Chapter 1350
No one knows what is the difference between a permanent resident of Qingcheng and a temporary resident.Because all the players were frightened by the [-] gold coins offered by the scholar NPC at the city gate after entering the game, so they all planned to join this permanent resident after seeing the benefits in the future.
Of course, there are also a few players who don't need to worry about the twenty gold coins for permanent residents.

When Self-Entertainment and Hand in Hand Baitou went online again, they were directly teleported from the teleportation array in Miyushi Town to Qingcheng. They were going to Qingcheng to see if Miss Ji Xiaoyan had finished her mission and came back. They were still planning to come to Qingcheng to build a gang.As a result, as soon as they were teleported to Qingcheng, they naturally opened their eyes at the teleportation array on that water area, but the teleportation array they teleported from was in a different location from the one they teleported to when Guang Meijiu was there.

"I remember, the last time we came, Qingcheng wasn't like this!" He frowned and looked at Ziyu and asked in a low voice. A large number of other players in the teleportation array were squeezed away.

"What are you doing? What are you doing standing in the teleportation array?" A few players yelled impatiently at Hand in Hand Whitehead and Self-Entertainment, and then they seemed to have noticed the strange situation in Qingcheng, and immediately yelled Get up: "Where is this grass? Didn't we come to Qingcheng? Where is this teleportation formation?"

Hand in hand and white head glanced at those players, did not speak, but walked directly to the side of the self-entertainment, and said to him in a low voice: "Let's go, no matter where it is, let's go to the city and see it." If it really doesn’t work, we have to send it back and find a station to send them a message.”

He nodded for self-entertainment, and then said with some hesitation: "But, there are no NPCs in the teleportation array here together? How will we teleport back then?"

Hand in hand with the white head was reminded by self-entertainment, and it took an instant to react.

That's right, the place where they are standing now is only the teleportation array, the small bridge, and other teleported players. Other than that, it is all water, only water.Isn't this just telling them that after they come, they can only cross the bridge and go to the shore to see if they can leave?Thinking of this, Hand in Hand Baitou slapped himself on the head suddenly, then sighed, pulled himself to entertain himself, and went directly to the small bridge from the side of the teleportation formation, and went straight to the shore.

"Hey, where are the two in front? Where are you going?" A few players who were still in the teleportation array asked anxiously when they saw them entertaining themselves.

"It should be Qingcheng. Let's go to the shore, do you want to go?" Hand in hand, Baitou thought for a while, then turned his head and said something to the players in the teleportation array, without waiting for their answer, he said with a smile: "Let's go first Let's go. This bridge is too small. If someone teleports over in a while, it will be too crowded. Hehehehe"

Several players looked at each other, and then looked at the backs of the hand in hand and the white head who were leaving quickly. After thinking for a while, they also raised their feet and hurriedly followed.It was only after they got ashore that they finally caught up with them, and then they heard an NPC guard stopping them for fun. They had just asked their names and told them to go to the city gate.

Several players were trying to chase after each other, but they were stopped by several NPC guards, who asked each other
Hand in hand with a white head squinted at the few players behind him, curled his lips, and directly pulled himself to entertain himself all the way to the city gate, and walked in front of an NPC scholar in a gray robe.

"Name!" The gray-robed scholar seemed to be very reticent, he glanced at Self-Entertainment and Hand-in-Hand Whitehead, and asked them.

"Entertain yourself!"

"Hand in hand with whiteheads!"

Hearing this, the gray-robed scholar frowned, and finally raised his face. After looking at them both, he turned out a blank piece of paper and handed them a piece of charcoal for them to write their names on.After entertaining himself and hand in hand with Baitou to write all the names of his games, the gray-robed scholar looked at them carefully, and then asked, "Are you from Miyushi Town?"

"Ah? Yes!" Hand in Hand Baitou was a little surprised why the scholar NPC would know that they came from Miyushi Town, and then nodded quickly, waiting for the NPC's next words.

