The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1348 Transformation

Chapter 1348 Transformation

The game designers in the real world are anxious but still have to wait for the news of the light honestly, not daring to act rashly.

Ji Xiaoyan in the game world can't be free at this moment.

At the beginning, Nimonsha and Cenarion fought for the position of Qingcheng Guardian Beast, and finally destroyed Miss Ji Xiaoyan's city lord's mansion. In the end, both giant dragons lost gold coins to Ji Xiaoyan.A few days later, Cenarion honestly flew to Ji Xiaoyan's ruined city lord's mansion to report, just as Nimengsha expected, and officially became Miss Ji Xiaoyan's exclusive mount.

For several nights, Ji Xiaoyan was too excited to fall asleep.I thought that I must ask Cenarion to carry her to the sky during the day, but the arrogant Cenarion refused directly on the grounds that she had nothing to do. Therefore, although Ji Xiaoyan had The giant dragon mount, but he can only watch helplessly, hoping that something will happen every day, and he has a fair reason to ride a dragon once.
After cleaning up the City Lord's Mansion, Lord Bessa actively designed a blueprint for the renovation of Ji Xiaoyan's City Lord's Mansion. Then, when Ji Xiaoyan and Chief Qing Gong hadn't studied it clearly, he gave it to Ji Xiaoyan. Added a blueprint design of the entire Qingcheng, and suggested that Ji Xiaoyan strengthen the defenses of Qingcheng, and then build teleportation arrays on the waters, so that if the city lords of other cities bring large troops to besiege Qingcheng in the future, at least they can Because of the placement of the teleportation array, at least it can be blocked, right?
Manager Qing Gong held the design blueprint given by Lord Bessa, locked himself in the room for three days and three nights, and then came out of the room with a look of excitement, and told Ji Xiaoyan that the gold coins in the treasure house of Qingcheng plus Nimensa and Senna For Leo's compensation, Qingcheng can be completely remodeled. So, after considering many aspects, Ji Xiaoyan watched helplessly as the treasure house of Qingcheng that should belong to her was emptied, and then the entire structure of Qingcheng changed extremely quickly. There was an earth-shaking change in speed.
In the current Qingcheng, apart from retaining the positions of a few mountain peaks, everything has changed, whether it is the City Lord's Mansion or the moat in Qingcheng.The current pattern design of the entire Qingcheng is basically built according to the drawings given by Master Bessa: the center of Qingcheng is still the City Lord's Mansion, but the City Lord's Mansion is directly isolated by a wide moat, leaving only four directions. There is a high bridge leading to the City Lord's Mansion.The end of the high bridge close to the city lord's mansion is connected by a retractable iron bridge plate. In case of emergency, the iron plate will be retracted directly to block all land attacks rushing towards the city lord's mansion.
In the very center of the City Lord's Mansion is a huge tower on which guards will be stationed for a long time.Below the tower is Cenarion's theoretical residence.Of course, this theoretical place is not where Cenarion usually lives, but just a waiting place for Ji Xiaoyan when he needs it.
The outer moat outside the City Lord's Mansion is a well-planned residential area.

Because there are Juli clan and Lusi'e clan living in Qingcheng now, during the renovation, Chief Qing Gong specially divided two lands for these two clans as their settlements.But at the beginning, I thought to trick Miss Ji Xiaoyan into keeping them, but in the end, because I didn't find a chance to speak, I stayed in Qingcheng. She hoped to get Miss Ji Xiaoyan to look at her differently, and then open her mouth to keep them.It turned out that the transformation of Qingcheng was successfully completed, but they were not received by the city lord again.
The Patriarch of the Osmanthus Clan has brought his own people to live in the territory of the Juli Clan. He has been looking forward to meeting Chief Qing Gong and asking him to take them to meet the City Lord. However, he has no idea that The people in the City Lord's Mansion are so busy that no one thinks of them anymore
Because Qingcheng needs to be remodeled, many shops that were sold to players when Ji Xiaoyan captured Qingcheng, naturally many places were either occupied to build other buildings, or because they had to move their locations and replace them with other Qingcheng. The shops or houses of the residents were all demolished in the end, but Manager Qing Gong registered with them, saying that when the players reappeared, they would come to the City Lord’s Mansion to talk.
As for the teleportation formations in Qingcheng, all of them were built in a new large area of ​​water at the outermost edge of Qingcheng according to Master Bessa's suggestion, in case a large number of troops marched in the future!And all the water sources in the entire water area were obtained by Master Bessa from River Water City.This courage and this strength, to be honest, Director Qing Gong has to admit that this city lord of Refu Water City is really amazing.

