, which NPC is in a good mood and will give it to them, they can get the task. There are many others, Mr. Li, I will not report to you in detail. After all, in the current game, apart from players being killed after entering Except for the resurrection of the teleportation array, everything else is different, so it’s already another world.”

"Do the players complain?" Li Xiangyu asked after a while.

The researcher glanced at him carefully, smacked his mouth with a bitter face, and said, "It should be said in the game that there is no one who doesn't complain."

Li Xiangyu pursed his lips as if he was constipated, turned his face back, and said nothing.
The researcher opened his mouth, but after thinking about it, he stopped talking.After all, he has already reported everything, and what to do next is not up to him to decide.Anyway, at the end of the day, the higher-ups will send them tasks and give them directions. They just need to follow them when the time comes!
The researchers who were waiting expectantly for the light to appear more or less heard what the researcher said, and the expressions on their faces were either depressed or nothing. No one can guess what anyone thinks about the things in the game. of.

The silent atmosphere didn't last long, the big light screen flickered for a moment, and then everyone finally saw the long-awaited face, and the main brain light appeared on the big screen.

"Are you looking for me?" Guang's face had been blurred for a long time. After scanning the researchers at the scene, he asked directly: "What's the matter, just tell me."

"Guang, what's the matter with the game update?" Li Xiangyu asked directly. After seeing Guang looking at him, he suddenly changed his words and said: "Forget it, we will talk about this matter later. You promised us back then, After the game is updated, go and ask Ji Xiaoyan for us, I don't know what Ji Xiaoyan's answer is about the test data?"

Everyone looked at Guang expectantly, hoping to get a satisfactory answer.

Back then, they sent someone into the game to find Ji Xiaoyan, and it was that Biluo Feisha.He managed to reach Mochen Town with great difficulty, but as a result, there was no news after that.After that, the game was updated again, and they had to wait for them to contact Biluofeisha several times, but they were told directly that the game was still being updated, and he had no chance to enter the game at all, and headed to the west mountain. So, finally counting on Biluofeisha, they It was a failure.

Now, the only thing we can count on is the light
However, the premise is that Guang is really willing to help them find Miss Ji Xiaoyan to agree.
"Ji Xiaoyan" seemed to have a smile on her blurred face, and then she said, "I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me. She has safely become a part of our world. Well, she seems to be in good spirits." Yes, just a little stupid"

Li Xiangyu frowned, and then said: "There is nothing to do if IQ is damaged."

Guang didn't respond, but continued to smile and said, "But I forgot to ask about the experiment for you. Since you want to know now, you just wait. I will go and ask her for you now."

"No need to waste time!" Li Xiangyu said directly to Guang: "Guang, why don't you just call her out? Let's just ask her."

Guang shook his head, and then said: "Old Li, our world is different now. Except for me, this abnormal situation will no longer occur in the whole world. So, either you come to our world by yourself Ask Ji Xiaoyan, or, wait for me to ask, and then tell you."

"What is an abnormal situation?" Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Mr. Li frowned and said displeasedly: "You can just call out her character? Isn't that what we do all the time? What's wrong?" normal now?"

Guang seemed to sneer, and then said: "I've said it all, our world is different now. All lifestyles are based on the data you gave me, and I did an analysis, referring to the lifestyles of your world. Revised and updated. So, our world is very real now. As a real world, the way of finding people like you mentioned can’t happen.”

All the game researchers looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.This light is just a master brain. When did it actually have human thoughts and creativity?
Is there really someone secretly pushing behind this?Could it be the one who signed the initial agreement with Guang?If yes, who exactly is that person?
Hearing Guang's words, Li Xiangyu almost yelled impulsively.However, before he had time to move, he heard Yu Muqing next to him say: "Okay, as long as you can help us her, it's fine, just, please tell her when you talk to Ji Xiaoyan, she We have well preserved and protected her body in our world, so that she doesn’t have to worry. As long as she is willing to agree to give us the experimental data for research, there is no problem for her to return to our world again in the future! We will do our best.”

He glanced at Yu Muqing expressionlessly, but didn't respond, and disappeared on the big screen after a while
(End of this chapter)

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