"Self-entertainment, you are the librarian of Miyushi Town?" The gray-robed scholar turned his head to look at Self-entertainment, and asked lightly. After seeing him nodding, he wrote their names to Bai The paper was put away, and then he said to them: "Our manager Qing Gong has given orders, saying that you once wanted to come to our Qingcheng and become permanent residents of our Qingcheng. Did you come here with your mind now? ?”

"Yes! We've made up our minds!" Zi Yu Zi Le bit her lip and nodded with certainty.

The gray-robed scholar moved slightly, then took out another blank sheet of paper, handed it to Self-Amusement and Hand in Hand Whitehead, and said, "In this case, write your names on this piece of paper first. As you said, now is a new period after the reconstruction of our Qingcheng, all adventurers who come to our Qingcheng, we will routinely ask them if they are willing to become permanent residents of our Qingcheng. Of course, this fee is first registered with me Twenty gold coins, and then go to the city lord's office to pay twenty gold coins to receive a permanent resident identity certificate You can go to the city."

"You mean that we still need to pay you forty gold coins to become this permanent resident?" Hand in hand Baitou looked at the gray-robed scholar with some horror and asked carefully.They thought that it would be easy to become a permanent resident if they wanted to build a gang in Qingcheng! It seems that this free gang building and free residence actually require other fees!
Thinking of this, Hand in Hand Whitehead immediately turned to entertain himself.

In order to get this free resident, he had already given up his status as a librarian in Miyushi Town.Now they have to take out forty gold coins, they are really a little bit shy!Even if they only entertain themselves and become this permanent resident, they still can't raise that much money!
"Entertainment. How about, let's go back!" Hand in hand Baitou asked himself somewhat dejectedly.

On the other hand, the gray-robed scholar rolled his eyes at him when he heard the words of Hand in Hand Whitehead, and then said, "I'm just telling you, what you should know as an adventurer, have I told you to pay for the registration?" ? Do you think the piece of paper I just handed to you is just plain white paper? This is a piece of paper for permanent resident registration. You didn’t pay gold coins, but you won’t write on it.”

"Ah! But we all wrote it!!" Self-entertainment was startled, and then he looked at the gray-robed scholar and said, "Then we won't be forced to pay money? We don't have that much money."

The gray-robed scholar rolled his eyes towards Self-Entertainment and Hand in Hand Whitehead, ignored their worried expressions, and continued: "Generally speaking, if there are adventurers who are willing to become permanent residents of our Qing City, but If you are very poor, we can provide credit. And if you pay it off within three months, you won’t be charged interest.”

"Three months, we're afraid that we won't be able to earn forty gold coins in three years, let alone go to the manager Qing Gong to pay the money to get the identity certificate." Zi Le said: "Entertainment, I'm afraid we still have to go back to Miyushi Town. Let's forget about the free residence."

Biting his lips for self-amusement, he didn't say anything, just looked at the gray-robed scholar.

The gray-robed scholar rolled his eyes at them impatiently, then took back the white paper on which they wrote their names just now, wrote a few small black characters on the bottom, and handed it back to Hand in Hand Baitouhe entertained himself, and said to them: "Here, after entering the city, go directly to the City Lord's Mansion to find Chief Qing Gong, and just get your ID card. Also, I remember that you seem to have companions who are also coming Yes, and then they also want to be our permanent residents in Qingcheng, so let them come here within three days. All right, let’s go!"

"But... we can't make that much money." Hand in hand Baitou refused to accept the paper, looked at the gray-robed NPC scholar and said, "Besides, if we could really make that much money, we wouldn't use it to buy this permanent resident."

There was a trace of sullenness in the eyes of the gray-robed scholar, and after staring at Hand in Hand for a few times, he said: "I told you just now that this name was written after giving gold coins. I didn’t give it, I wrote it, and I registered it for you, which means that you don’t need to give gold coins, understand?”

"Don't need to give gold coins?" Self-entertainment couldn't help but look at Hand in Hand Baitou, and seeing that he was also looking at me in surprise, he quickly turned his gaze to the gray-robed NPC scholar, and asked, "Why is that?"