Except for some rainwater circulation in the moat, they Qingcheng is surrounded by mountains and plains. Basically, they can't find any water source to bring in, let alone build such a large water area.If it weren't for Master Bessa, they would probably scratch their heads just because of the water source problem.You know, the river closest to their Qingcheng is also separated by several cities. If their Qingcheng wants to divert water across these cities, unless the city owners of those cities are all allies with them, and can tolerate them , without charging them any fees; or, they annexed all those city lords.
Of course, with Qingcheng's current strength, Director Qing Gong couldn't say such big words.

On the third day after the renovation of the entire city of Qingcheng was completed, Lord God announced that the adventurers were about to start entering their world.In other words, after the game is updated, players can enter the game world.

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the news, he directly looked up at the sky, standing on the second floor of the newly built dormitory here, looking at the bright and clear sky, couldn't help whispering: "Light, you are taking the time, wait for me Qingcheng has been rebuilt, is this the only way to let people in?

Unfortunately, no matter how Ji Xiaoyan questioned, Guang still did not appear in front of her as before.

Afterwards, because adventurers were about to enter, the whole Qingcheng became busy like other cities and towns.On the fourth day after the renovation of Qingcheng, the first player entered the game, and then there were the second and third players.
And the first batch of players to go online in Qingcheng included players from the two major guilds, Yeguang Fine Wine and Qingyuxi, and the two of them.

I thought that they all went offline in their guild's house, and after they went online, they could go out of the house directly and continue to do things after they went offline.But who knows, when they opened their eyes, they found that they were all standing in a teleportation array above a large body of water.And all the message panels of my character system disappeared
"What's going on here? A problem with the game update? Why are there no names on everyone's heads? Hurry up and release all the names of the guild!" When Ye Guangmeijiu saw Qingyuxi, he was stunned for a moment. Then he looked directly behind him, saw the players in his guild, frowned and began to give orders.As a result, I flipped through it myself, only to find that there is nothing in the character panel.
"What's going on here? Where are we?" Ye Guangmeijiu was stunned for two seconds, then raised his face to look at Miss Qing Yuxi and asked, "Master Qing, do you know what's going on?"

Qing Yuxi glanced at Ye Guang Meijiu, looked around carefully, and then said to Ye Guang Meijiu: "Master Ye, I just went online. However, I think this must be a problem with the game update. This should be a teleportation array. The bridge in front should lead to the city. It’s useless for us to stand here, why don’t we go ashore together and have a look?”
"Yes, just go and have a look!" Ye Guangmeijiu nodded without hesitation, turned around and said to the guild players who were almost online behind him, and then looked at Qing Yuxi with a smile and said: "Master Qing ,Lady first?!"

Qing Yuxi smiled sweetly, stepped onto the bridge unceremoniously, and walked directly to the distant shore.After seeing the players of Qingyuxi Gang on the bridge, Yeguang Fine Wine led people to follow, and began to observe the new environment along the way.

"I remember when I went offline, I teleported to our guild's resident in Qingcheng on purpose? Why did I teleport to the formation after I went online? Where were you when you went offline?" Ye Guangmeijiu lowered his voice while walking. He asked the players behind him loudly, and when he heard that their answers were the same as his own, he immediately frowned and said, "Then what's going on? We should all be online at the guild station. Moreover, even if something goes wrong, if we are all online in the teleportation formation, we shouldn’t be in such a teleportation formation! We should also be in the transmission formation in Qingcheng. This doesn’t look like Qingcheng.”

"Maybe this is the benefit of the update. Give us a hidden map task as compensation for the update during this time?" A male player following behind Yeguang Fine Wine said infinitely.

"Well, it's also possible!" Upon hearing this, Yeguang Meijiu regained his energy immediately, nodded with anticipation, and then said with some regret: "If I had known, we would have gone ahead."

