The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1351 Not allowed to see her

Chapter 1351 Not allowed to see her

No matter what the facts are, it is impossible to meet Ji Xiaoyan, who is the Lord of the City, casually by joining hands in whiteheads and self-entertainment.

Therefore, after learning that they could become permanent residents of Qingcheng for free, they quickly entered the gate of Qingcheng together with Baitouhe and entertaining themselves. After admiring the current appearance of Qingcheng, they found a few The NPC in Qingcheng followed the city lord's mansion all the way, and was going to get his permanent resident status first, and then asked about the establishment of the gang and the guild's residence.Go back and look for the inn, and send a message to their friends who want to form a gang together, and let them come to Qingcheng to settle the resident status.After all, it costs forty gold coins per person. If it is free, they can save a lot of money, can't they?

The strangers and Yan Foil drifted to the teleportation array in Qingcheng, and after following the NPCs of the White Mist and Black Mist tribes to the shore, they were all stopped by the guarding NPCs outside the city gate as expected. down.It's just that the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan were quickly released to the scholar's place under the city gate, and the two of them were left until the end. Sent to the scholar.

"Write the name" A scholar in white put a few blank sheets of paper in front of the strangers and Yan Fouliu with a flat face, and told them about the permanent residents of Qingcheng again, and then asked: "Are you sure?" Are you willing to become a permanent resident of our Qingcheng?"

"This is really Qingcheng?" The strangers obviously didn't believe it, even after hearing the words of the white-clothed scholar, they couldn't believe it!This is a completely different city from the former Qingcheng!
"This is not Qingcheng, what kind of place is it?" The white-clothed scholar glanced at the stranger, and then said, "Didn't you come here by teleportation array? Don't you know where you were teleported to when you teleported?"

"I know, I know." There was also a little strangeness in Yan Bo's wandering eyes. While looking around, he said to the white-clothed scholar: "But, this place is completely different from the Qingcheng in our impression! The previous teleportation array is also the same. In the city. Not in these waters. Moreover, there is a plain outside the city gate, and there are many wild animals."

The stranger nodded in agreement.

It took him a lot of thought to leave Qingcheng back then!The outside of Qingcheng will definitely not be like this, it is directly submerged in a large piece of water, here, it should be a plain
When the white-clothed scholar heard the words, he just glanced at the stranger and Yan Fouliai for a few indifferent eyes, and then said: "Our Qingcheng has been rebuilt, and the current Qingcheng is naturally different from before."

The strangers and Yan Foil Liuli looked at each other in surprise, and after thinking for a while, they asked: "Isn't the former Qingcheng good? How did you think of rebuilding? Whose idea is this?" He doesn't believe in this game The change of the map is because the designers of the game company have nothing to worry about, so they changed all the maps of Qingcheng!
"Of course our city lord built it!" The white-clothed scholar finally had a smile on his face, and he said to the stranger and Yan Foil: "After our city lord returned, he ordered to rebuild Qingcheng. How about it? Let's Qingcheng Is it much prettier now than before?"

"The city lord is back?" The stranger and Yan Foil were surprised, and they seemed to look at the white-clothed scholar in disbelief and asked: "When did the city lord come back? Is she also in the city lord's mansion now? Is she okay now?"

"That's natural." The white-clothed scholar nodded affirmatively, then looked at the strangers and Yan Foil Wandering, and then said: "Look at you, did you know our city lord before?"

Unacquainted with each other and Yan Foil Liuli nodded quickly, hoping to learn more about Ji Xiaoyan's current situation from this white-clothed scholar NPC.

It's a pity that the white-clothed scholar just gave a light oh, and didn't say anything more, but asked directly: "Two adventurers, are you willing to become permanent residents of our Qingcheng?"

The stranger almost nodded and said yes, but then he suddenly reacted, first glanced at the white-clothed scholar with a slight frown, and then looked at Yan Foil Liuliu.

