Chapter 1352 News
"You can't stop us from going to see the city lord!" After hearing the words of the guard of the city lord's mansion, the strangers immediately changed their expressions, stared at him and said, "We are friends of the city lord. It’s up to you to decide whether you want her to see us or not? City Lord Ji is the city lord of the entire Qing City, and she should have the final say on everything in Qing City, so how can you help her make decisions?”

"That's right, get out of the way, let's go see the Lord City Lord!" Nightmare Foil's wandering heart was also a little anxious, and he stood in front of the guard NPCs along with the strangers, trying to get them to move away and let the They entered the City Lord's Mansion.Since everyone heard that Miss Ji Xiaoyan has completely become an NPC in the game, then this will be her main place to live in the future, if they don't go to see how she is doing, how can they rest assured?
Not to mention, what the NPC guard of Qingcheng said now.

If Miss Ji Xiaoyan became an NPC, but was directly imprisoned by other NPCs in the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng, wouldn't she be very helpless?Shouldn't they be trying to find her out?
With the same worry, the strangers looked directly at the NPC guards, and said to them: "Get out of the way, we want to see the city lord."

The guard NPC of the City Lord's Mansion sneered a few times at the stranger and Yan Foil, then moved his back to the side, and then said: "Adventurers, do you think I just step aside and you can go in? You can go in?" Be careful, without our consent, the city lord's mansion will not put down the suspension bridge, do you think you can swim across it? Let me tell you, the moat of our city lord's mansion is not an ordinary moat."

After a pause, the NPC guard continued after seeing the ugly faces of the stranger and Yan Foil, "Furthermore. Even if I let you in, do you think our Lord City Master can really see you?" Lord City Master The matter of amnesia is already an open secret in Qingcheng!Their city lords don't even know their attendants and pets anymore, so how can they still know these adventurers?They are so confident
Thinking of this, the faces of the NPC guards suddenly showed a hint of sarcasm.

"What do you mean by that?" I didn't know each other, but I didn't want to entangle with these NPCs here again. Hearing what the NPC guard said, I suddenly had a bad feeling in my heart.Did something happen to Ji Xiaoyan?Or, after she knew that she had become a test subject and entered the game, she thought that her body was in his hole, but he didn't notice any abnormalities. So, Ji Xiaoyan is blaming him, so she doesn't want to see them? ?
The NPC guards did not answer that they were strangers, but looked at them with their chins up, then directly stretched out their hands towards the direction behind them, and said to the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan: "The situation is mine." I have already explained it to you. Don’t even think about entering the City Lord’s Mansion. If you want to find someone or do other things, you can do it yourself. Turn right on the back road and you will find the place where the Lusi’er people live. If you want to know something For news or something, go over there and ask." After finishing speaking, the NPC guard glanced at the strangers again, seeing that there was still a look of eagerness on the faces of him and Yan Foil, and after thinking for a while, he continued: " Then if you want to make trouble or something, don’t blame us for sending you away directly. Adventurers, do you understand?”

The stranger shook his head, and wanted to rush past these NPC guards and go directly to the City Lord's Mansion to find Ji Xiaoyan.However, before he could throw himself out, he was caught by Yan Foil, who was next to him, who had never met him before.Turning his head to look over, he saw Yan Foil Liuli frowned and shook his head slightly at him.

The stranger took a deep breath and stood still.

The NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan next to them watched the excitement for a while, and finally said: "Since the Lord City Lord can't see us, let's go to the city to ask first! But, brother guard, you know Is there not a young man of the same race as us in your city lord's mansion?"