A male player walking in front of Yeguang Fine Wine paused his footsteps when he heard this, and wanted to turn his head to stare at him, but in the end he didn't turn his head, but continued to follow Qing Yuxi's footsteps and stepped onto the shore.

"There is no system news, we don't know where it is." Qing Yuxi frowned and looked at the roof of the house hidden behind the tall city wall on the shore, and said something complaining, and then they all looked at Yeguang Wine. After landing, he walked towards him and said, "Master Ye, let's go and have a look together?"

"That's natural." Ye Guangmeijiu nodded quickly, rolled his eyes, and then said to Qing Yuxi: "This time, we can't let you, Master Qing, go ahead. In case of any danger, if we go behind you, If it spreads in the future, we will be completely ashamed."

Qing Yuxi stared at Yeguang Fine Wine, giggled, and stretched out her hand to signal him to go first.

"Then, Master Qing, you guys are ready!" Ye Guangmeijiu led the people past Qing Yuxi and the others with a smile, and walked directly to the city along the path.

"Master." The big man who was walking in front of Yeguang Fine Wine couldn't help calling out to Qing Yuxi in a low voice. Seeing that she smiled at him indifferently, he opened his mouth and then closed it.

Looking at the figure of Yeguang Meijiu, Qing Yuxi couldn't help but shook her head and curled her mouth, looked around carefully, and then said: "Everyone be more careful in a while, let's see where this place is first, and then talk about it. "

"Yes, leader!" Everyone nodded.

Coming from the teleportation array, there is a small path leading directly to the city. At the end of the path is a huge iron gate. On both sides of the iron gate are tall city walls, which encircle the entire Qingcheng into a solid fortress.There are several teams of NPC guards standing on both sides of the city gate, wearing mighty armor and holding bright and sharp weapons, looking sharply at Ye Guang Meijiu and Qing Yuxi.
"Who are you all?" An NPC guard frowned slightly, looked at Ye Guang Meijiu and asked, "Report your names!"

Ye Guang Meijiu glanced at the guard in surprise, and honestly reported his name.I thought that these guards would follow the general script and ask them what they were doing in this city, and then let them enter the city.Afterwards, they will be able to find out what this place is.
As a result, Yeguang Meijiu and the others saw the NPC guard looking at them seriously, and then shouted loudly behind him: "Adventurer, name: Yeguang Meijiu."

Then, I heard a corner of the city gate, and a voice came out a few seconds later: "Verification, there is a residence, you can let it go."

"These are all with you?" The NPC guard nodded, looked at Ye Guang Meijiu and asked, seeing him nod in a daze, and then said: "Well, then you all go to the front gate to register , get your resident status in Qingcheng, choose whether you want to become a permanent resident of our Qingcheng in the future, and then you can enter the city. As for your houses in Qingcheng, our Qingcheng has been remodeled, and all the houses have changed. You need to go to the Office of the City Lord’s Mansion, Minister Gong, to re-select the house for registration.”

Ye Guang Meijiu was going to nod to show that he knew.As a result, when the NPC guard uttered the name Qingcheng, he immediately expressed disbelief, then pointed to the huge gate and the teleportation array in the water outside the city, and asked the NPC guard, "Don't you?" , No, brother, don’t rush to talk. Did I hear it wrong? You just said Qingcheng? This is Qingcheng? I don’t remember that Qingcheng is like this? When did Qingcheng’s teleportation array be built in the water? "

"The Lord of the City ordered the entire Qingcheng to be remodeled." The NPC guard replied very calmly.

"City owner? Ji Xiaoyan?" Ye Guangmeijiu was shocked when he heard the words.Flying Leaves told Ji Xiaoyan what happened back then.Since there was no definite news, he didn't know what happened to Ji Xiaoyan after that.At this moment, the NPC guard said that the entire Qingcheng was remodeled, and it was the order of the city lord!So, is it Ji Xiaoyan who is the lord of Qingcheng?
 PS: Thank you "? Sumo" for the sachet!Thanks to "Book Friends 150509184754035" for the four pink tickets! It's the end of the month, it's the end of the month, dear friends, if you still have votes, hurry up and vote, don't waste it! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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