The gray-robed NPC scholar lowered his eyes lazily, sighed, and said to himself, "I told you all, Chief Qing Gong has already told us! When the Lord City Lord came back, he gave orders." Having said that, the gray-robed scholar looked behind them and said loudly to the guarding NPCs, "Tell them to come back later!"

Hand in hand and white head turned to look in the direction of the gray-robed NPC scholar's line of sight, and immediately saw the few players who had just squeezed past them in the teleportation formation.At this moment, they are being stopped by those NPC guards, standing not far away, looking at them curiously
"Our city lord had an accident, and I don't remember many things. So, after you arrive at the city lord's mansion, if you have anything to do, you can go directly to Chief Qing Gong, and don't bother our city lord, do you know?" Rolling his eyes, his eyes were somewhat sharp, staring at the self-entertainment and hand-in-hand white-haired man and said: "Do you understand what I mean?"

"Why did City Lord Ji lose his memory?" Hand in hand Baitou was a little disbelieving.As a player, if you can remember to enter the game, how can you lose your memory?Could this be some kind of plot mission in Qingcheng?Or is it that Miss Ji Xiaoyan actually didn't want to talk to them anymore, so she made up an excuse?

"You guys can't know the reason." The gray-robed scholar looked unwilling to say, glanced at Hand in Hand, and after seeing him curl his lips, thought for a while, then looked at himself and said to himself: " I remember Manager Qing Gong said that you were half of the aborigines just like our city lord before?"

Nodding for fun.

"Then you only need to remember one thing in the future!" The gray-robed scholar stared at himself and said amusingly, "Our city lord is already a complete aborigine, which is different from you adventurers. Regardless of whether our city lord has amnesia or not, you are not friends at the same level anymore. Do you understand?"

He pursed his lips for self-amusement, and after a while, under the pressing gaze of the gray-robed NPC scholar, he asked in a low voice: "Has City Lord Ji really lost his memory?" Or, he just doesn't want to be friends with them anymore ?
The gray-robed scholar took a look at himself, and sighed slightly: "It's true. The city lord doesn't even remember the way we returned from Qingcheng, even the chief minister Qing Gong in the city lord's mansion, and Ni Mengsha lord. I don’t remember. Therefore, it’s normal not to remember you. If you meet the city lord, don’t mess with your previous relationship. Director Qing Gong said that no matter what the city lord promised you before, he will only give you others. The ones he knows. For the rest, please forgive him for not being clear, and the city owner has no memory at all, so he can’t confirm it, so I won’t do it for you.”

"If we meet the City Lord, do we have to pretend we don't know each other?" Ziyu asked suddenly sadly.

"It's for your own good! It's also for the good of our city lord!" the gray-robed scholar whispered, "After all, the city lord is different from you now."

Hand in hand with the white head looked at the gray-robed scholar with some confusion!If it is said that Ji Xiaoyan lost her memory and doesn't remember them, then does it mean that she actually lost her memory in reality, and that's why she entered the game?But, what does this so-called thorough aboriginal mean?All NPCs?

Thinking of this, Hand in Hand Baitou frowned slightly, then looked at himself to amuse himself.Speaking of it, as a half-NPC for self-entertainment, that is, if you get an identity certificate from the mayor in Miyushi Town, you are considered a half-NPC.So, did Ji Xiaoyan, an all-NPC, get the consent of some NPC or other help in the game, so he got such an all-NPC identity?
Well, definitely so.

Hand in hand with Baitou was a little proud of his own reasoning, thinking that he would entertain himself and talk about it after entering the city. If they really met Ji Xiaoyan later, they would ask about the situation then.Amnesia?He still doesn't believe it!If a player really loses his memory, why would he want to enter the game to continue being the city lord and continue playing?right?This is mostly a task or an excuse given by the NPCs
 Thanks to "Mu Yu Clover" for the evaluation votes!

(End of this chapter)

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