"No!" The NPC guard shook his head resolutely, and then said: "Our City Lord's Mansion will not take in outsiders at will. If the person you mentioned enters the City Lord's Mansion, everyone will know. If you don't know, then I didn’t go in! It’s okay, you guys leave quickly! Don’t stand here”

The NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the NPCs of the Black Mist Clan looked at each other for a few moments, nodded in disappointment, and then greeted Nightmare Foil and pulled the strangers back in the direction pointed by the guard NPCs. go
"I'm going to the City Lord's Mansion!" The stranger took a deep breath with a look of reluctance, walked with the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan, and said to Nightmare Foil Wandering: "You want to Don't want to be together?" At this time, it is naturally better to have an ally than to go alone.
Yan Foil Liliu didn't speak, just lowered his head and remained silent for a while, when the stranger was about to shake him off and turn to leave, he said: "We just came to Qingcheng, there is nothing wrong Clearly, it is even more difficult to go to the city lord's mansion! Vegetarian, do you think those NPC guards so frankly told us that we can't afford to pass the moat, just to scare us? Don't forget, they said, River The City Lord of Water City is also here. I think he must have contributed to those moats. It is impossible for us to rush past like this!"

"Then we have to think of other ways! We can't hang around here all the time!" The strangers felt anxious!He still needs to tell her about Miss Ji Xiaoyan's physical condition in real life to see what her attitude is!He also told her that she would definitely come back in the future.
"Naturally, we can't just do nothing after being shut out all the time!" Yan Foil Liao lowered his eyes, with a trace of sadness on his face, and then said to the stranger: "However, in the current situation, we can directly Should we rush in? Even if we reach the bridge of the moat, we will not be able to enter the City Lord's Mansion! The current Qing City is different from the previous Qing City, and the City Lord's Mansion is also different. What we can do now is to go to Qing City first. Familiar, find more NPCs to ask about the situation. I think it is impossible for Xiaoyan to be locked up by those NPCs in the city lord's mansion. She can always come out! Even if she can't come out, Xiaoyan will definitely not sit still."

Hearing the words, the strangers silently glanced at Yanboliuli, then let go of his hand to push him away, followed his footsteps silently, and followed the NPCs of the White and Black Mist tribes to start in Qingcheng. walked around.

At the beginning of the game, all the players didn't enter the game like before, they just rushed in in large numbers!In the game world after the update, the number of people who can enter the game at the same time is limited by light, so many lucky players quickly entered the game, but unlucky players have been waiting in the interface of the game.
The strangers and Yan Foil wandered around Qingcheng for more than half of the time when they entered the game. Some players who entered the game interface with them at the beginning finally squeezed into the game and saw a new and different game world.

Because the NPCs of the White Mist Clan felt that Nightmare Foil had direct contact with Xiao Qi'er in their clan, and it was Nightmare Foil who asked them to leave Mochen Town with him and a stranger Yes, so now they are looking for Xiao Qi'er in their own clan, Diao Foil Displacement is an indispensable element.Therefore, wandering around in Qingcheng looking for someone, it is natural to be unavoidable.
It's just that both Diaobulili and the strangers feel that according to the previous game mode, they have not received tasks in the White Mist and Black Mist tribes. If you can receive the mission, you can naturally inquire about some sporadic news.This is the normal task flow of the game, isn't it?
However, along the way, they met dozens of NPCs of the Lusi'er tribe, and they didn't ask any questions or say anything, and somehow felt that the NPCs of this race seemed to have some hostility towards them!If they were strangers before, they could see whether the favorability of these NPCs towards them had declined through system messages, but now, all they can see is the expressions of those NPCs
Encountering an NPC man from the Lusi'er tribe again, Nightmare Foil Displacement hurriedly asked an NPC from the White Mist tribe to ask them what they wanted to know.

There's no way, the people of the Lusi'er tribe don't pay any attention to them anymore
"White Mist Clan?" The person from the Lusi'er Clan obviously had a different attitude towards the NPCs of the White Mist Clan than he did to strangers.After hearing the question from the NPC of the White Mist Clan, he frowned immediately, looking thoughtful, and then asked after a while: "Sorry, I haven't heard of the race you mentioned. It's just, If we talk about people who came to Qingcheng to seek refuge, I have a little impression."