According to the idea of ​​strangers, it doesn't matter which city you become a resident in the game, but Qingcheng is the territory of Miss Ji Xiaoyan. It would be both good and bad for him to become a permanent resident of Qingcheng.The good thing is that at least he belongs to the same country as Ji Xiaoyan, no matter from which point of view, it is a step closer; but the bad thing is that in the future, he will be regarded as Ji Xiaoyan's subordinate. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to develop something to do with it.
It doesn't look good no matter where you put it.If he is a resident of another city, it may be better in terms of handling certain relationships. What if he also captures a city sometime and becomes the lord of the city?You know, since Miss Ji Xiaoyan can attack the city and become the lord of the city, then this game must have such a setting.Regardless of whether it was controlled by the game company in the past, or something controlled by the mastermind now, it probably won't change!

And Yan Foil Liuli didn't know if he had the same idea as Su Buwei. After pondering for a long time, he said, "We'll think about it and make a decision."

The white-clothed scholar didn't force himself, nodded directly at them, and similarly issued them two black-and-white temporary identity certificates, allowing the strangers and Yan Foil to wander into the city gate.

The NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan stood in amazement at the gate of the city for a while, then immediately turned their heads to look at Nightmare Foil Wandering, who was also astonished, and asked, "Now, Where are we going to find Xiao Qier?"

Yan Foil was actually a little confused at this time.

If it was Qingcheng in the past, maybe he could barely lead the way. Let's find it in Qingcheng and ask the NPCs.However, now that Qingcheng has been completely refurbished, they don't know where it is. How could they bring these people from the White and Black Mists to find that NPC named Xiao Qi'er!Thinking of this, Nightmare Foil Wandering immediately frowned, and finally, under the suspicious eyes of the NPCs of the White Mist Clan, he said, "Well, everyone, now Qingcheng has been rebuilt, and it is the same as the Qingcheng we stayed in before. It’s completely different, so we still need to familiarize ourselves with the environment first, then find someone to ask, and slowly find someone.”

Hearing this, the thin man of the Black Mist Clan looked at Nightmare Foil Liuli with a sneer, then smiled lightly and aimed at the leader of the White Mist Clan like he was watching.

"The rebuilding here is only a building. Are you sure you can find out the news here? Are the people living here still there?" The man in the lead of the White Mist Clan frowned slightly, ignoring the spirit of the Black Mist Clan. The thin man laughed, looked at Yan Foil and asked a question, and after seeing him nodding, he nodded and said: "Okay, since you are so confident, we will follow you to find it."

Yan Foil Liuli opened his mouth, wanting to deny it, but he was not sure.But after seeing the leader of the White Mist Clan turn around and stop looking at him, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.Speaking of which, he didn't know many NPCs in Qingcheng, okay?Not to mention, judging from the current situation, it is estimated that there will not be many players in Qingcheng. Where is he going to ask for news?The so-called Xiao Qi'er from the Baizhiwu Clan didn't know if he came to Qingcheng, even if he came, he didn't know where he was staying now, where could he find it?
Where did this man from the White Mist Clan see that he was confident?
Yan Foil wandered about suffering, but in the end he had to shake his head helplessly, looking at a stranger.

"Let's go to the City Lord's Mansion first!" The stranger said directly to Yan Foil Liuli.

The matter of Miss Ji Xiaoyan is the most important thing.He sent girl Ji Xiaoyan to the game research headquarters, but he hasn't told her yet, and he doesn't know what's going on with Ji Xiaoyan after entering the game. He's very worried about her, and now he finally knows where she is , directly saving them the effort to find her all over the game
Therefore, they naturally wanted to go to Ji Xiaoyan first and ask how she was doing now.
Nightmare Foil Wandering silently nodded to the strangers, and said to the NPCs of the White Mist and Black Mist tribes: "Then let's go to the City Lord's Mansion first."

"Can the City Lord's Mansion find someone for us?" the NPC of the White Mist Clan asked with a frown.