"Really?" The NPC of the White Mist Clan suddenly looked surprised.They came all the way but didn't ask any news. To be honest, before opening his mouth, he thought that the man in front of him would definitely not know any news. Didn't expect
"What you are talking about is a period of time after the prohibition of the Lord Lord God!" The man of the Lusi'e tribe thought for a while, and said to the NPC of the Baizhiwu tribe: "I remember that when the city lord's mansion was rebuilt, we cleared the city. A lot of defectors came, but many of them were family members, and there was only one man who came by himself. I only have this impression of him, and I don’t know the rest of the situation.”

"Then you don't know where he is now?" the NPC of the White Mist Clan asked eagerly, frowning.

The man from the Lusi'er tribe shook his head, and then said: "I really don't know about this. The people who came to help rebuild the City Lord's Mansion were basically immersed in their work, and no one communicated with them. However, I remember Manager Qing Gong said that all those who participated in the rebuilding of Qingcheng and the City Lord's Mansion can have houses in Qingcheng! If the person I mentioned is really what you are looking for, then he must be living in Qingcheng. Recently, almost no one has gone out in Qingcheng."

"Okay, okay, okay!" The men of the White Mist Clan were very excited. They came out all the way, and they finally got some news.

The man from the Lusier tribe was politely sent away, and the leading NPCs of the White Mist tribe did not wander away with the nightmare. They continued to search in this NPC gathering place, but took them directly to the retail NPCs. The place to live began to look for.

However, this search process is really a bit long.

Three days of game time passed quickly.

During these three days, the players are basically familiar with the updated game situation. Every day, they are resentful and don’t want to continue playing, and they are reluctant to stay in the game, slowly adapting to the game world that has changed a lot .However, there are still only two permanent residents of players in Qingcheng, entertaining themselves and working together to grow old together!The rest of the players, with all kinds of concerns, thought to wait and see what good benefits the permanent residents had before joining.

However, to the surprise of all the players, the selection time for permanent residents in Qingcheng is only three days.

Then when nothing is announced, this choice opportunity is gone.

And the other friends who joined hands with Baitou and Ziyu Ziyu who wanted to build a gang together did not come to Qingcheng to become this permanent resident, but just wanted to wait for Ziyu Ziyu to establish a gang and join it!So, when they entertained themselves and joined hands with Baitou to easily enter Qingcheng's City Lord's Mansion, met Chief Qing Gong, and successfully obtained the Qingcheng permanent resident sign, they realized that Qingcheng's permanent residents actually have a lot of benefits !

It's just that the other players don't know.

Because they came to build a gang at the beginning, so after solving the issue of resident status, they took out their own gang-building order for self-entertainment, and asked Manager Qing Gong to establish a low-level gang with only two people for the time being. gang.

"About the gang resident you mentioned!" Qing Gong looked at the self-entertaining and white-haired hands with a smile, and said to them: "Because you are now permanent residents of our Qingcheng, so when choosing a guild resident , you have a lot of freedom! However, which house you can choose, this needs to be determined by our Lord City Lord. Anyway, you are fine, let's go and meet the City Lord with me. Let this matter be settled as soon as possible. It's done, you should go back and deal with it as soon as possible."

Hand in hand with white heads and self-entertainment nodded excitedly, followed Chief Qing Gong and turned around several corridors, then walked to the front of a gorgeous palace, followed him in, and then saw the gorgeous and dignified clothes in the middle of the hall, The lord of Qing City, Ji Xiaoyan, with a serious expression on his face,
 PS: Thanks for the two monthly passes of "Phantom Maniac"!Thanks to "AlenPhil" for the two monthly passes! .I'm curious, isn't this monthly ticket the pink ticket?Why did you change your name?
  By the way, Qianqian would like to say a few words: First of all, thanks to all those who have always supported Qianqianwen!Qianqian saw that many people posted posts telling Qianqian to abandon the article, and couldn't stand the development of Qianqianwen!Thousands and thousands of people thank you for letting me know that more and more people have given up on this book. I have watched the subscription countless times, and I thought I would stop writing it.But finally gritted his teeth and persisted!All kinds of helplessness can be merged into one sentence. After several years, I just want to persevere and finish writing this story well. I hope the rest of you can continue to support Qianqian.
(End of this chapter)

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