"It should be possible." Nightmare foil thought for a while and said, "Even if you can't help, you can still inquire about the news. It's much better than wandering around Qingcheng by yourself." Finding NPCs, as long as they find Ji Xiaoyan, ask her to send a few NPC guards to the city to have a look, maybe she can find it!Besides, didn't Xiao Qi'er from the Baizhiwu tribe come here for Qingcheng, Ji Xiaoyan, the city lord?So, maybe, they can find him directly in the city lord's mansion.

Nightmare Foil Wanderer didn't tell strangers about this information, nor did he tell the NPCs of the White Mist and Black Mist tribes.
"Okay, then let's go to the city lord's mansion first!" The man at the head of the White Mist tribe thought for a while and nodded in agreement, "However, adventurers, I can tell you. Don't promise us and don't help us." Get things done."

"No, no!" Nightmare Foil Liuli smiled confidently, then looked around, discussed with strangers, and they went straight to the center of the city to have a look.The former Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion was in the very center of Qingcheng. No matter how Qingcheng is rebuilt now, this general location will not change!

At that time, if they really went in the wrong direction, they would definitely meet a few NPCs along the way, wouldn't they?Is it okay to ask the way then?
Thinking of this, Nightmare Foil's drifting and strangers took the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan directly to the city center.I thought that I would report to the NPC guards when I arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, and then I went directly into the City Lord's Mansion, but when I saw the City Lord's Mansion surrounded by water and far away from them, I couldn't help it. Depressed for a while.
Please tell them who designed this new map of Qingcheng!Why is there water everywhere?

"Who are you all?" A guard standing on the bridge leading to the city lord's mansion frowned fiercely, looked at Yan Foil and the strangers and said, "This is the city lord's mansion, not you adventurers. A place where you can come and go! Hurry up and you aborigines! Look at your clothes, you don’t look like people from Qingcheng, where did you come from?”

"We came from Mochen Town." The leader of the Baizhiwu Clan said to the guard in a good temper, then looked curiously in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion and asked, "We are here to find someone."

"Look for someone in the city and look for them slowly. What are you doing here in our City Lord's Mansion? This is not where you can come here at will." The guard looked at the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan with a stinky expression on his face. Said: "You are not spies sent by other cities to inquire about the situation in our Qingcheng?"

"Ah?" The NPCs of the White Mist Clan were stunned, and immediately shook their heads and said, "No, no, no. We are really here to find someone. The two adventurers said The person we are looking for may be in Qingcheng, and he said that we should come to the city lord's mansion first to inquire about the situation." As he said that, the leader of the Baizhiwu clan immediately pushed the Diablo Foil out.

"How did you find someone to come to our City Lord's Mansion? Adventurers, what are your intentions?" The guard squinted his eyes, looking as if he wanted to do something, and asked Yan Foil Wandering.

"Brother Guard." Yan Foil Liuliu thought for a while, and then continued: "We are both friends of the city lord. I heard that she has returned, so I want to meet her, but I wonder if you can let us in?"

"Hmph, didn't you say you came here to find someone? Looking for our city lord?" The NPC guard looked up and down the strangers and Yan Foil's wandering, and after seeing them all nodded, he said: "Our city lord recently No visitors. You better leave quickly!"

"How is it possible!" When the stranger heard what the guard NPC said, he immediately stood in front of him with raised eyebrows, and said to him: "You haven't even notified the city lord, how do you know she doesn't see visitors? We all She is a very familiar friend, you know to tell her that we are coming to her, she will definitely meet us"

The NPC guard glanced at the strangers, with a sneer on his face, and then he said after a while: "Adventurer, no matter how familiar you think you are with our Lord City Lord, our Lord City Lord will not see you! Manager Qing Gong My lord told Lord Bessa, all of you adventurers who are trying to get in touch with our city lord are not allowed to see her."

(End of this chapter)

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